Clomid club- any ladies on clomid please join x

Thank you guys SO MUCH for the words of encouragement :). I really do appreciate it so much. I can talk to some of my family members and friends but ONLY you other ltttc ladies truly understand. I also appreciate every word of advice that I know you all share from the heart, just to try and help!! You ladies are all gems. xxxx

Congrats lwoo and yay mrsmccurdy!!! Finally, hopefully a way forward for you! And SarahLou - happy that you are feeling positive again hun.

Nimbec - a special hi to you. Thinking of you often too, so sorry that you didn't get to do ivf :(. Just sending you so many hugs hun.

So counseling starts today. I've also rebooted the positive thinking process.... it's not something that just comes by itself (for me at least), I have to work at it! Like my on-off exercise and diet regime. Back on and working hard at it. Hoping to learn a few new coping tricks in the next few weeks as well.

Still curious to see if black cohosh did the trick of thickening my uterine lining. AF due next week Friday. Guess we'll see then!
Fern - how did your first counselling session go? Did you talk through your concerns regarding your upcoming specialist appointment? Thinking of you, hun :hugs:
Hello all!

I am on my second month of clomid, 50mg no ovulation. This time I'm on 100mg and had two follicle tracking scans on day11 and day15 and there was no response by follicles. They did find a 3cm cyst that wasn't their in November.

However my chart indicates ovulation on day18. I had cramps in both ovaries that I have never felt before and since then my temperature has been up.

Is it possible for an egg to have developed in 3 days? Has anyone experience this? I have progesterone blood test on Monday.

Any opinions gratefully received xx
Hi all

Arohanui - thank you! In the counseling sessions we are focusing more on coping mechanisms and acceptance. Really worth it. Hope you are doing well!

LouOscar - weird what happened to you! If it was me I would have assumed that they got the dimensions of the cyst wrong... that it was indeed a ripe follicle (my doctors seem to make mistakes all the time). But who knows? That hasn't happened to me personally, but I do think you ovulated and I hope you manage to get that bfp on few days :)!
So I heard back from my doc about blood work results. Everything was normal except my vitamin D is really low. I've been doing a lot of reading on it and it seems that vitamin could be the problem because a deficiency actually suppresses ovulation and tampers with uterine function(which has been my biggest problems). But it seems too easy, just take a pill once a day, build up something I need anyways and be normal again? Too simple... Granted I'd be sooooo grateful if that really is the case but I guess I just assumed it would be harder...
Has anyone else had experience with low vitamin D? What did that doc have you do and what were the results?
Thanks ladies for being supportive and being your wonderful selves! :)
CD13 today and blazing positive OPKs.

Worryingly, I have had No CM this month. Not even creamy. I only started getting EWCM once I started on evening primrose and green tea - and the last three months I've had a little EWCM, but this month nothing :(
I know clomid can dry everything up - has it finally caught up with me?
And is there anything ELSE I can do in future? More green tea? A higher dose of EPO?
CD13 today and blazing positive OPKs.

Worryingly, I have had No CM this month. Not even creamy. I only started getting EWCM once I started on evening primrose and green tea - and the last three months I've had a little EWCM, but this month nothing :(
I know clomid can dry everything up - has it finally caught up with me?
And is there anything ELSE I can do in future? More green tea? A higher dose of EPO?

I used cough syrup for 4-5 days before ov to increase my cm. It wasn't proper ewcm, but it did make it much more watery with some stretchy bits. I used the one with guifanasen (sp?) as the only active ingredient. It tasted disgusting :sick: but it did the trick for us :thumbup: good luck hun!
In need of signature shows the gist of my story. This has been an interesting cycle. I am currently dpo 16, longest luteal phase has been 14, however temps are consistently going down and have some slight spotting, with 3 bpn, so I am thinking I am out this month. We consulted an re and we know that if we use assisted methods he recommends medicated cycles with a trigger shot to start; that process is started as soon as I call and say I want it. There are many thoughts in my head though and dh is pretty much leaving the decision with me so I am seeking opinions. My thoughts are a bit random but its what they are. :)

* I am pervasively haunted with the fear that we will never be successful.
* This process is definitely taking an emotional toll on me.
* After treatment for polyps and endometritis we have only had 2 true attempts.
* Polyps seem to have come back already, but they are small and re said they may be no concern.
* I am now 34 and feel that time is running.
* I am a teacher so fertility treatments could be difficult during the school year, I am currently on summer break....if we start sooner we could have more attempts before the school year started.
* Cycles since surgery have changed becoming more painful and heavy....concerned that something else may happening but hope not.

What has affected your choices to pursue assisted methods or not to? What are your thoughts?
Hiya ladies :hi:
Would love to join you guys if that's ok.

A little bit of history although some is in my siggy.

Ttc ds for 5 years, took a while to be diagnosed with pcos and anovulatory cycles but had to have a lap and dye and lose lots of weight before being prescribed clomid. I responded really well to to in and conceived my ds on my third cycle. Charted for a while after having ds as you hear lots of stories of being fertile after having a child but wasn't having ovulatory cycles. So I was more than surprised to get a bfp in Jan 13 when my ds was just over 1. Sadly we had a mmc at 10 weeks and after a long break to recover have been trying with no luck.

I'm currently on my second round of clomid, 50mg CD2-6 and for some reason haven't ovulated this cycle. I am so confused! Every cycle I've ever taken of clomid even when ttc ds1 I ovulated on CD15 without fail. I have one more cycle and then a review so going to ask to go up to 100mg. I've given up on O now this cycle. I had days of positive opk and 2 separate peak fertility on my clearblue.

Oh I am also taking part in the clearblue trials.

Thanks for taking the time out to read, will be lovely to chat to people also experiencing similar obstacles and also seeing some lovely bfps keeping hope alive x
Hi all

So next week Thursday I'm going to see the new fertility specialist. Have had my thyroid retested on Friday (waiting for the results) since he will probably want to have it tested again and I have to do it twice a year regardless... thought I'd get it out of the way. In the meantime, my maternal cousin told me she couldn't conceive because of a septum in her uterus (no other doctors had been able to pick it up but finally someone saw it on a hsg). My own mom also couldn't conceive because of the same problem. Wondering if I might also have it? No dr has ever checked for it specifically. So far I've decided to ask the new dr to check my uterine lining (doesn't seem like black cohosh did much there), check my estrogen and progesterone levels (Post-O temps are getting lower and lower each cycle and lots of LP spotting). Also I'm going to ask for an hsg specifically to check my tubes again and to check if a uterine septum is present. Hoping to be able to afford all those tests, as well as any other tests he wants me to have.... I suppose then we can decide on what to do next. Personally I am not ready for IUI or IVF (definitely not financially, in any case).

So that's me atm. Great news is that I coped well with the arrival of AF this past cycle and really feel much more peaceful; all the counseling and cognitive behavioral self-therapy (lol) seems to be working at the moment at least. I do realize that I will have to keep it up and renew the hard work at being positive every single day... for the rest of my life regardless of whether I'm ever able to conceive or not. It's so easy to slip into depression again... but for now it's wonderful to feel more and more at peace. If anyone wants to chat to me about it specifically, feel free to PM me.

MrsMcCurdy - I really hope vit D supplements make a huge difference for you! Have you noticed any changes? I haven't had a vit D problem so far so can't comment on it. (Lots of sunshine in South Africa!). FX!!!

Kittyktchn - I've tried black cohosh now without clomid and it seems to have done nothing for me. But I did take a very low dose and only for 6 days. Have read that it helps to counteract the negative effects of clomid eg. thinning uterine lining and drying up CM. Maybe ask your dr about it? Other suggestions: Preseed or conceive plus (lubricant), lots and lots of water, a mucolytic (guafenesin). Hope you find something that helps for you.

Dede - Hi there, I totally understand the confusion and second-guessing each decision when it comes to ttc! For me personally, financial issues have played a big role in how far I'm willing to go with AR. Also, I want to focus on other things beside ttc and not have it consume my life too much so I don't want to spend every waking moment getting tests, procedures, bills, false hope etc. (I have been trying for many years so I've realised that coming to terms with infertility is, for me, as important as fertility treatment). I've decided to focus on coping first and foremost, and in the background start seeing a new specialist & slowly taking things from there; only doing what I'm comfortable with. But that's my personal decision... it is a question that each of us has to battle with for ourselves. All the best with whatever you decide.

PrincessTaz - Seems like you did O even though you had a bit of a weird cycle. :) Really hope your bfp comes soon!!

Hi everyone else! Hope you are all well.

4 weeks till my sister's twins are here. I'm so excited.
Hi Everyone

Welcome new ladies! I agree with Fern its a tough journey but she gave great advice!

Fern I'm so pleased you feel at peace currently, personally the deamons are getting me a bit currently!!! Bfn today didn't help ive also had LP spotting from 5dpo onwards and have been given cyclogest (progesterone) which has totally stopped it so I'd def recommend giving that a go as it's not expensive. No real news here other than unless I do IVF things are not at all looking great we are again discussing it but financially I'm not sure it's the right thing to do - hey ho same old story here!!

Hi everyone else hope you are all ok?!!
Hi all,

Fern - I'm really pleased you're going to an appointment soon to see if you can get some answers :hugs: Hope it's a positive appointment for you. How's the house stuff going? Do you have a moving date yet?

Nimbec - lovely to hear from you hun! Sorry you're having a hard time at the moment :hugs: :hugs: The cost of ivf is huge & I remember having worries about "wasted money" if it didn't work when we were contemplating it - especially with another little one around to think about. I really hope you can find something that works for you & you family :flower:

Afm - not long to go now before my clomid baby arrives. I've finished work now so I'm back to sitting around & symptom spotting (just for labour this time instead of the tww!!). I'll update if anything happens.

Hi to the new ladies. Clomid & ttc is hugely challenging. Good luck & sending lots of :dust: to all you lovely ladies. Hoping that this thread is littered with :bfp: :bfp: :bfp: soon!
Hey fern, I'm glad you're doing the appointment. Definitely helps at least feel productive. :)
As far as the vitamin D, I do feel like it's helping in some ways like I have been smiling and laughing more, I just feel happier. I've now been bleeding nonstop for 91 days but it's gotten lighter since about 3-4 days after I started taking Vit D which is great! I'm sleeping better, and am not such a grump in the mornings(which my hubby really loves! Haha) something else I've noticed and I'm not sure if or how it is related but my boobs have been hurting quite a bit the last few days. Maybe my hormones are trying to balance? Not sure...
I have since found out though that low Vit D can be hereditary, and my brother, maternal grandmother and great grandmother are low and taking Vit D, thought that was interesting. I'm hoping more positives keep coming, I'd really like to stop bleeding and ovulate! Still seems so frustrating sometimes...

K4th- I hope you don't go crazy sitting at home but it is exciting you're almost there! Keep us updated!!

nimbec- I hope you come to an answer that is best for all aspects, feeling stuck can get so frustrating. Thinking of you girl.
Girls, we need more BFPs!!!
CD13 today and blazing positive OPKs.

Worryingly, I have had No CM this month. Not even creamy. I only started getting EWCM once I started on evening primrose and green tea - and the last three months I've had a little EWCM, but this month nothing :(
I know clomid can dry everything up - has it finally caught up with me?
And is there anything ELSE I can do in future? More green tea? A higher dose of EPO?

Hi kittykitchn - this reply is a little late, but just wanted to say don't worry too much about EWCM. I know all the websites and books say you can't conceive without it, but I had absolutely no CM at all on clomid, let alone EWCM. I tried a lot of different things to help, drinking plenty of water, drinking pineapple and grapefruit juice, taking evening primrose oil, taking fish oil, even the cough medicine - nothing helped! But I got my BFP on my 6th clomid round with no CM for 6 months - so conceiving is still possible!
Fern - that's interesting about your cousin, good idea to mention it? x
when is your appointment?

Mrs McCurdy - have you had your HSG yet? I had one recently and I was dreading it - it really wasn't that bad, bit like a smear test (pap smear??)
it was a little painful for about a minute but totally worth it and I am a big wimp lol! how is the vit d going? I have heard of low levels of vit d causing problems in pregnancy / developmental complications. I hadn't realised it was so important. I've just bought some folic acid which also has vitamin D in it :thumbup:

Aro - how are you doing? have you had any appointments yet?

AFM I have my very long awaited appointment with FS on Friday... My OH has the day off work for it :happydance: (fingers, toes, everything crossed they don't mess me about again!) it's been cancelled 3 times so far so I've been waiting to see someone since January :growlmad: my last appointment was in september. I was talking to my OH about this morning and now I'm starting to feel a bit anxious about it all. If my OH's sperm tests come back and aren't great I imagine they will suggest IVF? which we can't afford :( well we could save up but it would take a very long time. So now I have this underlying tension I can feel. I should just relax I know. Worrying won't make it any better. It's just concerning me a bit that I took clomid for 4 months at the end of last year and although it seemed to make me ovulate (positive OPK and AF 14 days later) I didn't fall pregnant.
Also I've been getting a lot of spotting lately... is it possible this is due to low progesterone?? I've been doing slimming world and lost 16.5 lbs :thumbup: :happydance: so now my BMI is 25. So I'm hoping the FS will be pleased about that! ... but the spotting has got worse since the weight loss... has anyone else had this???

I hope I don't seem selfish. If we can't have anymore children, of course I will be eternally grateful that I do have my daughter xxx I just don't like the anticipation / not knowing ? x
LaceandPearls - I'm very well thank you. Got my booking appointment this Thursday and my first scan on the 16th July (it cannot come soon enough!). We are still nervous that there may be something wrong (especially as my early pregnancy symptoms have all but disappeared) we still haven't told any family or friends, but it's becoming more difficult to keep the secret!

I really hope your appointment goes ahead on Friday - it's really not fair that you have waited this long for a follow up appointment. Let us know how it goes :flower:
Hi there all you lovely ladies

Ooooh Lace&pearls we will have our appointments back-to-back! Mine is tomorrow afternoon (Thursday). I am so nervous I can't sleep. I really hope they don't move your appointment out again and that you will FINALLY get a new treatment plan. Please keep us all updated!

Aw Nimbec my heart goes out to you hun. Are you getting any type of fertility treatment atm except for progesterone? Will you be taking clomid again at all? I seem to remember that you had already taken it for a year?

Arohanui - hope that time just flies by until your first scan. And I really hope that all is well hun!!! Lots of hugs xxx

MrsMcCurdy - what did the dr say about the insane number of days that you have been bleeding? I am so glad to hear that you are feeling better from the vitamin D hun.

Hi to the pregnant ladies and I hope some of the others on the thread can also join in soon!

My sister just went into labour @ 34 weeks after a very stressful and busy weekend when her idiotic inlaws just dropped in unannounced, stayed for 4 days and kept her on her feet all weekend. So worried about her :/
Hi ladies! I'm new to the Chlomid club, and I'm extremely nervous. I haven't had a chance to read through this threads pages.. but I was wondering if you ladies could give me a shortened version of what to expect?

DH and I have been rotating from ttc to ntnp for 3-4 years now (I've lost track). Until this point there has just been testing and then doctors telling us that they feel we are still young and to give it another 6 months.

I literally just phoned into my doctor to say it's day 1 of my cycle (that's what he said to do). So, I'm starting Chlomid this month.

Eeks! :help::wacko:
After a month of femara (plus 3 days of Bravelle shots), I am back to clomid (and also 3 days Bravelle shots). I liked that I slept amazing while on the femara, but it increased my lining too much and I only had one mature follicle. I've been going between 2 of the REs in this practice & the lady RE reviewed my file before I came in yesterday & said I had the best response the first month I did clomid with just 1 day of Bravelle shots, but my right ovary decided to just take a break for a couple months. She thinks trying the clomid again with 3 days of Bravelle shots instead of 1 day will give me more mature follicles. I did have a couple smaller follicles the last couple months, but only 1 mature one. We'll see. I am back to the nasty clomid headache today.

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