Clomid club- any ladies on clomid please join x

I'm also out this month. AF decided to show by waking me up with severe cramps, and keeping me up for 3 hours in the middle of the night. Ugh.
Have to wait until Monday to call my doctor and find out if they want to increase my dose. I take it day 5-9, now I just need to figure out if today is considered day 1 because of all of the spotting, usually the severe cramps are day 2 for me.
2 more cycles until iui.
Hi ladies! I am new on here! DH and I have one daughter who will be 6 in March. We have been ttc # 2 for almost 3 years, shortly after ttc # 2 my husband started working out of town.

Almost 2 years ago I started having a lot of issues - wouldn't have AF for months at a time, would have AF for 1-2 days really light, then nothing for months, then extreme AF with lots of clotting. OB/Gyn did all kinds of tests and everything came back normal. He decided to do surgery laparoscopically to look for endometriosis and everything looked normal - said there was no reason why I shouldn't be able to have baby # 2.
Since my cycles were so irregular he put me on Clomid. I did 3 rounds on 50mg and on CD 21 it showed I never O'd. Then he put me on 100mg of clomid and I did ovulate, but we could never time it up right with my husband working out of town. I have been off of clomid for several months until this cycle.

I'm currently on CD 16, took 100mg of clomid on CD 3-7. App I use to keep up with how long my cycles are says I should ovulate on CD 12, Clomid Calulator says between CD 12-17. My husband has been home since the day after AF ended for the Thanksgiving Holidays. We have BD'd on the 20th, 22nd, 24th, 26th, 27th and 28th. On the 26th (CD 13) I had EWCM. The next day I had pain in my legs and pelvic area and sex on the 27th was extremely painful. The next day on the 28th the pelvic pain was almost as bad as labor pains. Today it has eased a lot.

Anyone experienced this with Clomid? I did not have any symptoms like this on the first round. I am hoping I ovulated 3 days ago and that is whats causing the pain. I worry about everything though and have read horror stories of clomid causing cysts, so now I'm worried that might be what is causing the pain.
Hi ladies, just popping in to say a quick, hi and hope everyone is doing well! I'm doing ok , my Thanksgiving was good considering how down I've been, just taking it one day at a time, that's all I can do.:shrug:

Welcome new ladies!:flower:

Buttercup- One day at a time is all we can do.... :hugs:
chedge- welcome to the group. This is a great place for support. I can't really tell you much about the side effects of clomid, but I hope it gets better for you.
Hi everyone

Have had a busy couple of days with year-end functions and family & friend occasions. I'm doing OK, not really thinking about ttc too much. Really getting into the "ntnp" mode that we have planned for 2015. More and more at peace with the idea that we might not have kids after all; taking it day by day and still doing gratitude journal & planning other stuff for next year.
Jip Nimbec my lap&dye is this coming Thursday, I am NOT looking forward to it (scared of anaesthesia and kind of scared to find out what is really going on in here!).
Yes and I did take the clomid; the ONLY reason was the high progesterone results so we decided to give it a go with the lap&dye. I didn't have any medical reasons not to take it, just wanted to have a cycle "off" but oh well it will have to be next cycle, maybe :).
Had hot flushes galore but nothing else; just spotting until CD 8 so 5 days spotting in total, not including AF. What is it with all of us and the spotting these days??

I'm so sorry for all the ladies who had the disappointment of AF's arrival. I agree with whoever posted this (Allheart I think): it is actually, despite what doctors say, not that common to fall pregs on your 1st round of clomid. I haven't heard/read of that many ladies who fall on their first round. As long as you respond to the clomid there is still hope for this new cycle! At least we all know how it feels and can have loads of sympathy for each other... this is a ltttc thread after all.... :hugs:so big hugs to all and onward to hoping for a Christmas miracle!

Nimbec - I am so happy for your good hsg results! Will be stalking your chart and FX that you do ovulate on your own!

K4th - good to hear that you are doing OK! When are you going for the "heartbeat scan"?

Girly - sorry about AF but I feel so positive after your "perfect" cycle. I really have hope that the clomid can do wonders for you! MrsMcCurdy the same goes for you!

Buttercup - will you be starting with the diet now after thanksgiving? GL hun I'm thinking of you!!
Continued... :)

Welcome Chedge! I had quite bad O pains last cycle but it only lasted a few hours. I haven't felt it like that before and was taken by surprise; in fact I also thought it was a cyst and almost went to the ER. Until I noticed that my temps had risen so it was indeed just ovulation...! Are you temping or doing OPK's at all? I would suggest it so that you know if the pains are around your O date or not. And also that if you have the financial means, to go for a scan if you are worried. Better safe than sorry! FX for you!

Arohanui - I can't remember if you had mentioned before but have you received your CD28 progesterone results yet?

Lace&pearls - what did you decide re the clomid, scans, etc? GL hun!!!!

Pinkee - how are you? Everything still OK??

Hope everyone has a lovely week ahead!
Hey girls thanks for the kind words hun and welcome to the few new girls that have joined.

I haven't been on much recently as had a busy weekend. Had my hubby's best friend and his gf over for a few nights. He was meant to be my hubby's best man at our wedding but got deployed to Afghan suddenly and only got back a few weeks ago. He has been out there about 8/9 months so it was really good to see him and catch up. He has gone and bought a Porsche 911 as well lol so is very happy with his new toy. Men!!! lol.

Then today my hubby was turning on the Christmas lights at a near by town so my parents came and watched. Then we took them to see a house we have been thinking of buying. It was good to get a second opinion as they pointed out small things we hadn't thought of.

Tomorrow I should have work but nope I have the day off and so does hubby so we are going to a Christmas market together for the day. Excited.

So all in all a great weekend. I am only CD4 tomorrow but this weekend has really taken my mind off TTC which has been nice to be honest xx
Fern - great news you have your lap and dye coming up. (I just looked up what it entails as I wasn't sure of the difference between this and an HSG). Your nervousness is more than understandable, but having a clear picture of any issues it might show will be worth it for you going forward in your TTC journey. Good luck for Thursday!

I get my day 28 results tomorrow morning and will discuss with GP then about whether or not to increase clomid to 100mg. CD33 now, no sign of AF yet except some cramping (but I've been having a lot of cramps all the way through this cycle). I'm guessing the clomid hasn't changed the length of my cycle so will expect AF within the next 2-6 days. I have completely convinced myself that 50mg didn't work, and that I need to increase to 100mg.

Urgh, the hot flushes and night sweats! I'd almost forgotten them, not looking forward to a repeat of these on round 2 of clomid! :nope:
You had me in tears. :cry:
I really hope this lap dye is the answer for you, anesthesia scares me too. Can you ask for valium before going in? It helps me.
I'm doing well, thanks for thinking of me, I'm lurking the thread, I'm afraid of Posting too much & upsetting anyone. My first two years ttc I was pretty bitter & frustrated so I know How some might feel.

Ltttc has been my domain for so long I hardly feel comfortable posting in any other forums. GL girls! I think about you guys everyday!
Hi ladies

GL Arohanui, keep us posted on your b/w results I hope you just ovulated late... and got some bd in around that time!

Pinkee - both you and K4th have been so kind and considerate with your bfp's, I for one have never been upset by your news! Yeah a bit jealous lol but also very very happy for you and I find it inspiring. You have been ltttc for so long that you know how the rest of us feel and you offer valuable support and advice :). I can't speak for everyone but I for one am DEFINITELY glad both of you guys are sticking around. And of course you still need support as well! x I'm glad you and your little bean are doing good!

SarahLou - I didn't reply to you earlier but I remember that you are going to have another scan today? (think I saw that on another thread maybe?). Anyways please let us know what the drs find! Hope it's good news!

AFM - Nothing much, slight ovary pains right side again (same as last 2 cycles; had NO follies on lhs last cycle's u/s). I remember my dr saying to me at age 20 that my left ovary was too scarred from endo to be functional. Starting to wonder if she was right. Then my right tube just has to be open I guess if only my right ovary is functional. Just want Thursday to be over :wacko::cry:
Aw fern :hugs:

It will be over before you know it. This time next week it will be all done & dusted! Sorry you're feeling so anxious - the build up really will be worse than the actual day. Thinking of you & sending calming vibes your way!

(& thanks for your kind words. Like pinkee I don't want to be overbearing. You are so lovely fern :) )
Hello everyone, I am feeling over the moon with a CD28 progesterone test result of 97.2! :happydance: This means I'll be staying on 50mg for the next cycle which makes both me and my GP much more comfortable in regards to my sisters medical history and risk of stroke.

She took my blood pressure (which was at a really good level), and as the clomid seems to be working, I don't need to see anyone until Feb for my next appointment with my infertility specialist. She told me that if I don't get a BFP by then, I'll stop clomid and move on to the next stage (I'm guessing IVF but we haven't really discussed in depth yet). So, I'll be all over my BBT, CF and OPK's next cycle to ensure we do the BD at the right time!

Girly - I missed your post last night (must have been posting at the same time!). That sounds like a perfect weekend - nice you hear you are feeling relaxed and happy.

Just wanted to say, I may be new to clomid but I am not new to TTC. The last 3 years have been very stressful, hardwork and often heartbreaking, but like Fern, I really do want the ladies that have gone through this process and had success to stay around. Your experience and advice is very valuable, and it is nice to remember that this can work!
Hi everyone I have been reading posts on my phone just haven't had much time to reply properly x hope everyone is ok, looks like a lot of us are due AF around same time. I think mine will be due on xmas day :dohh: which I think could be unfortunate. I've been taking 100mg clomid. I'm just hoping I don't regret the decision. I feel like I'm being really naughty but then again I also feel like I'm taking a gamble so maybe try and improve chances of winning if that makes sense.
I haven't heard back from my FS I might call them again actually. The secretary said they wouldn't do a follicular tracking scan on NHS which I said was strange as I'd had one a few years ago via NHS (although we have moved since then) she referred me to a private hospital and I said they don't offer them anymore :shrug:
Anyway hope everyone is ok! x
Just talked to my doctor. I ovulated last month, progesterone on day 26 was 43.4, so yay. And that means I don't have to increase clomid, so I'll stay on 50mg this month

The problem I'm having is that I don't know which day my period started! It was either Fri or sat. Does it matter if I'm off a day on starting clomid?

Also, I only made it to 11 dpo. Is that too short? If I'm ovulating, what could be causing my progesterone to drop off so early?

Thanks Ladies!
Timetotry - it shouldn't matter which day you start your clomid. I have been prescribed taking it days 2-6, but I've read that every doctor has their own preference and you can start any day between day2 and day5, as long as you take the full course on consecutive days at around the same time. Great news about your progesterone result. Yay! Good luck for this cycle!
:hi: all

Really quick one - timetotry my lp was 9-10 days and it all worked out ok for me. I did take a vitamin b complex (50mg) every day until ov (actually carried it all the way through last cycle now I think about it) and it lengthened my lp by one day. Might be worth a try??

Yay for great progesterone results Timetotry and Arohanui!!
I agree; don't stress too much about the clomid as long as you don't start taking it later than CD5. My LP is 13/12 days so far; I am also taking B complex and B6 this month to see if it will have an effect. I have read that if your LP is under 10 days it might start to be a problem BUT as you have seen K4th still had success with a shortish LP.

Hope everyone else is doing OK! We are house-hunting, we need to move end December.... headaches! :)

Hi all, I'm now on round 4 of 50mg of clomid,BD'ing every 2 days or so, dont do OPK's ,so FXed that this is it
Hi nightnurse, fx for you!!

Lace&pearls jip we are going to be a lot of ladies testing around Christmas time! I'm just going to focus on my faith and family a lot during that time to help me through a possible bfn! .........

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