Clomid club- any ladies on clomid please join x

Welcome Arohanui,

Clomid does help some people. I don't have irregular cycles, just don't ovulate but Clomid has caused my AF to be heavier and more intense cramps.
Wishing u lots of luck on your ttc journey!:flower:
Thanks, Fern! Today is cd2 and I'm feeling emotional and kind of low.

Hope all is well with you. Have a lovely weekend!
Arohanui- welcome! I normally had cycles from 35 days and started clomid Days 5-9 and it extended my cycle by a week to three . I bumped it up by myself days 3-9 and got my first +opk ever on cd17.
This strange spotting has stopped when I got up this morning.. o only had the ones I have posted in the pictures it never got worse than in the pictures... Now im confused.. :shrug::wacko:
Buttercup- sorry to hear about af.... but fx for your appt this week! I hope it goes well for you
Girly- your chart looks good! hope it's implantation. It still could be too early for testing, so after tomorrow, waiting for the weekend isn't a bad idea. However, I am a poas addict myself, so that can be hard. Sometimes I test at random times of the day on the totally wrong days just because...
Lace&pearls- Don't lose hope yet, it still could be too early. Fx for you!
Fern- sorry about af, she can be a real witch can't she?

As for me..... trying my hardest to avoid ss. also trying my hardest not to poas because it would definitely be bfn at this point. This wait is unbearable! Praying that this month is the month and I won't have to start my clomid cycle....
Well a BFN for me this morning but it isn't really a surprise as is early and my temp has gone down yet again. So now I am feeling more prepared for AF to show in the next 3/4 days.

Last night in bed my hubby was soooo excited saying tomorrow we are going to find out your pregnant and when we have the delivery of our new washing machine tomorrow he is going to make a comment to them that I can't do anything at all as I am pregnant. Now I know I am not I am sitting on the sofa (he is still asleep) dreading having to tell him it is a BFN.

He lost his dad very unexpectedly earier this year just months before our wedding and he was only in his 40's. He wishes we had kids years ago so he could have met his grandchild but now really wants one for the chance to be a dad himself. I wish I could bring his dream true. Life isn't fair sometimes xx
Girly and Buttercup :hugs: hugs for both of you xxx

Sarahlou I hope that's a good sign for you :thumbup:

I got BFN this morning too so I am feeling a bit poop today too! I've had a headache since yesterday today which from looking on internet might be a hormonal headache which you can get around when AF is due :growlmad: argh! as if AF isn't bad enough!

I'm still crossing my fingers for people waiting on AF :dust:
Well a BFN for me this morning but it isn't really a surprise as is early and my temp has gone down yet again. So now I am feeling more prepared for AF to show in the next 3/4 days.

Last night in bed my hubby was soooo excited saying tomorrow we are going to find out your pregnant and when we have the delivery of our new washing machine tomorrow he is going to make a comment to them that I can't do anything at all as I am pregnant. Now I know I am not I am sitting on the sofa (he is still asleep) dreading having to tell him it is a BFN.

He lost his dad very unexpectedly earier this year just months before our wedding and he was only in his 40's. He wishes we had kids years ago so he could have met his grandchild but now really wants one for the chance to be a dad himself. I wish I could bring his dream true. Life isn't fair sometimes xx

Girly, sorry for the bfn, perhaps it's too early, and you are not until AF arrives. You are so right, life can be unfair.

Wishing u the best of luck!:hugs:
Morning all,
I hope everyone is doing ok.

afm: today is cd3 and cramping have stopped- thank goodness. I'm really nervous about my appointment tomorrow.:shrug:
Good morning Ladies. I've been learking but never had said anything cause I wasn't sure about doing Clomid. Well after almost 1.5 years of pcos and trying I am proud to say I'm on day two of clomid! My RE has me taking 3-7 and every week scans. I have two kids age 10 girl and 5 boy. I am also taking slow release metformin 1500 a day. So far I feel the hot flashes and get really dizzy so I know something is working! I'm anxious to do my first scan at cd12 to see if any follicles are forming. I told the RE I ovulate late when I actually do ovulate but he said cd12 just incase. He said he will also teach me how to do trigger shots. This is all new to me. I'm scared, don't know what to ask or what to look for. I'm glad we are all going thru this together
Hi all

I'm having such a lovely lazy day... cramps are slightly better, taking it very easy :) Slept in this morning and thought to myself "I'd better enjoy this before I have kids!" :sleep::sleep::sleep: Saw my 5weeks pregnant sister at my party yesterday and the poor hun looked terrible. She is having the worst symptoms which she didn't have with #1... Now everyone suspects that she is having twins (totally possible, twins in the family)!

Buttercup I'm glad you are feeling better too hun! GL with tomorrow. Keep us updated! x

All the ladies who are still waiting for AF - rooting for you guys!! None of you are out yet :hugs:

Pinkee let us know when you get your hcg results!

By the way someone asked about/mentioned the dose of EPO earlier? I'm taking 3 x 1000mg/day. 1 in the morning and 2 in the evening. It hasn't given me any side effects yet; have only started taking it yesterday (for this cycle). I'm taking a high dose because I'm used to it. My mom always used to give it to me & my sister for skin health! I think 3000mg is the most a person can take a day and it is recommended to start at lower doses. I'm hoping that it will help with my skin if I take it up until ovulation (have had horrible bluughghgh acne since stopping b/c).

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday ladies and have a blessed week x
fern and buttercup glad to see you feeling better!

Sorry about the bfn lace & girly, had me in tears. maybe try again w fmu?

Welcome mother! Are you taking clomid at night? GL to you!

No idea when the lab will Call but I'm pretty Sure I'll be calling them by noon. I just want it over 100. Fx for a high #.
Went for a run this morning for my new cycle's "lowering-stress-to-try-and-ovulate" plan... omw so exhausted I am really unfit! Amazing how you can become so unfit and lose so much muscle tone in a month's time! :/ must be my age. Not that I had been that fit to start with!

Want to laugh at myself but I'm too tired.......:blush:

Hope everyone has a good week; still have my FX for at least one more bfp for our thread ****!

Buttercup GL with your appointment today!
Hi ladies sorry I've not been about my little boy has been in hospital with a nasty chest infection & breathing difficulties :( he's home now but still really poorly so apologies if I'm not about for a few more days !!
Catch up soon & good luck to everyone testing or with appts!
Hi ladies sorry I've not been about my little boy has been in hospital with a nasty chest infection & breathing difficulties :( he's home now but still really poorly so apologies if I'm not about for a few more days !!
Catch up soon & good luck to everyone testing or with appts!

Oh no Nimbec, that's not good! Keeping you in my prayers and I hope he makes a full recovery soon xxxx
So I just got a message from dr's office saying that my 7dpo progesterone level was 3 and I didn't ovulate. Phoned them back to ask wth??? Because my temps rose and I clearly felt O pains, so what is going on? OOPS, dr checked the wrong test, my levels were in fact 101,8. So I did ovulate and levels are nice and high so I don't need a progesterone supplement.

Now of course I'm thinking of taking my pack of clomid in any case this month, seeing as it actually helped me to ovulate, with good progesterone levels!!!! Not too late to start taking it tonight...!

My appointment was bitter/sweet. So it's official I'm out this month - no clomid- nothing. Doctor said although my body responds to the meds well but I've been taking it for 3 consecutive months and my chances won't increase the longer I take it, so at this point - our only option is ivf. I asked him about Femera, he said he would suggest it if ivf wasn't an option. He also mentioned injectable such as Gonal F wouldn't be good for me since I had 4-5 follies each month, and the injectable would really increase my chances of multiples like triplelets.

My main goal is to lose more weight and adjust to the increase in Metformin dosage. Due to me only being 4'11 my BMI is a little high, they like to see it a little lower.:shrug: I guess its in my best interest.

-metformin dose increased to 2000mg daily.
-lose another 20lbs
-have hsg done as my last lone I had delayed spillage, there may be some scarring, but he wasn't sure until I have a repeat.

I can't lie and say I'm not sad but I was expecting this - just my luck but its not like its a lot to lose. He did say he didn't want me starving myself or taking weight loss pills.

I will still be around and cheer you all on from the side lines! Have a wonderful day all! x
Fern welcome back to the clomid crew (as such, I know u never left lol). Good luck with it this cycle and I hope it works. Those are amazing levels.

Nimbec I really hope your little boy is ok and makes a quick recovery. Take care hun.

Pinkee I hope you got the result you wanted. Any news?

Buttercup i am sorry to hear no more clomid. When can IVF start? I really hope you don't have to wait ages. Hugs hun.

AFM - temp still up but nowhere near as much. 12dpo now. No cramping yesterday or today at all. Watery cm though. I can't remember is that normal before AF? I am having enough that i keep having to go to the loo worried AF may be early. My heating didn't come on this morning so was super cold when I woke up as was icey outside and I wonder if that could have made my temp lower than normal but I don't suppose it made a huge difference.

Hope you are all well girls xx

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