Clomid club- any ladies on clomid please join x

K4th just a thought could it have been spotting after BD? or maybe if you oved more than one follie may explain some bleeding.....glad you are feeling a little better. If you remember i was convinced i didn't O last time in line with trigger shot but my LP proved that i did well i would have been slightly after the 36hr point but FX you should O blimey with all those eggs it would be hard to believe not would release....FX
Hi ladies
I'm feeling really heartbroken right now. I've just split from my partner & my son's dad. He had only been back in my life a month so maybe trying for a baby this quick wasn't the greatest idea but I so wanted a full blood sibling for my son.
He basically dropped it on me today that he's met someone & doesn't think it will work with us! So if I haven't been lucky enough to fall this month then that's me out & I will have to reconsider my original plan of using a sperm bank.
The main prerogative for me was to have another baby but obviously being able to give it another go with a man I still loved & the chance for us all to be a family again was the icing on the cake.
I feel so gutted as I knew if AF turned up this month I had next month & so on but now that won't be the case ��
Sorry I know this isn't a problem page!
I had a 2nd positive opk today (I got 2 smileys in a row the month I fell pregnant & timed BD exactly the same this time) so Ive just got everything crossed, but obviously if I'm not that's this dream over for a while.
Sending everyone baby dust as always x
Oh unicornwish I'm so sad to hear your news :hugs: :hugs:

Obviously you weren't expecting anything like this. Did you know he was seeing someone else? & did he know you were both actively trying? I can't believe a father can be this heartless & irresponsible.

So sorry hun :hugs:
It's a really long story kath but I think he had just started talking to this girl recently.
He came back to me last month after being out of my life for 8 months cos he was in a relationship with someone who wouldn't let us have a friendship. I'm thinking he wasn't really sure what he wanted & changed his mind again.
His attitude to trying for a baby was if it happens it happens. I've obviously been the one taking clomid which I need to and doing the opks etc.
I'm just hoping this will be my month as at least one good thing will have come of me being hurt & being made an idiot of x
Unicorn i'm so sorry to hear your news :( hang on in there, we are all hear to listen hopefully you will get the result you want from this cycle x
Well I've got everything crossed for you hun. Hope this is your month. Take care of yourself & we 're here if you need a rant, vent or cry xx
Well...we shall see if it continues. It was a light flow. Went through a light pad then nothing else. Was red then went brown and the normal clotty stuff I'm used to seeing when spotting but no period. :/ I was reeeallly hoping. Been 12 hours since and not even spotting now so looks like I'm going to have to call my gyn on tomorrow unless he's closed because of Labor day in the States. :/
K4th, maybe you'll be like me on my 2nd and get a bfp 6dpo! :D

Nimbec, are they willing to scan again to make sure or just have u do it all willy nilly hoping that follies will be the right size? :/
Unicornwish...:( I didn't see this until after I posted earlier but your issue takes precidence.
I will never understand men. Let alone those whom are supposedly fathers. What an ass. Why of all the time did he tell you NOW that he ws seeing another woman?
Makes no sense to be doubling on women when you don't have the balls to care for just one. I have an older child from a different father and it might help to go out and find some new man candy! :) I wanted another child with the father of my first but diffences set us on separate paths for a reason. :hugs: I'm definitely here whenever you need a chat. Just have to remind myself to refresh my browser as I'm on mostly with my cell.
Thanks Cluckerduckie they said that they should be the correct size by monday (today) and no need to scan - me on the other-hand i'm not so sure....i'm going to call this morning i think as i still have nothing on my LH sticks but strangely enough i had some watery/eggwhite cm idk! personally i'd like another scan today to make sure i'm not wasting the shot!!!!!!

If you had enough blood to use a small pad then i'd call that CD1 when i very first started a few years ago i had no flow either & my consultant said one day is enough to hopefully you can start the clomid today! :)

Hope everyone else is ok!!
I'm with nimbec cluckerduckie. If you've stopped bleeding I would call your bleed day cd1 and go with your clomid schedule. Do you ov on your own? I don't often and so my lining is very thin and provera doesn't have much to "plump up". I had three days of light bleed but nothing like my usual af so just went with it. Get popping those pills :winkwink:

Nimbec - ewcm??!! :happydance: woohoo!! Sounds like an excellent sign! I read somewhere (on my stupid google travels which I must stop) that the hcg shot should be given before an lh surge so I wouldn't worry too much about having negative opk's. The idea is to beat your body to it, so to speak. Have you ever had any pregnancy symptoms from the shot? I read that some people do, but I felt nothing after mine.

Hope you're ok today unicornwish :hugs:
Thank you everyone you have all been so lovely.
Just got everything crossed, I believe everything happens for a reason so maybe this is why he briefly came back into my life especially as I was considering using a donor. If not maybe it was just to teach me a lesson!

How many of us are past ovulation now? I think I'm 1dpo today as my temp had risen this morning, but I didn't take my temp yesterday x
This didn't happen because of YOU it happened because of HIM. It wasn't to "teach you a lesson" - don't put any blame or responsibility on yourself. You went into this in good faith whilst he was less than honest with you. Place all of the impact that this will have on you and your son squarely on HIS shoulders hun :hugs:

Yay for a temp rise! :happydance: Fx'd for you that you have ov'd & your timing was good.
Morning all! Phone isn't letting me read back.

10 dpo. Temp dropped yesterday. Rose a bit today but not much. So I reckon I'm out.
k4th morning, hmmm yes it was only a bit of watery cm but nonethe less it was there and wasn't semen as we didn't dtd last night. So trigger tonight and BD for the next 4 days :) I phoned the clinic and am waiting for them to get back to me. I just want to make sure my follies are big enough otherwise its a waste of time :wacko:

I didn't get any pregnancy symptoms from the trigger, but i did get slightly more painful boobs and a few other things but i can't say it was relayed to trigger. Which trigger did you take? Ovridrelle? Also i noticed you said you normally have a shortish LP ...don't forget the trigger can be there until 14dpo....mine certainly was there until 12/13dpo but gone at 14 as AF arrived LOL!!! maybe worth getting some cheapies and testing it out OR just waiting to see f AF is late......what is your plan?

Dragonmommy did your temp fall below the coverline? how long is your LP normally. One 'rouge' temp doesn't always mean you are out - i had a huge dip the month i got pregnant with my first. FX its not that you are out!

Unicornwish i agree with K4th none of this is your fault AT ALL!!!! I really hope you get the result you want.
Nimbec - Urgh I hate waiting around for other people to sort things out. Hope the clinic ring you back quickly. I'm not sure which trigger I got - the nurse gave it tom on when I was at the appointment. She only said it was hcg - don't even know how much! My plan is to wait until 12 dpo - my af is due 10 or 11 dpo. And 12 dpo is my birthday!! I know the trigger may not be fully out of my system by then - I won't be believing anything until at least 14dpo.
And if af has arrived then I'll be having some (lots of) birthday wine!

I wasn't going to test the trigger out. I can't look at a bfp fading and not have that get my hopes up/upset me etc. I know it's better for my head to just wait it out.

Dragonmommy - here's hoping it was a rogue temp like nimbec said. Do you have a test plan? What's you usual lp?
I know that feeling k4th!! Well i just phoned again as no response yet (i called at8.30am) they won't get back to me till after 1pm which is a real pain for me as i'm over an hour from the clinic and i can't just drop everything and head over i need notice grrrrrr

I'm not testing the trigger out either this cycle as it didn't help me last time i now know it takes most of the 14 days to be out of my system so there is very little pont for me loL!
Kath when will u be on 12dpo? That would be an amazing birthday present!
Don't know how I'm gonna get through the next 2 weeks cos I have so much riding on this now, won't be able to concentrate on trying again next month.
Dragon mummy my temp was a bit up & down the month I conceived
I'm with nimbec cluckerduckie. If you've stopped bleeding I would call your bleed day cd1 and go with your clomid schedule. Do you ov on your own? I don't often and so my lining is very thin and provera doesn't have much to "plump up". I had three days of light bleed but nothing like my usual af so just went with it. Get popping those pills :winkwink:

Nimbec - ewcm??!! :happydance: woohoo!! Sounds like an excellent sign! I read somewhere (on my stupid google travels which I must stop) that the hcg shot should be given before an lh surge so I wouldn't worry too much about having negative opk's. The idea is to beat your body to it, so to speak. Have you ever had any pregnancy symptoms from the shot? I read that some people do, but I felt nothing after mine.

Hope you're ok today unicornwish :hugs:

I don't ovulate on my own. Not anymore. I woke up this morning to a pool of blood on the sheets, bed, and everywhere else in between. Incredibly aggravated and crampy today. :thumbup: Provera definitely did its job. I'll take today as CD1 so Friday will be the first day of clomid.
How are you doing? When are you going to test? :)
I'm with nimbec cluckerduckie. If you've stopped bleeding I would call your bleed day cd1 and go with your clomid schedule. Do you ov on your own? I don't often and so my lining is very thin and provera doesn't have much to "plump up". I had three days of light bleed but nothing like my usual af so just went with it. Get popping those pills :winkwink:

Nimbec - ewcm??!! :happydance: woohoo!! Sounds like an excellent sign! I read somewhere (on my stupid google travels which I must stop) that the hcg shot should be given before an lh surge so I wouldn't worry too much about having negative opk's. The idea is to beat your body to it, so to speak. Have you ever had any pregnancy symptoms from the shot? I read that some people do, but I felt nothing after mine.

Hope you're ok today unicornwish :hugs:

I don't ovulate on my own. Not anymore. I woke up this morning to a pool of blood on the sheets, bed, and everywhere else in between. Incredibly aggravated and crampy today. :thumbup: Provera definitely did its job. I'll take today as CD1 so Friday will be the first day of clomid.
How are you doing? When are you going to test? :)

Oh my goodness! Well at least she arrived in the morning so you don't have to debate when cd1 is :haha:

My birthday is 8th September. I will be 12dpo (if I get that far without af) and 14dpt so plan to test then. My lp is usually about 11 days. Still not holding my breath... 5dpo & no symptoms - other than a huge bnb addiction lol!

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