Clomid club- any ladies on clomid please join x

Oh gosh I had a very long post typed out regarding my visit to the new doctor yesterday and then deleted it all by mistake.
In short - uterine lining and follies look fine on the u/s, no abnormalities detected during the physical exam. But we are starting from scratch (7dpo progesterone tests, FSH and LH base line tests during next AF, and dr scheduled timed intercourse this cycle), then take it step by step and procedure by procedure from there. My previous idiot dr apparently did all the wrong tests and as I suspected, most of her treatment was totally inappropriate for my situation. I am so frustrated; basically because of her we wasted 15 months. The only thing she did right was the laser endo treatment.

Thinking of you today Lace&pearls - let us know how your appointment went.

Jules - welcome, sorry but there is no "short version" when it comes to ltttc with clomid! I can suggest reading through ; lots of info on clomid (I found that website very informative!). Not all of us had the same side effects and some of us got a bfp so GL to you :).

Hope everyone is well and has a good weekend.
Oh fern :hugs: I feel so cross for you that your last dr got it all wrong :growlmad: Very pleased to hear you have someone better dealing with you now! How is your sister doing?

Good luck to all the newbies to this clomid thread!!
Thanks for the link Fern. I'm sorry that 15 months went by with the wrong doctor. Hopefully you will have better luck with the new one!

Well, I will be starting my first cycle of Clomid on Sunday. I'm very nervous about the list of side effects. :wacko: I already deal with chronic headaches/ migraines so I guess that won't be any different for me. :P
As far as DH and I go, everything seems to be working properly. I had a laparascopy done this past March and while the doctor was in there he checked everything out, and also flushed my tubes. (not sure of the procedures name) Everything looked great. I do have endometriosis, so he took care of that while he was in there. DH just had a SA done, and that came back "normal" too. I hate it when they just say "it's all normal". So, my Dr wants to try Clomid. I do ovulate on my own, but I have a short luteal phase... I'm hoping that maybe this will help me to ovulate a little earlier?

I look forward to being part of the group. I'm hoping that this does it for us. We've been ttc for 3 years now. :nope:
Hello. Can I join please? I've just started clomid - I've been told to do cd2-6.

I'm on 50mg and not really noticed any side effects apart from some headaches.

I ovulate on my own but been trying for around 25 cycles with one early loss in April. All tests have come back fine except hubby has slightly low morphology (3% when it should be 4%)
ah Fern I have been thinking of you too :hugs: x I'm so glad the US didn't show any abnormalities or anything that's great!! I'm so sorry the previous doctor hasn't given you the right treatment, I hope that the new one has a different take on things and can really get you going in the direction you're supposed to be :) I feel very positive for you :) xxxx When is your next appointment? I hope the laser treatment will have a continued effect for you xx

AFM my appointment went pretty well :thumbup:

The good news is our test results came back "normal" (whatever that means) for OH's SA, my HSG and my blood tests which showed elevated testosterone but as I know I have PCOS this is no surprise.

Then I had to admit the blood tests probably showed I ovulated as I sneakily took clomid between visits as I had it left over and I thought it was a waste not to take it! :blush: she was a little bit funny about it saying you shouldn't really take it for more than 6 months at a time (and I had it for 4) but she said that could be stretched to 9 months if need be. She has prescribed me 5 rounds of 100mg clomid and metformin.

So I'm sort of pleased about that as at one point I thought she might say I couldn't have any more clomid and that would be it? and she has started me on 100mg (50mg didn't work when I was ttc #1 but I'm not sure if it did this time round?)

BUT... if we don't conceive during this time she kind of said there's not much more they can do, we're not eligible for IVF on the NHS as we have a child (which to be fair I understand) but she did say the NHS would offer ovarian drilling which I said I would definitely consider, so she has booked me to revisit in 7 months ( to discuss OD) if I don't fall pregnant.

So kind of glad about the clomid that's good, but I feel a lot of pressure now :wacko: hope that doesn't affect my body. I asked if there was anything else I should be doing and mentioned I had lost 10% of my body weight which she said was really good, and just to keep eating healthily (I think by this point she wanted to get rid of me though lol) Can't help but feel a bit anxious about it all, I've taken clomid quite a few times now and altho it has made me ovulate I haven't fallen pregnant on it once, maybe I'm not suited to it? I don't seem to get much CM on it. I fell pregnant with my daughter on a break from clomid which must have kick started my ovaries into ovulating naturally. (Typically the month I didn't do any OPKs or BD much etc!) I sometimes feel like she was just some spark of magic!

So now I have to decide when/if to start taking the norethisterone and start the clomid, we have a weekend away booked next week so I don't really want a horrible AF to spoil that so I think I will wait until we get back, (it will be a busy weekend at a theme park etc so I want to be feeling OK) that will probably be our holiday this year so I want to enjoy it and not worry about it you know.

Any suggestions as to anything else I should be doing? .... I'm doing slimming world and some exercise (my BMI is now just under 25), folic acid + vit d, I've got some sparmint tea in the cupboard ... will buy some more pre seed ... any advice is much appreciated :) Sorry I have just waffled on and on!!!!!:blush:
Lace& Pearls - I'm so happy that you finally had that appointment and that you have a new prescription. Have you been taking metformin or will it be a first? It did wonders for my sister as she has pcos and conceived twice with just the help of metformin.
I'm excited for you to begin the new treatment! :happydance:
I have no new suggestions... Oh wait my dr did tell me to NOT bd for 3 days before suspected O time, and then bd daily (24 hours apart) the day before O, day of, and the 2 days after. In other words not dtd for a few days and then daily around O time.... sounds much like smep. I love the spearmint tea already for the decreased hair growth! More weeks between bikini waxes lol. Definitely works for me.

K4th - thanks hun! Wow just a few more weeks left :). My sister is still in hospital. Dr supressed labour to give the steroid shots time to work but they only won about a week's time. The new C-section date is scheduled for next week. She will be about 35-36 weeks.

Welcome cbeary! All the best and may your next bfp be just around the corner. Sorry about your loss.

Jules - I also have endometriosis. Sucks, right. Hopefully now that you've had yours treated (as everything else is "normal"), things will change for the better.

Soooo I guess we are officially ttc again (although I will be trying to keep it in the background & carry on coping with life as it is). Started with timed intercourse today, painful ovaries suggest that I will probably O tomorrow or so. Still ovulating on my own after stopping clomid; dr did say that I might have to take a few more rounds of clomid; but will decide on that once all the blood tests are back.

Here we go again.... will see for how long lol. :winkwink:
Thanks Fern :) x I was prescribed metformin while ttc #1 but I don't think I ever took it more than a couple of times as I suffer with IBS anyway I was too frightened of it making me ill at work :-S (in the job I used to do it was difficult to nip out to the bathroom) so I'm a bit scared to take it to be honest! I can cope with some minor side effects but I don't want it to affect me being able to function as normal ... maybe I am over thinking it? ... like will I be scared to go out for long? ... I think I have a bit of social anxiety tbh lol. did your sister suffer side effects? that's great that she had success with it x how is she doing in hospital? x must be difficult for her as she as a LO already ? x

are any other ladies from clomid club on metformin? if so have have you had side effects or found a way to minimise them? :) x

Thanks for suggestions Fern :) that does sound similar to SMEP! I worry sometimes we don't BD enough around ovulation.

welcome to the clomid newbies :hugs:
Lace&pearls - I hear you on the worries about THAT TYPE of illness lol. Since I've had my gallbladder removed in 2013, my tummy gets upset really easily from sooooo many types of foods. I basically carry Imodium with me everywhere and constantly worry that I will be embarrassed in a social situation! And I am a bit OCD so I can totally relate. Maybe start with a low dose and build up tolerance?

My sister definitely suffered the stomach-related side effects especially at the beginning but she is totally used to it now and has to take it chronically as it regulates her insulin levels, hormone levels etc and we do have a family history of diabetes. So it makes all her metabolic processes function better as it helps with glucose metabolism on a cellular level. She is doing OK thanks; misses her daughter so much. She is quite emotional and I can understand, her whole life and dynamics with her daughter is about to change forever. But it is a new adventure and extra babies to love so it's all worth it. I love looking after her daughter, I can just lie next to her and listen to her breathe all night!! Crazy but I don't know how I will ever be able to love another child more than I love her - and she's not even mine!!

OK enough with the novel hehe!!

GL with your journey ahead hun and whatever you decide x

Any news from the other ladies?

Hope you all have a fab week.
Hi ladies I'm a bit worried about something, maybe someone out there has some insight.

I am 99% sure that I ovulated this weekend either Saturday (horrible O cramps) or Sunday. Yesterday (Monday) my nipples started getting sore, skin breakup that I usually get around O time started clearing up (all gone today), CM started to get more creamy etc. As I've been tracking for almost a year; I've started getting quite in tune with my body and those are all the same old obvious things that happen around O time (even the months when I didn't WANT to know, it was so obvious!).

Now the problem is that my temps haven't risen AT ALL, today is Tuesday already and in fact they have taken a dip? WTH? :nope: Am I not producing any progesterone or has my body gone crazy? Over the past few cycles my post-O temps have become lower and lower (click on my ovulation chart to also view last month's chart - tracked to have something to show the new dr) to this point where they don't even rise at all it seems. The next few days will paint a bigger picture and I'm also going for a mid "LP" progesterone blood test next Monday... :coffee:

My hair has also started to fall out in HUGE CLUMPS last month and I've read that it can be due to low progesterone. And then coupled with 2 days spotting before AF... :cry: (This is EXACTLY why I didn't want to start trying again. Constant f*ing disappointment.)

Just hoping someone has some insight into these non-existent temps?

It's winter here and freezing but I'm really trying to stay warm with wheat bags, socks, sitting in the sun when I can, blankets etc. I still would have seen a temp shift regardless of the weather right. So disappointed in my body right now. Feel like I want to take some leftover clomid next month at least with that I had a proper temp rise if no pregnancy!!!:cry:

How is everyone else?

New clomid ladies - how are you coping this month?
Fern- I'm new, so I apologize if you have already said anything about this. Have you had your thyroid tested at all? Broda Barnes wrote a book about Hypothyroidism and the link between that and low body temperature. Stress can also make your body temperature dip. (I know, I deal with it a lot.) Just a couple of things I thought about. I'm sorry you are so down right now. :hugs:

I just took day 3 of my Clomid (Day 7 of my cycle). So far I haven't had any side effects! :happydance: I'm also getting ready to start using my Clear Blue Fertility Monitor, that should start tomorrow. I'm still anxious about ttc again. I'm going to try very hard to not get my hopes up, I don't want to go down that dark road again.

On a side note, DH wants to go to a concert next Tuesday. It's metal music, which I'm not into.. so I definitely won't be going. However, if the Clomid gets me to ovulate on day 14 like "normal" people, then DH will be at that stupid concert! :dohh: I guess lots of bd'ing before and after.
Hi Fern sorry I don't know much about low progesterone :( can you ask your doctor to look for your levels in your bloods? or is it not as simple as that?

Do you think it's poss it's cause it's so cold there? it's always colder in the morning ofc.
Thanks for replying Jules

Yep I do have hypothyroidism which is under control. My TSH, T4 and T3 levels get tested every 6 months and I'm taking chronic meds (Euthyrox). I had it tested mid June and my levels are still fine.
Stress levels lowering bbt - interesting I haven't thought of that. I know that when we are under a lot of stress then our bodies use the hormone building blocks to build cortisol instead of (eg) progesterone. And I have been under a lot of stress with my grandfather passing away recently (we tended to him in the last months of his life and his passing was really traumatic), my sister in and out of hospital with ptl, buying a new house (we are having LOTS of problems with the current owners).... So that might definitely account for lower progesterone? Hm... Thanks for the advice.
GL with your DH being away!! And great news that you don't have side effects. :happydance:

Mine is away for work atm, he left so early yesterday morning that we couldn't bd even though the dr scheduled it! Oh well. I guess this month for me is more about blood tests than hoping for a bfp :). Like an idiot I had a lot of wine last night so I couldn't record this morning's very high temperature.:dohh:

Hugs to everyone else xx
Hi lace&pearls we crossed posts :)

Yes I will have progesterone blood tests done next Monday so we will see. I am just worried and impatient NOW hehe. I don't think the lower temps are from it being so cold here because my pre-O temps are the same as always, and then my post-O temps have just stayed at that pre-O level.

I should just focus on something else and not let ttc worries start dragging me down IMMEDIATELY again! But it's so difficult...

How are you? You're going away this weekend right? Enjoy!!
Well I guess that's one way to get your temperature higher. :thumbup: Wine sounds pretty good at the moment!

Well, I have a horrendous headache today. I'm not sure if its from my neck for from the Clomid. I will be seeing the chiropractor later, so I guess I'll find out.

I realized I forgot to introduce myself. When I started posting on the site again I was a little lost. Haha. Anyway, I'm 27 and live in the US. DH is 26. We've been married almost 8 years now.

DH and I have been trying for almost 3.5 years, though some of that time was spend ntnp. We know that I have endometriosis, that was taken care of this past March. Everything else is clear so far on me. DH had an abnormal SA a couple years ago (slightly low sperm count). He just took one again in June and everything came back normal. Up until now the only thing we've done is track fertility and make sure to BD when we were "supposed to".

This last year I had a bit of a break down due to everyone asking us when we will have kids. Then after my laparoscopy for the endometriosis, somehow a rumor got started that we had done IVF. Someone actually walked up to DH and asked if the egg took, this someone is just an acquaintance. :nope: Needless to say I wasn't happy. I made an announcement on FB that we are dealing with fertility issues and I would appreciate it if everyone kept their nose out of our business. LOL I don't regret it for a second, because nobody asks us anymore! :haha:
Well I give UP on my temps! :(.... despite having sticky CM and sore post O boobs my temperatures beg to differ. WTH?????

Jules - you go girl. I'm also SICK of people asking when we will have kids. My standard answer is "I can't fall pregnant and we're very sad about it but we can't afford advanced treatment" THERE, all the info you need to know people!!

Today I'm really fed up. I suppose I will have to go back to the dr and spend another 2 grand (that's the price tag on EVERY visit just consisting of an u/s and chat!) and for what...? Just want to forget about all of this and go back to living :(.
I can't imagine having that high of a doctor bill! That is crazy! DH and I are struggling with the idea of coming up with $400 for IUI. I felt like you this past year and that is when DH and I officially had to take a break. I was so stressed out and depressed. I'm in a better place now but it took almost 6 months of not trying and the help of Lexapro to get me here. I hope you can find some peace soon. :hugs:

I finished the Clomid yesterday. Today is day 10 of my cycle. The CBFM gave me a high reading today.. So I'm curious to see if I'll actually have a peak around cd 14 rather than 19 or 20 like I used to. That would definitely be a step in the right direction.
Well, the clomid & the 3 days of Bravelle shots definitely helped me produce more follicles this cycle. My right ovary finally woke up & I had a 24mm on day 12, then the left (obviously my dominant ovary) had an 18mm (the size my RE wants before you trigger is 18-21mm) and 2 14mm (may or may not contain a mature egg). Had my IUI this morning, so now I wait and see what happens. I just know my lower tummy is puffy and sore, especially on that left side.
That's wonderful news Jean! :dust:

CD 13 for me. Still getting high readings on the CBFM but I did notice EWCM this morning so I'm thinking I'll be ovulating soon! I woke up last night with cramping too, which I thought was weird.

I have no idea if the Clomid did it, but my skin is horrible! My face is so broke out right now, I'm embarrassed to walk out of the house. This morning, I put my makeup on in a hurry just so DH didn't see my face. :cry:
Hi ladies

Eesh Jules hope your skin clears up hun!!! I've heard that spearmint tea helps (does help me by decreasing facial and body hair) and scrubbing with bicarb (really helps my acne!).
So glad that the clomid seems to be working for you.

GL to you Jean!!

Still unsure about exactly when I ovulated. I just marked CD17 as I had hectic O pains the day before... could have probably been any time CD16-18/19. Will see when AF arrives! Such a weird slow rise. It actually took a whole WEEK for my temps to start indicating that O actually took place!!! Haven't been able to find/Google anyone else that this has happened to! So I had my progesterone test done today, now I just have to wait and see.

Have a good week ladies.
Hello everyone,

Just thought I'd pop in for an update. So far so good, but still have another 9 days to wait for that first scan. We caved in and told my mum and DH's mum, because they were pressuring us into booking an appointment with a private clinic for IVF.

I have no morning sickness or any other symptoms other than sore breasts and am feeling far better than I have done for the 6 months leading up to my BFP on clomid. We are still concerned that this may indicate a problem, as many people believe the sicker you are the healthier the pregnancy, and I feel great, but we're trying not think about it until next Thursday when we have our scan.

I just wanted to give some words of encouragement, as I know how desperate and depressed I had become when after more than 3 years of TTC, countless tests, horrible procedures, temping, tracking etc. clomid didn't seem to be the answer (in fact, it seemed to be actively working against me becoming pregnant by drying up all CM and thinning out my lining). I had given up hope of conceiving, and was terrified of what lay ahead.

I really hope to see more BFP's on here soon, and I'm especially thinking of you ladies that have been TTC for a long time. Sending out lots of positive thoughts to you all.

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