Clomid club- any ladies on clomid please join x

I will need to try that spearmint tea out. I have some unwanted facial hair as well, so even if the tea helped with that I'd be happy. Is there any specific brand, or can I find it in a normal grocery store?

Fern do you have any other ways of checking ovulation or do you just take your temperature each day? I'm thinking good thoughts for you!

Arohanui I'll be thinking good thoughts for you as well with your scan! I wouldn't worry too much about feeling good throughout pregnancy. I personally haven't heard that the sicker you are the healthier the pregnancy. :shrug: Good luck!

CD 14, and I forgot to use my CBFM this morning. Go figure! :dohh: I guess I'll find out tomorrow if I've hit peak days yet.
Thanks Arohanui for those kind words. It's a difficult journey, we all have our down and dark days. It's great to have a place to freely chat about our feelings, joys and fears alike, to ladies who know what everyone else is going through. You understand that all too well!
Hun don't worry about a lack of symptoms. My sister had ZERO with her first, except some heartburn at the end. And she has a healthy 3 year old! She only suffered a bit more with her twins. Maybe you are just one of the lucky ones who don't get too ill from preg hormones. Will just be fair, seeing as you suffered so much with clomid side effects!
Hope these 9 days FLY by and that you get only good news! xx

Jules - I live in RSA and use "Natural Products" loose leaf spearmint tea that is available here. I suppose you can use any kind as long as it's spearmint (Mentha spicata) and preferably not with added green tea (caffeine content). It REALLY makes a difference for me in the hair department. I also started using spearmint essential oil on my scalp and it has slowed down my scalp hair loss drastically. Apparently spearmint binds free testosterone; decreasing body & facial hair growth and decreasing scalp hair loss. Because of it's anti-testosterone effects it is apparently beneficial for PCOS ladies as well. There is a thread somewhere on here called "spearmint cysters for science" and some of those ladies did get a bfp with the added help of spearmint tea :) phew what a mouthful!

As for tracking my cycle/ovulation: Yes I track CM and CP; have been doing so for 11 cycles and really getting to know my body. I've used OPKs on and off. I usually get hectic O pains followed my CM drying up and a temp increase (albeit sometimes a slow rise; NEVER before as slow as now!). I also get sore nips around O time so I have a lot of dead giveaways. I have very regular cycles with O happening between CD15-18 (usually 16 or 17). This all since starting Clomid.
This cycle I also had an ultrasound on CD 14 which showed follicles ready to pop in about 3 days from then! Dr predicted that O would happen on CD17 (that Sunday). Saturday night I had my usual O pains, nips started getting sore Monday, cm started drying up etc etc... ALL the usual things happening around O. The only exception has been these weird temps.

Oh well we will see!! We're moving at the end of the month so that should keep me busy enough to stop thinking about ttc so much :). I'm also going for FSH and LH tests next cycle and we will decide what to do next once all those results are back. Might even take clomid again.

MrsMcCurdy and Lace&pearls - have you ladies started with your respected planned treatments yet? News! News!

All the other clomid ladies - how are you all?
That is so weird that your temps didn't reflect your ovulation right away. I personally don't temp. I think if I did anything to track my cycle other than use my monitor, I would go crazy. Before taking a break over the last 6 months or so, I would pay attention to every little symptom my body had. It really made me nuts! I've decided that since we are actively ttc again I will only use the Clomid and my CBFM, otherwise I completely push it out of my mind. (Or try to anyway :winkwink: )

I'm also curious to hear from the other ladies. How's everyone doing?
AF cramps started last night, temperature has started the downward march again and sugar&carbs cravings have started up today hot n heavy!!! So another bfn cycle for me, I honestly didn't expect anything else. I literally don't believe any treatment can help me conceive. But I don't feel too bad. Sooooo used to this by now. :shrug:

I don't think we will be ttc next cycle simply because we will be moving to the new house and I would prefer one heap of stress at a time :). Maybe clomid again the cycle after that; will see! Personally I wish I could afford an hsg soon but that will take some saving up to do.

Jules - Have you had that peak reading yet? Exciting stuff!!! :flower:
No real news for me. Insurance didn't cover my last visit like it was supposed to so I have a huge bill to pay before I can go back or do anything else. Which really stinks, was getting hopeful with moving forward. But the Vit D seems to be helping, though I've started bleeding again after only 6 days off. I'm not really sure what to do without the money to get the HSG, ect to help find answers. Feeling stuck again, already...
I'll be going on a mission trip to the Dominican Republic on the 18th of this month so hopefully I can stop bleeding long enough to enjoy it and keep my mind off of it for a while.
Uh no MrsMcCurdy that sucks!! Have you had tests for blood clotting issues? I feel so sorry for you with that constant bleeding hun! I hope you have a lovely time in DR. I remember you writing about your love for the country some time ago. Sending extra hugs your way xxxx.
I can totally sympathise with the financial issues... when DH got a raise we thought Well yay now we can afford more fertility treatment... But with the expenses of the new house and spending R2000 on a first visit to the new doctor has left me broke again!! Money just never stretches as far as you'd want hey. :(

Chart stalkers - High temp for me today BUT I've had a weird nighttime sore throat & stuffy nose the past 2 nights so I think the temps are just due to a cold! Yeah Jules you are right temping can do a girl's head in! :wacko:

DH and I have decided to take a long weekend from tomorrow (Friday) till Sunday and do NO work. Yay, AF is due this weekend so I will be focusing on fun with DH instead of the witch!! Which means that I have to work my butt off today to get all the week and weekend's work done :) Let me get to it!

Hi all the other lovely ladies x:flower:
Fern I hope you aren't getting sick, or at least that you won't be sick for a while. Sounds like you have a nice relaxing weekend ahead of you. I love weekends like that!

MrsMcCurdy don't you just love insurance? :dohh: Going to the Dominican Republic sounds amazing though. I hope you are able to enjoy yourself!

Day 16 and still just high readings..:shrug: I guess I'm still going to ovulate on 18 or 19, I was really hoping the Clomid would move that up. My face is finally clearing up so that makes me happy! :happydance:
Fern long weekend sound lovely! hope you have a nice time away :) sounds like a brilliant plan to relax and forget about worries for a couple of days xxx I really think it does you some good xxx hope you don't get ill btw xx

oh I'm sorry to hear that Mrs McCurdy :( hope you have a lovely time away too x

Jules good luck with imminent O!!! fingers crossed for you xx

AFM I am just waiting to finish my course of norethisterone (3 days inc today left) and then waiting for AF to arrive... so just waiting, waiting, waiting lol I went away last weekend though which was lovely (to a theme park and hotel for a couple of nights with OH, DD and OH's family) I'm just trying my hardest to keep up with diet and exercise while simultaneously not letting it control my life. (I had last weeknd off! lol)
I think the exercise might be doing me some good mentally though, I hate it and dread it but after I feel so good about doing it. I think it helps me to think clearly, I suffer terribly with foggy head (I don't know if I just made that term up lol) I'm so forgetful and always lost in my own thoughts, the type who forgets what they were talking about mid point of a sentence, I've read this can be related to PCOS?! but I don't know perhaps it's just common. After exercise It gives me that good feeling you get when you've de-cluttered the house? half way through the house looks awful but then after you think yeah this was a good idea! :happydance:

Saying that I do think I spend a little bit too much time thinking about ttc sometimes... it's so difficult not to obsess. :dohh:

I haven't worked up the nerve to take the metformin again yet :S I felt soo ill last time, I'm scared of taking it again x
Lace&Pearls I hear ya on hating exercise but it really is amazing as to how much better you feel when it's done. That is the one thing that keeps me going back each day to workout.

Still no peak for me. :shrug: What's weird is I had EWCM and O pains around day 13 & 14 of my cycle, but never received a peak reading. Now I have none of my normal O symptoms. I guess I'll just have to be patient.
Hi ladies popped in for a quick read (((hugs to you all)))

Fern I'm so sorry you are having a rough time life is so cruel :( it's gutting not having the money for treatment it just doesn't seem fair!! Hope you have a good weekend away and try to forget about ttc for a few days - I know that's impossible but hey I have to try and say the right thing ;)

Lace&pearls I have been on metformin About a yr now I guess and when I first started boy was I sick BUT a few tips make sure you ask for the slow release tablets very important makes a huge difference, always eat when taking and also I found taking half a tablet and working up helped - feel free to ask any questions :)

Hi everyone else sorry not addressing you personally!

No news here yada yada took cyclogest last cycle as thought my progesterone was low as loads of spotting in my LP got a bfn so am doing the same this cycle but not holding out much hope :(

Thinking of you all x
Hi all

Enjoying the weekend off! Forgot to phone for my progesterone results yesterday. Having NO spotting or pink CM so far, in my previous cycles pink CM usually starts 12dpo and today nothing so far. Even though I'm not sure which dpo I really am (could be 11-13dpo today) I think it's good to have no spotting/pink CM. Had bad cramps and one little spot of blood in CM on Wednesday but feeling great and nothing since then. I might do a test tomorrow morning (just maybe, if no further temp drop and no spotting) although I did one yesterday (wanted to know if I could have a drink) and it was a STARK white bfn.

By the way thanks ladies for your concern, I didn't end up getting sick, just still have a stuffy nose and little sore throat at night but nothing worse! :)

Nimbec - hun this morning when I saw you had left a message I so hoped that it's you announcing your bfp! Just had a feeling. So hoping something happens soon for you :(.

Lace&pearls - so nice to have a weekend to yourself. Hope the treatment works for you and that AF starts soon.... GL with the nasty metformin! And good job on the weight loss. It can only help. I told DH that if AF starts again I'm taking dieting and exercising to the next level. Might as well have something to like about my body. Not liking infertility too much blughh.

Jules - just keep on the good work ;) maybe you did O earlier and missed your surge? Good that you're not taking everything too seriously and not stressing too much. A difficult feat.

Hugs to all, enjoy the weekend!
Well so much for not stressing about it. CD 18 and my CBFM still didn't register a peak. :sad1: When I used to used the monitor my peak days were always 18 & 19. Either the monitor didn't pick up the surge or I didn't O. Which makes no sense at all. I've always ovulated, the Clomid is just to help out. I've been in a good mood this whole month and haven't been stressing, but even just using the monitor is stressing me out. GR! :growlmad:

Fern- Glad to hear you didn't actually end up sick, that's always a positive! :happydance: I have also decided that if this month is a dud that I'll be working out harder. I recently went back into working out after a few months of not being able to due to my health.. So if AF arrives in a little over a week, then I'll have been at it for a few weeks and should be able to start pushing harder. I gotta do something to help keep me sane! :haha:

nimbec- Good to hear from you! Hopefully the new treatment works out for you. I'm just starting the fertility treatment road and it just makes my head spin thinking about having multiple treatments like some have to do.

Well ladies, I'm off to work out then start painting the bathroom. That should keep me busy for a while!
UPDATE - did something stupid. :dohh:
Went to the bathroom, stared at the bin, took out the preg test I did yesterday morning and immediately noticed a thick COLORED line where the test should indicate pregnancy. So now the test looks positive. Not grey, definitely colored. Noted; I have used this brand of test before many times and have never had this happen. I have NEVER seen a bfp test IRL except now..... now my heart's hammering because it's probably not real.... why did I have another look... AF cramps have started up and this afternoon blood-tinged CM showed up as it ALWAYS does before AF!!!:wacko:

And to make matters worse I read this post:
(see the long post at the bottom).

I feel too embarrassed to tell my husband. Thanks for indulging me... at least I can tell you ladies about my (99,9% probably FAKE) positive lol...........:shrug::blush:

ETA: For some reason the URL ^^ opens on my phone but not my laptop. I apologize if anyone can't view that interesting post!
Sorry just a quick post as just saw fern's post - aw we have all done that ! I know I cetainly have. Have you done another test? X
Aww Fern that would be so awesome if it were to turn positive. That is exactly how I found out I was pregnant... threw a test away and looked later to notice it had turned positive. So I took another ic and barely a line in the sunlight I thought I was seeing things as did my husband. So off I went to the store to buy a frer and sure enough positive right away. Keeping my fx and praying for good news! ;)
Oh my goodness Fern 😮 I so so so hope this means something for you!!! I also don't want to raise your hopes either BUT I insist you do another test and don't bin it :) hopefully this isn't another cruel trick that life can play!! Will be staking for a while.

Thanks everyone for being so welcoming I knkw I'm not on very often ...just trying to keep the ttc deamons at bay!

Hugs and baby dust all round!!
Thanks for everyone's support. Means so much that none of you ladies judged me for doing that hehe.

... well I tested this morning with 2 different brands and bfn of course. Weirdly enough Friday's test still has the very light blue line while today's test dried with a line that is MUCH lighter (probably just in my imagination) so maybe it's just the batch of tests doing it. Pink test (which is not an early test) was stark white! Not even a hint.
Oh well now I'm just waiting for AF. Hoping she is not too cruel. :cry::cry:

Broke 2 of my own rules: I don't test unless AF is late (which is never) and I've never looked at a test and squinted at evap lines!! Learnt my lesson! In fact on Friday when I got the bfn I cried a lot and asked my husband to throw away any tests I buy in future - I should just never test again it upsets me much more than the timely arrival of AF. False hope, disappointment and all that.:dohh:

Love you all; awesome ladies :). FX for all of you xxxx
Fern I'm still thinking positive thoughts for you! If not the BFP you are hoping for, then that the :witch: isn't bad. It can be so heartbreaking to see that BFN which is why I have the same rule you do, to not test unless AF is late. Even then, my AF has been 2 weeks late before.. so I wait a while. :winkwink:

I have done the same thing. Three summers ago I pulled one out of the trash and saw that faint positive. I was 3-4 days late at the time, so I got really excited. AF literally started that night. :growlmad: Oh well, I learned. Haha.

CD 19, still just a high reading on CBFM. I did some research yesterday because I was freaking out about it. Turns out, in the first month of use, the CBFM may not give a peak reading at all. So I'm going with my gut that I O'd on CD 14. :thumbup:

We managed to get all of the walls prepped for paint yesterday in our bathroom. Today will be primer and paint. DH still has to prep the bathtub for it, but hopefully that won't take to long. So, I'm off to hopefully finish the bathroom today! :happydance:
Oh Fern I have been there too and in no way would we ever judge you!! I think you are remarkably strong :) I'm so hoping for you that your bfp is in the near future, it's such an emotional rollercoaster :( thinking of you!!

Hi everyone else hope you are all ok-well as ok as any of us can be on this crazy ttc train!!
Fern I am so sorry I know heart breaking and ttc can easily take over your whole life before you know it. I am praying you get your little miracle you so deserve it! :hugs:

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