Clomid club- any ladies on clomid please join x

Hey girls,

Sorry it has been a while since I have been on. Been pretty ill recently and got sent home from work today. Feel really guilty taking time off. Stupid cold/cough/flu thing. Had a temperature past few days (although it slipped down for an hour or 2 on Sunday so managed to record a temp on fertility friend then). Hoping tomorrow it will be lower so I can get back to proper temping.

Ovulation this week or at the weekend I am hoping.

Fern so sorry to hear about your surgery it sounds horrible and I hope your arm sorts itself out soon. I pray for your ovulation as well.

K4th must have been amazing seeing your little baby on the screen today. Not long until you will have your first picture to show off. Exciting.

Nimbec I hope the time flies for you and I am anxiously waiting your BFP.

Lace&pearls I like the idea of enjoying the holidays. Nice to relax and not stress over everything.

I hope all of you are well in your waits for ovulation (and lots of BDing) or in your tww.

CD11 for me so hopefully not too long till ovulation x
Hey everyone. Sorry I've been absent lately.
Thank you fern for thinking of me. No I'm not going to start provera, just waiting for whatever comes. I have no idea if I've ovulated, I don't think so but I haven't done a very good job at temping this cycle. Crazy work schedule but my life is going back to normal after this Thursday!! Yay!! I've been feeling kinda off and I thought AF was coming but still nothing so who knows what's going on.
I'm excited about Christmas!! Haven't done a thing for it yet but I'm excited!!!
Thinking of you all and I'm still reading all the updates!
Really looking for some advice...

I am on cd12 of my first cycle of clomid. I took Provera to get AF and am now waiting to see if I ovulate. I do not ovulate on my own naturally. Any suggestions on when I can expect to O?
Hi ladies!
I'm currently Cd 11, just waiting for o! So much waiting!
Minnie, what day did you take clomid?
I did 5-9 and my doctor said to expect to ovulate between cd15 and 21, and last cycle I ovulated on Cd 18. We have instructions to bd on 15, 17, 19 and 21.
Hi ladies!
I'm currently Cd 11, just waiting for o! So much waiting!
Minnie, what day did you take clomid?
I did 5-9 and my doctor said to expect to ovulate between cd15 and 21, and last cycle I ovulated on Cd 18. We have instructions to bd on 15, 17, 19 and 21.

I did 5-9 too. We are 1 day apart! This waiting is awful. I have never been so anxious. Are you using OPK or just temping or both?
Hi ladies!
I'm currently Cd 11, just waiting for o! So much waiting!
Minnie, what day did you take clomid?
I did 5-9 and my doctor said to expect to ovulate between cd15 and 21, and last cycle I ovulated on Cd 18. We have instructions to bd on 15, 17, 19 and 21.

I did 5-9 too. We are 1 day apart! This waiting is awful. I have never been so anxious. Are you using OPK or just temping or both?
I'm a shift worker and had some night shifts last week so I couldn't temp and it's so difficult since I don't get up at the same time every day. I know it's not really reliable, but I know what my pre and post ov Temps usually are so sometimes I just do Temps the couple days before and after to confirm.
I ran out of opks last cycle and didnt order anymore online. I'm debating if I'll run to the dollarstore to grab a few, but I'm sick of walking in there and buying them. I might skip them this cycle.
I had my progesterone checked last cycle and I do ovulate on clomid, and have been on my own for a while; so I don't doubt that I will this cycle. Just a matter of catching the Darn thing!
What about you? What's your plan for this cycle?

I've been researching iui. My instincts are telling me that we will need to go the route, hopefully my gut is wrong. I'm just mentally preparing myself. My doctor wants me to do 3 rounds of clomid and if we aren't pregnant, then it's iui.
Hi all!

Minnie - You can expect to ovulate +/- 5-10 days after your last clomid tablet but it can take a bit longer than that... I've seen many ladies (including myself) who ovulated only around cd20-30! It's frustrating but don't give up, our thread friend K4th fell pregnant recently after a late ovulation :)
I would suggest to carry on bd every other day AT LEAST, and also to maybe try OPK's every day from CD14 (if you can get IC's the costs will be kinder to you!); and to take your basal body temperature. I keep recommending this to everyone but just because it changed my own ttc journey so much: try the fertilityfriend app with opk's, temps and checking of other fertility signs like CM. After a few cycles you might see a pattern emerge and be able to predict O a little easier.
But of course I hope you don't NEED a few cycles! :hugs: Just don't give up on O until AF shows; I had a great but late ovulation last cycle and missed BD because I assumed that I was not going to O so late!

Timetotry - I agree it's just waiting and waiting! Hope it happens sooner rather than later for everyone, it's so exciting when there is some good news in the thread. Hmmm, iui planned? Does your insurance cover it? I have heard so many positive stories about that procedure since it bypasses potential cervical problems. GL!!

Girly - I really hope you feel better soon hun. You have been working so hard, please don't feel guilty for taking time off. Rather take time to heal up and then you can give 100% energy to your other responsibilities again. Be kind to yourself. x Wish I could come bring you some soup & hot chocolate!

MrsMcCurdy - nice to know you are doing well and that you are not feeling too consumed with ttc atm! It's easy to become obsessed :wacko: and sometimes I also want to take a small step back like you are doing atm. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas time!

K4th - soooo happy to hear that your scan went well. I can't wait for your first pic. Have you started thinking about names yet??

Thanks for caring ladies :hugs: I'm doing well thanks, my arm still feels the same but I can move it more and more easily every day so I'm sure it will heal fine! Thanks that I can write about all the petty things that my other friends won't understand; like how much I invested in this laparoscopic surgery, how I'm waiting to O, how I feel about it every single day blah blah blah! It's just nice to know there is somewhere that I can get it all off my chest :hugs:

Thinking about you all!!! xx
On a side note (and just for interest sake); is anyone here thinking about adoption; would anyone consider it? DH is dead set against it (I think he is still very sure that he will be able to pass on his own genes) but I have started to think about it again this past cycle. It has always been at the back of my mind...
Sorry for posting so much today but I literally JUST got the news that I passed my degree with a distinction (cum laude)! Also the one place where I teach offered me double the hours and double the salary for next year. I am in tears; so overwhelmed and grateful. Just had to share that victory with everyone.

All the glory to God!
Wow fern that's fabulous congratulations!! You have been working hard so you deserve your success! Well done :D x
Wow, congratulations fern!!! That is exciting!! And I like talking about this stuff with you guys too. Y'all understand :)
As for the adoption subject- yes, we actually plan on adopting at least one whether or not we have our own. I've always had a huge heart for orphans ever since I was 12 and went to the Dominican Republic and someone on the street literally ask my parents to take their children bc they knew they could have a better life(aka food, home and clothing). It shocked me then and so it has stuck with me ever since. I'd love to adopt a sibling set but hubby isn't so sure about that but we have time. Most places you have to be 30 to a adopt a child and if we're going by hubby's age we still have 9 1/2 years to decide. Some countries/orphanages are less strict about age though.
Ideally we would like to have 3 of our genes and one(maybe two) adopted.
Sorry for posting so much today but I literally JUST got the news that I passed my degree with a distinction (cum laude)! Also the one place where I teach offered me double the hours and double the salary for next year. I am in tears; so overwhelmed and grateful. Just had to share that victory with everyone.

All the glory to God!

CONGRATULATIONS!!! :happydance: I am so proud of you and your accomplishments!:hugs:
Fern - that is awesome news!! Congratulations!

I think about adoption often. DH isn't so sure. We have one child, so he keeps holding on to faith that we can have another one.
Sorry for posting so much today but I literally JUST got the news that I passed my degree with a distinction (cum laude)! Also the one place where I teach offered me double the hours and double the salary for next year. I am in tears; so overwhelmed and grateful. Just had to share that victory with everyone.

All the glory to God!

:wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo:

That is fantastic news fern!!!! Congratulations!! Hope you're doing some serious celebrating! :happydance:
Hi everyone,

Fern - glad you are feeling better after your procedure, and hope that arm gets better soon. Congratulations on your degree and job news!

Minnie - I'm on my second cycle of clomid. I didn't O until CD21-22 on my first round and the total cycle was 37 days (which is inline with my pre-Clomid cycles of between 30-39days). If you can, temp and use OPK's. I didn't with my first cycle, and I really regret it. I'm using the fertilityfriend app (recommended by Fern) to keep track of everything and have bought more OPK's for this cycle than anyone should ever need to use!

About adoption, so weird as I was going to ask the same question here a few days ago. I think about it all the time and DH and I have discussed it quite a lot. He doesn't want to consider it until we've tried EVERYTHING ELSE first, but like MrsMcCurdy, I've always wanted to adopt alongside having biological children so I guess the step into adoption only is much easier for me psychologically than for DH. He is an extremely positive person, so he just doesn't believe at this stage that having our own might not happen for us. I have definitely seen him soften more to the idea since his niece was born. He loves that little girl more than anything, and I think it made him realise that children don't have to be conceived and carried by you or your partner for you to be able to love them with your whole heart. (It doesn't help though when his friends tell him "you have no idea what it's like to hold your own child for the first time - there's nothing more amazing in the world." And this is from people who know we're TTC) :growlmad:

CD5 for me - only one more Clomid to take this cycle and so far so good. Haven't really had all the terrible cramping and other horrible side effects I had with the first round, so I'm feeling pretty good! Temping every day at 7am on the dot and will start OPK's from CD10 I think (definitely don't want to miss O this month!). I'm not having bloods this cycle so I want to be fully aware of my BBT and other signs so I can be confident the clomid is still doing it's job.

Thinking of everyone and wishing you all well!
Hi ladies!
I'm currently Cd 11, just waiting for o! So much waiting!
Minnie, what day did you take clomid?
I did 5-9 and my doctor said to expect to ovulate between cd15 and 21, and last cycle I ovulated on Cd 18. We have instructions to bd on 15, 17, 19 and 21.

I did 5-9 too. We are 1 day apart! This waiting is awful. I have never been so anxious. Are you using OPK or just temping or both?
I'm a shift worker and had some night shifts last week so I couldn't temp and it's so difficult since I don't get up at the same time every day. I know it's not really reliable, but I know what my pre and post ov Temps usually are so sometimes I just do Temps the couple days before and after to confirm.
I ran out of opks last cycle and didnt order anymore online. I'm debating if I'll run to the dollarstore to grab a few, but I'm sick of walking in there and buying them. I might skip them this cycle.
I had my progesterone checked last cycle and I do ovulate on clomid, and have been on my own for a while; so I don't doubt that I will this cycle. Just a matter of catching the Darn thing!
What about you? What's your plan for this cycle?

I've been researching iui. My instincts are telling me that we will need to go the route, hopefully my gut is wrong. I'm just mentally preparing myself. My doctor wants me to do 3 rounds of clomid and if we aren't pregnant, then it's iui.

I am using OPKs daily now and am BD every other day right now. I started temping and I love fertility friend.

Fern - thank you for all of the input.... it is so helpful to be able to talk to people who know how long it can feel to wait for O to happen.
Yay for a positive clomid round for so many of us! New ladies please share your ovulation charts in your signature if you feel comfortable :)

I don't know what to think of this cycle anymore.... my temps are higher than they were at the beginning of my cycle but still lower than any post-O temps for the previous 2 ovulatory cycles. CM has dried up but CP is really high and soft!? Oh well I can only conclude that the surgery has messed with my hormones a bit (lots!) hehe. I think I'm just going to wait this cycle out, test on Christmas if no AF, but rather pin my hopes on next cycle with no stress, no surgery, no dye to mess up my lining, no ruptured follies during laparoscopy, etc!

Now I just need to convince my Dr to give me a prescription for 3 more months of clomid....... I asked her last month and she said no; she will not treat me anymore after this last procedure but rather refer me to a specialist (which we can't afford). But I will try to convince her again when I have the stitches out on Friday! Seeing as the 3-6 months following a lap&dye one can be more fertile. FX! (And then maybe finally take that month off after my last box of clomid... but we will see).

Hope everyone has a great day! I can't help but get caught up in the holiday spirit. This time next week we will be at the beach, yay! (With my fat post-lap and post-clomid tummy!!!:haha:)
Quick Question: Have any of you ladies had an HSG or know someone who has?

I had the lap and dye testing like Fern in April 2013 and was told everything was normal. My sister is currently 28 weeks pregnant and had an ultrasound appointment yesterday. The Ultrasound tech is the sweetest and always asks about me (my sister is on her 2nd pregnancy since I had my daughter). My sister explained to her after being off the clomid for 11 months I started back a 100mg cycle this month on days 3-7. She asked my sister if I had the HSG procedure. My sister told her no, but that I had the lap and dye testing in April 2013 and was told everything was normal. The tech said it would still be worth me asking my OB for the HSG because it is very common for women who have had a c-section to have blocked tubes. Just wondering if anyone knows anything about that?

Still no updated news for me. On CD 26 with a :bfn: on Monday the 8th.

Hope everyone is doing well.
Input needed from you experienced ladies! I apologize if it is not ok to 'crash' your thread like this so do forgive please. We have been TTC for 13 months. My CD21 and CD3 blood work looks fine. I have consistent cycles 28-30 days with o on day 13 or 14. I haven't read much on clomid because I thought it was to help people that are not ovulating. I was surprised to hear my GYN nurse talk about it being an option for me. Do any of you have experience with clomid that naturally ovulate? From what I have read online (scary I know!) it is an option, haven't found any success rates, but can mess your cycles up. Thoughts?

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