Clomid club- any ladies on clomid please join x

Ok great thanks Hun. If you took it a bit early as you thought it was CD3 and wasn't did it work ok still? I haven't taken the clomid this morning as I am waiting to see if AF really shows. X
Hi girly123 - I was one of the others fern refers to. Wait for a full red flow hun. Worst case scenario is that you take the clomid late but some people are told to take it cd5-9 anyway so it won't do any harm. Taking it early *could* screw up your cycle. I did ov after taking it early one cycle - but did it again this month :dohh: and no ov yet on cd17 & no positive opk either.

Hope she arrives in full force very soon :flower:
Ok great thanks Hun. If you took it a bit early as you thought it was CD3 and wasn't did it work ok still? I haven't taken the clomid this morning as I am waiting to see if AF really shows. X

Yes I still ovulated 9 days after my last tablet. But didn't fall pregs obviously :)
Sitting in the waiting room at the dr to do u/s so will see if this month's cd3-7 has worked at all.
Ok thanks girls. I will wait for AF to show.

Since I have taken off light flow yesterday so it hasn't started a new cycle I have been looking at my chart and wondering a lot...

My temps went up due to the provera but then rose again on CD32 when I stopped taking it. After two days of spotting my temp has gone up again this morning. So now I am wondering if maybe I did ovulate and the spotting is implantation, although it is more than a one of spot and it was old blood apart from a tiny bit of red.

We only got to bd once due to hubby being away but it happened to be the day before fertility friend thinks I may have ovulated.

Had such a vivid dream about getting a BFP last night.

Either way I want AF to hurry up and start or I want to see a BFP soon lol. (Positive is always what I want the most ofcourse).

If AF doesn't show today do you think I should test? It is only 7dpo today though so very early xx
Girly - Oh yes just be 100% sure that you are not pregnant before you start with clomid.
Yep that happened to me Girly. I ended up not actually start my real AF til after I was done taking clomid all 5 days! 'Twas very frustrating but look!! I think I've ovulated anyway!! First time in forever!! Hope it's not a false alarm again... What do you ladies think of my chart? Look like I did?
Yippee mrsMcCurdy it looks like you did! How awesome!

I just got authorization for the laparoscopy 20 Nov yay!


I have lost a lot of faith in my dr today and I'm starting to think she doesn't know much!
So I have 4 follies on the right, 2 x 12 mm and 2 x 9mm (external u/s). Then she didn't check the left one until I asked her to, but there were none in any case. She also didn't check my lining, I forgot to ask until after; then she said "no I did check it, it is fine" (she did NOT check it I was looking at the same screen that she was!). Then she said if I'm worried about my lining I can start provera today (I haven't even ovulated yet so this time of the cycle estrogen is the main hormone, progesterone only comes after ovulation!!!???). And ended up not giving me my day21 bloodwork request form, even though I did ask for it.
Also; she said that she thinks I should just leave the laparoscopy and dye test till 4 December (instead of 20 Nov). But...... you have to do it after AF and before ovulation, and by 4 Dec I will have ovulated already for my next cycle! So WTH? She sounds clueless! I just insisted that we keep it for 20 Nov. Then she said that if I fall pregnant this cycle the blood test will only become positive 2 weeks after I miss my period, which is due 16 Nov, so I won't know by 20 Nov (CD 34) if I am pregnant or not! Huh???? I had to tell her that I will be doing an early test if I miss my period and also that my temps will drop if AF is on it's way; she didn't seem to know what I was talking about.

Is it only me or does she sound really confused?:wacko::shrug::nope: And I pay her thousands!!!

She did mention that if I still don't fall pregnant after the laparoscopy then she will refer me to an infertility specialist. I believe that I will get much better care there; however my medical insurance will not pay a cent for that. So I better just get that BFP soon.
Yippee mrsMcCurdy it looks like you did! How awesome!

I just got authorization for the laparoscopy 20 Nov yay!


I have lost a lot of faith in my dr today and I'm starting to think she doesn't know much!
So I have 4 follies on the right, 2 x 12 mm and 2 x 9mm (external u/s). Then she didn't check the left one until I asked her to, but there were none in any case. She also didn't check my lining, I forgot to ask until after; then she said "no I did check it, it is fine" (she did NOT check it I was looking at the same screen that she was!). Then she said if I'm worried about my lining I can start provera today (I haven't even ovulated yet so this time of the cycle estrogen is the main hormone, progesterone only comes after ovulation!!!???). And ended up not giving me my day21 bloodwork request form, even though I did ask for it.
Also; she said that she thinks I should just leave the laparoscopy and dye test till 4 December (instead of 20 Nov). But...... you have to do it after AF and before ovulation, and by 4 Dec I will have ovulated already for my next cycle! So WTH? She sounds clueless! I just insisted that we keep it for 20 Nov. Then she said that if I fall pregnant this cycle the blood test will only become positive 2 weeks after I miss my period, which is due 16 Nov, so I won't know by 20 Nov (CD 34) if I am pregnant or not! Huh???? I had to tell her that I will be doing an early test if I miss my period and also that my temps will drop if AF is on it's way; she didn't seem to know what I was talking about.

Is it only me or does she sound really confused?:wacko::shrug::nope: And I pay her thousands!!!

She did mention that if I still don't fall pregnant after the laparoscopy then she will refer me to an infertility specialist. I believe that I will get much better care there; however my medical insurance will not pay a cent for that. So I better just get that BFP soon.

Hi Fern!

Glad to hear you are making progress and follies are growing!! Can you ask doctor to mail or fax you the request form? I agree, perhaps you can contact the office for clarification or to voice your concerns and make sure all bases are covered.

I hope and pray you do become pregnant but it wouldn't be a bad idea to consult with a specialist if not.

I know its so hard but stay encouraged, my friend!! :hugs:
MrsMcCurdy thanks for the words of advice.

I am fed up of AF being there but not now. It has been red today but really light (2 tampons with a gap of nothing between and only half, if that, full after 6 hours each. I have never had a period this light before.

Do I put light and call it CD1 today as it is a bit more than yesterday but not a lot more or do I wait even longer?

Fern that is concerning about your Dr. She does sound a bit confused. I agree with buttercup try and ask her to mail the blood work form.

The metformin is making me feel so ill at the moment xxx
Thanks everyone for your advice xx I am thinking of just doing a round of 100mg - is that a bad idea? feel free to tell me if I'm being stupid! lol :thumbup:

Sorry to be a pain but I don't suppose anyone has a link to the thread about taking 100mg for 2 days and then 50mg for 3? I looked on LTTTC but couldn't see anything ?

Fern - your doc does sound a bit rubbish about the booking! Perhaps they got a bit confused about all the different dates being talked about. My doc wants me to have a hycosy done (similar to lap & dye I think?) I am not looking forward to it either, but I suppose one good thing is I have heard that it makes you more fertile after?? like having a bit of a clear out x (plz correct me if I'm wrong fellow ladies)

Girly I dodn't want to read & run sorry x but in my own experience with confusing periods only time will tell, have you been told to take clomid cd 1-5? x (sorry If I've lost the plot here x)
Hi everyone

Girly123 - yay for a "real" day 1! I know the feeling of relief when AF arrives and a new cycle can begin, especially when used to weird periods and confusing spotting. I really do hope that the 100mg makes a huge difference. And all the best with the nasty metformin. It makes a difference too! My sister was able to conceive against the dr's predictions by using only metformin.

Lace&pearls - I don't know if there was a thread about the 100 and 50mg but the ladies on this thread had a discussion about it around the middle of October if I'm right? I'm also definitely going to continue with the 100mg for a few more months, before I go to a fertility specialist. I know now that it (most probably) makes me ovulate so I'm just going to keep trying it. My mother-in-law's pharmacist gave me 2 boxes without a script and he said he will get me some again if these are finished lol. (my mom-in-law is awesome and super supportive! She even said that she will take me to the hospital for the lap&dye if I still hadn't told my own mom about it by that time). Speaking of which - yes I have also heard that after the lap and dye it is possible to fall pregnant more easily, especially if a tubal blockage is removed or scar tissue, etc. It really is like a deep clean lol. (OUCH!!). My dr says she has a 35-50 % rate of women who fall pregnant after she did a lap and dye on them. I'm a bit cynical after yesterday but oh well.

Thanks ladies yes I'm definitely going to request that b/w form again. If we see that my progesterone is still low this month around then I can insist on provera next month.

My DH just went out and bought preseed, robitussen and evening primrose oil! There is no such thing as overkill when it comes to ttc hey. Even though I don't think I will be lucky this month at least we can experiment with the different CM enhancers and lube lol.

How is everyone else? K4th, Mommasboys and Braven are you coping with waiting for next month? Nimbec are you feeling a bit better yet hun? Buttercup it's almost trigger time, yay for you! And MrsMcCurdy how is the tww so far :)

And all the new ladies?

Hi Ladies,

I hope everyone is doing well.

afm: I'm not feeling like myself, kind of down and overwhelmed.- and not too hopeful about this cycle. I don't mean to be negative but I cant help the way I feel. I'm concerned that if no bfp this cycle what my next move should be. Kepp trying or focus on more weight loss, enjoy the holidays and my birthday and look into moving onto to ivf in Jan.

Today is cd9, I'm not having any side effects besides hot flashes which leads to me to believe that my follies may have stopped growing but I'll find out on Thursday. My temps seems to be off. idk what's going on,:shrug:

Have a wonderful days everyone!
Sorry you're feeling down buttercup. That's never a good feeling. Hope your follicles end up surprising you on Thursday!

Fern, I love using preseed! I haven't used the other methods, but preseed is great! Expensive, but great.

AFM: Just hanging in there. CD25 right now. Hopefully just about 4-5 days before AF shows. Another RE appointment on November 4th.
Hi ladies. Thank you for the advice. Actually I worded that wrong and the clomid will start next cycle as I am on cd 16 now. I went for an ultrasound on cd 12 and cd 15. The dr said my follicles aren't as big as he would like at this stage being 20 mm. But I've read elsewhere that it is a good size to release a healthy egg. I'm only 24 and very new to this. So it's very confusing since he didn't explain so well. He said to treat the next few days as if I will be ovulating so that's what we are doing. He also said my endometrium is perfect and thick so that's good I guess!
Fern - thanks it is a relief to have properly started AF and not be guessing all day lol. Although bad cramps and hate periods lol. Start the clomid tomorrow though so fingers crossed. I am considering something though but it may be a stupid idea. More written below...

Glad you are requesting the b\w form as well. Lol at your OH, that is what love is and shows how much he wants it which is so nice. Defo can't go OTT lol.

Lace&pearls - I agree with fern the hsg is meant to clear you out as such. I had it a few months ago and it was fine not painful but an hour or two later I was in soooo much pain but I think that was abnormal. I had no blockages or anything though which is good. 50mg of clomid didn't work for me but I have been put on 100mg this cycle starting tomorrow.

Buttercup - I know what you mean with thinking of the next stage and what if it doesn't work, almost waiting for it to fail. It isn't a nice place to be. Maybe have a plan in place but then try and turn your mindset to a positive one? As easy as it is to say and hard to do. Sorry I can't help more but please keep venting or letting all your worries and concerns out here so your body isn't so stressed as then you will have more chance over all.

Braven - I will be following to see what success you have wih femera. How long were u on clomid and did it ever work? What dosage? I tried 50 and it didn't work so now about to try 100mg.

Girlygal - have fun trying and I hope you do ovulate and baby dust your way :).

AFM - well CD1 as I said and now I am wondering as 50mg didn't work should I skip 100mg and go to 150mg or is it too risky? I have enough clomid to do that or even 200mg. But I know the risk of the hyperstimulation stuff and don't want to do something stupid. Just working out if I leave it until CD25 this cycle and still haven't ovulated I could start provera for 7 days and then get my AF about 7 days after and I would just have enough time to do one more cycle before hubby deploys. I so want to be pregnant when he deploys but it will be a push to fit in a second cycle after this one.
So 100/150/200 what do you think? My gut it sayig 100mg as it potentially could be dangerous to do more xxx
Girly - I was only on clomid for 1 cycle, but I didn't respond. My follicles grew slightly and then shrunk and disappeared. None got bigger than 2mm. I was on 100mg starting off. Doctor decided not to try another cycle with clomid.
The fact your Dr started you on 100mg tells me maybe I would be ok to just go on 150mg hmmmm x
Thank you! It's not bc I'm not ovulating on my own it's that it's so irregular and hard to pinpoint. I really appreciate you girls :)
Thank you Girly, I appreciate your kind words, I'm just in a slump and hope and pray for encouraging news and focus on more weight loss and since I'm turning 37 soon I will really consider moving onto ivf. I plan to meet with RE to discuss other options.
Wishing you all the best of luck!
I hope everyone is having a good day!
Hi girls

Buttercup - aaaawww hun I'm sorry that you are feeling blue :(. I really hope that you can get some good news on Thursday! Maybe you are just used to the feeling of growing follies and not so sensitive to it anymore? Really thinking of you a lot and I understand the feeling "waiting for the cycle to be over". Remember that there is still hope and the very real possibility that this could actually be your month!!! And we are here to listen if you don't feel well. xxx I am also really going to focus on proper diet and weight loss from end Nov after my exams. It is a bit difficult now (so busy) to exercise as much as I want to, and also to prepare diet meals for myself while also doing normal meals for DH. At the moment I try to do a little but am just a bit too busy to do it properly. So if you want we can be diet/motivation buddies as well after this cycle (IF we are still ttc!)

Girly123- Hun remember that at higher doses, clomid can start to thin your lining and dry up cm (although not everyone will experience this). I think the 100mg did make my lining thinner because AF this time was lighter than I am used to. So it is a balancing act! I do understand where you're coming from; with DH deploying soon. Whatever you decide we will support you xx

Girlygal - do you chart you basal body temperature? If not then try it; there is a very helpful website (also available as app) called fertilityfriend. Taking my temperature has completely changed my ttc journey as I now have a much better idea of what is going on with my body! Taking OPK's can also be helpful to pinpoint ovulation (more or less).

AFM - ovaries not really painful today. Last month they pained for a solid week. So now I'm worried (of course) that follies have stopped growing. Anyway, as I've mentioned DH and I have so many different "tools" now: all the CM and lube stuff as well as a pending SA for DH and lap&dye for me... Taking Staminogro and Inofolic... OPK's... Drinking green tea and rooibos tea... so much money spent. I've been thinking today that if I am still not pregnant in the new year then maybe we should just stop trying so hard; not spend any more money on it and just see what happens. Still take bbt and live healthy, but no extra's. Then if it never happens we can take the money and travel or buy a house or something instead of wasting it on ttc which is just NOT happening. But we will see how I feel when we get there. I have been unsuccessful in this department all my life so am starting to think maybe I should start to focus more on all the other good things that life has to offer and not waste my time being sad about this one aspect. Easier said than done but I'm giving myself till end December (2 more cycles after this one) and then reevaluating ttc.

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