Clomid club- any ladies on clomid please join x

Hi everyone,

I was recently diagnosed with PCOS and will be starting my first round of Clomid tomorrow. I took Provera for 5 days to get AF and have never been so happy for that to come. It gave an end to a 171 day cycle. I finally feel like I am on track again.

Does anyone have any advice for which OPK to use?

Hi Minnie, welcome to the Clomid Madhouse :)! Hope you have a great cycle with very little side effects. Can't really help you with the opk brands. I have been using Clicks (RSA) brand with mixed results. Are you charting your temperature? (I'm asking everyone about that lately lol but temping helped me so much!)

How is everyone else? Busy busy busy I presume! December fever!!
Hi everyone & welcome Minnie!

No news here...CD13 started doing OPK's today & temping...been lazy this month as i know IF i O this month naturally it won't be before CD18 if it was i'd be very suprosed lol! Infact if i O i will be very suprised LOL!!!

Fern we are so close in this cycle 1 day apart...:) I totally understand your fear for thursday, it will be great to have some answers and be able to move forward. Its such an emotion rollercoaster grrr FX after our flushes of tubes this will be our month :)

Minnie gosh well I have used literally 1000's opk's so feel i'm kind of an expert....i think about 4yrs worth in total! I used One step internet cheapies to begin with from amazon and then when they start to get quite dark I switch to the Clear Blue digital ones to confirm Ovulation - smiley face or no smiley face! (not dual hormone ones as they where terrible for me much so they gave me my money back!) Its too expensive to use these for the whole cycle. I also test twice per day when lines start getting dark. Good luck!

Hope everyone else is ok - sorry no personals...i'm in work and sholdn't be on B&B :0!!!!!!
Ladies... news!

Remember I said I had a vision of twins (also thought of K4th then)? And that we were joking around with my sister saying maybe she is having twins since she is having such severe pregnancy symptoms? She was even joking that if she has twins she will give me one and we must just sign a contract to determine if I get the first or second born so that she doesn't change her mind.....:haha:

Well she just went for her first u/s and she is indeed having twins!!:baby::baby:

This is huge for her but for me as well, she hasn't stopped crying (not sad but very overwhelmed!) and I haven't stopped smiling! We are very close so I will be very involved in raising them and helping her with them especially right after the birth. There is a reason for everything and I'm sure that's why I'm not pregnant; so that I can help her for now!!!!!!

Thanks Nimbec for the kind words re the dreaded laparoscopy and hsg. I had a huge operation for endo when I was 20 and my mom just said she thinks the dr might have destroyed my ovaries and/or uterus (my mom is tactless!). So I hope they find that my right tube is still open and still THERE (seeing as I believe my left ovary is non-functional); but it will just be a relief to know once and for all. We can be testing buddies!! And who knows what the "tube clean-out" will do for us hey...:winkwink:

Buttercup are you going for your hsg this month as well?

Hugs to all! :flower:
:hi: Where are all my friends?

I know this time of year is super busy though... But ladies I have a favor to ask. I am very scared/nervous/worried/stressed about tomorrow. I believe in God and Heaven but I also think being scared of surgery and dying is just a self-preservation instinct.... so I'm kind of OK and also kind of freaking out even though it's 2 routine procedures. The nurse told me I will be under anaesthesia for an hour.

My favor is for prayers and positive thoughts please ladies that the surgery goes OK. And if I do find out that I can never have kids; then that I might have the strength to accept it and move on.

Hope everyone is doing OK! We are a lot of ladies taking clomid at almost the same time of the month this time! How is everyone doing? Anyone having side effects or feeling any different this month? The ladies who have started OPK's and temping this month, how are things going?

At least I haven't ovulated yet, hoping for it only to happen in a week's time so that we can still get the :spermy: up "there" :) Hope not to ovulate tomorrow or Friday since I'm spending tomorrow night at my parents, alone! I'm even thinking of maybe doing AI on Friday night in case of O around that time...!

Sending positive thoughts your way fern & will be thinking of you tomorrow xx
Aw wow congrats to your sis fern! I agree often it seems things were meant to fall in a way so that it worked out ok, like you said you can help your sister this way :) that's how I feel about my sister too she doesn't have a very supportive partner so I feel like at least I am available to be useful to her if she needs me right now.
I will be thinking of you tomorrow, try to take your mind off it tonight - watch a movie maybe? X

I have just stocked up on stuff - flax seed oil and cough syrup lol I have been taking EPO already - what dosage did people recommend before? I can't remember sorry lol x
Thanks ladies :)
As for the EPO, I take 3000mg in divided doses. The instructions on the bottle says 1000-3000 mg daily; I am taking the highest dose because I am used to EPO and don't get any side effects from it. And it's really helping my skin!
Hi everyone :flower:

third time lucky....I have written 3 times today and my computer crashed before it got posted :dohh:

Fern wow your sister is so lucky to have you!! I bet she was super shocked! I'm wishing you bundles of luck for tomorrow and just remember that although its scary for you that they do them as routine ops daily - i'm sure you will be just fine and it will be over before you know it :hugs: I so hope they give you good news hun, if they do say the tubes are blocked there is always the IVF ption...not sure if you have considered this as you know its caused me & hubby a great deal of stress just even talking about it :( with regard to Ov when would you expect to O normally? Surgery may naturally delay it for you anyway hun fx!!

Thinking of you hun - please let us know how you are as soon as you can!

Lace& pearls i've done the same as you EPO, Flax seed and the cough mixture - I have always done the cough mixture but this month i am doing the others as well and i already feel like i have more cm than i have done previously! This maybe as i'm not on the clomid too but hey whatever it seems to be working. I'm taking 2000mg together at night and i plan to up it tomorrow and take 1000mg in the morning too. I have been on 2000mg for 2 weeks and no side effects.

K4th hiya hope you are ok? any sickness yet? hope all is going smoothly.

No change here for me, going to start BD tonight - hopefully every other day until I O but in all honesty it prob wont be until i get at least some decent looking line on the opk as i may not O until CD25 thats a lot of BD and we both get tired of it so i have to make an educated guess from the colour of my opk's! Hey ho fx and K4th is a classic example of it only takes the once ;) thanks hun!
Hi all

My earlier post was a quickie from the office. Sorry it was so brief!!

Fern - so pleased to hear about your sister. Hope she gets over the shock quickly - she's very lucky to have a supportive and loving sister. Also - I agree with lace&pearls, try to take your mind off things tonight :hugs:

Nimbec - good luck with the epo! Hope it works for you and you get a good ov after having your tubes "flushed". Hoping this is your month!! And yes - it does only take once apparently :winkwink:

Lace&pearls - hope the epo works for you too. It looks like nimbec & fern are both going to be on 3000mg. I only took 1000mg a day before ov. Don't take it after ov though, it can cause some cramps :shrug:

Sarahlou - any update hun?? Thinking of you :hugs:

Buttercup - hope you're well. Thinking if you too :hugs:

To all the new ladies - hi & best of luck this month. So hoping for lots of Christmas bfp's around here :)
Oh yeah I forgot to add that re EPO. Definitely don't take it after O, it can cause cramps and uterine contractions; in fact some women use it to help bring on labor.

GL Nimbec and Lace&pearls with all your plans! !! Nimbec I don't know when I will ov, it was cd16 then cd22 the next cycle, only two O cycles this year! Hoping for cd22 again this cycle but I can feel my right ovary working hard!

IVF is not an option for us because of financial issues.

K4th I'm glad you're doing well!

Hope everyone else is working hard on ttc and that the clomid is treating you well!

Just a quickie to say good luck for tomorrow Fern. I'll be thinking about you and sending positive vibes. Hope it all goes well x
Thanks for everyone's awesome feedback! I am on day 3 of Clomid and so far just some mood swings and nausea. I am very hopeful and eager to start my OPKs. Thanks for the advice, I will use the cheapest first and then confirm with the digital ones. I am also going to chart this month.
Morning ladies

Just a very quick message to wish you the best of luck Fern - thinking of you xxxxx
Thanks ladies :flower:

Quick Q - can you take flax seed oil throughout your cycle? I did read online something about taking it just for luteal phase... but I couldn't really find reasons why, except not to take it in pregnancy ... (?)

Fern thinking of you today :thumbup: Hope you're ok x

nimbec totally get what you mean about getting tired of it! x
Lace&pearls - I tried to take epo before ov and flaxseed oil after ov. Partly because I wanted to keep getting good oil but couldn't keep taking epo. And I didn't take them together because if you take too much oil it can start to affect blood clotting - and mine doesn't clot well anyway.

Fern - good luck for today hun!!! Thinking of you :flower:
Lace&Pearls I read that you only take it after Ov because it can affect natural ovulation - not in a good way apparently....i didn't find much info on this but it was enough to make me only take it after O. So I am taking EPO upto O then flax until AF....hope this helps!

I have to say I can see big difference in my CM from taking the EPO, hopefully that will help me plus the preseed...i'm actually going to use less preseed this month if my cm continues to be good as i fear the full 4ml maybe to much for the swimmers to cope with, sadly on the clomid tho I had no cm so I had to use it!

Hope you all have a good day!
Ladies... news!

Remember I said I had a vision of twins (also thought of K4th then)? And that we were joking around with my sister saying maybe she is having twins since she is having such severe pregnancy symptoms? She was even joking that if she has twins she will give me one and we must just sign a contract to determine if I get the first or second born so that she doesn't change her mind.....:haha:

Well she just went for her first u/s and she is indeed having twins!!:baby::baby:

This is huge for her but for me as well, she hasn't stopped crying (not sad but very overwhelmed!) and I haven't stopped smiling! We are very close so I will be very involved in raising them and helping her with them especially right after the birth. There is a reason for everything and I'm sure that's why I'm not pregnant; so that I can help her for now!!!!!!

Thanks Nimbec for the kind words re the dreaded laparoscopy and hsg. I had a huge operation for endo when I was 20 and my mom just said she thinks the dr might have destroyed my ovaries and/or uterus (my mom is tactless!). So I hope they find that my right tube is still open and still THERE (seeing as I believe my left ovary is non-functional); but it will just be a relief to know once and for all. We can be testing buddies!! And who knows what the "tube clean-out" will do for us hey...:winkwink:

Buttercup are you going for your hsg this month as well?

Hugs to all! :flower:

I am ok, just been so very busy and trying not to stress too much. Sorry I haven't been around much but I'm wishing you well and sending you lots of positive energy, my dear friend!!

Continued... :)

Welcome Chedge! I had quite bad O pains last cycle but it only lasted a few hours. I haven't felt it like that before and was taken by surprise; in fact I also thought it was a cyst and almost went to the ER. Until I noticed that my temps had risen so it was indeed just ovulation...! Are you temping or doing OPK's at all? I would suggest it so that you know if the pains are around your O date or not. And also that if you have the financial means, to go for a scan if you are worried. Better safe than sorry! FX for you!

Arohanui - I can't remember if you had mentioned before but have you received your CD28 progesterone results yet?

Lace&pearls - what did you decide re the clomid, scans, etc? GL hun!!!!

Pinkee - how are you? Everything still OK??

Hope everyone has a lovely week ahead!

Thanks for the welcome and support. I have never really O pains in the past, I'm hoping it was just the Clomid causing it. I thought the same. The pain was so bad for 2 days I thought it was a cyst and was ready to go to the ER. Finally around noon the 2nd day they eased and I have felt great since then. Today (8 days after what I think was ovulation) I have mild cramping. I'm praying it is implantation. No, I'm not really temping or doing the OPK's. I thought I had a whole box of OPK's and didn't the night I think I O'd...then the next day was Thanksgiving, so I didn't get a chance to buy any. I started testing the following day and it was negative all times for 3 days, so I'm thinking I just missed my surge (I hope at least). I know I should test more often, but I get so upset with always getting a negative OPK's. Plus, my husband works out of town and is gone for 11-15 days at a time, so we can only try when he is home. I got so depressed when I would get a positive OPK a day or two after he left. I can't leave and go to him because I work full time and our Daughter is in school, so I can't just up and leave to go to him when I do ovulate and he isn't home. We have kind of just got used to the fact that we will try as much as we can while he is home and it will happen when it is meant to happen.
Fern - I just read through all the comments and noticed you are having the lap and dye testing today. Good Luck. You will be fine.

I had the lap and dye testing last April. It wasn't too bad. I get sick from general anaesthetic though. I've been put under 5-6 times now and I've got sick from it each time. Most don't have that problem though. I'm sure it's because I can't take pain meds. I get sick on the lightest pain meds. Other than that I was fine. The surgery wasn't bad - can't even see my incisions. I did have a little discomfort for a few days after surgery. Most of it was from the gas where they blow you up to get a good look.

Prayers for good results and fast healing!

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