Clomid club- any ladies on clomid please join x

Hi ladies,

Hope everyone is doing well!
-K4th, hope all is well and thinking of you, Hun:hugs:
-MrsMcCurdy, good luck!!
-Sarah, that is a decent dip but don't give up yet, stay encouraged, good luck! Try setting your alarm to take your tem at the same time every morning.
-Lace&Pearls, I'd say go with whatever your gut feeling is:flower:
-Timetotry, what cycle day are you?

Thinking of you all, have a wonderful day!
Fern happy birthday hun. Hope you are having a great day.

Kath I hope all is well.

Sarah I am the same as you with BFN 11dpo and today 13dpo.

I am soooooo tempted to test tonight. I don't want another negative but I just can't wait lol. Today also marks an important anniversary. It is 10 years today since a car crash that nearly claimed my life. One where I was left in a coma and unable to walk or talk or see etc. I was told I wouldn't ever walk, wouldn't pass exams, no way of going to uni etc etc including never have kids. It would be a true miracle to find out exactly 10 years later I was pregnant.

I have been holding my wee and I have nearly been 5 hours now. Only had one hot chocolate in that time. Do you think it is worth a test girls? Temps aren't as high as they were so may be a negative sign but I don't know x
Ok hubby and I decided to do another test but it is yet another BFN. Gutted!! I guess now it is waiting to see AF on Thursday. I would sort of expect spotting tomorrow as well though. If nothing Thursday or Friday then I will pick up some more tests on the way home Friday for sat morning x
Wow so a lot happened today.

First of all thanks for everyone's birthday wishes. I appreciate all the kindness and friendship very, very much.

Lace&pearls - that is a difficult decision! Why can't you take clomid the month that you get the procedure done? Do your tests include new hormone level testing to be done to determine any problems? If it was me I would probably just get all the tests over and done with, especially since you have been able to fall pregs without clomid before; but when all is said and done you know your situation best and we will support you whatever your decision :)

Girly - such a miracle that you survived that horrible accident! What an inspirational story. You have combated so many odds and there is no reason why you can't also become pregnant after all you have done that they said you "could never do". I had tears in my eyes reading that. You are not out until AF shows! And even if she does then at least you know that you have a great shot at success with what clomid is doing for your cycles. If you haven't even spotted yet at CD13 it's really great. x

K4th - I'm really hoping that you and your bean are both OK!!!! Hugs!!

Arohanui - I also hope that you get better results with the next batch of tests hun. It is very possible to ovulate late on clomid, I only ovulated on CD22 last cycle and I know lots of other ladies have that same experience! And don't worry next cycle will most probably be better with fertilityfriend's help and if you temp or do OPK's or something then it will be much easier to pinpoint O. I can't remember if you have mentioned this before but will you be doing 100mg if this cycle doesn't work? 100 made a huge difference to me!

Timetotry - same question; will you be taking 100mg next or staying on 50?

SarahLou - I can't really judge your temps since there are no pre-ovulation temps BUT in my personal opinion that dip 7dpo is normal and could have been an implantation dip, coupled with the spotting 2 days later (could also just be a normal temp dip and spotting due to estrogen rise), and your temps still seem stable for now! When are you expecting AF? Do you know how long your luteal phase is? I agree hun maybe wait a few more days and then test with a good brand test and FMU. We are rooting for you!

And for all the other ladies hoping that AF will stay away!!

Love and hugs x
Fern - happy birthday!!!! Hope you've had a wonderful day!

Lace&pearls - I'd just take the clomid. I have zero patience and wouldn't want to waste one month let alone two! So personally I'd go for it. & if you struggle with cm - you might want to add guaifenesin (sp?). It's just cough medicine but it thins out all body mucous. I took it four times a day during me fertile period. Good luck!

Girly - sorry about the bfn. That car accident sounds horrific! It's a miracle you are here!! Hope you enjoy that 10 year anniversary - it is definitely one worth celebrating!!

Sarahlou - I've temped for ages & I don't think it seems like much if a drop at all. Although I tend to temp in celcius - but I think that makes your drop even smaller iyswim? When do you think you might test again?? I'm hoping for you hun :flower:

Afm: all is well. No more spotting & everything looked ok on the scan with no signs of active bleeding. Phew. Thanks for all your kind words ladies - you really kept me going :hugs: :flower:
Kath and Fern thanks for your kind words. I will be surprised if I don't have spottong tomorrow and a temp dip tomorrow. I still want to stay hopeful but it is hard. X
Fern- I'm not sure yet. I had my progesterone level done yesterday so hopefully it confirms ovulation (pretty sure I ovulated, I was very sore!). I have to call my doctor if I get my period or if I get a bfp. I feel convinced that af is coming early. Sigh

Buttercup- thanks! I hope so too.
Lace- Sorry to hear about af. In regards to taking a clomid break, personally, I would do it. I'm a big believer in natural things and letting your body take a break from the artificial things for a little bit....
MrsMcCurdy- Don't lose hope. Most of the time when I have wacky temps it just means I'm going to ovulate later. It still may happen...
Sarahlou- fx for you!
timetotry- I know all the bfns can be discouraging, Just keep your head up, your bfp will come!
Fern- happy birthday!!
Girly- sorry about the bfn, fx that maybe it's still to early??
I'm still in the tww, longest two weeks of my life. Saw a major spike today which is definitely different. Hoping for the best but trying not to get my hopes up all at the same time. I'm only 9dpo but I took a test this morning because I'm a poas addict. Of course it was bfn. Still trying not to ss and just ignore the suggestions my body is making. I'll probably test again on Friday (if I can wait that long).
K4th - lovely to hear good news!

Fern - thanks for introducing me to fertilityfriend! I have 50 opk's arriving tomorrow and will test and temp all through cycle 2. If today's bloods show 50mg didn't work (no O this month) I'll definitely be pushing for 100mg, but I'll wait and see what the GP says on Monday. I think they will want to be careful about upping my dose as my sister had a stroke at 28 (8 years ago) and they took my off the BCP then due to the increased risk of stroke. DH and I moved back to this country earlier this year and I haven't seen this GP before (we were referred to the hospital as soon as we arrived as we had been TTC for a couple of years and started tests/investigations in NZ), but she is my sisters GP and knows all about the condition she has that caused her stroke, so I feel I'll be in safe hands.

I was really hoping 50mg would do the trick. We'll see.

Girly - you are so brave to come through something like that. I watched my sister go through years of rehab and therapy after her stroke to learn to walk and talk again so I know what determination it takes. It takes a special kind of person to be able to deal with something as awful as that. You are amazing!

Fx for everyone waiting for good news this week. I am so happy to have found such a supportive group to go through this with.
Quick ditty before I head to bed.

Nim- hope your boy is better!

Buttercup - That's awful but great news all at once, What you got planned for weight loss? That much metformin gave my guts bad reactions to soups, and salads really bad.

Fern - Yay onto the clomid! I hope u had a happy birthday.

Lace sorry about AF, I'd say just go dormitory, once last round of clomid.

Babylaw - fx for you!

Afm I did get my hcg results for 15dpo, it was 63. I was disappointed. And I will not be getting another draw because my doctor's fill in said no. It's frustrating.
Hi there

Girly still no spotting? Yay for a great LP!

SarahLou what's news? How were your temps this morning?

Babylaw I hope for the BEST for you hun, counting down the days with you!

Pinkee is the dr satisfied with that level for 15dpo? Is that why you don't need new b/w? I have never been pregnant so I have no idea what the hcg values should be :)

Everyone else - hope you have a great day! HAPPY THANKSGIVING all my USA buddies! x
Well 14dpo and AF due tomorrow but no real cramps or spotting at all yet. fingers crossed x
Girly I'm crossing my fingers and toes for you hoping for godo news, you are so courageous to come out of the other side of something so scary! xxxx

Sarahlou thinking of you too, hoping all is well and keeping positive for you.

Pinkee I don't know much about the levels but sometimes I think when you know you have access to information is makes you worry more than if you didn't know at all? if that makes sense. I hope you're keeping well and feeling ok x

Thanks for everyone's advice it seems to have divided opinion :winkwink: but I am thinking of taking 100mg clomid, but maybe cd 5-9, I thought this might reduce the risk of OHSS slightly? (???) I'm thinking of booking a doctor's appointment tomorrow and see if they would refer me for a follicle tracking scan, I think they will say no or say I have to wait 6-8 weeks (which would be useless) but maybe it's worth a try?
Fern I have read differing opinions on the internet but some people have said they were advised not to ttc following a hycosy, whereas some people have said it's fine, but I didn't want to waste clomid if it turns out I can't really try that month if that makes sense? I think I will get my bloodwork all done that month too.
I feel like if I take a break this month, I may end up taking a 3 month break as my apt isn't until 16th of Jan, (so would end up being 3 cycles? I think) k4th when you said about having zero patience I am totally there with you! The whole process of being referred in the UK takes so long.

If I can't get a scan through GP I'm even tempted to try and get a private scan to make sure the 100mg isn't hypsertimulating / or check is it's even working, but they're expensive so I don't know if I can afford it :dohh:

Fern I hope you had a nice birthday :)

Also k4th hope everything is going smoothly now :) xx
Morning all,

-Pinkee, not sure how it will affect me but I do know 1500 daily is difficult to manage. I jut don't know anymore.:shrug:

Good luck to you!

Today I woke up feeling down and spirits kind of heavy. Some days I feel like I can do this and other days, I don't. I'm in the US and tomorrow is Thanksgiving which is my favorite holiday but I'm not feeling it this year. Instead of feeling excited and happy, I feel the complete opposite. I'm dreading tomorrow as we are going to my in laws but I really want to stay in bed all day. And my birthday is next month and I'm dreading that too:cry::shrug::nope:

I hope everyone enjoys their day!
Lol yeah Lace&pearls I noticed that the opinions were divided down the middle! I didn't know however that you would be wasting 3 cycles and only getting it done 16 Jan. Then I would also think of doing the clomid now? Interesting what you brought up re the procedure. My dr never mentioned to me that we shouldn't ttc this month that it's being done? Hmm.

Buttercup - sorry that you are feeling so down hun! Hope that you feel well enough to go have a FEAST with the family and maybe that will cheer you up. Love and hugs!
BTW oops I thought thanksgiving was today. Will celebrate it with you guys tomorrow as I will be babysitting my niece and very thankful for her in my life :)
buttercup so sorry to hear you're feeling down :hugs: I hope that thanks giving lifts your spirits tomorrow, but I think it's totally normal to have days like that for anyone but especially during LTTTC. xx big hugs xx

Fern I would trust your doctor more than the random people I've read on the internet to be fair so if they haven't mentioned I wouldn't have thought it was an issue? I wasn't sure if we were booking the exact same procedure also, but if you did get a chance to ask them it might be worth bringing it up? I would think if it it was a big deal they would mention it anyway though IYSWIM.

I made an enquiry about private scan but apparently they're not doing them at my local private hospital atm so that's that lol. So I've hatched a new idea I've phoned my consultant's secretary (left a message) and I'm going to ask for a telephone consultation, maybe say I've been trying to book a hycosy since our apt in September with no luck and feel like I'm wasting time I would like an US to determine what dosage of clomid I need prior to our apt in Jan just to save some time, and I also get pain around ovulation which I wouldn't mind investigating... I can only ask?
I remember last time I was TTC I only managed to get a follicle tracking scan because I phoned up and pestered the secretary they would have left me unmonitored otherwise. I'm hoping I can do that again! but I don't know if they will be funny with me because they haven't prescribed it... :shrug:

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