Clomid club- any ladies on clomid please join x

Arohanui- that's great you get to do more clomid cycles with monitoring! GL! How come you would go from clomid straight to ivf? Would you skip iui altogether?

I have a question for you ladies. I know I asked this before but I'm hoping to get a bit more info. When you stopped clomid, how did your first cycle compare to your pre clomid cycles? Longer? Shorter? Ovulation?
Before clomid my cycles were around 36-38 days, with ovulation in the mid 20s. On clomid my cycles were 29, 29 and 33 days with ov around day 18.
My iui orientation is booked for day 33 of this cycle. If I have a shorter cycle this month, it might be too late for iui next cycle. But if it's longer than 33 days, I'll be doing iui next cycle. Worried about missing 2 cycles! I've never wished for a longer cycle before hahahha.

Hi hun

I think everyone is different. I've had cycles range from 28-35 days before clomid, and cycles 28-35 days WITH clomid. This cycle (off clomid) has been kind of normal length so far with O on CD 16 and I'm expecting a 14 day LP again.

I think the way the doctors planned yours take your average cycle length both on and off clomid into consideration nicely.... I know it's difficult and stressful to not know EXACTLY what to expect. I felt the same way about the planning for lap&dye last year! All you can do is plan to the best of your ability and then let nature take its course!! GL!!
:hi: mommmie - you're very welcome here :)

Timetotry - I had a break last summer and my last clomid cycle had been 39 days - ov'd cd 31 and my clomid free cycle was 48 days, ov'd cd 38. So longer for me off clomid. When I started again I was put on a higher dose to make me ov sooner.

Good luck :)
Hi Everyone, hope you are all having a good day so far.

Arohanui- I wanted to acknowledge your post about being frustrated about your insurance coverage. I completely understand. It is the same for those of us who are in British Columbia in Canada. Our initial visits are covered but anything beyond, IUI and IVF are not. It is frustrating to feel left out of consideration when we see surgeries for all kinds of other things that don't seem immediately necessary being funded. I will be keeping you in my prayers for the clomid to work so that you don't have to even think about other options. I am so glad that you will be monitored now! It will be nice for you to know what is happening and know that your doc is paying attention!

K4th-Thank you for your recommendation! My first concern about my two day period last month was the lining, that very well could be what it is doing. I may switch to femara.

Mommasboys-I have no idea what to tell you as I have not been pregnant yet but I will send lots of good energy your way.

Fern-Are you upset that your DH has stopped praying and keeping faith that it will happen? Mine has been on and off interested as well, though this year he has renewed interest. Most likely that is because I will be 39 this year so our window of opportunity will be closing for good, it's now or never for us! I found it frustrating that he wasn't interested and didn't want to hear about it for so many months. He agreed to try and then didn't want to talk about it, not even to know when the time was. I took a break from caring over the summer and then he started asking questions and getting interested again. It is fascinating to me the vast differences between couples and their reactions and attitudes when ttc. It's a good thing my mother didn't have any trouble conceiving, my father never wanted kids so there is no way my brother and I would have been born if it weren't for their "accidents"!

Regarding your clomid mg question, I think it would be good for you to consult your doc regarding the clomid dosage. I think 25mg is so low, it may not do much for you but everyone responds to it differently. I am sending you lots of hugs!

Lace&Pearls-I am crossing my fingers first that you get your BFP and don't have to bother with anything else and secondly that you have a good cycle if you don't get your BFP and that you don't have to cancel. I am so glad that your OH will be there!! It made a big difference for me emotionally.

Mommie- Welcome!

Today is CD 33, 17 or 18 dpo and I am spotting a very small amount, only when I wipe and not every time. I really don't feel pregnant at all, I think clomid may have thinned my lining. I called the fertility clinic yesterday and my doc ordered bloodwork. I am supposed to hear from them about the results today. I would love to get a "you're pregnant" but I just really don't think I will. It is really crazy to experience this after being perfectly regular all my life. Gives me great compassion for those of you women who have had irregular cycles. I am working on being kind to my body instead of being frustrated with it. Lots of deep breaths and perspective shifts. :thumbup:

Here's to a day of goodness for all of you!
So I am so confused my hcg level today from my blood work Wednesday was 9000. My doctor said you should see a yolk sac n heartbeat with an hcg level of 1500 but from what I have read that is not exactly true. Will find out Monday of they are doubling and will have another scan done. Not to optimistic after the way the doctor acted today though.
So I am so confused my hcg level today from my blood work Wednesday was 9000. My doctor said you should see a yolk sac n heartbeat with an hcg level of 1500 but from what I have read that is not exactly true. Will find out Monday of they are doubling and will have another scan done. Not to optimistic after the way the doctor acted today tho i ch.(

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

No one ever checked my hcg so I can't help you out there. Thinking of you though & hoping Monday brings you good news :flow:
So I am so confused my hcg level today from my blood work Wednesday was 9000. My doctor said you should see a yolk sac n heartbeat with an hcg level of 1500 but from what I have read that is not exactly true. Will find out Monday of they are doubling and will have another scan done. Not to optimistic after the way the doctor acted today tho i ch.(

Oh Mommasboys! I have my fingers crossed for you that everything works out fine. We are here for you!
I *should* be doing work right now...but I wanted to share that the fertility clinic called and my bloods look "great" and the doc wants me to take provera to induce a bleed. At least I knew I wasn't pregnant! There is a little part of me that hoped but I am not as disappointed as I would have been if I had really felt pregnant.

I am not clear about how everything looks "great" but now I have to take more medication to induce a bleed. Seems like there is something wrong if I am not longer bleeding on my own...

Anyone else have an experience like this or experience with Provera? That is really a new thing for me. I will go look it up, AFTER I get some work done :wacko:
Lotusbloom - I've used provera loads of times! It's been a while but I think you take about 5 tablets on 5 consecutive days & then 5-10 days after your last tablet you start your "period". I had no side effects - all easy peasy!

Yay for kick starting your clomid journey :happydance:
Hi ladies

Lotusblooms - a long reply to you: :)

Naw I'm not upset with DH at all. He hasn't lost faith. We have prayed for a child, God heard and will give us one IF and when it is the right time. Which means that if it doesn't happen then it is STILL His will for some reason and not something that we are doing wrong; so we just have to make peace with that. It's not easy but that's how we choose to look at it - with faith. It was just interesting for me that DH stopped talking about it and stopped asking me how my temps are, etc. But I can't blame him.

I'm not going back to my gynae for fertility issues either. She is not too clued up and I have to pay R500 every time I just SEE her; and have to wait for 3-4 hours at a time in the waiting area because she is always running behind. I've learned MUCH more about infertility on there boards than from her. In fact I had to insist on her doing hsg, u/s, etc; after doing my own research! She never offered.
I also had to decide by myself to increase my clomid dose to 100mg last year, she was just never available to answer any questions after just telling me that I didn't O on 50mg (going solely on CD21 tests, without telling me what the tests were for). (By the way that cycle was 35 days long so if I DID O it was probably not even on day14!). She also never told me to track my cycles, nothing. I think she is useless when it comes to ttc advice and treatment BUT she was OK when doing the lap&dye.

If I have endo issues again or if I ever fall pregnant I will go to a different dr.

In a nutshell, I will be self medicating ;) if I do clomid again! We are also not going to see an infertility specialist atm. For NOW, we want to use our money on things that actually have a chance of yielding happy results.... like buying our first house etc.

Provera is not that bad. I took it once before starting clomid for the first time... (again I don't know WHY my dr prescribed it because on the day I went for the consult, I was already on CD3, after always getting AF on my own..... stupid dr....)

Sorry for venting away about my dr.... your assumption that I could even ask her about the clomid dose just got me fuming (at her!) again lol.

I'm happy for you that you will be starting your official clomid journey soon!!! Even though I'm on a break on and off, I will still be cheering you ladies on because I'm not quite ready to let go of the ttc boards yet :haha:!! :hugs:

Hope everyone has a good relaxing weekend!
Temp drop, spotting ... I know the drill by now! Expecting AF by this afternoon.

Did anyone notice their cycles getting shorter each round on Clomid and O date getting earlier each cycle? My first three clomid cycles were 37, 34 and 32days with O on CD22, CD16 and CD14. I'm glad, if nothing else, that my cycles are getting shorter so I don't have to wait as long between BFP attempts!

Hope everyone else is doing well.

Mommasboys - I'll be thinking of you tomorrow. Good luck, hun.
Temp drop, spotting ... I know the drill by now! Expecting AF by this afternoon.

Did anyone notice their cycles getting shorter each round on Clomid and O date getting earlier each cycle? My first three clomid cycles were 37, 34 and 32days with O on CD22, CD16 and CD14. I'm glad, if nothing else, that my cycles are getting shorter so I don't have to wait as long between BFP attempts!

Hope everyone else is doing well.

Mommasboys - I'll be thinking of you tomorrow. Good luck, hun.

:hugs: sorry the witch got you :hugs:

My cycles got longer on 50mg clomid. Then my dose was changed & they got shorter again you have a great lp!!
Hope you have a nice cycle arohanui. ... a 9 month one :). Awesome that you can find some positivity in all this.

Mommasboys, all the best for tomorrow. I hope you have some very good news for us. Thinking of you!

I'm looking forward to starting this year's laboratory activities & experiments with my students on Friday. I hope that I'm so busy this week that I don't have time to actively tww! Must admit I have been symptom spotting a bit; hating it cause I'm supposedly on a break. ... and I know I'm not pregs. Anyway, I love the way progesterone is making my boobs huge :) but hate that they are so painful! Man. One more week of this!!!!

Ok so I will do my best to stick to the break for the rest of the week; no symptom spotting allowed! But will check in for your news Mommasboys!
So after being sick way too much this season and being really tired of focusing so much on something that's not becoming a reality right now, I'm taking a break. I'm still going to get all the testing I need when I get the money because I need to figure out what is wrong and have a normal ovulating cycle.
So, I'm going to focus on our biz, moving in Sept., losing weight so I can be one hot momma when the time comes, traveling, and basically everything ELSE in life there is to enjoy and work towards.
Love you girls, you've been a God send during this time and I hope you all get your bfp's really soon! (I'm sure I will still stalk this thread ;) )
Til next time... Ash
So after being sick way too much this season and being really tired of focusing so much on something that's not becoming a reality right now, I'm taking a break. I'm still going to get all the testing I need when I get the money because I need to figure out what is wrong and have a normal ovulating cycle.
So, I'm going to focus on our biz, moving in Sept., losing weight so I can be one hot momma when the time comes, traveling, and basically everything ELSE in life there is to enjoy and work towards.
Love you girls, you've been a God send during this time and I hope you all get your bfp's really soon! (I'm sure I will still stalk this thread ;) )
Til next time... Ash

I will miss you but respect your decision. Life is too short to waste on sadness. Just wanted to thank you for all your support as well. I truly believe that when the time is right, you will have your babies!
Have lots of fun focusing on the OTHER great things in life. It's worth it! If you want to travel to South Africa let me know ;)!

Lots of love!! :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
If you guys are interested check out this thread
Mommasboys - any news? I'm thinking of you hun x

How is everyone else?

No news here. Working really hard, which is good... and just waiting for next cycle so I can decide whether to ttc, ntnp, take clomid again, or whatever.

Miss the thread!! xxx
:hi: fern. I miss this thread too - well, the good bits!! Lovely people, wonderful support!! Still cheering you all on & thinking of you all!! Let us all know what you do next cycle. Still so thrilled you ov'd on your own :happydance:

Mommasboys - still thinking of you too. Hope there was good news :hugs:
Well ladies sorry for the wait I had to change my appointment to today instead of Monday. And boy was I really shocked to find out we are having twins. :happydance: Thanks for asking how I was doing ladies.

Fern I hope you figure out the best way to go about this month fx.


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Thanks K4th!

Mommasboys, wooowwwww!!!!!! That is so amazing. And it seems like identical twins!? So excited for you! Keep us updated with scan pics! Xxxx
Yes and she also said there is another sac behind them with possibly a 3rd baby! :shrug: She is also concerned with what looks like a baby that implanted in my tube so I go back Wednesday for another scan to make sure we don't have a baby in my tube and possibly a 3rd baby in my uterus. :wacko: I am so nervous and even more worried after today just thinking of the possibilities of what is to come. I was just thrilled with one baby but now two and possibly three oh my.

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