Clomid club- any ladies on clomid please join x

Hi everyone,

I haven't been around much lately. I am still trying to lose weight but thinking and praying for you all. Welcome new ladies, wishing you all the best of luck!
Hi everyone :flower:

Your positivity and prayers have really helped and I feel better today. I have opened a criminal case and an investigation is to follow... hope they find the scumbags and I get my money back or at least some of it (here's to hoping!). My brother gave me an unexpected few hundred bucks today as a "belated wedding gift" (we had our 1 year anniversary last week already lol), so sweet, I know he was just trying to help out now that I have had this financial setback!

I think I've said this before but it's also just the realization that 2014 will bring no bfp and I have to start with another year ttc. I know the dates are just a psychological thing and it's messing with my head... But yeah I have to work a bit harder at "being at peace" for now I guess. As I've said before I know I just need to focus on my faith and family blessings this Christmas time.

And all of these things are just part of life... all the ups and downs...!!! thank you so much that I can get it all off my chest here. I never imagined that a virtual community could bring me so much comfort. You girls really are the best; patient, kind, informative, supportive and a true blessing :hugs: :hugs:. I feel so privileged to be sharing in your journeys as well.

Lace&pearls - I really hope you're not out yet!!! But if you are, you have a lot of plans lined up for the new year hey? I will still be right here to cheer you on regardless :winkwink:

Buttercup!! - hi there nice to hear from you! How is that weight loss going? You are so awesome to be doing it during the holidays! I have totally fallen off the wagon with my and DH's birthdays, our anniversary, going on holiday (we ate soooo much chocolate), and surgery (I decided that "if I were to die in surgery I don't want my last meal to be a salad")!!! So have started with my diet again yesterday and will just make an exception for Christmas and New Years parties. Would you say that stopping clomid has made your weight loss easier?

Girly - Hun I don't have the words to say how hard I am rooting & praying for you...

Arohanui - which CD are you?

Minnie - I agree, most of us had a good response to 100mg. Hoping that it is the same in your case, or that you still maybe O...!

Ladies who are recently out, still waiting either way, or waiting to O.... urghhh this waiting game! I'm hoping for more good news for this thread before New Years... but if not I will be right here with you in 2015. Remember to add your ovulation chart to your signature if you feel comfortable for all us chart-stalkers!!

Just a few more sleeps to Christmas! :kiss:
Hi everyone!! I haven't been on in a few days dealing with my DD being sick and trying to finish Christmas shopping. So sorry to all of you who were out this month. It is so frustrating. I was out this month too and I was so heartbroken. FX the next cycle brings each and everyone of you a BFP!!!!

Fern - I am so sorry you have had such a rough time. Prayers are with you. Sisters can be so cruel sometimes. My sister is due in February with her first girl (she has 4 boys) and she is thinking of using a name we had picked out for our DD b/c she says she LOVES it. We of course didn't use it but still like it for #2 if we have another girl. Just makes me think she would have tried to use it back then when we were pregnant together if she wouldn't have had a boy.

AFM - I'm on CD9 with no signs of O yet. I usually don't O till CD12-13 with clomid. I'm going to start temping tomorrow. Hubby will be home in about 6 hours. We are going to try to BD every other day instead of daily like we did last cycle.

I hope you all have a Merry Christmas!!
Hi ladies, sorry I've had a busy week with work and have been lurking but fallen behind on this thread again.
Congrats to the ladies who BFPs!!
Fern- sorry to hear you got broken into, that's horrible and unsettling. Aside from the missing money, how are you feeling? After I was broken into (when I lived alone), I slept with a knife beside my bed because I was paranoid.

I'm currently 7 dpo. Last cycle the spotting started at 6 dpo and lasted until AF started 11 dpo. No spotting so far this cycle, so I'm happy about that. Other then that, I'm having a hard time the last few days. Another pregnancy announcement that hit me very hard and left me feeling very depressed.
I'm just so sick of this.
I tested this morning even though I know its too early, so of course BFN. Where is the second line already, dammit?!?!
Fern- since the vitex worked pretty well on the first cycle i took it (currently on my second cycle), I decided to just try that for a few months and skip the clomid. I'm going to go back to temping and all that fun stuff next cycle..... Initially I was okay with having no idea where in the cycle I am, but now at cd25 with no signs of O, I need to start temping again for my own sanity.
The holidays have been tough for me while ttc. Watching our siblings with our nieces and nephews and getting down about the fact that we don't have one yet just kills me. I didn't want to go Christmas shopping today, just wanted to stay in bed. It's hard because obviously there's something you have to do in order to get pregnant, but I'm just not in the mood..... Which of course makes it harder.... I don't know... Fern, like you, I have now come to realize its not going to happen this year. So another year of trying on the books. And what is normally a happy time of year for others is heartbreaking for me...
Hi everyone,

Happy Christmas eve!

Quick question - I just charted my BBT on fertility friend as normal, but I noticed a bunch of info is missing. My chart isn't showing anything below the 'meds' line - so all my 'specifics', 'mood' and 'energy' info is missing. I updated the app in the App Store and amended my 'mood' from yesterday to try to bring this info back, but it's still missing for the whole cycle. Anyone else had this problem, and do you know any way to get the full picture again?

CD20 and apparently 4dpo but not feeling hopeful due to CM situation. :nope:
Fern sorry to hear how tough it has been for you recently. Good you have opened up a case and hopefully they will find the scum bags. That was really nice of your brother. Family are always there which is great.

I know what you mean with the date thing. I am similar going into 2015 thinking if this is our cycle then fine but if it isn't then actually having a baby in 2015 isn't an option at all as we won't be able to try again until May and then be due 2016!!! Not a nice thought.

I am 8dpo today and my temp is a lot lower this cycle than last so I don't think it is a good sign. It went down a little bit again this morning. I am away with my hubby seeing his nan and grandad for Christmas at the moment and yesterday afternoon went to the loo and when I wiped I noticed my cm was an orangey colour. I checked with my finger and on my finger it looked clear but when I wiped it on a tissue it was a light orange. Never had that before and no idea why lol. Was praying inplantation or something but as my temp hasn't risen I am getting less hopeful.

It has been hard this Christmas seeing hubby family as they are all asking when we are going to have children and I always just say not for a long long time as I don't want them knowing we are trying.

Happy Christmas Eve girls. I hope you all have an amazing Christmas xx
Hi girls

Arohanui sorry I haven't had that happen to me? Can you login on your computer and add data in there? Or send an error report/ help request? That's weird and I hope you get it fixed!

Chedge, babylaw, nimbec, buttercup and everyone else who has to carry on into next year.... my thoughts and prayers are with you. DH's brothers are always pestering us about having kids; one brother even jokingly offered to show my husband "how it's done"... which quite frankly I didn't find funny. So now I am telling them that I have loads of medical issues and it's very hard &sad for us.... then they leave me alone or change the subject!

At least we all have each other next year and hoping for the best.

Girly, arohanui and timetotry ladies I really do hope one if not all of you get a bfp before the end of the year!

Lace&pearls any news? ?

And then to all my thread friends who celebrate Christmas; may you have a joyous and blessed time filled with God's grace and peace xxx
Hi everyone

Christmas day.... Hope everyone has a blessed day.

AFM: had to leave in the middle of Christmas Eve dinner yesterday to rush poor DH to emergency room; stayed there till 12h30 at night when he was finally admitted for an appendix about to burst. So today on Christmas Day he is going to have surgery to get that appendix out. I feel so sorry for him and so scared that something is going to happen. Off to the hospital again now.

As if that is not enough; his medical insurance didn't want to pay for that specific hospital but then they couldn't find a surgeon (due to holidays) at any of the hospitals which ARE on his insurance list. SO we had to pay a HUGE penalty fee of thousands of Rands before they would even admit him. I also got an account to say that my medical insurance didn't cover the total hospital bill for my surgery (even though they pre-authorised the procedure) which leaves me around R3000 in debt.

ON TOP OF THAT I just got a message from my bank to say my account has been hacked and another few thousand has been stolen from my account. Of course I can't phone the bank or fraud line to report it because they are closed over Christmas. Did I mention that we are NOT financially well off and can't afford this at all? That is basically all our money gone and we are now in debt... and I'm only starting to earn some money again end Jan.

I know it's wrong but I feel like we are being punished for something???
O Fern hun you are going through a hell of a time. Wish I could give you a big hug. All the best for your hubby, think positive I am sure it will all go fine and I really hope you can both be at home soon.

I wish there was something I could say to make it all better but I really can't. Life has major ups and downs and I hope that due to so much down there is a major up coming your way very very soon.

Merry Christmas everyone. Hope u all have good days.

AFM I still in bed waiting for hubby to wake so we can open a few pressies. Waking up on Christmas day in a hotel rather than at home isn't very fun. Wish we were at home.

Yesterday evening I had a brown cm spot in my knickers but nothing when I wiped. Still hoping it could be inplantation bleeding but i also think it could be wishful thinking lol xx
Fern- I am so sorry to hear about everything that's going on. When it rains it pours... When I have times like this I just think to myself "this too shall pass" over and over and over again until my head finally starts to believe it. Thinking of and praying for you....
Temp staying up but woke up to proper red this morning. So gutted.

7dpo - watery orange cm in afternoon

8dpo - watery orange but a lot less once in morning and nothing rest of day

9dpo - watery pink when wiped once in morning and then nothing else all day

10dpo - woke up to bright red when I wiped. Light but thought it must be the start of AF. Put a tampon in and changed it a couple of hours later and just light brown and two small pink spots on it. Nothing since.

I always have 14 day LP. Really gutted and then fact my temp is still up as well sucks even more!!! Hate my body x

Trying to persuade hubby to go to an open tesco and get a test as I still keep wishing xx
Hi everyone

Christmas day.... Hope everyone has a blessed day.

AFM: had to leave in the middle of Christmas Eve dinner yesterday to rush poor DH to emergency room; stayed there till 12h30 at night when he was finally admitted for an appendix about to burst. So today on Christmas Day he is going to have surgery to get that appendix out. I feel so sorry for him and so scared that something is going to happen. Off to the hospital again now.

As if that is not enough; his medical insurance didn't want to pay for that specific hospital but then they couldn't find a surgeon (due to holidays) at any of the hospitals which ARE on his insurance list. SO we had to pay a HUGE penalty fee of thousands of Rands before they would even admit him. I also got an account to say that my medical insurance didn't cover the total hospital bill for my surgery (even though they pre-authorised the procedure) which leaves me around R3000 in debt.

ON TOP OF THAT I just got a message from my bank to say my account has been hacked and another few thousand has been stolen from my account. Of course I can't phone the bank or fraud line to report it because they are closed over Christmas. Did I mention that we are NOT financially well off and can't afford this at all? That is basically all our money gone and we are now in debt... and I'm only starting to earn some money again end Jan.

I know it's wrong but I feel like we are being punished for something???

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Firstly - I hope your dh is ok & recovering well from his surgery. What a shock... And on Christmas Day too!

Insurance wise - can you appeal? If they said they'd cover your surgery they should!! And if they couldn't find anyone else to do your husbands surgery they should surely cover that too in an emergency situation??

As for your cash :hugs: such a blow for all of this to happen at once. Are you with a major bank? If their system has been hacked then they might cover some of your loss. And they told you so at least they know about it already.

So sorry all of this has happened at once. Focus on your oh first - get him healthy. Take care hun :hugs:
Hi ladies

Aw Girly I'm just gutted for you too! Can't find the words to say how sorry I am. I hope that your husband's deployment goes by fast so that you can start trying again.

DH is doing ok, he is in good spirits. I am fed up and irritated with everything and really trying not to take it out on him. Just trying to feel a bit better. Am hoping to get the fraud sorted out, should be able to get hold of the fraud department tomorrow. And yes I'm definitely going to try and get some of the hospital fees claimed back.... will just have to see. Atm I just want to go live in a cave somewhere.

Hi everyone, thinking of you ladies, hope someone can share some good news soon. X
Fern - I am soooo sorry all of this has happened to you. Praying for a fast recovery for your DH. I also hope you are able to file a claim for the Insurance to cover both procedures. I wish I knew what to say to make it all better. We have been in a situation like that where so many things went wrong all around the same time. It's so hard. Prayers for you. Hoping things only get better for you guys from here on out.
Arghhh hate my stupid body.

Started bleeding yesterday so thought great here is AF. 4/5 days early but here she is (very unusual to only have a 9 day LP as it is normally 14 for me). But after seeing the bleeding in the morning when I wiped there was nothing else for ages. Then after lunch there was a bit more when I wiped. Then when I went again only when I wiped (hand a panty liner in the whole time but nothing). Then I put a tampon in but when I took it out 2/3 hours later it didn't have much of anything on it at all, a bit brown and couple pink spots but mainly White still. So went to bed and this morning more when I wiped but only once and gone back to check a few times and nothing more.

This is the lightest period I have ever had!!

My temp is above coverline but did drop a bit this morning.

Usually my boobs stop hurting when I get AF but they still are really really sore even walking when I don't have a bra on the hurt.

I took a cheapie morrisons test yday avo but negative and took one this morning and still negative.

I had such a vivid dream last night about being pregnant arghhhh. Hate my body xx
Arghhh hate my stupid body.

Started bleeding yesterday so thought great here is AF. 4/5 days early but here she is (very unusual to only have a 9 day LP as it is normally 14 for me). But after seeing the bleeding in the morning when I wiped there was nothing else for ages. Then after lunch there was a bit more when I wiped. Then when I went again only when I wiped (hand a panty liner in the whole time but nothing). Then I put a tampon in but when I took it out 2/3 hours later it didn't have much of anything on it at all, a bit brown and couple pink spots but mainly White still. So went to bed and this morning more when I wiped but only once and gone back to check a few times and nothing more.

This is the lightest period I have ever had!!

My temp is above coverline but did drop a bit this morning.

Usually my boobs stop hurting when I get AF but they still are really really sore even walking when I don't have a bra on the hurt.

I took a cheapie morrisons test yday avo but negative and took one this morning and still negative.

I had such a vivid dream last night about being pregnant arghhhh. Hate my body xx

Could it be an implantation bleed? Not trying to give false hope - but if it was you wouldn't see a positive for a few more days yet. Good luck :)
K4th I really hope so. Something in my head tells me I am pregnant but I think it is my want for it so much rather than the truth.

I have looked up the difference between light period and spotting and it says if don't need tampon or pad and either nothing or panty liner then it is spotting. I don't seem to be needing anything but do put a panty liner in just incase.

The bleeding doesn't seem to have clots like my period does and period has darker red and seems thicker. This is more watery but is still red.

I am going to buy some first response tests when I go to the shops in an hour or so.

I need this spottong or bleeding to stop today to be any chance of implantation spotting. Longer than 2 days it is a period.

Come on body please please please be my new year miracle xx
K4th I really hope so. Something in my head tells me I am pregnant but I think it is my want for it so much rather than the truth.

I have looked up the difference between light period and spotting and it says if don't need tampon or pad and either nothing or panty liner then it is spotting. I don't seem to be needing anything but do put a panty liner in just incase.

The bleeding doesn't seem to have clots like my period does and period has darker red and seems thicker. This is more watery but is still red.

I am going to buy some first response tests when I go to the shops in an hour or so.

I need this spottong or bleeding to stop today to be any chance of implantation spotting. Longer than 2 days it is a period.

Come on body please please please be my new year miracle xx

Fx'd for you hun!!!!

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