Clomid club- any ladies on clomid please join x

Hi ladies

Nimbec I feel so sorry for you but unfortunately I can't help you there, as I don't take metformin. Is it possible to increase the dose by 250mg at a time? Really hope you feel better soon!

How is everyone doing? Any news, any new developments?

How are you doing?
So glad it's the weekend!
Afm: nothing new really. Temp dropped and then went back up so idk if it was an actually positive or not. Still bd though! And really enjoying, more than usual which is odd but I like it! Lol sorry, tmi.
Have a great, relaxing weekend y'all!
Hi ladies

Thanks for the beautiful words of encouragement Buttercup xxx I'm ok thanks just stressing about my exams which start on Wednesday! So at least I'm not as obsessed with ttc as I was last month. Finished my last clomid last night (Friday); we should be close in cycles again :). No side effects from the tablets, hoping for lots of hormonal effects though! I can already feel my right ovary twinging a bit so I hope there are follies forming.... we will see on Monday's u/s.
How are you doing??? Hope you are feeling good and that you can have a restful weekend.

MrsMcCurdy I read an article written by a reproductive specialist re ovulation. It mentions that in many cases there are 2 or even 3 "waves" of follicular growth and concurrent hormone level rises, with a dominant follicle ovulating at the end. If I find the link again I will send it to you. So maybe that is what's happening with you? Fxed for an ovulation! And yay for enjoying ttc bd. I'm not looking forward but had a bikini wax and trying to do my part lol!!!!!!

Nimbec are you feeling better?

Everyone else, how are you guys doing? Sarahlou any sign of AF?
I noticed it has gone quiet on this thread. Sorry I don't post much I work looooonnng hours 7:30-8 or later and only ever have time before bed to quickly go through posts. However, this week is different as I have a week off work whoop whoop.

Anyway sorry if tmi. I just went to the loo and had a bit of spotting on a panty liner but nothing when I wiped so hope that AF may be here tomorrow morning. Fingers crossed as then the higher dose of clomid can start on Monday x
Hi everyone sorry I haven't been on in a while I was trying to keep my head clear of ttc for a bit, (can't say it worked!) I just finished round 2 of 50mg clomid, AF arrived promptly 14 days after +ve OPK, so although obv not over joyed bout that at least it was on time?! lol

I'm going to start taking my clomid tonight, I had an idea, probably a stupid one but thought I would run it by you ladies anyway, I have been on 50mg last 2 rounds, I seemed to ovulate according to OPKs and AF arriving but I have no way of knowing if it's definitely doing it's job properly as I'm not being monitored. I have enough clomid to up it to 100mg (which is the dosage I took a few years ago, as 50mg failed at the time - although no AF or + OPKs then) ... should I take 100mg this month? or just stick to 50mg as it seems to be working?... would 100mg make it more likely to work (or just more likely to develop OHSS?) I kinda wanna give this month everything I have! I think it will be my last round until January as I have to start having some tests done if I don't fall pg this month :nope:
Thanks fern! I would love to read it if you find it.
Just an idea that I thought I would share with you ladies since I think I've discovered it did help. Anyway, last month on clomid I felt dry down there, hardly any CM at any point in the cycle. So this month I took vitamin E oil AND flaxseed oil and I've actually had quite the abundance and I think it helped with my sex drive too. Not trying to get too tmi but I thought if it helped someone else it would be worth it. Hope it helped!
Hello ladies! This will be my first month on Clomid after ttc for a year now. Any advice?
Hey girlygal. I am only just about to take my second cycle of clomid so no real advice. It didn't work for me first time on 50mg though ubfortunaley so I am hoping for this time.

AF has started today and I am on metformin and pregnacare and will be on clomid tomorrow x
Hi ladies

Lace&pearls - I just decided by myself to take 100mg last cycle after I didn't ovulate on 50mg. I had to make the decision by myself since I got no reply from my dr after two enquiries. I did ovulate then; am taking 100mg again this month and will be going for u/s tomorrow (cd10) to see what is developing! As far as I know OHSS is quite rare but then again it is not impossible. I would suggest that you contact your dr! Or maybe consider taking 75 mg for 5 days, OR taking 100mg the first two days and then 50mg for the next three days? (Some other thread ladies have done/recommended this). And is there any possibility that they can monitor you in any way? Maybe you can request day 21 b/w at least? My dr offered no monitoring until I insisted on the u/s and I am going to insist on day21 b/w as well even though I will have to pay for it myself. I just hate not knowing. Let us know what you decide!

Girly123 - yay for day1!!! Really hoping that the double dose will make a huge difference!! Will you be doing OPK's?

Girlygal - welcome! To view and chat on the threads is really helpful and I must say I have learned more than I ever thought possible; from the other ladies on here and from doing some research. Some of the best advice I have gotten so far:
* When you go to the dr, write down what you want to ask so that you won't forget!
* Use fertilityfriend to chart you fertility signs.
* Clomid MAY make you experience early pregnancy symptoms. Symptom spotting in the tww can drive one a little insane so chatting with thread friends during that time helps a lot!
* Exercise to relieve stress, even if it is just light exercise. The month I finally ovulated was also the month that I made a bigger effort to exercise.
* Ask your dr stuff, and demand to be assisted! They are making millions off of us so we have the right to demand proper service and answers to all our questions and concerns.
Good luck! Which CD are you on, how many mg of clomid will you be taking and on which days?

MrsMcCurdy I haven't been able to locate that link, sorry! I found it so interesting though. If I manage to retrieve it at some stage I will let you know lol. Thanks for the advice re CM. I hope that this month will be awesome and successful for you. Still holding thumbs for your high temps!! Have you been having any ovary pains?

AFM - ovaries definitely painful (just feels like they are working esp right side), started yesterday already which was day 1 after my last pill. Last month the slight pains only started 4 days after my last pill. Well we will see what is going on when I go for u/s tomorrow. Incredibly nervous!! :wacko:

All our other wonderful thread friends - I am thinking of you ladies and hoping that you are all doing really well. Hope that you had a relaxed weekend :kiss:
Fern- that's ok if you don't find it. I had ovary cramps on the right side when I had the positive opk but hardly anything since. Hopefully it all means that I really did O, my temps are just weird.
Let us know how your scan goes!! Hopefully shows everything is exactly how it needs to be!
Hi ladies

Lace&pearls - I just decided by myself to take 100mg last cycle after I didn't ovulate on 50mg. I had to make the decision by myself since I got no reply from my dr after two enquiries. I did ovulate then; am taking 100mg again this month and will be going for u/s tomorrow (cd10) to see what is developing! As far as I know OHSS is quite rare but then again it is not impossible. I would suggest that you contact your dr! Or maybe consider taking 75 mg for 5 days, OR taking 100mg the first two days and then 50mg for the next three days? (Some other thread ladies have done/recommended this). And is there any possibility that they can monitor you in any way? Maybe you can request day 21 b/w at least? My dr offered no monitoring until I insisted on the u/s and I am going to insist on day21 b/w as well even though I will have to pay for it myself. I just hate not knowing. Let us know what you decide!

Girly123 - yay for day1!!! Really hoping that the double dose will make a huge difference!! Will you be doing OPK's?

Girlygal - welcome! To view and chat on the threads is really helpful and I must say I have learned more than I ever thought possible; from the other ladies on here and from doing some research. Some of the best advice I have gotten so far:
* When you go to the dr, write down what you want to ask so that you won't forget!
* Use fertilityfriend to chart you fertility signs.
* Clomid MAY make you experience early pregnancy symptoms. Symptom spotting in the tww can drive one a little insane so chatting with thread friends during that time helps a lot!
* Exercise to relieve stress, even if it is just light exercise. The month I finally ovulated was also the month that I made a bigger effort to exercise.
* Ask your dr stuff, and demand to be assisted! They are making millions off of us so we have the right to demand proper service and answers to all our questions and concerns.
Good luck! Which CD are you on, how many mg of clomid will you be taking and on which days?

MrsMcCurdy I haven't been able to locate that link, sorry! I found it so interesting though. If I manage to retrieve it at some stage I will let you know lol. Thanks for the advice re CM. I hope that this month will be awesome and successful for you. Still holding thumbs for your high temps!! Have you been having any ovary pains?

AFM - ovaries definitely painful (just feels like they are working esp right side), started yesterday already which was day 1 after my last pill. Last month the slight pains only started 4 days after my last pill. Well we will see what is going on when I go for u/s tomorrow. Incredibly nervous!! :wacko:

All our other wonderful thread friends - I am thinking of you ladies and hoping that you are all doing really well. Hope that you had a relaxed weekend :kiss:

Thank for your reply Fern :flower: x I didn't know that you could take 100mg for first 2 days and then 50 mg for last 3? hmm worth considering? - does it still work the same?? I took 100 mg last night :blush: I could do a 21 day blood test but I won't be able to get an u/s or anything as I'm being a bit naughty and taking my clomid left over from ttc my daughter 3 years ago :blush: My FS wouldn't prescribe me anymore until I have a load of tests done :)dohh:) so I decided to take some in the mean time :blush: my apt isn't until Jan.

Does everyone get quite bad pains when ovulating? I get like a strong trapped wind kinda pain for a couple days! is it just me?

I think you're onto something Fern about exercising, I really need to do a little bit this month as it may be coincidence but I fell pregnant with my daughter on a 1 month break from clomid and that month had just started taking up jogging (not very much! just a little light jogging) ?? (saying that I have been through spurts of exercise since having Dd but I suppose wasn't on clomid or trying as much then if that makes sense)
Fern - I have done OPKs before and have nearly always got false positives where I know through temping I haven't ovulated. So no I have given up with them as I find it gives me false hope.

My hubby is working away in the week every week at the moment which is a real pain so I have asked him if we bd Friday night and Sunday nights then for 2 weeks when I could be ovulating I have asked him to drive home for the night and go back early in the morning. Just depends how late he finishes and starts work the army are so unreliable.

Good luck with the ultrasound though. Will keep an eye on the thread for the results. Fingers crossed for you xx
Just stopping by to say hello! I seriously cannot believe I'm only on CD23. I feel like this has been the longest 3 weeks of my life. I can't wait for AF to get here :wacko: At the same time I feel awful for wishing away my days and not fully appreciating the days I have.

Last night my hubby said something that really bothered me and I tried to just blow it off. I don't know why he does things like that. They don't help at all. My LO was playing with her baby and she lifted it up and said, "Look, it's a brand new baby!" And she held it out to me. I took it and said jokingly, "Wow, it's what I always wanted!" And my DH says, "You hear that Avery? You used to be what she always wanted and now that's not good enough." :cry: I think I'm overreacting a little because I'm emotional. I told him he wasn't funny and let it go. But I feel like there's truth in it and it makes me feel awful.
Hi ladies!

-GirlyGal, welcome to the this awesome, good luck in your cycle and keep us posted on your progress!:flower:
-Fern81, wishing you the best of luck with your appointment tomorrow. Remember we are our own body's advocate. You must voice your concerns and make the decision what is best for you! Please keep us posted, my dear!:hugs:
-MrsmcCurdy, do you have pcos? or take metformin? does the flaxseed oil affect your tummy much? good luck to you!
-lace&perals, as a suggestion, it might not be a bad idea just to check with your doctor and best of luck to you!:hugs:
-Nimbec, how are you feeling?
-Braven, I tryuly understand what you mean about wishing your days away as I do the same thing. We have to take it one day at a time and not beat ourselves up too much. I'm sure your hubby's comment stung but I hope he can understand your POV too but you can't help feel how you feel hun! I hope you feel better soon!:hugs:

afm: tonight is my last clomid night:happydance:. Hot flashes are in full effect this cycle but I'll take it in all in stride as long as it's working and progressing.

Enjoy the rest of your evening and ttyl! :flower:
Hey ladies sorry I've been mia so much going on since I have been on! Keeping my FX for everyone this month. I'm sitting here patiently waiting for af to show so we can start all over again.
Buttercup- I don't think I have pcos, although I do have multiple symptoms. My obgyn did an insulin test and said I was fine about 5-6 months ago. So also not on metformin. Flaxseed seems to be fine with my stomach.
Lace&pearls - lol I understand where you're coming from! I probably would have done the same! Well then GL with whatever you decide, will be looking out for a BFP for you!! Taking a higher dose the 1st 2 days - that was actually other thread ladies who have done/suggested that. To my logic it just means that for those first two days your brain will be stimulated to produce even more FSH and LH, to kickstart stimulating the ovaries. I might be totally wrong though!

GL Girly123, wow your situation is tough with DH being in the army. I don't always appreciate having mine close. He doesn't travel for work that often. All the best hun.

Braven - sorry that you had to hear that!!!!! Looks like men don't always see things the way we see it and sometimes they can be really tactless! They just deal with things differently I suppose. All the same I hope you guys can sort it out. Not nice to deal with hubby problems on top of ttc stres :(.

Mommasboys good to hear from you! When are you expecting AF?

Buttercup - awesome on last clomid! You are progressing!!! Keep us updated hun!

So I'm waiting on hospital authorization and this morning's u/s, still stressing my head off. Just wish this stressful month can be over :(
Hi all

I've not been around much either - trying to keep busy while I wait for this cycle to pass. Had a temp rise this morning but my opks have been negative so :shrug: haven't dtd recently - hubby & I needed a little break from bd for ttc so haven't got around to the "whole deal" iyswim :winkwink:

Fern - good luck for your scan hun. Hope it's good news :)

:hi: to new ladies!! Hope clomid is your key to sucess. To girlygal if you haven't started your clomid yet I'd advise to take it in the evenings. That way most of the symptoms happen at night & you can sleep them off!

Braven - I feel your pain. I am always second guessing myself on how much time I spend wishing/thinking about ttc and feeling guilty that I should be spending all that energy on dd. plus she keeps asking me for a sister. Plus every time I'm feeling a bit stressed out with her (really not very often, but it does happen) oh asks why I want another anyway. :growlmad: it's a b***h to juggle and an emotional rollercoaster. I'm sure your hubby didn't mean what you've read into it :hugs:

Buttercup - hope those hot flashes pass soon.

Mrsmccurdy - I've taken flaxseed too & had no problems. Didn't help my ewcm much though. Taking epo this cycle & had an abundance yesterday *tmi* but no positive opk in days and lie cbfm so who knows!?

Lace&pearls - I took 100mg day 1 this month & then 50mg for four days. At my first scan I seemed to be professing well but then had a stressful couple if days & next scan showed no growth - I out that down to stress though. Good luck - let us know what you decide to take :)

Mommasboys - hi! Hope this cycle doesn't drag too much longer for you now :)

Girly - hope your oh can make it back. Sounds really tough to juggle. Good luck this month!!
Sorry if this is TMI.

I have been waiting for AF after taking provera. On Sat I had a tiny bit of spotting in the evening. Yesterday I had a bit more and put a tampon in thinking AF was here. When I took it out it had quite a bit on it but mainly very brown and only a tiny bit of red. However that was early afternoon and since I have had nothing at all. Even this morning there is nothing.

I thought yesterday was CD1 but now I am guessing not. So I guess I shouldn't take clomid? X
Girly that happened to me as well after my 1st month on 50mg clomid (I didn't ovulate that month). Had 3 days spotting on and off and thought it was AF, then started with clomid on what I thought was day 3. Then AF arrived properly the day after I started the clomid!
And kind of the same thing happened with 2 other ladies on the thread.
Af is the first day of proper flow. So maybe if it doesn't arrive soon you could call dr to hear if you should start with the meds?
Hope proper AF starts soon!

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