Clomid club- any ladies on clomid please join x

Hi Buttercup hun
Wow, so when will you be starting the ivf protocol? And why doesn't your dr want you on clomid for this cycle?
Also: will you still be temping and trying naturally?
We will also be cheering you on hun! I have about 10 pounds to lose and will think of you while I diet!!!
Sorry that the news wasn't too great today but it's good that you have a new plan and new hope. Xxxx

After consulting with my family and DH I decided to take the clomid this month. If the progesterone results weren't that good I wouldn't have, but have reconsidered. I can always take a break again next month.

Hope everyone else is doing well!
Nimbec :hugs: hope ds makes a speedy recovery. I'm sure he'll be himself before you know it and you will be chasing around after him again in no time :hugs:

Fern - great progesterone levels!! Congrats!! & :wohoo: for another clomid month. Hope this is your lucky month!!

Buttercup - sorry it wasn't the news you had hoped for but I'm glad you've got a plan in place now. Hope you get round to ivf quickly. Good luck with the weight loss - hope the increased metformin really helps you out.

Girly - I took a peek at your ff charts and your lp is WAY longer this month than it was last month. Congrats!!! Hope those temps stay high - they look pretty good to me :)

Afm - had some spotting today so have been upset & worried. Have an emergency scan tomorrow. I didn't know whether to update here or not so if I've offended anyone I'm sorry - just wanted to talk to some people who know me best on Bnb :flower:
Kath my last cycle was progesterone induced period rather than from ovulating. FF put on crosshairs due to temp rise but it was medically induced and I never actually ovulated last cycle.

I have heard spotting is common in early pregnancy but I have my fingers crossed for you. Is it much or a tiny bit? Are u cramping much at all? I am glad u have the scan to put your mind at rest and let's hope it is just an extra sneak peek at your gorgeous little bean. Keep us updated hun. Thinking of you xx
Kath my last cycle was progesterone induced period rather than from ovulating. FF put on crosshairs due to temp rise but it was medically induced and I never actually ovulated last cycle.

I have heard spotting is common in early pregnancy but I have my fingers crossed for you. Is it much or a tiny bit? Are u cramping much at all? I am glad u have the scan to put your mind at rest and let's hope it is just an extra sneak peek at your gorgeous little bean. Keep us updated hun. Thinking of you xx

Ah that would explain it! Still - a nice length lp :thumbup:

Just a little spotting but I am cramping too.
K4th I'm thinking of you!!!!! Please please update here, whatever you need to share or ask or anything. That is what we are here for, to share our journeys! Xx will pray for you and I sincerely hope your LO is just comfortably nesting ♥

Girly we crossed posts earlier. Glad you are feeling ok hun, your temps still look great. Will you be testing again or wait for AF? All the best to you hun!

Thanks for the support girls. X
I will be waiting now. If AF doesn't show on Thursday I will find it hard not to test on Friday morning but I am going to try and wait until Sat morning. I dread Thursday and seeing AF or waiting all day anxiously. Hate the 2ww!!!! Xx

If I lose the weight as planned, ivf protocol will began sometime in Jan. I really don't think I can lose 20lbs by the middle December - not saying its impossible but I have to be honest with myself.:shrug:

-doctor didn't want me to take Clomid any longer because it could be contributing to my weight fluxuating and due to my other health condition. My lining is ok but doctor said the chances of getting pregnant with Cloimd doesn't increase the longer its taken, according to him, it actually decreases:shrug:
- We will continue to bd because we do:blush: I will continue to temp and note symptoms but my main focus will be to lose weight and adjust to Metformin. I He seems to think it will help me lose a bit more weight.
- HSG will happen sometime next month

He also said one I'm pregnant I will need to be monitored closely due to my other medical issue and due to reoccurring pregnancy loss.

Now I just need to not overdo it over the holidays and stay focused, LOL
Hi ladies! I have a question about clomid.
This is my first cycle on 50mg.
Did you notice any changes in your luteal phase length? My natural cycles have shorter luteal phases usually 10-11 days.
I'm currently 8 dpo and have had some very light spotting for the past couple of days. (sat only noticed blood when I checked my cervical position, Sun just a bit when I wiped, and today when I went to the washroom this morning it was bright pink when I wiped) sorry if tmi!
Not sure if my period will be starting soon or if something else is going on! Never had this before!
Hi Ladies,

I get my results of last weeks day 21 progesterone test tomorrow, as well as having a day 28 progesterone test done. The last three days I've been very crampy. I'm not sure if this is clomid side effects or if my AF is going to appear (btw, I had to look up AF. I knew what it meant, but couldn't work out what the abbreviation stood for!)

Timetotry - I am new to clomid too (day 27 of first cycle). I'm not sure what exactly to expect either so I don't think I can offer any advice but I'm sure someone will be able to answer re. luteal phase and spotting. Best of luck!

Buttercup77 - sorry to hear clomid didn't work out for you, but good luck and fx for your next steps. My Dr. is only allowing me to try 3 cycles of clomid too, then we look at something else if it's not happening for me. I really hope you stay on this thread and update us with your ivf journey. (Also, don't beat yourself up if you don't lose all of the weight you want to in December - it is the holidays after all!)

Fern81 - congrats on awesome progesterone results! Hoping for similar results tomorrow.

Girly123 - fx for you!
Morning all

Timetotry - I only started charting 2 cycles ago while I was already on clomid. My LP was 1 day shorter this past cycle and I have had spotting a few days before AF on all my cycles. I am taking 25mg B6 (self-medicating!) this cycle in addition to pregnancy vitamins, to see if it will benefit my LP. Lol when I read about you looking up "AF". Sounds familliar :)! Are you taking your basal body temp at all? Mid-luteal phase temp dip and/or spotting is apparently not uncommon; it can be due to a rise in estrogen (co-secreted by the corpus luteum), or due to implantation which may coincide with the rise in estrogen, it usually doesn't last too long though. Unfortunately clomid may also cause some ladies to spot a few days before AF because it may make the uterine lining thinner than usual. GL with your cycle hun x

Arohanui - keep us updated! Maybe you have a lucky month!! Are you going to test at all or only if AF is late?

K4th - please keep us updated re your emergency scan hun. Thinking of you so much!

Nimbec - I hope your son is feeling much better!

Girly - your temps still look great. Have you had any spotting so far? I agree with K4th - great LP! I'm so glad the 100mg is working for you.

Babylaw your temps are also looking great! Just a few more days left of your hectic tww! Not fun!

Lace&pearls and SarahLou - how are you ladies holding up? Have you tested again, any news?

MrsMcCurdy - hope that you will still maybe ovulate this cycle or otherwise that AF may come soon that you can start with your new plan. x

Buttercup - thanks for all the info it makes a lot of sense! Definitely agree with the clomid affecting one's weight. Now I'm taking it before we go on a beach holiday :/ oh well!! Hun here's hoping to you being one of the lucky ones who get "bfp on a break" :) and if not, that you may be able to lose the weight in a healthy way to get the ball rolling for IVF. When you struggle with the diet just come vent here, it will help!

Pinkee - news on the hcg levels? All OK hun?

AFM - birthday today! Still in my pajamas, will bake something later, going to see the family tonight and am now going to sit in the sun with a storybook :happydance: soooo happy to be on holiday!
Happy birthday Fern81! Have a great day.

Just back from my appointment. Day 21 progesterone result was only 7. I'm pretty disappointed, but hopefully it was just a bit early to test and today's bloods will pick up better progesterone levels. I have an appointment with the GP on Monday next week to see if I should up my clomid from 50mg to 100mg. Hope my AF holds off a few days so I don't miss out on starting my next clomid cycle with a higher dose if that's what I need. Feeling a little bit down, but trying to stay positive.
k4th - as Fern said we all want to know how you're getting on, so please feel free to keep us updated :) x hope you're ok x I had some spotting / light bleeding when I was pregnant with DD I think it's more common than one would think. Will be thinking of you :hugs:

Fern I don't blame you at all for taking clomid! I would prob do the same,. Good luck!!! xx

Buttercup losing 20lb in what 3-4 weeks does seem like a lot to lose in such a short space of time? I've read that 5% (I think it was 5?) of your body weight makes a big difference.

Timetotry - I don't know much about LP but I wouldn't be surprised if it did affect it, I would have thought lengthen it but with clomid who knows the affects it has on individuals. I know it can cause spotting though x

Girly - fingers firmly crossed for you! 2ww sucks xx best thing is to try and think og other things but soo hard! x

AFM I started spotting on sunday and AF started yesterday. I guess at least it was on time :thumbup: 32 day cycle like last month, I think I need a new game plan for this month. For now it stands as, no clomid, I'm trying to book my hycosy/HSG scan, (waiting for hospital to phone me back) Was thinking of going to get my cd3 blood test today at the hospital as I'm taking my sister to hospital anyway, it's a day early but I'm working tomorrow so it wouldn't work. I think I need to get some Evening Primrose Oil too maybe some flax seed oil? Plus order some more pre-seed, I had absolutely no EWCM on clomid so that can't be good can it.
Also I think we need to dtd every other day maybe, We have bd'd on cd17/18/19 and then ovulated on cd19 so I think we're wasting all the best ones too early on! I think if I do some exercise as well that may help, I did Gillian Michael's 30 day shred last night :shock: I have done it before but not for a while! it's quite tough as I'm not v fit lol. Anywho the month I fell pregnant with DD was on a break from clomid (although a higher dosage) and I started some gentle jogging 2-3 times a week.
My only concern is if I don't hear back from the hospital I will be so tempted to take one last round of clomid before my apt in January. Without the hycosy I might feel like I'm wasting a month and worried I won't ovulate... :wacko: I wish I was normal lol. But then if I did take the clomid it was mess up my blood test results :dohh: so I probably won't xxx sorry for rambling!! just getting my thoughts down lol x
Ah Fern I missed the bottom of your post before - Happy Birthday Hun!!! :happydance: :cake: Hope you have an awesome day! x

Arohanui - hopefully it's just too early! it's assuming you have a 28 day cycle! (who does?!) good luck xxx
Happy birthday fern!!!

I don't think I'm going to ovulate this month, temps have been way too whacky and opks are so negative. But I'm kind of hoping AF holds off a little bc I need to get some b/w done and I think they prefer it to be while not on period. But she also said it didn't matter much if I didn't ovulate anyway. But I am anxious to get going with clomid again!!
Happy birthday!! :winkwink:

So I had this weird spotting on CD23/9dpo and I tested on 11dpo and was a :bfn: :(

So Im not CD27/13dpo and to scared to even test.. I started taking my temp I know It was half way through my cycle but it was going up and looks like its dipped again this morning.... :cry: What do you ladies think of these temps??

CD 20/6dpo - 98.27
CD21/7dpo - 97.25 a big drop! - Headaches Started and twinges in my tummy

CD22/8dpo - I forgot to even take it
CD23/9dpo - 97.7 spotting just for today.
CD24/10dpo - 97.59 - :bfn:
CD25/11dpo - 97.66 - :bfn:
CD26/12dpo - 97.8
CD27/13dpo - 97.7 - scared to test :(
just a quick post from me as have to head out in a min, but I was hoping to ask you ladies for help with a decision!

so as I said in a pp I was going to schedule my hycosy this month and have a break from clomid, get my blood work done they want me to do. Well the hospital have just phoned me and said they can't do the hycosy yet as something to with the suppliers of the dye they use bla bla bla. So to leave it until next month. So rather annoyingly I had spent this morning phaffing around sorting out whether to go to hospital as my sis is going there (incidentally) today anyway so now I feel like I have to go get the blood test done or I have messed everyone around. Also it occured to me my next cd3 would be around xmas so it wouldn't get done on time anyway.

Now... do I take clomid this month or not?? :-S if I do, I won't be able to have my cd 21 blood test done, I was thinking I could have cd 3 this month and cd 21 next month I know that's prob not what they like to see but like I say the cd 3 would be messed up by xmas holidays anyway.
I could give it one last shot, take a full dose of 100mg and hope for the best. Or have a break (risk not ovulating?)( and be a good girl and get all my bloods done in the same month. If I have the hycosy the month after I don't think I will be able to take the clomid then.
I did fall pregnant last time after a break after taking 3 months of 100mg clomid. But I'm a bit worriedas this is a lower dose I've not been ovulating properly. Eep what would you ladies do? (I can't ask doc as I've been naughty taking left over meds until my next FS appointment hoping to fall pregnant in the mean time!)

sarahlou didn't want to r& r but I don't know much about temps, I think they can fluctuate a lot though depending how the temp of the room you're in, how well you've slept etc. xx when I temped I found them v subjective x
I forget to take my temp sometimes and OH gets up different times each morning to go to work too so the time can vary slightly... But lately I been dreaming a lot while im sleeping... one min im dreaming about one thing then it all of a sudden changes and I don't normally dream much :shrug:
Thanks Ladies!
I didn't temp at all this cycle, I kept meaning too but kept ignoring my alarm!
I had more bleeding this morning, after a bowel movement (no excessive straining).
Hoping the clomid worked (I did ovulate 8 days earlier then normal), it's hard not to feel pessimistic after so many months of negatives though.
Morning all

Timetotry - I only started charting 2 cycles ago while I was already on clomid. My LP was 1 day shorter this past cycle and I have had spotting a few days before AF on all my cycles. I am taking 25mg B6 (self-medicating!) this cycle in addition to pregnancy vitamins, to see if it will benefit my LP. Lol when I read about you looking up "AF". Sounds familliar :)! Are you taking your basal body temp at all? Mid-luteal phase temp dip and/or spotting is apparently not uncommon; it can be due to a rise in estrogen (co-secreted by the corpus luteum), or due to implantation which may coincide with the rise in estrogen, it usually doesn't last too long though. Unfortunately clomid may also cause some ladies to spot a few days before AF because it may make the uterine lining thinner than usual. GL with your cycle hun x

Arohanui - keep us updated! Maybe you have a lucky month!! Are you going to test at all or only if AF is late?

K4th - please keep us updated re your emergency scan hun. Thinking of you so much!

Nimbec - I hope your son is feeling much better!

Girly - your temps still look great. Have you had any spotting so far? I agree with K4th - great LP! I'm so glad the 100mg is working for you.

Babylaw your temps are also looking great! Just a few more days left of your hectic tww! Not fun!

Lace&pearls and SarahLou - how are you ladies holding up? Have you tested again, any news?

MrsMcCurdy - hope that you will still maybe ovulate this cycle or otherwise that AF may come soon that you can start with your new plan. x

Buttercup - thanks for all the info it makes a lot of sense! Definitely agree with the clomid affecting one's weight. Now I'm taking it before we go on a beach holiday :/ oh well!! Hun here's hoping to you being one of the lucky ones who get "bfp on a break" :) and if not, that you may be able to lose the weight in a healthy way to get the ball rolling for IVF. When you struggle with the diet just come vent here, it will help!

Pinkee - news on the hcg levels? All OK hun?

AFM - birthday today! Still in my pajamas, will bake something later, going to see the family tonight and am now going to sit in the sun with a storybook :happydance: soooo happy to be on holiday!

Happy Birthday, my dear, may you enjoy this day!!!xoxo:hugs:
Happy birthday Fern81! Have a great day.

Just back from my appointment. Day 21 progesterone result was only 7. I'm pretty disappointed, but hopefully it was just a bit early to test and today's bloods will pick up better progesterone levels. I have an appointment with the GP on Monday next week to see if I should up my clomid from 50mg to 100mg. Hope my AF holds off a few days so I don't miss out on starting my next clomid cycle with a higher dose if that's what I need. Feeling a little bit down, but trying to stay positive.

Arohanui, so sorry Hun, hope it was too early and your progesterone level rises! x:hugs:

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