Clomid club- any ladies on clomid please join x

Congratulations babylaw :happydance:

Timetotry & arohanui - :hugs: sorry it seems clomid hasn't given you the bfp's you want. I really hope that the future brings you those bfp's in the not too distant future. Lots of luck & baby dust to you both!
AF showed up for me yesterday :nope:

I feel a bit like I don't know what's going on until I have my appointment in April, I thought my problem was PCOS / annovulation / long irregular cycles but I think I have ovulated 5 times now... so do I have something else wrong with me? is it just bad luck or is it like I should have fallen pregnant by now? .. I just wish my appointment was sooner, I was supposed to have one in Jan but they moved it and I had no say in it :(. I saw them in September but they gave me 0 answers.

Anywho I am going to book my HSG for this month, dreading that as I think I will have to go on my own don't think OH will be able to get it off work... is it horrible? :(

Hope the ladies with their BFPs are feeling good xxx

for those waiting I am hoping for you xxx
AF showed up for me yesterday :nope:

I feel a bit like I don't know what's going on until I have my appointment in April, I thought my problem was PCOS / annovulation / long irregular cycles but I think I have ovulated 5 times now... so do I have something else wrong with me? is it just bad luck or is it like I should have fallen pregnant by now? .. I just wish my appointment was sooner, I was supposed to have one in Jan but they moved it and I had no say in it :(. I saw them in September but they gave me 0 answers.

Anywho I am going to book my HSG for this month, dreading that as I think I will have to go on my own don't think OH will be able to get it off work... is it horrible? :(

Hope the ladies with their BFPs are feeling good xxx

for those waiting I am hoping for you xxx

:hugs: sorry AF arrived :cry:

I caught on my sixth clomid cycle! It takes "normal" couples up to 12 months even when everything is working well. Just because it hasn't worked for you yet doesn't mean it won't hun. Don't give up hope! But I understand how disappointing, disheartening & bleak everything seems during AF. Have you called your clinic again to see if they've had any cancellations?

I can't comment on the hsg I'm afraid - shame your oh can't go though.

Do you have any clomid left?

& I'm feeling well thanks :thumbup:
Hey everyone not much for me to report. I am on CD 29 now. Waiting for AF. Since I probably didn't ovulate. I made appointment with RE on March 31st. So we will see how that goes. :happydance:

Happy Friday everyone!!!
Hi everyone

Sorry about AF arriving for a few of you... :( I hope that by the end of the year you all have answers and have your problems sorted out. xxxxx

And congrats to everyone who got a bfp! This is after all, the end goal of the thread. May you all have a healthy pregnancy and be blessed with the new addition to your family!

Lace&pearls - I had the hsg under general anaesthesia as it was done at the same time as the laparoscopy. So unfortunately I can't tell you how it felt! I did bleed for a few days. Hope that doesn't happen to you but maybe have sanitary napkins ready for after the procedure. GL hun. I'm thinking of you. :hugs:

Jaybee - Has AF arrived? FX for the new cycle! :thumbup:

AFM - I think I might have ovulated today? Had O pains @ my left ovary. Will take my temps for the next few days just to confirm O. I would like to see whether I ovulated on my this month without clomid BUT I think that I still had a little residual clomid in my system (had a few weird symptoms in the beginning of the cycle). It will be interesting; not that we've been concerned about "trying". Well my left tube is blocked so I don't think anything will happen in any case.
DH and I'm really enjoying having sex for fun and not for baby-making. I've also enjoyed my coffee, concentrating on diet and not just fertility foods, and even had a few glasses of champagne this month! All in all the break is worth it. Might "try" again next cycle (because having a baby at the end of the year will be perfect timing). At the moment I'm coping better by not focusing too much on trying and failing to conceive so we will take it cycle by cycle and see where we're at. Especially since we're not planning on IVF etc.

How is everyone else?? Anyone have any news?

Hugs and positive thoughts to all you lovely ladies! :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Hi Ladies!

I have been reading a little over your posts and thought I would join as we are all in a similar boat.

As far as my HSG went, I wish I had been under general anesthesia like Fern but I just had a Tylenol 3 a couple of hours before. Honestly, it goes so quickly that even if it is painful, you can just breathe and reassure yourself that it will be over soon. Some women don't feel a thing. I suspect that may have something to do with whether there is a blockage or not. My left tube came out beautifully but we couldn't detect the right. At first there was a little cramping that I could handle but it got worse as the doc tried to up the pressure of the liquid to see if it would push through the right. I decided then and there that I would never be a female spy...I would have told that doc ANYTHING to get him to stop what he was doing lol. :wacko:

Really, the HSG is extremely short so you can handle it! I would advise asking about antibiotics though. I had a friend get a bad infection from her HSG so I asked for antibiotics before and had no problems though the incidences of infection are low, I just wanted to be sure.

It is really great to know what is going on in there though, I think it is definitely worth the pain. Just remember to BREATHE and if you can, have someone who really loves you take you home. DH waited for me and took me to a lovely lunch and got me my favorite green tea drink afterwards which made it a whole lot better. I felt violated!

As far as my story goes, we have been ttc for three years now. We have been to the fertility clinic and the diagnosis is "unexplained infertility" even though they are not sure about my right tube (fertility doc says that it could have just been that the fluid was already going through the left tube and had no reason to go through the right).

This is my second round of clomid. First round was 50 mg, second 100mg, both on days 3-7.

Before clomid I was like clockwork. SO so so regular. I have been charting for three years so I am know my cycle really well. I o'd almost every cycle on cd 14 and had af between cd 26 and cd 28...seriously like clockwork.

My last cycle of clomid I o'd on cd 14 as usual but af didn't come until cd 32! I had bfn after bfn but I had strange cramping and nausea. I have NEVER had that before. I usually cramp the second day of af and then it stops.

So this cycle, I am currently cd 29 and my temps are higher than they have ever been on my chart. I had a bfn a couple of days ago and I don't think I am pregnant but af should have already come!! I have had mild cramps but no spotting. NOTHING so far except a mild cold and total exhaustion. Oh and wet cm, again this is not normal.

Has clomid done this to any of you? Extended your cycle and made your temps super high?

It feels like a cruel trick! I will be 39 this year and have never had a bfp. We have one more cycle until we start talking about IUI or IVF.

I am really really trying not to loose hope!

Anyway, thanks for reading and I would welcome any advice or positive words! Sometimes I feel so alone on this journey. Even though DH is supportive, he just doesn't understand.
Hi everyone,

I'm 13dpo but I'm not even entertaining the thought of a BFP until I see what my temp is doing at 16dpo - both my last clomid cycles had an LP of 16days.

I have an appointment tomorrow with my specialist, so we'll see what the plan is going forward.

I thought the next step was IUI, but I was disheartened to read last week that IUI is no longer available on the NHS for straight couples (only lesbians) without disabilities (where sex is impossible either due to a physical disability or unlikely due to a psychological issue). The rules only changed last year. Previously couples with unexplained infertility were offered up to 6 rounds of IUI. Now they are told to have unprotected sex for 2 years (yep, that'll work for couples with infertility) and then be considered for IVF (being considered means being put on the waiting list, which in some areas can be up to 2 years long). In my area, you only get two IVF rounds on the NHS, and plenty of people no longer qualify for any funded IVF treatment. I've read through all the new rules and I think they are insane! I'm hoping that through some miracle, we are still able to access IUI through the NHS. I guess I'll find out tomorrow.

With the odds of IUI being so high compared to IVF, why would this important step of infertility treatment be taken away? If my specialist thinks that we would benefit from IUI we will look at doing it privately, but I really resent my taxes and NI contributions going to things like tatoo removal and boob jobs, when we no longer qualify for a very important treatment for our infertility issues.

Sorry for the rant and I know in some countries all infertility treatment is self funded and you are probably thinking - stop moaning, at least you have some funded treatment! It's just been a bit overwhelming reading about the reductions to our treatment options to get to our BFP, which right now, seems so far away.
Hi all the new clomid ladies! We need some new ladies since many of us got a bfp and others are exploring other options :).

Hope you find really good support here!
CD 33 no AF yet :wacko:. Do not feel AF coming. Do not "feel" pregnant. I took HPT CD 32 but got :BFN: I have no idea. This is how I felt after Thanksgiving time. I will probably have to get Provera again. I just have a weird feeling lately. Made my RE appointment 3/31. I am turing 30 and going on vacation so that might help get my mind off things.

The only thing I can hope for right now is that my 21 Day Progesterone was incorrect and I ovulated after CD 14! But I don't have any symptoms besides some clear CM and sometimes its milky CM and its like leaky!! TMI but that is the only way I can think to explain it. Maybe I can take another HPT next week if I still don't get AF.

Spoke with DH and we decided not to take the clomid (If I even get AF) until after I see the RE. He also needs to get his semen analysis. But he is having an endoscopy this week so probably wait til next week or the week after.
Jaybee - did you manage to have a cd28 progesterone test? You very possibly did O a little too late for your cd21 test to pick up. Did you monitor your BBT during this cycle? If yes, what did your temps do? Did you see an uplift? If not, I'd really recommend tracking it going forward as it will confirm O for you. (My BBT also gives me a signal the day before AF arrives, which I find less upsetting than the unwelcome surprise of AF itself). Keeping my fingers crossed for you!
CD 33 no AF yet :wacko:. Do not feel AF coming. Do not "feel" pregnant. I took HPT CD 32 but got :BFN: I have no idea. This is how I felt after Thanksgiving time. I will probably have to get Provera again. I just have a weird feeling lately. Made my RE appointment 3/31. I am turing 30 and going on vacation so that might help get my mind off things.

The only thing I can hope for right now is that my 21 Day Progesterone was incorrect and I ovulated after CD 14! But I don't have any symptoms besides some clear CM and sometimes its milky CM and its like leaky!! TMI but that is the only way I can think to explain it. Maybe I can take another HPT next week if I still don't get AF.

Spoke with DH and we decided not to take the clomid (If I even get AF) until after I see the RE. He also needs to get his semen analysis. But he is having an endoscopy this week so probably wait til next week or the week after.

Hang in there Jaybee!! I am totally with ya. Cd 30, :bfn:, no sign of af at all and pretty sure I ovulated cd14 or 15 because I get mittleschmerz and my temps go up pretty regularly.

Its a crazay place to be!! :wacko:

The good news is that we are both still in the game!
Though I am pretty convinced that it's just the clomid messing with me, I do still have a chance and so do you!


Had to edit this because I read through the other posts and realized that you aren't sure if you ovulated or not. That has got to be really annoying! I think you guys are being wise to wait to see the Re before proceeding with the clomid next cycle. It's better to have a good idea of what is happening. It will also be good to know what is going on with his sperm!

Clomid has definitely messed with my cycle enough that I am concerned, my last period only lasted 2 days! I only have one more try on the clomid before I see the fertility doc again so I think we will try it once long as af actually shows up. It's super frustrating because I was so regular before the clomid! I also second Arohanui regarding BBT, that has been immensely helpful for me. Hang in there girl!
Thank You k4th :hugs: it does take some pressure off to know that you fell pregnant on your 6th round x hope everything is going well with you? xx

lotusblooms - thank you for sharing your experience :) I am crossing my fingers for you! x I hadn't heard of the anti biotic treatment as well so I will definitely ask about that thank you.
I have managed to convince my OH to swap a day from his week of annual leave in feb and have booked it for the 5th of March (that's the soonest they could see me :() so I'm just hoping my body is going to play ball and have a 32 day cycle like it has the last few times, otherwise I will have to cancel it :S (although obv a BFP in the mean time would be even better! lol)

sorry I was a little miserable the other day everyone! was just hormonal I think.

Jaybee and Aro how are you getting on?

Fern did you determine if you ovulated?

I hope everyone is doing well today. I had my appointment this afternoon and it turns out I'm not leaving the clomid club just yet! I have my referral to speak with the IVF specialist to see if we can go on the waiting list BUT the referral is for after I complete 6 rounds of clomid, so I have another 3 rounds to go. The next round will be fully monitored so I will have a scan on CD12 to see what the follies are doing. I'm pretty happy about this because my first 3 rounds were not monitored, just progesterone blood tests in the first cycle to make sure I was ovulating on 50mg. They are going to check out a cyst they found on a scan back in October at the same time. They think it will be gone, but if not I might have surgery to remove it.

Lace&Pearls - I had an HSG a few months ago, and knew I'd talked about it on this thread some time ago so I went back to find it. I didn't have anti biotics, but mine was done under sterile surgical conditions (I wasn't allowed DH in with me as I've read others have, and I had to keep my hands crossed on my chest under a surgical blanket, where I've read others have been able to hold hands with a nurse or a partner during the proceedure). This was my experience...hope it helps!

Chedge - I also read a lot of stories about HSG on line and I really worked myself up about it (to the point of tears at the beginning of the procedure) which really didn't help!

First things first - the HSG is so quick! It was over in just a few minutes. Mine was very painful (severe cramping which made me nauseous) BUT it was totally controllable through breathing (and wiggling the big toe on my right foot throughout really seemed to help?!).

I have heard that the more painful, the more likely it is that there were blockages or part blockages that were flushed by the dye, but I don't know how true that is. My cramps lasted around 24hours but were more like normal menstrual pains after the HSG was complete and I had no bleeding afterwards. I think I was more emotionally drained than anything else from being so worked up about it. Now I know exactly what's involved and what to expect I would definitely do it again if I needed to, and I wouldn't be such a mess of nerves and tears next time!

Chances of conceiving go up in the 3 months following an HSG since everything is nice and clear - I would definitely talk to your OB about it. If he doesn't think you need one, ask him why. There might be a perfectly good reason, but better to ask incase it's something that might help you. Good luck!
Need some advice ladies. So I went for my early scan today and I should be 6 weeks 1 day, but I am only measuring 5 weeks 6 days and there was only a gestational sac. No yolk sac or anything else... she drew blood for betas and I go back Friday to redraw to make sure it is doubling. She also wants me to come back Monday for another scan, but of course I am expecting the worse. There should have at least been a yolk sac from what I have read. Anyone else with any previous experience is greatly appreciated.


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Lotusblooms - make sure to tell your dr about the 2 day period. Clomid can thin your lining so they might want to swap you to something that won't do that. Femara doesn't have that side effect I think.

Arohanui - glad the appointment went well & you have more clomid to be getting on with whilst you wait for ivf. Monitored cycles can be so reassuring!! Will they give you a trigger or just tell you when you're good to go?

Lace&pearls - I'm doing well thanks :) I'm 16 weeks now & beginning to believe this has actually happened for me. Hope you ladies can join me really soon on "the other side of clomid". And don't apologise for ranting - we all need to vent & this is the one place where people really understand.

Mommasboys - did you have an internal or external scan? Externals aren't very accurate at that stage. And 2 days in measurement is nothing! I had 5 early scans due to complications - sometimes I was 3 days behind & others I was four days ahead! And I know exactly when I ovulated. I'm hoping for good news for you :hugs:

Fern - good to hear from you & glad you are enjoying the break! Do you think you ov'd this cycle?? That would be fab!! Still thinking of you hun :flow:
Hi everyone

Aaawww, thanks for thinking of me. Yep I did have a good and proper O... but as I said it was from the side on which I have a blocked tube. I know there is a very small chance that the egg could migrate to the open tube but not likely. We were really also just playing around this cycle and although we had a lot of sex (not "trying" has made DH extra passionate lol); we did it like, standing up, me on top etc (sorry so much info)!! So not very good for ttc! But then again we weren't trying. I just took my temps to confirm O for interest sake, and am fully expecting AF on the 16th. Will try again next cycle but I don't know if I should start taking clomid again or not?? It also gave me a much shorter and lighter AF so I think it definitely influenced my lining? Maybe I will only take a 25mg :) but who knows! Taking things one cycle at a time for now. I still want to just do maybe 2 cycles and then take a proper break till next year but we'll see. I have 50mg tablets x 25 left...

DH has stopped talking about ttc. He was really into it and supportive last year; but a week or so ago, he admitted to me that he doesn't think it will ever happen. What can I say. We did decide to focus on the good things in life after all......... So I can't blame him for not wanting to focus on infertility anymore. In fact he has stopped praying for us to conceive and is instead praying for the health of my sister's twins (she is now about 16 weeks pregs).

Mommasboys- I really hope you have some good news to share soon!! Keep us updated when you have your betas done hun. Thinking of you so much. :flower:

K4th - glad to hear you are still doing well. Have you had any more bleeding or has it settled down since?

Arohanui - OK that's great to have a better plan for the next 3 months! Yay! Glad that you are also feeling more hopeful. I only had 1 CD10 scan once (only because I insisted on booking it) and it's nice to see the follies growing. FX for you!!

Lotusblooms - any news? The waiting game sucks!!! Hugs.

Lace&pearls - of course you can vent here :) this is what the thread is here for!:hugs: Glad you could book your hsg. Hope the planning and timing all works out (and, of course, that you rather get a bfp this cycle!).

Jaybee - any news from your side hun?

At least it's almost weekend!!! TTYL :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Jaybee - did you manage to have a cd28 progesterone test? You very possibly did O a little too late for your cd21 test to pick up. Did you monitor your BBT during this cycle? If yes, what did your temps do? Did you see an uplift? If not, I'd really recommend tracking it going forward as it will confirm O for you. (My BBT also gives me a signal the day before AF arrives, which I find less upsetting than the unwelcome surprise of AF itself). Keeping my fingers crossed for you!

Hello everyone!

I am sorry I haven't been able to write back much right now work is insane!! Still have my appt with RE 3/31!

Arohanui- Thank you! No unfortunately I didn't take BBT but I definitely am going to next time! I am still waiting on AF. I am trying to hold out on taking HPT til Saturday. I have like no symptoms lately at all!! I didn't have a CD 28 progesterone test. Maybe I will ask for that next cycle.

LotusBlooms-Yes that is good. My OB told me to take HPT when I was like CD32-34 so you should be close hopefully! Especially if you know you O'd on CD14-15!!

lace&pearls- Thanks! Just waiting for AF or BFP!! I am having 0 symptoms so just waiting for now.

Regarding my HSG it was really really painful for me and the assistant just told me to keep breathing and that helped. When I got up afterwards I felt okay. I didn't have much "leaking" as they said. I thought I could be strong and okay but it was really painful for me afterwards I had to laydown with a heating pad and take a lot of painkillers. I really didn't want to move once I laid down. I would say it's like a really bad period cramp that comes in waves. But it is worth it to have the peace of mind that your tubes are opened. I couldn't even get up to move some blankets. Luckily it was on a Friday so I didn't have work the next day.

Fern81- I am on CD 35:wacko:! I totally understand about the not wanting to talk about TTC. My DH said yesterday that he had a dream that we had adopted a son. Either way would be fine with me. But I was like wow. A lot of people in my life are pregnant too! But I have had dreams where I have one daughter and one son but who knows! Anyways you never know sometimes when you stop "trying" is when everything can fall into place :)
Hi all. I just finished my first clomid ovidrel cycle. I did judo mid my last baby. We are going for our final pregnancy.

I am on other clomid and assisted conception boards. I love the support. So may I join this one also?:shrug:
Arohanui- that's great you get to do more clomid cycles with monitoring! GL! How come you would go from clomid straight to ivf? Would you skip iui altogether?

I have a question for you ladies. I know I asked this before but I'm hoping to get a bit more info. When you stopped clomid, how did your first cycle compare to your pre clomid cycles? Longer? Shorter? Ovulation?
Before clomid my cycles were around 36-38 days, with ovulation in the mid 20s. On clomid my cycles were 29, 29 and 33 days with ov around day 18.
My iui orientation is booked for day 33 of this cycle. If I have a shorter cycle this month, it might be too late for iui next cycle. But if it's longer than 33 days, I'll be doing iui next cycle. Worried about missing 2 cycles! I've never wished for a longer cycle before hahahha.

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