Oh blimey cluckerduckie she arrived in style
not nice but at least you are now able to start the clomid
so you are doing clomid CD5-9?
K4th fx for you - i had, hang on HAVE a huge b n b addiction too this cycle - we can be addicts together
Update on me. Clinic called me back it was a lovely nurse that i know and she explained that i had 2 15mm follies and 1 18mm follie on Sat so i definately need to trigger today. I had her triple check as i'm sure the consultant told me i only had 2 and they where about 14/15mm but she said thats what the notes said so I took my trigger at 3.30pm and intend to BD tonight, tomorrow AM + PM then the following PM just for luck. Well actually i will keep BDing until i get my confirmed cross hairs LOL!! Not that i don't trust the trigger but it wasn't bang on time last month so i'm covering all bases. I even bought a new 'outfit' for tonight

K4th fx for you - i had, hang on HAVE a huge b n b addiction too this cycle - we can be addicts together

Update on me. Clinic called me back it was a lovely nurse that i know and she explained that i had 2 15mm follies and 1 18mm follie on Sat so i definately need to trigger today. I had her triple check as i'm sure the consultant told me i only had 2 and they where about 14/15mm but she said thats what the notes said so I took my trigger at 3.30pm and intend to BD tonight, tomorrow AM + PM then the following PM just for luck. Well actually i will keep BDing until i get my confirmed cross hairs LOL!! Not that i don't trust the trigger but it wasn't bang on time last month so i'm covering all bases. I even bought a new 'outfit' for tonight