Thanks Arohanui for those kind words. It's a difficult journey, we all have our down and dark days. It's great to have a place to freely chat about our feelings, joys and fears alike, to ladies who know what everyone else is going through. You understand that all too well!
Hun don't worry about a lack of symptoms. My sister had ZERO with her first, except some heartburn at the end. And she has a healthy 3 year old! She only suffered a bit more with her twins. Maybe you are just one of the lucky ones who don't get too ill from preg hormones. Will just be fair, seeing as you suffered so much with clomid side effects!
Hope these 9 days FLY by and that you get only good news! xx
Jules - I live in RSA and use "Natural Products" loose leaf spearmint tea that is available here. I suppose you can use any kind as long as it's spearmint (Mentha spicata) and preferably not with added green tea (caffeine content). It REALLY makes a difference for me in the hair department. I also started using spearmint essential oil on my scalp and it has slowed down my scalp hair loss drastically. Apparently spearmint binds free testosterone; decreasing body & facial hair growth and decreasing scalp hair loss. Because of it's anti-testosterone effects it is apparently beneficial for PCOS ladies as well. There is a thread somewhere on here called "spearmint cysters for science" and some of those ladies did get a bfp with the added help of spearmint tea

phew what a mouthful!
As for tracking my cycle/ovulation: Yes I track CM and CP; have been doing so for 11 cycles and really getting to know my body. I've used OPKs on and off. I usually get hectic O pains followed my CM drying up and a temp increase (albeit sometimes a slow rise; NEVER before as slow as now!). I also get sore nips around O time so I have a lot of dead giveaways. I have very regular cycles with O happening between CD15-18 (usually 16 or 17). This all since starting Clomid.
This cycle I also had an ultrasound on CD 14 which showed follicles ready to pop in about 3 days from then! Dr predicted that O would happen on CD17 (that Sunday). Saturday night I had my usual O pains, nips started getting sore Monday, cm started drying up etc etc... ALL the usual things happening around O. The only exception has been these weird temps.
Oh well we will see!! We're moving at the end of the month so that should keep me busy enough to stop thinking about ttc so much

. I'm also going for FSH and LH tests next cycle and we will decide what to do next once all those results are back. Might even take clomid again.
MrsMcCurdy and Lace&pearls - have you ladies started with your respected planned treatments yet? News! News!
All the other clomid ladies - how are you all?