Clomid club- any ladies on clomid please join x

Oh blimey cluckerduckie she arrived in style :wacko: not nice but at least you are now able to start the clomid :) so you are doing clomid CD5-9?

K4th fx for you - i had, hang on HAVE a huge b n b addiction too this cycle - we can be addicts together :haha:

Update on me. Clinic called me back it was a lovely nurse that i know and she explained that i had 2 15mm follies and 1 18mm follie on Sat so i definately need to trigger today. I had her triple check as i'm sure the consultant told me i only had 2 and they where about 14/15mm but she said thats what the notes said so I took my trigger at 3.30pm and intend to BD tonight, tomorrow AM + PM then the following PM just for luck. Well actually i will keep BDing until i get my confirmed cross hairs LOL!! Not that i don't trust the trigger but it wasn't bang on time last month so i'm covering all bases. I even bought a new 'outfit' for tonight :winkwink:
Hi Ladies, Can I join?

Im on my second round of clomid. 50mg last month and progesterone test came back at 7.8 - I was told no ovulation but AF arrived 16 days after I thought I ovulated??

I am now on CD11 after taking 100mg so hoping it works this time around.
"Wolf whistle" -whit woo nimbec :winkwink: :haha: go get him! You may have three follies by now just like me!!

Hi laullypop - sorry you didn't ov on 50mg. Hope 100mg works better for you! I *think* that if you don't ov the oestrogen keeps building and then starts to break down, giving af even without ov. Good luck this cycle! Are you being monitored with scans or just going for it? How did you tolerate the 100mg? I got some weird visual effects! Keep us posted :)
Hi Laullypop welcome :) FX the clomid works this time for you, as k4th says it builds up in your system! Do you temp at all? a great way of determining ov....and also for timing the progesterone test as it needs to be 7 days after 0 to be accurate :)

I know k4th i've gone from feeling like this time is a waste of time to being positive....well as positive as you can be ttc lol! Luckily hubby has agreed tonight, tomorrow am&pm and then hopefully he will do the next day if needs be too! Thankfully we don't have any sperm issues so i know we can't overdo it!

So who else will be in the 2ww ....k4th, cuckerduckie,....anyone else?
Welcome laullypop hope the higher dose works for you.

I'm symptom watching like mad, wouldn't be this bad if I knew this month wasn't my only chance.
Temp went up higher today but I had been lying awake for over an hour before taking it and had to get out of bed to my son so don't know how accurate that is. Probably not very!
My boobs are also sore which I'm taking as a bad sign, they are normally painful for 7-10 days leading up to AF but never this early, but the month I conceived my son they didn't hurt at all until I was 6 weeks preg. I know every pregnancy is different & they say u can't take notice of symptoms until implantation but I just feel negative. It would be a dream come true & I'm just scared it will be a final kick in the teeth again after the way I've been treated by him.
Good luck to everyone xx
K4th- Thanks, I couldn't work out what was going on.
100mg seems fine, not many symptoms that are different to 50mg. I'm still getting the hot flushes. My boobs do seems to have grown and are a little sensitive but that's it. I'm hoping the lack of symptoms doesn't mean it's not working.
They didn't want to do scans for some reason said just bloods at cd21 and if that's neg again at cd28.

Nimbec - I did temp last month it did pick up I ovulated but Bloods are neg, based on temps my bloods were taken on the day of ovulation (6.2) and 6dpo (7.8).

I noticed you're in South Wales, me too. :)

I am hoping to start temping again tomorrow (and that it's not too late). I'm on holiday at the moment and jet lag has been a killer so I've been waking up all sorts of times and just haven't remembered.

Wishing everyone good luck in the 2ww. xxxx :hugs:
Hi everyone :winkwink: how are you all doing? I am cd16 of clomid round 1 (unmonitored) I was wondering if any of you have experience of OHSS? I have written a thread about this but thought might be better just to ask the clomid experts :) I am hoping I am just being paranoid as I am taking this round unmonitored - I have a FS apt on the 12th but my last cycle was so long (69 days) i decided to take some left over clomid from when I was ttc DD so I might at least keep my cycle regular without taking provera (or better still get a BFP in the mean time!)

also what symptoms of ovulation do you usually get? x
Hi, I hope you dont mind me joining in your thread. I am 33 and Ttc for 3 years with no luck. Been given clomid - round 1 50mg did not work for me. Bloods on round 2 (100mg) showed very low on day 21 which was upsetting to hear but the showed as 52 (which I believe is good?) on day 28 so 100mg worked for me but Im O later in the cycle, since thenIve done another round of 100mg with no blood work. I am getting more disgheartened with every round Im having to take. Im due AF on Friday and if she shows up start roiund 4 of clomid. Its so frustrating. Reading through some of the posts has helped as I know Im not the only one having trouble TTC and seeing success stories is positive x
Laullypop when I was ttc my daughter, my ov bloods came back negative the month we conceived her. So she's proof that it's not an exact science. :)
Nimbec I don't have a coverline for some reason. I didn't get crosshairs despite + ov and monitor, cm and a temp surge. But yes the temps are still well above the pre ov ones.
LP I get ov pains, like a sharp pinch. Watery cm but rarely egg white on clomid. And I'm a complete witch. ;)
Sounds like everyone is doing pretty good!
I'm feeling a little lost, my temps aren't doing a whole lot and my opks aren't either. It's cd 14. When should I be ovulating? I took it cd 5-9 so I guess it should be later but I was expecting lower temps and consistency in them... What do you guys think?
I ovulated cd17 this cycle but it's been as late as cd22 in the past. I found a cbfm really helped.

As for me, weird temp spike after 3 days of low. Still :bfn: though. God knows.
Welcome lace&pearls & babi123
Hope u both get your bfp soon.

Lace&pearls the month I conceived my son on clomid I had no obvious ovulation symptoms & only knew I was because of my positive opk, which was later confirmed on my chart & the fact I obviously fell pregnant.
I didn't even have any obvious CM.
FF has just put crosshairs on my chart & says I'm 4dpo today based on temps. So saying I ovulated on sat but I suspect it could have been sun as I missed taking my temp on sun morn.
Again I had no obvious symptoms. I felt a bit 'wet' below a couple of days before but when I checked I had no obvious CM & certainly no EWCM. Had some pains but nothing major.

Ladies for those of u who have had a babies already, do u think it's possible for 2WW symptoms to be different with each preg?
With my son the only symptoms I had was back pain (similar to what I get with AF) & eventually cramps the day I tested at 11dpo which I thought was AF coming. My boobs didn't hurt at all til I was 6 weeks pregnant. They normally hurt before AF & have been hurting ever since O so I'm convinced it's not a good sign.
I'm totally obsessive symptom watching, I know they say u don't get symptoms til implantation so there's no point.
I guess it's cos I know this month is my only chance x
Hi all!!

Welcome to the new ladies :)

Babi - do you use opks? They save my sanity on long cycles. My latest ov date was cd30 on 50mg clomid so it is possible to ov quite a while after the last pill.

L&p - my symptoms of ov on 100mg clomid were some cramping & bloating for about 24 hours but I couldn't detect the "moment" iykwim?

Good luck dragonmummy - I'm hoping you've just implanted and that's why your temp has gone up & still :bfn: keeping my fx'd for you! What dpo are you now?

Mrsmccurdy - I have higher pre ov temps on clomid. My first month they were high every day I took the pills and then settled down. But, on the cycle I ov 'd cd30, they stayed pretty high for about 10 days after the last pill. Didn't stop me ov-ing though. If you google bbt and clomid you'll find loads of women report higher temps at the beginning of the cycle than usual. Are you using opks?

Unicornwish - I had no preg symptoms until about 6 weeks either - and then I was nauseous with sore bbs almost over night! I just had tingling nipples at 12dpo which I assumed was implantation after my 15dpo bfp. I would think they can be different every time but I was hoping for a "no news is good news" scenario. Sadly I can't help symptom spotting and have already got cramps, the beginning of a triphasic chart from today and slight nausea. Feel like they are not good signs though because I didn't have them first time around - also I get cramps and a triphasic chart on every clomid cycle & have just finished antibiotics which list nausea as a side effect.

Roll on next week so I know what's going on!!!!

Eta: looks like a nice rise on your chart today nimbec :happydance:
What CD are u on now kath? My chart was triphasic when I fell preg with my son, FF noted it
I've been taking opks but they haven't changed much at all for the last 4 days I've been taking them. Good to know that high temps are normal though. Thanks!
What CD are u on now kath? My chart was triphasic when I fell preg with my son, FF noted it

I'm 7dpo - always get higher temps between 7-9 dpo on clomid & ff always tells me it's triphasic :-/
Your chart looks good though u can tell u have definitely ovulated
Your chart looks good though u can tell u have definitely ovulated

Yeah - I think if that rise stays I'll feel happy that I actually ov'd. I'm using a natural progesterone cream because my lp was only 9 days back in feb (don't tell anyone though!! I haven't told by gynae coz I think he'll tell me I'm crazy!! Lol!). That made me wonder even more about ov - but now my temp is doing it's usual after ov I feel happier.

How are you hun? Still symptom spotting??

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