Clomid club- any ladies on clomid please join x

Yes and she also said there is another sac behind them with possibly a 3rd baby! :shrug: She is also concerned with what looks like a baby that implanted in my tube so I go back Wednesday for another scan to make sure we don't have a baby in my tube and possibly a 3rd baby in my uterus. :wacko: I am so nervous and even more worried after today just thinking of the possibilities of what is to come. I was just thrilled with one baby but now two and possibly three oh my.


Whoa?!! That is one big u-turn from your post last week! Wow!! Really glad to hear that babies are doing ok. If you also have an ectopic what will they need to do?

Possibly three babies??!!!! :shock: congratulations!!! That is amazing news! I imagine it will take some getting used to! Keep up updated hun & look after yourself :flower:
I agree seems like a lot to ingest. But you will have lots of love surrounding you.

I do pray you are not experiencing any tubal pregnancy. Sorry to hear of this.

Please keep us posted and try not to worry until you have the next scan. I know it is easier said than done, but please try.
Yes and she also said there is another sac behind them with possibly a 3rd baby! :shrug: She is also concerned with what looks like a baby that implanted in my tube so I go back Wednesday for another scan to make sure we don't have a baby in my tube and possibly a 3rd baby in my uterus. :wacko: I am so nervous and even more worried after today just thinking of the possibilities of what is to come. I was just thrilled with one baby but now two and possibly three oh my.


Whoa?!! That is one big u-turn from your post last week! Wow!! Really glad to hear that babies are doing ok. If you also have an ectopic what will they need to do?

Possibly three babies??!!!! :shock: congratulations!!! That is amazing news! I imagine it will take some getting used to! Keep up updated hun & look after yourself :flower:

She said she would watch it as it may absorb back into my body, but if it continues to grow she will have to go in and remove it. I am praying for two healthy babies as we can not financially support three babies at one time (two is going to be rouh enough) but if we Have three we will figure something out. I am wondering why this happened though. I have never to my Knowledge had more than one baby at a time. I'm wondering if it could have been my ovary over working because I had the other one removed or if I still had the Clomid working it way out of my system which seems crazy.
Yes and she also said there is another sac behind them with possibly a 3rd baby! :shrug: She is also concerned with what looks like a baby that implanted in my tube so I go back Wednesday for another scan to make sure we don't have a baby in my tube and possibly a 3rd baby in my uterus. :wacko: I am so nervous and even more worried after today just thinking of the possibilities of what is to come. I was just thrilled with one baby but now two and possibly three oh my.


Whoa?!! That is one big u-turn from your post last week! Wow!! Really glad to hear that babies are doing ok. If you also have an ectopic what will they need to do?

Possibly three babies??!!!! :shock: congratulations!!! That is amazing news! I imagine it will take some getting used to! Keep up updated hun & look after yourself :flower:

She said she would watch it as it may absorb back into my body, but if it continues to grow she will have to go in and remove it. I am praying for two healthy babies as we can not financially support three babies at one time (two is going to be rouh enough) but if we Have three we will figure something out. I am wondering why this happened though. I have never to my Knowledge had more than one baby at a time. I'm wondering if it could have been my ovary over working because I had the other one removed or if I still had the Clomid working it way out of my system which seems crazy.

When did you last take clomid? It can stay in your system for a couple of months after your last dose. If I remember rightly - didn't you have a large cyst after your first cycle of clomid? Maybe it overstimulated you a bit?

Hope that if there is an ectopic, your body does it's thing & absorbs it up. I can understand the financial worry of triplets. I'm hoping everything works out in the best possible way for you and your family - be that two or three healthy babies - in a way you just don't know about yet :hugs: :flower:
I took Clomid the end of September and yes it caused a really big Cyst 12 cms. It actually caused me to lose my left ovary bc it twisted it. Just praying everything works out and we don't have to risk surgery this early in the pregnancy as I'm assuming there could be a lot of harm done to the babies.
I took Clomid the end of September and yes it caused a really big Cyst 12 cms. It actually caused me to lose my left ovary bc it twisted it. Just praying everything works out and we don't have to risk surgery this early in the pregnancy as I'm assuming there could be a lot of harm done to the babies.

:hugs: I know it's easier said than done, but worry won't help hun. Try to take your mind off it this weekend. :hugs: Will be thinking of you & hoping everything works out perfectly :flow:
OMW Mommasboys! Please keep us updated. Just take it easy and be kind to yourself!

I need your advice ladies. I'm out, as expected, started spotting so AF should be here soon. My dilemma is this: I really don't know what to do next. I'm praying about it but I still have no clear idea.
My three options are:
* Trying a low dose clomid again
* Trying without clomid
* Going back on birth control pill... that might sound strange but I've had cramps for the past 2 cycles every single day. Today my left ovary (the one that is worst affected by endo) is very very sore. My back hurts. All those things make me suspect my endo is back. Cramping and spotting and feeling tired all the time is really dragging me down. So if I go back on bcp it will suppress the endo to a degree. ALSO, I won't have false hope every month and that will probably improve my quality of life. (I plan on making an appointment with an endo specialist for June, in any case.)

Now if I stop trying, the benefits are obvious as I described above. I really, really want to stop trying. The only downside is that my 1% chance of ever falling pregnant will become 0%. I'm scared that I would blame myself for making that decision one day when I'm too old to have kids at all.

Please give me your honest advice! I'm also going to post on a few other threads that I've started following but this thread has been my main lifeline for the past 7 months since starting clomid.

I am praying that we have a baby but that God's will be done and that He gives me peace of mind with whatever road is the right road. I trust that your opinions will be part of an answer to that prayer.
Fern - how about another option. How about birth control for a month or two and then a clomid cycle? Your sister caught straight off bcp and it's supposed to be a very fertile time when your ovaries are very sensitive to hormonal changes. So... You would get a nice break, let your endo flare go down, have a lovely quality of life & then fire up for super ov with clomid straight after bcp. I know some gynae's here insist on it & I *think* it's often part if an ivf cycle - so I'm sure there's a good evidence based reason for it.

Best of both worlds?

Sorry you're out this month :hugs:
Congratulations mommasboys! That's great news. I know that a multiple pregnancy comes with it's own set of worries, but try to only think of the positives. I have to admit I have a tinge of the green eyed monster - by the end of the year you could have five wonderful kids at home! That's amazing! How do you think your boys will cope with new twins or triplets? It'll be a big change for you all!

Fern - that's a really hard decision. How many rounds of Clomid have you done and what breaks have you already had? I know that TTC is a full time occupation and completely all consuming and it's not healthy to stay on clomid for an extended period of time. You also need to consider your mental health - as someone described on another thread, TTC is a life crises. We deal with the feelings of loss, guilt, depression, hopelessness, worthlessness, despair and mourning every month, and that's a hard thing for anyone to deal with long term. However, as you've already identified, you may feel a real sense of guilt later if you stop now. If you decide to stop TTC and go back onto BCP will you look at other options (surrogacy, adoption etc.)? I know if someone said I could adopt a baby tomorrow, I would. I don't think you have to give birth to a child to love it or to have that special bond. I'm not a religious person, but if I were, I would consider that God's plan may be for you to give a wonderful life and love to a vulnerable child/children. You're obviously a wonderful person (I can tell by the way you support me and others on this thread) and you should be a mum, whether that's to your own child or someone else's. That probably hasn't helped at all in making your decision though, has it!
Hi ladies. I wondered if I could join, please? Starting clomid 50mg for the first time next cycle days 2-6.
Hi ladies. I wondered if I could join, please? Starting clomid 50mg for the first time next cycle days 2-6.

Hi Laur! Of course great to have you. You are in the cysters group and are always supportive. Happy clomid cycle and BFP results!
Fern I'm so sorry hun that is a hard decision to make. I had finally decided to ntnp and ended up pregnant that month. I honestly do think it has a lot to do with the stress of ttc. Maybe K4th has a good idea the the bcp for a few months to help you out and then a cycle of clomid. Praying you find the answers you are looking for.

Arohanui thanks hun! My kids are super excited as they have wanted a little sister for awhile. I just don't want them to be disappointed if the unthinkable happens again or if they don't get their little sister. I'm sure a brother would be with them they just don't know it yet lol. My oldest almost 10 has already said one of the babies is his to take care of. He has always loved babies and told me from the day we found out that it was going to be twins. Still trying to figure out exactly how he knew that one. ;)
Hi everyone

Thanks for the support, the time you have taken to reply to a difficult question is really appreciated. I wanted some outside opinions (bigger picture) to help me make this personal decision and you ladies have been very helpful. Have also talked to DH and my sister extensively, and have come to a decision for now.
I'm going to try and schedule the appt for the endometriosis specialist asap, but it will still take a few months. The previous bcp that I've been on was prescribed by my GP; I want the specialist to prescribe something specifically helpful for endo. In the mean time, we are going to ttc this month with low dose clomid (!), probably take a break from clomid again next month and see what happens. DH and I decided (again) to not plan too far ahead. I can always go back on bcp for a while and ttc after that again. But I have decided to get professional advice as to which bcp will be the best for this painful endo situation.
We also approached my sister about the possibility of her being a surrogate, and talked about maybe doing ivf one day (I don't really want to go that route but we will see how we feel if still no bfp in another couple of years!). DH is still dead set against adoption. For now we are still going to focus on what's good in life and wait to see the dr before making other decisions.

Mommasboys - Can't wait to hear your news on Wednesday. Just know that if you should ever need our support, we will be right here!!!

Laura - you are very welcome!!

Hope everyone is doing really well xxx.
:hugs: fern. Sounds like you've had some tough conversations & reflections. Glad you have a plan (I know how much you like a plan in place lol!). & it sounds like a good one. I wish you so much luck this cycle!!!

How did your sister react to the surrogacy question? Just curious - hoping & praying you won't need that option :hugs:
Thankyou for the warm welcome, ladies :) Excited to start clomid. We've been trying for basically three years now, so very ready to move this journey forward. My Dr seems to think clomid will work easily as I have got pregnant by myself before, but we will see
sorry I have been absent for a few days x I started replying the other day and kept getting interrupted.

Thank you for everyone's support about the HSG, it means a lot :hugs:

Fern your decisions sound well thought out to me, (not that I am an expert of course) how do you and OH feel at the moment? x it sounds like you are keeping your options open xxx

mommasboys how are you doing? hope all is ok.

welcome to laura :) x

AFM I am hoping to ovulate soon :-s bit worried as I am cd19 and my OPKs haven't been positive yet. I had a + this morning but I think that may have been because it was early. Since then I've been getting close to positive but not quite. Bit worried though as this is what my body used to do before clomid ~seemingly gear up to ovulate but perhaps not manage it. I have had some other signs though - EWCM and tender boobs so I hope that's a good sign. Fingers crossed for a + OPK tomorrow! This is my 3rd consecutive round NOT on clomid so for me it was very unusual (and great!) to have 2 regular 32 day cycles in a row without meds. I'm hoping my body will do it's thing and for a 3rd time maybe. If anything just at least so I can get this darn HSG done. if I Ovulate late it's going to cause problems :dohh: (here's hoping I ovulate at all though)

I have been having a couple of doubts as well lately - my OH has just been accepted for a new job which means if we did fall pregnant soon he probably wouldn't get paternity leave, I did think about possibly taking a break but I don't know I feel we might regret this. I guess we can't make a decision really until we see the FS in April if OH's sperm tests come back and the results aren't good then I imagine we will feel differently. It's difficult, I wonder if you all feel like this too, I feel like I'm not in control of my own life sometimes? like we have booked a holiday for next may, if I didn't have fertility issues I would possibly take a break for a couple of months so we weren't due around then and wouldn't lose the deposit (and the holiday!) but I feel like "beggars can't be choosers" and obviously I would give anything up to have another baby, but I also would just like to be able to plan a little bit you know.
Lace&pearls - I think all those signs point to imminent ovulation :). Hope it happens at the right time so as not to interfere with the hsg! x You don't temp, right? BTW I totally understand what you mean about not feeling in control of your own life anymore! We want to plan an overseas trip, get a home loan, I want to buy a car and all of those need to be planned around a possible pregnancy which may or may not happen :/!! GL hun.... I hope for your sake that nature takes the decision out of (both of our) hands and that we just get our bfp!

K4th - I told my sister "I want to ask you to consider something for maybe a few years from now...". I didn't even get to the part of surrogacy before she said "You want to ask me to be a surrogate. Please don't ask me this now." Which is understandable. She is uncomfortably pregnant with twins so obviously she doesn't want to think about doing it again lol!!! Apparently my one cousin said that she would consider doing it. Hmmm. Hopefully I can convince at least one member of my huge family to do this for me one day (since NO-ONE else is infertile).

Obviously I also hope that I don't need that option :)

Love and hugs to everyone xx Monday is almost over!
Hi ladies,
I've fallen behind with this thread. I've been trying to stay away from the whole forum this cycle and give myself a break (as much as possible lol) while we wait for our iui to start.
I had asked everyone about ovulation after stopping clomid. So I thought I'd update you. I'm day 19 and just got a positive opk, am super crampy and my back and hips ache. So ov tomorrow. Which puts me in line to ovulate with my clomid cycles and not my natural cycles.
Hope you are all doing well!
Lace&pearls and timetotry- hope you ladies are both in the tww now! Hope to hear some good news soon. X

Mommasboys- thinking of you! Let us know how your scan went today!!!

I started 50mg clomid last night. Hope it leads to something.
I'm on CD16 and no positive OPK yet. :( When I had my mid-cycle u/s at CD11 I only had 2 follicle, 10mm and 12mm. Trying not to give up hope but I think this cycle is a bust.

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