Clomid club- any ladies on clomid please join x

CD 5-9.
I guess that if I only spot after the provera I should call my doctor?
I'm just trying to figure this out before I do start bleeding.
CD 5-9.
I guess that if I only spot after the provera I should call my doctor?
I'm just trying to figure this out before I do start bleeding.

I can't imagine with side effects like you've had you won't get a withdrawal bleed. I had zero symptoms & it took 9 days to get to a light period - only 3 days & not much there. More than spotting though. Even if you have just one day of flow - that counts!!

I hope she arrives very quickly for you. Waiting 9 days was agony - I didn't think the provera had worked at all. Waiting is the hardest part!!
Yes the first day of proper red flow is cd1.

Am 5dpo here. Nothing extraordinary happening. Obviously. Lol. Bored of 2ww already :/
I'm joining you in the tww dragonmummy. I'm 1dpo, just got a temp rise this morning & with the hcg shot I'm pretty sure it's right. I'm gonna take two more temps first thing & then stop. It's my birthday on sept 8th so I'm hoping I can be strong enough to wait until then to test (my lp is often 11 days so that's one day after the witch is due).

I'm gonna try & enjoy this tww. After 4 days straight of bd-ing I'm exhausted lol!
Hi everyone
Haven't posted in a few days as I've been away.
I'm waiting to O & am so annoyed with clearblue digi opks!
Used to use the original digi ones which were great & helped me conceive my son.
Went to buy them this time round & all I could get was the new advanced dual hormone ones which pick up oestrogen & LH surge. I'm not bothered about them picking up oestrogen as I've heard u can get several days where it picks this up when u take clomid. Also don't like testing with FMU, prefer to test around 2pm which I always have done & has been accurate for me.
Anyway first day CD9 got a blank circle (apparently it's always blank first time u test unless it picks up LH surge as has to establish a baseline before it can pick up oestrogen increasing). CD10 got a flashing smiley, then yesterday morning CD11 got a flashing smiley. As I don't like testing with FMU I tested again at around 2pm yesterday & got a steady smiley face, peak fertility so apparently has picked up LH surge.
When I ejected the test stick it had a dye run on it. In my past experience this can often give a false positive. I know clearblue & others argue that u should never look at the stick & u can never get a false pos but I know several people who have before, including myself when the dye has run.
Of course it could be right & it may have picked up the very beginning of my surge but I just have a gut feeling it's not. I have no symptoms of impending O at all & I always normally ovulate on CD 14 on clomid.
So ordinarily I would continue testing as I need to time intercourse spot on because I don't currently live with my partner, only now due to these new tests I can't as once it picks up steady smiley/peak fertility it won't let u test again for 48 hours ��
I'm so annoyed, really want to get some more tests but can't find the original clearblue digi's anywhere, I know u can order them online but they won't be here in time for today. Everywhere just seems to be selling these new dual hormone ones. Thinking I might have to just buy some ordinary opks.
Any thoughts anyone? Anyone have any experience of these new clearblue digi advanced tests? Thanks in advance x
Hi Ladies :flower:

Do you mind if i join you? I'm taking clomid 100mg with trigger shot. I have had lots of clomid before this is my 10th round in a few years. I have previously only taken 50mg so this is a first for me. I have slow growing follies so am under monitoring & i'm hoping the 100mg has given them a kick up the bum!!!!

However it has really dried me up, i have literally no CM.....I'm using preseed but even on the 4mg dose i'm dry and its causing friction :dohh: luckily DH is supportive but i know its not good for his swimmers.....I'm also taking Guiafasein (sp) any one else had this issue?

This is my last go before i either do injectibles and natural or injectibles and IUI but that means next cycle is bust as i have to have an HSG to check my tubes :( argh this is all so frustrating!!!

Unicornwish I had a terrible experience with the sticks SEVERAL times - luckily i had some cheapies & old style CB digis BUT i rang and complained and they sent me a new pack of the old style for free! I did a test last cycle and used all 3 cheapies and the 2 digis the old style worked great as did the cheapies but the new digis where a nightmare i had 8 days of high when i was no where near O then it only picked up O on the end of what i would descibe as my O time. So sadly i agree they are rubbish. Can you get hold of any cheapies from anywhere locally? I think tescos sells them....

Hope everyone is doing ok and you don't mind me joining you!
Hi nimbec! Welcome and thanks for your advice about the opks! Glad to hear I'm not the only one who's had trouble, I think one of the most frustrating things is that you can't keep testing once it's picked up the surge! So if it is a false pos u could miss O.
When you say about tescos do you mean they have the old style digi opks? I can only find them on the internet & really need them ASAP as think if I O it will be within next 2-3 days. Other than that I guess I could just get some ordinary opks but I do find them hard to interpret which is why I always liked the digis, I don't know why they had to change them, to be honest most women who rely on opks when bd'ing are only interested in seeing the surge & timing around that! Especially when a lot of people seem to be getting the flashing smileys for days!
Have u seen the original digis for sale anywhere in uk?

I really hope the higher dose of clomid works for u, I've only ever taken 50mg & didn't have any noticeable cm but I did conceive my first month on it. Apparently drinking loads of water can help, also grapefruit juice is said to help with cm x
So update on me, I'm now cd 10. Took my last dose yesterday. Having hot flashes and spotting still. Start my opks tomorrow! When is the best time to take them? I've heard mid day but it's so hard to do it then because I'm not home. Any suggestions?
Hi miss mcmurdy
The best time is around 2-3pm in the afternoon, but u need to have held your urine for about 4 hours & not have drank excessively beforehand. I know some women who test 2-3 times a day so they don't miss the surge but mid afternoon has always been very accurate for me. If you're not at home could u just pop to toilet for a couple of mins somewhere? It doesn't matter if it's not bang on a certain time, if you hold your wee you should get accurate results.

Well! Update on me, after feeling really fed up with the clearblue digi advanced opks, I decided to test again today. I couldn't find the old digi opks anywhere, so was planning to get some ordinary ones. But there in super drug was a pack of the old ones. Took them up to the till & the best bit of all, they were £1!!! As have been discontinued. (This was my fear as couldn't find them anywhere apart from online) so got a box of 10 normal price £29.99 for a pound! Last box as always was so happy, have just tested at my normal afternoon time & got a smiley, all ready for BD tonight!

I think the new advanced ones don't necessarily give a false positive but pick up the LH surge sooner because they are constantly measuring changes in your hormones. I don't like them and if I'm not lucky enough to fall this month I'm going to stock up on loads of the regular ones from the internet
Unicornwish - I do love a bargain!! £1!!! :happydance: glad you have your smiley.

Hi nimbec - glad you've joined the thread :flower: how did your scan go today?

Mrsmccurdy - what type of opks do you have? If they are internet cheapies that you have to dip - you can buy "pop up cups" from halfords or camping shops so you have a flat pack cup in your bag to wee in. Lol - sounds ridiculous but it's only as much faff as tampons or towels when AF is around.

As for me - I'm p*#%ed off! I got the trigger on tues & then a temp rise on thurs morning. Then I started to feel bloated & ill & by lunchtime it was evident I had a uti!!! :growlmad: had a fever by Friday (see HUGE spike on my chart) and antibiotics prescribed at drs. But the worst but is that I don't think I can trust my temp on thurs, fri or today and then yesterday I had spotting. I wonder if having an infection delayed ov :cry: why else would I have had the spotting yesterday? Didn't dtd thurs or Friday & my cm was all dried up so I can't imagine many spermies survived that long. I decided not to use my activ balance lube stuff because of having three follicles :dohh: I'm not sure where my logic was. Anyway - think I may have wasted a good chance :cry: could kick myself!!!
Hi kath, try not to stress too much anything is possible, I'm guessing they will be monitoring you to confirm whether u O'd and when? That should give u a better idea of how well timed BD was. Try not to worry until then. Sending baby dust x
I'm not being monitored for ov - my next call to them will be either bfp or first day of af. Just feeling a bit annoyed/sorry for myself/ill.

Maybe I'll feel better tomorrow.

Thanks for your reply - you're right, I shouldn't stress. Nothing I can do now anyway
Just an update on me, day 3 of being off provera and no bleed yet. Just gross discharge.
K4th, I am really crossing me fingers and toes for you!
Thanks cluckerduckie.

Hope AF isn't too far away for you :)
I'm on first round clomid 50mg taken days 2-6. According to temps, opks and clearblie dual indicator opk I'm ovulating CD10 today...anyone else ovulate this early on clomid?
Thanks ladies! Didn't work out today at all but will tomorrow. But we have covered our bases ;)
I seriously hope this is my month!!!!
Lozza the cycles I've taken clomid I ovulate around CD14, but I do days 3-7 so with 2-6 it may be slightly earlier for you. How can you tell you are ovulating today from your temps I always thought they raised day after O?

Kath I'm surprised they aren't monitoring your O if u are having trigger shot etc? But did u say they scanned u to check for follies?

I've done everything I can do now. Going to do another opk this afternoon as I normally get 2 days of positives on them, don't know if I caught the first or 2nd day of surge yesterday due to that stupid advanced clearblue test not letting u use it for 48 hours so I couldn't test on Friday. If i get another smiley I may get another BD in tonight x
Started a light flow today!!! :D
And lactating. ???? I haven't breastfed my son in 6 months. I know I'm new to this and I am sorry for asking again but is tomorrow CD1 if I started today?
Hi Ladies

Sorry for the slow response i have been away for a few days to a friends engagement party. It was close by to where i get my scan s so we took the opportunity to stay in a nice hotel :)

K4th Sorry to hear about your uti, i wonder if you could be having implantation spotting? The clinic told me that i would pretty much 100% ovulate about the 36hr mark after the shot so i'm pretty sure you are all covered on that front!! They don't monitor me after trigger either, just before hand.... FX you are feeling a bit better today. I have also hear that people get pregnant when there bosy is fighting an infection for somereason it can make you more fertile....i was so surprised to hear this!

Hi Cluckerducki YAY on AF flow whoop whoop let the clomid commence lol! If today is propper light flow then today is CD1 if it is just spotting when you wipe then today is not cd1....hope that helps!!

Unicornwish so sorry i missed your post and i'm so pleased you got a deal blimey a £1 they just cost me £22.50 today :0!!

As for me i went for my scan yesterday which was cd13 s they would expect me to have some mature follies as on Tuesday i had 4 at 10-11mm. Today i had 2 at 15 and 16mm so they are slow growing again grrrrrrrrrrrrrr they need to be 17-18mm for the trigger shot so they have given it me to take at home monday night in the hope they have grown by then! I don't like that i won't know for sure they are the right size :( Also some crappy news they thought my cyst had burst last cycle as when i took trigger i was really poorly and on tuesday there was no sign of it, well yesterday it was 100% back a whole 3.5cm of it grrrr so now they think it may have ruptured and filed again so i'm really frightened of taking the trigger. I'm also dry as a bone even with preseed max dose the clomid has dried me up good and propper so i'm not overly hopeful for this time!!

Hope everyone has had a good weekend!
Hi all!

Unicornwish - they did a scan which showed 3 follicles. Two at 19mm and one at 17mm so they were convinced they would "pop". So no more monitoring for me. Would have been nice to be reassured about ov! Sorry to hear about your opk saga! How frustrating!!! Hope you get one more positive today.

So pleased AF arrived cluckerduckie!! :happydance: I would usually count proper flow at any time in the day as cd1. My clinic specifically told me I had to wait for proper flow first thing in the morning for it to count as cd1. Really though - it probably doesn't make a huge difference - especially if your planning to take clomid in the evening to avoid as many side effects as possible? Lactating is a new one though!! Maybe call your clinic & let them know. I wouldn't think it would affect your clomid cycle but it might be worth double checking?

Nimbec - hope you enjoyed the party! Sorry to hear about slow follies. Hope you're cooking up a good one!! Interesting to hear about infections making you more fertile - shame they make us less attractive & less likely to bd :haha:

I'm feeling a bit better today. Tired & a bit run down but not as bad as I was. Stupidly I've been googling "trigger fail" & "delayed ov after trigger" and it seems it does happen. It works 98% of the time though so I'll just have to keep my fingers crossed that I'm in the majority. I think spotting 2dpo is too early for implantation spotting so I'm going to hope it was ov spotting that took a while to escape. Not getting my hopes too high for this cycle though.

Happy bd-ing for everyone about to ov!!

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