Yippee mrsMcCurdy it looks like you did! How awesome!
I just got authorization for the laparoscopy 20 Nov yay!
I have lost a lot of faith in my dr today and I'm starting to think she doesn't know much!
So I have 4 follies on the right, 2 x 12 mm and 2 x 9mm (external u/s). Then she didn't check the left one until I asked her to, but there were none in any case. She also didn't check my lining, I forgot to ask until after; then she said "no I did check it, it is fine" (she did NOT check it I was looking at the same screen that she was!). Then she said if I'm worried about my lining I can start provera
today (I haven't even ovulated yet so this time of the cycle estrogen is the main hormone, progesterone only comes after ovulation!!!???). And ended up not giving me my day21 bloodwork request form, even though I did ask for it.
Also; she said that she thinks I should just leave the laparoscopy and dye test till 4 December (instead of 20 Nov). But...... you have to do it after AF and
before ovulation, and by 4 Dec
I will have ovulated already for my next cycle! So WTH? She sounds clueless! I just insisted that we keep it for 20 Nov. Then she said that if I fall pregnant this cycle the blood test will only become positive 2 weeks after I miss my period, which is due 16 Nov, so I won't know by 20 Nov (CD 34) if I am pregnant or not! Huh???? I had to tell her that I will be doing an early test if I miss my period and also that my temps will drop if AF is on it's way; she didn't seem to know what I was talking about.
Is it only me or does she sound really confused?
And I pay her thousands!!!
She did mention that if I still don't fall pregnant after the laparoscopy then she will refer me to an infertility specialist. I believe that I will get much better care there; however my medical insurance will not pay a cent for that. So I better just get that BFP soon.