Clomid club- any ladies on clomid please join x

Uhhh Buttercup poor you! Hope you feel better soon! Take care of yourself; have some chocolate and keep warm hun x
Hi all!

I'm doing well thanks. Not much to report my end really :) the test is all exciting and then nothing else happens really. I've shared my news on Bnb but haven't told anyone else apart from hubby so it's all very low key.

Fern - Your studies sound like a really interesting idea - and let's face it - you're doing the research anyway!! Good luck on your unmedicated cycle. I always temped on mine, but didn't get any ewcm and always ov'd late, if at all. So actually temping didn't help much really - but without it I never knew what was happening and that bugged me!

Nimbec - I didn't get headaches on epo either. It can affect hormones though. How much are you taking? I only took 1000mg but I can see fern is taking three times that. Glad your hsg is booked - I hope it sheds some light but equally hoping for good results for you!!

Buttercup - sorry AF arrived so harshly. I think the femera plan sounds good. When I researched it, it has fewer side effects than clomid. Including lower risk of OHSS and affecting cm. Has hubby come round to having a month off?

Mrsmccurdy - excellent plan!! It's always nice to know the way forward. Good luck!!

Girly - :hugs: the others are right. You're not out until you're out. At any point until AF arrives fully you could implant & your temps could shoot up again.

Sarahlou - how are you hun?
Hi all!

I'm doing well thanks. Not much to report my end really :) the test is all exciting and then nothing else happens really. I've shared my news on Bnb but haven't told anyone else apart from hubby so it's all very low key.

Fern - Your studies sound like a really interesting idea - and let's face it - you're doing the research anyway!! Good luck on your unmedicated cycle. I always temped on mine, but didn't get any ewcm and always ov'd late, if at all. So actually temping didn't help much really - but without it I never knew what was happening and that bugged me!

Nimbec - I didn't get headaches on epo either. It can affect hormones though. How much are you taking? I only took 1000mg but I can see fern is taking three times that. Glad your hsg is booked - I hope it sheds some light but equally hoping for good results for you!!

Buttercup - sorry AF arrived so harshly. I think the femera plan sounds good. When I researched it, it has fewer side effects than clomid. Including lower risk of OHSS and affecting cm. Has hubby come round to having a month off?

Mrsmccurdy - excellent plan!! It's always nice to know the way forward. Good luck!!

Girly - :hugs: the others are right. You're not out until you're out. At any point until AF arrives fully you could implant & your temps could shoot up again.

Sarahlou - how are you hun?

Hi k4th, hope your are doing ok.

Since I have a mini consult with doctor on Monday I've decided to keep going for now. My husband does have a point. I am frustrated and scared and shouldn't allow this to overwhelm me. I am blessed to have the medical coverage and should take advantage of it.

I'm not sure if my doctor will switch my meds to Femara since Clomid does help me ovulate. I've been doing some research and hear good things about it but concerned about it not being fda approved for infertility.
Buttercup - glad you've come to a decision & you're happy with it :thumbup: It will be interesting to hear what your consultant says about femera. Mine told me that fertility is a small market compared to the "cancer market" (his terms - not mine. I really don't like that phrase) so it's not worth the company behind it expanding the use. This is particularly true because one study suggested a higher rate of birth defects on femera - this has since been disproven (because femera has such a short half life it's out of your system before conception) but there's a high risk of being sued. So high risk + low sales = no approval application.

& no I don't have shares in femera lol :haha: I just made sure I asked lots of questions about it when my consultant offered it. Just some extra info for you to consider :flower:

Good luck for Monday :flower:
Buttercup - glad you've come to a decision & you're happy with it :thumbup: It will be interesting to hear what your consultant says about femera. Mine told me that fertility is a small market compared to the "cancer market" (his terms - not mine. I really don't like that phrase) so it's not worth the company behind it expanding the use. This is particularly true because one study suggested a higher rate of birth defects on femera - this has since been disproven (because femera has such a short half life it's out of your system before conception) but there's a high risk of being sued. So high risk + low sales = no approval application.

& no I don't have shares in femera lol :haha: I just made sure I asked lots of questions about it when my consultant offered it. Just some extra info for you to consider :flower:

Good luck for Monday :flower:
Thanks, I'll keep you posted!
Thanks girls. Been ill this last week just with a sore throat at first then voice went but felt ok and now it has developed into a full blown cough/cold and have headache last two days. Colds make us feel so bleugh and I hate it.

Looking forward to a relaxing weekend. If my temp goes up tomorrow I will test on Sunday. If it doesn't then I will assume I am out this cycle I think x
Hi ladies I need your help today please.... :cry:

So I am CD 23 and 9dpo today and I have noticed some spotting when I got out of bed this morning!! I was white but a tiny bit of a plae pink tint too it.. I thought this is great news :thumbup:

But...... at lunch time I all of a sudden felt wet down there so I went to the loo and wiped and there were a load of EWCM type cm but it was a funny colour.. sort of pinkish/borwnish/baige colour ome was white but very little.. I have no pain just funny heavy pressure feelings down below.. like different from af pains... more like twinges and pinching, I have had heartburn today to and just a slight mild headache... Yesterday at 8dpo I wa so tired all day it was unbelieveable.. and lower back pains, loss of appitie and the same bloated feeling down below.. :shrug:

I have posted some images.. which by the way ARE... TMI I feel embaressed about them but im worried.... :cry:

Please excuse me.... :blush::blush:

I didnt manage to take a picture of the first time I had it as it was 5am this morning but it was quite simlar to the last picture I poted here... the first image is the wet feeling I said about above at lunch time and second was at tea time and the third was about an hour ago.. Sorry... :cry::blush:


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MrsMcCurdy glad to hear your apt went so well! :happydance:

Buttercup so sorry to AF is being a total bitch! hope you feel better soon. Lots of warm drinks & ibuprofen? xxx

Fern and Nimbec I will be clomid free and having a HSG next month too! please let us know how you get on xx I am v nervous about HSG are you guys? I haven't booked it yet as the hospital is so hard to get through to!

Girly I hate having a cold it's rubbish :( lemsip? :coffee:

Sarahlou I'm sorry I don't want to read & run but not sure, maybe some spotting from taking clomid? is it possible it's implantation bleed? some of the other girls just said they had spotting on clomid though.

k4th how are you feeling any nausea or anything? are you finding it hard to keep it in? :)

AFM I tested this morning BFN, I don't really know exactly when AF is due but last month my cycle was 32 days, today is cd29 so if it's the same length It would show by now wouldn't it?... that being said the previous month was 34 days. My OPKs were v confusing this month so I'm not sure. I don't think I will consider Af "late" unless I get past Tue or Wed maybe even. But I'm sure I will be POAS before then! lol
I think I'm out this month to be honest (or maybe keep telling myself that so i won't be disappointed when I am IYSWIM?)
@sarahlou Looks like AF breaking through
Mine looked like that only very gelatin texture after a round of clomid. I had terrible mood swings at the same time too
Sarahlou I think it could be the start of AF as well hun. I hope it isn't though.

My temp went back up today so I am happier again. If it stays up I think I will test in the morning, can't wait any longer lol xxx
Hi ladies

Girly I really hope that was implantation!!! SO exciting! If you do test and get a bfn it might just be too early after implantation to get hcg up, but gl with the next few days and whenever you decide to poas!!!

K4th glad to hear everything is still going well :) we are privileged to share in your happy news!

Nimbec, lace&pearls (and MrsMcCurdy if I'm correct?) interesting that we are all doing a clomid-free cycle, albeit for different reasons. Am curious to see what will happen this month.

Lace&pearls just make sure to schedule your procedure for a time when you haven't ovulated yet. I'm very scared for mine; scared to find out what is going on and also really scared of anaesthesia. I'm having full anaesthesia since I will also be having the laparoscopy.

AF cramps are back and really bad. Thanks heavens we live in an era of tampons and strong pain killers :wacko:
Girly - if you're feeling ill that could easily affect temps. Try not to get too anxious about them & good luck with testing!!

Sarahlou - it looks a bit like when my AF started on clomid. I'd have a day of brown cm/discharge. Then a day of red spotting & then usually AF would show. You're not out until it's a red flow though hun :hugs:

Lace&pearls - I haven't had many consistent symptoms. Sore bbs & I threw up once on Thursday. ( but that might just have been from too much cake : blush: ). Good luck with testing - if you do a ff chart search you'll see lots of people doing very early tests get a :bfn: before a :bfp: hope you're one of them :flower:
I tested this morning and surprise surprise :bfn:

Well just my body playing tricks and nothing new really :cry::cry:

I used a very sensitive pregnancy test that measures at 5mui and as white as a sheet :bfn: Cant even start clomid cause its not a proper af flow... So upset & angry

Its OH fault he got the bug and we missed 5 days of beding right in my fertile window :cry::cry:
Aw sarahlou :hugs: te thing is hun that you can do everything right - eat well, exercise, take your supplements, bd every day through your fertile window & still get a :bfn: I know it's hard but don't blame hubby :hugs: it can take more than one cycle for everything to fall into place. Take care of yourself for the next few days. It takes some time to find the strength to face your next cycle :hugs:
Fern you need to tuck up and eat some yummy treats with a Christmas film and that will make you feel better. Hope the cramps aren't too bad hun.

Sarahlou sorry for BFN but try not to blame hubby as he would have done his thing if he could. It is horrible being ill. Stay strong together and maybe December will be your month. I will be crossing my fingers full on AF comes soon (if not a late BFP of course) so you can start clomid.

Thanks for the support girls. I worry tomorrow may be too early but I don't want to test on a weekday morning before work as I will either feel too down if BFN or so stupidly excited I would want to be with my hubby if BFP.

If tomorrow is negative then I will wait until next weekend, maybe Friday evening before I test again as will be very late for AF then x

I'm new to baby and bump, and fairly new to clomid (and it's lovely side effects!)

I'm 34 and have been TTC for about 3years. I'm on day 25 on my first cycle of clomid 50mg.

Did any of you have long and/or irregular cycles before starting clomid and has taking it affected your cycles? The reason I'm asking is my cycles ranged from 30days to 39days when I wasn't ovulating, so I've no idea when ovulation would be if clomid works as I don't know how long my cycle will be. I had a progesterone blood test on day 21 and have another booked for day 28.

Did any of you find clomid regulated your cycles so you were able to pinpoint ovulation more accurately?

Any clomid advice appreciated!
:hi: arohanui

I had very long cycles before clomid - could be up to 100 days :( my norm on clomid was around 35 days give or take. I never got cycles so regular than I could pinpoint ov by dates alone. I did cheap opks everyday to predict O & confirmed by taking my bbt every morning before getting up - I plotted my temps on fertility friend. Do you temp or use opks? It might be worth having something to backup your ov timing.

Good luck & hope your side effects aren't too bad. This group is great for support - a bunch of fab ladies!! You're very welcome here :)
Hi K4th,

Thank you!

I was using other ways to try to identify ovulation with very confusing results until I found out I wasn't! I think I'll try again with my second round of clomid, when (hopefully) I will be able to make some sense out of my temp and opk. (I'm feeling like the first round probably won't work so I'm looking forward to round 2 now I know what to expect on clomid).

To be fair, my side effects have really subsided in the last 10 days , so I'm feeling pretty good now, but I'll take any side effect if it means I can have a bfp 😍

It's great to find a little lifeline like this to others that have already gone through or are going through the same thing. I have so many questions, but I'm going to read through the thread as I'm sure there are a lot of answers in there!

Looking forward to hearing how everyone is going over the next few months 😀
Hi all

Buttercup I forgot to say that I am right here to support you even though it is scary to do a new cycle - we all are! Whatever you decide hun xx Hope Monday's appointment sheds some light on your situation!

Arohanui - you are very welcome here!!! My experience with clomid cycles:
*1st cycle: took 50mg CD5-9, day 20 blood tests my progesterone was 3 so dr said I didn't ovulate. But I had a 35 day cycle so I think if I did ovulate it would have been later than CD 20. Didn't temp or use OPK's; was a very confusing cycle.
*2nd cycle: started 100mg clomid the day before AF started in properly, because I mistook spotting for proper AF. Temped, observed CM and used OPK's which confirmed O on day 16. Luteal phase was 13 days long. Still had spotting 2 days before AF but much lighter this time around. First month using fertilityfriend - awesome.
*3rd cycle: 100mg clomid CD3-7. Temped every day and observed CM which confirmed O on CD22.Did progesterone b/w 7dpo but still awaiting results. Luteal phase was 12 days and I spotted 1 day before light AF started.

So all in all clomid has not regulated my cycles BUT I didn't take it on the same days each time and also not the same mg's. Temping and using OPK's (specifically using fertilityfriend) has really changed my ttc journey a LOT since I am now much more aware of what is going on during my cycle. I would definitely recommend it xx

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