Clomid club- any ladies on clomid please join x

I'm on cd37 and went to bed last night thinking about getting a test today. Then my BBT dropped this morning, and started spotting this afternoon :cry:

I had kind of prepared for Clomid not to work first time round, but it's still upsetting. At least I know I O'd this month - keeping hold of the positive!
Arohanui so sorry Af got you :( it's really hard! Fx next cycle is for you & it's great news you are oing!

Well ladies quick update here - I didn't think I would 0 this cycle as usually with no meds it's unlikley and if I do it can be as late as CD24 BUT here I am CD15 with a pos OPK & blaringly positive at that!! We BD last night but that was the first in weeks so swimmers where probably duff and we did tonight and will tomorrow but I feel like we kind of missed it a bit this cycle - fx I don't O tonight and we ca get another sesh in tomorrow!!

Fern I've been thinking of you lots today hope you are ok?!

Hi everyone else xx
Hi ladies

Thanks for every positive thought and prayer for yesterday. You ladies are amazing.

I'm OK :). The anaesthesia was really terrible, one of the worst that I've had. I asked for valium before the op and never received it. The anaesthetist couldn't get the IV line in and stabbed me full of holes & damaged a nerve in my right arm. I still can barely move/feel my right arm. Then when I came to; I was hypothermic, my body was shaking uncontrollably, and I was in very bad pain (later heard that I didn't get pain meds following surgery cause dr didn't want meds to interfere with my growing follicle). The shaking made my abdominal pain much worse so they gave me a pethidine shot, which I actually can't take cause I get very sick from it. :dohh: And then they had to treat me for hypothermic shock!! So needless to say I had a very bad day. :wacko: I only started to feel a bit better last night and as soon as I could get up I insisted on going home even though they advised me to stay the night, lol DH had to kind of carry me! Spent the night in my own bed with DH on the couch; so much better than a hospital bed. And feeling much better today, just the numb right arm which bothers me (really hope it gets back to normal since I'm right handed), and sore tummy muscles.

But the prognosis is OK though! I have stage 3 endometriosis which dr removed. My left ovary looks bad & from all the endo it had adhered completely to the posterior abdominal wall; she cut it loose. It had a follicle on though but the follie burst when she loosened the ovary. So it seems that it's not totally non-functional. Left tube is completely closed. Right ovary has a nice big follie which didn't rupture during surgery and my right tube is open!! She says there is a chance that we might have kids esp now that the endo has been treated. It will grow back and I will probably have to have it treated again some time in the future but for now it's OK.:cloud9:

Now the big question is will I still ovulate even after the stress from surgery and when? If not then we just try again next cycle. Of course my new thermometer also broke this morning :dohh: so I have no idea if I ovulated in the night or what! Asked my mom to bring me OPK's and a new thermometer this afternoon and am hoping for the best! (I wonder if my body will think that I've already ovulated due to the ruptured follie from the left ovary? Will just have to see).

Enough about me.
Nimbec - Yay for ovulating on your own! That is great news!!

Arohanui - Sorry about AF, we are all here for you during the new upcoming cycle hun.

Buttercup - glad you're keeping busy darl. Hoping that you also O on your own this month! And that the weight loss keeps going well x

K4th - almost time for your first scan? And yours Pinkee? It would be nice if you can post a pic or maybe a link to your pic! Exciting!

Chedge - hope it's implantation! When will you start testing?

How is everyone else doing? xxxxx
That sounds like a hell of an ordeal!

But omg, so much info and you got alot fixed up!
Are they going to do anything about your left tube?
I'm just here, lurking all my fav threads, trying not to overthink my lack of symptoms.

I have an appt next week but scan isn't scheduled until the 30th. So far away!
Fern - so glad it's all over! Hope your arm feels better soon. So so glad it's not all bad news - your endo is gone for now, one good tube & good follie/ovary :happydance: I think the stress/meds from your rotten day probably will delay ov. But last cycle one of my follies didn't grow at all in 4 days due to stress so you're definitely not out hun. Get those opks & feel better soon :hugs:

Nimbec - :happydance: on positive opk!!! It's amazing that it's happened nice & early for you. Hope the epo is still doing it's work. Hope you get a lovely temp rise tomorrow :)

To all who have AF... It sucks for her to arrive no matter how prepared you are :hugs: make sure you take care of yourselves and do something nice before thinking about the next cycle fully kicks in :hugs:
Oh & Afm I have an early scan next week. Will post a link for anyone who might want to look :flower:
Fern sorry to hear you had a rough time :( but I'm really pleased to hear you got some answers and they've helped you one the way too, that's fantastic :) one step closer to a BFP!!! Hope you're pl and recovering well, feel proud of yourself sounds like you've been brave ! X

thanks for everyone's advice about EPO and flax seed oil. Nimbec I didn't even think of that too much pre seed? But good point.
I'm just waiting to o trying to keep positive but also not focus on it too much. Want to enjoy xmas but have a feeling it will be lurking in the back of my mind. Ah well I will just have to try and not let it :)

hope everyone is ok and has a good weekend anyone got anything good going on? :)

k4th that's great you have another scan :)
Pinkee 30th does seem like a long time away!! The beginning part is so slow isn't it zxx
arohanui sorry to hear AF arrived :( but like you said brilliant that you ovulated xxx
Hi everyone

K4th I wrote a really long post to you this morning and it seems to have disappeared - did anyone see it? I must be going mad I'm sure it posted fine!

Anyhow I'm so pleased you are ok and have some answers. I think it's positive and you can crack on knowing you have bought yourself some time! Fx for you!! How is your arm now? Anaesthetic Mars ME really sick too so I can completely sympathise with how you feel it's truly awful!! Hopefully you will be feeling better soon and can get BDIng in the hope of that follie releasing :)

Lace & pearls I know the feeling about xmas - I'm the same I'm hoping that I will be able to enjoy it but it looks like af will be in full flow for me over xmas :( let's hope she's not but hey I fully expect her!

K4th hope the scan goes well! Are your consultants behaving? I guess they are fairly calm at the moment - fx they stay that way & my advice is to tell them how you want to manage the pregnancy! That's what I did in the end as the midwiffes and most docs had no idea how to deal with me and my pacemaker lol! I lost my name early on I was gravida one with pacemaker!! Haha

Pinkee I hope the time goes quick for you!! I remember it just being a constant worry all the way through. I'm sure everything will be fine.

I had another pos opk today and I'm sure I ovulated this evening it was blooming painful!!! I fully expect a temp shift in the morning - if not I'll be flummoxed as I'm sure it was O. Didn't really get the timing right as I have never O'd this early - maybe once on clomid but wasn't expecting it so not overly positive. So tomorrow I guess the dreaded 2 ww begins - and with a 14day LP it certainly drags :(
Ha! Fertility friend has just told me if my next clomid cycle is the same length as my last clomid cycle, we'll be BD'ing Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Boxing Day. Well won't that be fun with a house full of Christmas guests? Lol!
Morning everyone

Ooohh Nimbec FX for you! I don't think your timing was bad. Really hoping that strong swimmers were there to meet the eggy! Can't wait for you to test. Nice to know that you could potentially fall pregs by yourself!

K4th - would love to see your scan pic hun!!! Already can't wait to see the gender! BTW do you want to know the gender of wait until LO is born?

Pinkee - We are not going to do anything about the left tube. My medical insurance won't pay for anything fertility related. Dr says as long as I have 1 tube open I have a chance to fall pregs. Apparently the egg migrates to the open tube and she even had patients who appeared to have both tubes closed who still fell pregnant; you just need a microscopic entry. (According to her). Oooh hun I hope that time flies for you till the 30th! Same question for you - do you want to know the gender/get a gender scan, or wait till LO is born?

Lace&pearls - great attitude re trying to enjoy the holidays!! Will be keeping my eyes open for a post saying you ovulated :). I plan to just rest and read a lot this weekend. :thumbup: And you?

Arohanui - I giggled when I read FF's predicted O schedule for you! Enjoy trying to sneak in some "private time" hehehe!

How is everyone else doing??

AFM - Arm is still numb. I can move it a bit more but it feels heavy & floppy (like it's full of Novocaine). Am just trying to pick up stuff and do fine movements with my fingers to tell my body that the nerve needs to heal ASAP! Will also phone the hospital on Monday to hear if anything can be done. DH is being very positive; he had neural damage from a back injury and lost sensation & muscle tone in his right leg 2 years ago but it has slowly recovered almost 100% so what is my arm compared to that.
Read through my post of yesterday lol I was feeling so sorry for myself after that experience. I have had quite bad experiences with anaesthesia & surgery (the worst was waking up unable to breathe after surgery a few years ago!!) so you guys can understand why I'm so scared of it. Just glad it's over. Recovering nicely.
Clueless re my ovulation; have tonnes of EWCM today. My thermometer broke so I couldn't take my temp yesterday, my mom couldn't find another one so she got me an "emergency" normal thermometer which can only record to the 1st decimal place. Temp is higher today but that might be from my body healing after surgery?? Will also be doing Clearblue digital OPK's for a few days (new for me) to see what is going on? Did manage to BD yesterday (don't ask how!) so maybe our bases are covered.
But I'm not too stressed. The big hurdles are coming down one by one. I am finally ovulating as of 2 cycles ago. The lap&dye is done and anatomical issues sorted out. So we can always try again next cycle, maybe then adding in that acupuncture.

Lots of hugs ladies, hope everyone has a nice weekend! :kiss:
Hello everyone!

Well for some reason i haven't been able to post on this thread - I write a whole message & when i press to post it disappears :wacko: I'm now on my computer rather than phone ....lets hope you all get to read this lol!!

k4th eek exciting to see a scan pic - hope you are feeling ok & your consultants are behaving so far! It was in third tri they all got het up with me and my pacemaker!

Lace & Peals hope you manage to keep your mind away from ttc for a bit over the festive period...I'm going to try to do that too!

Arohanui good luck with the 'private time' as Fern said, it can make it more exciting the fear of being caught or having to be quiet ;)

Fern I can completely understand why you where so nervous - i also get very sick from anasthetic its really horrid! So sorry about your arm, if i was you i'd go back sooner rather than later about it...they maybe able to do something about it. Any info on your temp this morning? I really hope you haven't O'd yet :) Also well done you for doing it the other night - i am the same i can be really poorly but somehow find a way!

Well i got my temp rise this morning! :happydance: hopefully this means i ovulated with a good egg- not an immature one as i know happens to me! I'm now 1dpo and the fun begins - I am determind not to test until at least 12dpo or if i ca wait until missed AF BUT I am due the 20th December so could upset me just befpre xmas ...such fun! Hopefully it will be a nice early xmas present!

Hope everyone else is ok?!
Nimbec - I'm ok thanks. Haven't met my ob consultant so not getting too much hassle.... Yet! Lol :haha:

Nimbec & fern - looks like you ov'd around the same time!! How exciting!! So nice to have a tww buddy. & you both had pretty good timing!

Fern - I'm amazed you managed to bd after your ordeal! Well done :thumbup:

Hope you both get an early Christmas present and AF stays away :xmas6:
Hey ladies :)

Nimbec your temps are looking even better than on clomid! Hope this is finally your month!!

Well my temps are up but I don't know if I ovulated? Still have loads of ewcm and ovary pain but that might be from the endometriosis ablation? Dr also said that a follie on my left ovary ruptured during surgery but there was still 1 large one on my right ovary. I have no way of knowing if the one on the left which ruptured released a mature egg, in which case I would have "ovulated" on Thursday during surgery and we only dtd on Friday. Or if the other ovary is still going to ovulate?
This month is super confusing but I guess that's to be expected when doing surgery right over O time..... such a pity she was fully booked the previous Thursday but oh well.
I'm going to HINT that she does a quick u/s Friday when I have the stiches out but don't want to pay for one lol.... I'm also ok with just waiting this month out and trying again next month if we did miss the window!

Hm I posted something else but it seems that I also erased it.....
We only dtd because dr told us to have sex ASAP because of the small chance of my right ovary still ovulating! So painful; I'm staying far away from hubby for now! The things we discuss on these forums :)
Hi ladies!

I haven't been around much but hope everyone is doing well.

I'm still doing the detox but craving some bad food today. I feel less bloated but it could be due to no clomid this month, who knows. I refuse to weigh myself, maybe later on this month but I know I have more work to do to reach my goal.

I had a very vivid dream about doing an ivf cycle and I was so happy in my dream and then I woke up.:shrug: Trying to stay positive.

I wish you all lots of luck! Have a great day!
Fern - I'm so sorry it started out so bad for you. The same thing happened to me with the IV - they stuck me 4 times before getting it in and then my vein burst. It was black and blue. It hurt so bad I had to raise hell to get them to take it out after surgery later that night. I'm so glad you got some good news out of it though. FX for you this cycle.

I actually tested this morning and got a :bfn:

AF is scheduled to start in 3 days. I've had no signs of her yet though. I was really hoping this was our month. If not, I wish she would hurry and show her ugly face so we can try again this month since DH will be home again for 2 weeks around Christmas
I wrote such a long reply and then it all got deleted! Hate when that happens.

Buttercup - so nice to hear from you! Keep up the good work with the diet and I hope that you manage to lose the necessary weight so that you can start IVF when you are ready. :hugs:

Chedge - sorry about BFN! Which dpo are you and how long is your LP usually? I can't remember if you temp; but if you do, are your temps still up? Wow your IV story is much worse than mine and I actually felt a bit nauseous reading it. Hope you never have to go through it again!!

Girly, timetotry, arohanui, lace&pearls, babylaw and anyone else waiting to O; hope you ladies are doing really well! Let us know when you have any news! I am waiting to see if I will have any testing buddies :) :happydance:

MrsMcCurdy - how are you hun? Are you going to wait out AF or start with provera? I am so excited for your next cycle!

SarahLou - haven't heard from you in a while and I'm very curious as to how your cycle ended up? Really hope you are doing OK hun!!

K4th and Pinkee - hope that you are doing well and don't have too many preg symptoms! :flower:

Nimbec - yay for CH! Hope the next 9 days FLY by. You will be the first of us to test in December (after chedge!) I think??

AFM - temps are down again so I am hoping to still have a shot at O and catching the egg! Hope I don't skip O completely this cycle. Digital OPK = still negative but I looked at the lines (of COURSE I'm going to look at the lines, I mean, c'mon!) and the test line is getting darker so I hope that means that O will happen soon. BTW my uncle is a dr and he said my arm should be fine especially since I can still do all normal movements with it (it just feels numb and weak). The nerve just needs to heal. So feeling better about that.

Hugs to everyone! Hope I didn't leave anyone out I'm really thinking a lot about you all x
Hi buttercup - well done on getting through a detox in dec. You'll be ready for ivf before you know it!!

Fern - glad you're feeling better about your arm. I would be pretty hopeful that you will ov - especially if your opks are getting darker. Hopefully it will give your lining time to settle & thicken again before that right follie pops!!

Nimbec - :happydance: for crosshairs. Really good temp jump too. Hope the tww is kind to you :)

All was well as my scan today, no piccie given but I got to see the screen so I'm feeling happy :)
I wrote a long reply too and it is no where to be found. Wonder if something is going on with the site today?

Fern - Thank you! I'm hoping it is still too early to get a bfp. Well, I'm not 100% sure I ovulated remember because I tested kind of late. I'm pretty sure I did though and just missed my surge. If so, I am 12dpo. My cycles are always crazy and all over the place, so it's never the same. LP has been anywhere from 12-29 days. According to the app I use to keep up with my cycles, ovulation and the days we BD - I am scheduled for AF in 3 days, so we shall see. I have not been temping - I needed to get a new therm. (bought one the other day), so I'm planning on it next cycle if I don't get a BFP this go round!

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