Clomid club- any ladies on clomid please join x

I don't do the temping. But I am about to start with opks. We have really been doing the "not trying, not preventing" thing. But in the past few months we have been seeing an infertility dr. My family dr sent me there to see if anything was wrong and it turns out I had a large cyst rupture on my left ovary and it ended up with all these complications. My ovary is still damaged but trying to heal itself. Has anyone ever thought of the fertility monitor? I have been researching it and I just don't know about it with how much it is!
Just found out my cousin who is 3 months older than me is pregnant. After 1 month trying. I am actually devastated.
Just found out my cousin who is 3 months older than me is pregnant. After 1 month trying. I am actually devastated.

Oh fern :hugs: :hugs:

I just stopped by to do a quick catch up but couldn't read & run on this one. So sad for you hun - it hurts like hell when someone close gets preggers without really putting any effort in :cry:

Just remember that there isn't a finite amount of baby dust. She has her :bfp: but that won't stop yours from coming :hugs:

Eta: I'll reply properly to everyone when I get chance x
Awww fern I know that feeling and it is horrible.

My best mate today wasn't very helpful. I confessed to her how much trouble we are having while she sat there with her 7 month old baby and she turned around and said o well you can adopt!!!! I was like yes maybe I can but I want my own child and my husbands child. It just shows how she has no idea!!! Really had to grit my teeth x
fern - ah I see on this thread - just had a quick search through previous posts haven't found it yet but maybe I need to go back a bit further :)
anywho I changed my mind :blush: lol I took 100mg cd + cd2, then yesterday cd3 took 50mg, I was looking online about it last night and came across a woman who had been ovulating on 50mg and increased it to 100mg and it messed up her cycle and she didn't ovulate so I got cold feet and decided not to lol. I feel like by taking 100mg for first 2 days I'm going somewhere in between? lol

:hugs: hope you're ok xx

Girly I have found some friends can be so unsympathetic - they just don't get it do they? :-/ x
I don't do the temping. But I am about to start with opks. We have really been doing the "not trying, not preventing" thing. But in the past few months we have been seeing an infertility dr. My family dr sent me there to see if anything was wrong and it turns out I had a large cyst rupture on my left ovary and it ended up with all these complications. My ovary is still damaged but trying to heal itself. Has anyone ever thought of the fertility monitor? I have been researching it and I just don't know about it with how much it is!
Sorry! Didn't mean to post that again lol! It seems like when you are trying to get pregnant everyone else around you is. There have been 8 of my friends get pregnant during my ttc journey! And yes it is devastating.
Oh fern.. I'm so sorry I know exactly how that feels. Hugs and what i found is let yourself feel bad otherwise you make yourself feel worse. Hth and for your sake I hope you don't have to spend too much time around her for a bit.
Morning ladies

Thank you so much for all your support!


I would have been able to feel a little happy for her if she hadn't been such a B*TCH in announcing. What happened was that yesterday I posted a message on our family's social media group saying that I can't go out to dinner with them this week because of my exams and also that I am completely broke from spending all my money on fertility treatment (we are the only couple in our family who struggles financially). Then this cousin (who also happens to be married to a millionaire) posted immediately after that "well surprise surprise I'm pregnant and we just tried for a month". THEN she wrote that she hopes my SISTER can join her on the pregnancy bandwagon soon (my sister is not trying, not preventing right now). Upon which my sister promptly replied that she is actually praying for ME to fall pregnant. My cousin had nothing to say to that. I have no idea why she is being so rude and unfeeling. I am still upset. Our family is very close, we all grew up together and have dinner together frequently, and they all know that we have been ltttc & struggling.

I am actually in tears again as it feels like she is supposed to be part of my support system and she just pulled the rug out from under me. I don't understand why she couldn't just have said something nice & why my sister had to step in and defend me. I definitely want to just have some distance between us and then maybe talk to her and hear why she is being so mean. I have to forgive her of course and I don't want there to be bad blood between us. Such a crappy situation.:cry::cry:

And now I have to go write an exam after a sleepless night and to top it all off I broke my bbt this morning by accident. Toxic freaking mercury everywhere!

Ladies you are such awesome support and thanks that I can vent. It really did make me feel better now to get it all out and to know that you guys will not judge and that you will understand.

I am praying hard for all of us this morning. This day can only get better!!!!!!
Yes the day can only get better so keep remembering that!!!!

I can't believe some people are so insensitive and tbh don't have a brain to try and realise what they are saying and how it can affect others.

Her life may seem perfect hun but I doubt she has the love in the relationship like you do or the appreciation for a little baby. You do and your time will come and overall you will be a much happier person.

I hope your exam goes well hun. Concentrate on that for now. Nearly done with them now.

Keep smiling xx
Morning ladies

Thanks Girly for your kind words yesterday :flower:

Well I realise that I have just been getting angrier and angrier especially this last week and have started fixating too much on the negative! :wacko: So have decided to try and take a step back and focus on all the wonderful things that I do have in life. DH and I am going to do a gratitude journal (starting today), each writing down 1 thing that we are grateful for each day. And planning some fun things to do especially in the holidays, to focus on living again and not just ttc. 2 more cycles after this one; then we will reconsider ttc and maybe just move to ntnp. Really don't want this to become my whole life and despite that I have totally slipped into self-pity! Sorry about all the ranting and venting over the past time :blush:

Buttercup - let us know how your scan goes today! Praying for beautiful big follies for you! And also let us know when they say you can trigger.

Nimbec - haven't heard from you in a while, hope you are doing really well hun.

MrsMcCurdy - will you be testing early or only if AF is late?

All the other lovely ladies how are you? Hope you are doing great!

Buttercup - I'm sorry your feeling down. I totally understand as I've been there for a couple if weeks. This is all so overwhelming, emotional & soul destroying. I really hope your scan goes well today & you're feeling more positive afterwards : hugs:

Braven - your AF is fue any day now right? Hope :witch: doesn't keep you waiting!

Girlygal - I hope your cycle is going by quickly for you. I have a clear blue fertility monitor. It worked ok when I wasn't on clomid (but then I got perfect ewcm so didn't really need it all that much). Now I'm on clomid it's rubbish - waste of money. I very rarely bother using it. The clomid effect means it reads "high" for up to twenty days before I ovulate - it should read "high" in the three days running up to ov. Then it moves to "peak" when it detects your lh surge - you're better off with just opks on clomid. The instructions even say it's not suitable for use with clomid. Don't waste your money or energy :)

Girly123 - have you just started your clomid? Which dose did you decide to go for? I personally found a HUGE difference between my response to 50mg & 100mg. At 50mg i ovulate one eggie at cd21ish, on 100mg i had 3 mature follies at cd13 with another 3 almost mature! I wouldn't skip straight to 150mg - OHSS is a possibility & you don't want to end up with a month "out".

Lace&pearls - did you decide to do different doses different days? Nimbec was told by her consultant it's best to take the higer dose at the beginning of the clomid for a boost. My consultant just told me to do 5 days at 75mg rather than messing with changing doses. I'd already done 1x100mg & 4x50 mg in my cycle though. Didn't help me much I have to say - monitoring & cycle cancelled :(

Mrsmccurdy - how many dpo are you? Hoping & wishing for you!

Fern - I love your positive attitude. We all have hard times but you're doing a great job at trying to pull everything together. I love the idea of a gratitude journal. I might try that on here if you don't mind me pinching your idea? At the end of each post I'll try to add something I'm grateful for. Anyone want to join me? Are you doing opks this cycle?

Afm - I'm cd20. My cbfm has gone to "high" - but like I said earlier - ov could still be 21 days away yet :coffee: if I've not had a positive opk by cd30 I might use progesterone to bring on AF & start again. Maybe. I'm going to join a gym today & kick start some healthier choices. I'm expecting a call back from a counselling service in 5 mins too so I'm hoping they can give me some coping strategies. This is all such hard work.

Today I'm grateful that.... I'm not in work & I'm going to spend some time decorating for Halloween & baking gingerbread skeletons.
K4th- yer I am on the clomid again and decided to stick with 100mg. Took it yesterday and have taken it today so only 3 more lots to take. No side effects yet but I know it was after bout 3 days I started to have side effects last time so we shall see. Now I am back on 1500mg metformin I really pray this cycle works for me.

Fern- that sounds like a great idea. Some days will be hard but it does put life in a bit more perspective when we are feeling down as there is a lot in life for us to be very grateful for.

Today I am grateful for being on half term so no work and I may borrow your idea of cooking gingerbread biscuits k4th lol.

I hope you all have good days today girls.

One question actually. This may be strange but since I have had this week off work I have been thinking a lot. I am loving actually having time with my hubby. He goes to work just before 8 (9 on Monday) comes home for lunch for an hour and is home by 5 each day with half day on Wednesday. It is amazing how much I am seeing him. How I can actually do normal day to day house work jobs and I am not stressed. Just relaxed.

When I work I leave before 7 every morning and I am rarely home before 7 at night and sometimes as late as 10pm. I literally get home cook, eat and watch one tv programme and then bed and it repeats. I am on my feet non stop and even miss lunch or have to eat whilst walking around or working at work. I get so stressed and am just so busy.

Now I know stress isn't good if TTC and I wondered if I fell pregnant do you reckon I could ask the Dr to be signed off just to give the baby the best chance? I am worried that the stress will either stop me TTC or if I do it will not end well. I don't think I remembered what life was like not being stressed and now I do!! X
What do you do girly123? Are you paid to work all those hours? I would try to cut back on working overtime & get into healthy patterns of working the basic time you are paid for.

I work three days a week - 8am to 5.15pm. Lots of people I work with put in extra hours, work late & take work home. Since being very stressed & ttc I have refused. I don't care what other people are doing - I need to look after myself and that's more important than my job. Luckily my manager understands & supports me in that.

I'm not sure whether you would be signed off or if it would be for very long. I think it needs addressing now to give you the best chance ttc & having a h&h 9 months when it happens. :flower:

Eta: hope the 100mg does the trick!
I just love you guys :)

Yes K4th I am doing OPK's again. Have started today and there is a line half as dark as control line, so still a while to go. I don't actually feel my ovaries as much as I did last month but I think it's due to stressing myself out too much (and it is also exam month after all), so I might have stressed my follies into submission. If I don't ovulate this month then I have hope for next month - HOLIDAY!!! Am expecting to ovulate around Sunday, if I do.

Girly123 it probably depends on your financial situation and what the labor laws are in your country? It would be awesome if you could manage to take it a bit more slow, even if just for your sanity's sake; your work hours sound cruel! I only work those hours in exam time 4 x a year! I did notice a difference for myself in that last month I was much less stressed than this month, it was school holiday for a week and I exercised more to get rid of the little bit of stress that I did have. I believe that the lower stress levels, coupled with the 100mg, is why I ovulated. Hope that you can manage to tone down the stress and hard work for this month and maybe (holding thumbs!!!) it could be your bfp month!

I'm going to join you in posting some "grateful things" on the thread. I'm grateful because: I told my mom yesterday for the first time that we are doing fertility treatment. I didn't know how she would react as she told me a number of years ago that she thinks we should just not have kids. And she was actually very supportive yesterday! She apologized for her remark all that time ago and she meant it in a different way than it sounded. So yay now my mom and dad know and they support us as well :)

Thanks girls. I am a teacher but also the deputy head so the job is busy and stressful. I don't really have a choice about cutting the hours down. The work load has to be done either one night or the next and if I let it pile up it would be even more stressful. Let's hope that because I am not stressed now my body will respond by ovulating and we will get BFP. Here is to hoping. Xx
Morning ladies

Thank you so much for all your support!


I would have been able to feel a little happy for her if she hadn't been such a B*TCH in announcing. What happened was that yesterday I posted a message on our family's social media group saying that I can't go out to dinner with them this week because of my exams and also that I am completely broke from spending all my money on fertility treatment (we are the only couple in our family who struggles financially). Then this cousin (who also happens to be married to a millionaire) posted immediately after that "well surprise surprise I'm pregnant and we just tried for a month". THEN she wrote that she hopes my SISTER can join her on the pregnancy bandwagon soon (my sister is not trying, not preventing right now). Upon which my sister promptly replied that she is actually praying for ME to fall pregnant. My cousin had nothing to say to that. I have no idea why she is being so rude and unfeeling. I am still upset. Our family is very close, we all grew up together and have dinner together frequently, and they all know that we have been ltttc & struggling.

I am actually in tears again as it feels like she is supposed to be part of my support system and she just pulled the rug out from under me. I don't understand why she couldn't just have said something nice & why my sister had to step in and defend me. I definitely want to just have some distance between us and then maybe talk to her and hear why she is being so mean. I have to forgive her of course and I don't want there to be bad blood between us. Such a crappy situation.:cry::cry:

And now I have to go write an exam after a sleepless night and to top it all off I broke my bbt this morning by accident. Toxic freaking mercury everywhere!

Ladies you are such awesome support and thanks that I can vent. It really did make me feel better now to get it all out and to know that you guys will not judge and that you will understand.

I am praying hard for all of us this morning. This day can only get better!!!!!!

I am so sorry you had to deal with that, people can be so mean and say things without thinking, please ignore the rudeness energy and focus positive things. I pray that you get that bfp very soon!!:hugs: you are not alone! xo
Hi Ladies,

Thank you to all for the kind words, its truly appreciated.

Well my appointment didn't go well as I hoped for. Today is cd11 and I have 4 follies, the biggest is 14mm, so no Ovidrel tonight. I have to go back on Sunday for another scan. I'm not sure how to get out of this funk I'm in. So much is happening right now until I can barely cope. I decided to work remotely today because I'm too emotional crying off and on.

I hope everyone is doing well and making progress, have a wonderful wee and ttyl
Hi buttercup - sorry you're disappointed. 14mm is still very promising and I really hope it grows to a good size by Sunday.

I've been referred this morning for cognitive behaviour therapy. I spoke to a member of the local mental health team & she said I seem very stressed and also mildly depressed. I have the same feeling you describe - I don't know how to snap myself out of this low mood I'm always in. Have you talked to anyone? Sought any support?

:hugs: hun - some days are really hard to get through :hugs:

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