Clomid club- any ladies on clomid please join x

You ladies are so incredible and such a stunning support system!!!

Welllllll my temps have dove down and it seems like light AF is starting. In a way I'm relieved because now I'm not hoping/wishing for this cycle anymore! Got my progesterone results back - done last Monday (approx 6-8 dpo) and it was 46,7 without clomid which is apparently great, shows ovulation did take place and don't need any supplements. Weird but I was kind of hoping for a quick diagnosis, "aaahhhh, NOW we know what's wrong!" and a quick fix!
What I find most interesting is that even the blood tests show that I definitely did O so my post-O temps really DID take 5 days to rise. Considering I take the temps at the same time each day, after the same amount of sleep, even lying in the same position in my bed.... that's just weird.
Will be doing FSH and LH tests CD2 and take it from there. I can't really afford to go back to the dr now right after we had to pay all the transfer costs for the new house but I was planning on skipping ttc this cycle in any case.

SO the plan of action:
*Stepping up diet & exercise as of today, so that I will have something to LIKE about my body!
*Actively preventing this new cycle (We are moving house & I just want ONE cycle where I won't have the slightest bit of niggling ttc thoughts)
* Cycle after that possibly going back to the dr.... or maybe taking leftover clomid & black cohosh muuhahahaha!!!

I was really getting to feel better those months when we were just ntnp... and then this cycle with new hope was like sticking a knife into a healing wound. After taking a break this cycle I believe I will be recharged again and can decide if we are going ahead with the dr's visits (our financial state will also be a deciding factor); or whatever. Toying with stopping completely again!!!

Will check in from time to time to cheer you ladies on as you have done so much for me this past cycle!!!

Jules- hope you are still loving the renovations! Great way to keep the mind off ttc :). Our new house also has lots of work lol.

Nimbec - where are you in your cycle now hun? Are you going to keep on taking progesterone for a few cycles?

Mommasboys - hope your pregnancy is going great. xxx

Arohanui - when is your first scan hun? Soonish I seem to remember? Please keep us updated and hope all is well! xxx

Lace& pearls - any updates on the metformin front? ;)

Everyone else - many hugs and have a great week. :hugs::hugs:
Oh fern :hugs: I was holding back & hoping SO HARD that this was your month. Your positivity on here has me in awe - I hope you have a lovely relaxing month & your house move goes smoothly.

Nimbec - it's lovely to hear from you hun! I'm glad you're getting something & I hope it does the trick for you.

I think of everyone in this thread all the time & keep sending positive thoughts this way. Ltttc is such a hard journey & not one that can be forgotten. I want good things for all of you ladies so so much :flower:
Hi ladies

I've not posted in a while but I was wondering if you could help me please?

I had hcg injection on CD 12 (2nd July) I'm now CD23 and around 9-10dpo. I brought these pregnancy tests from my local pharmacy and took it today with afternoon urine. It looks positive to me... My injection was 11-12 days ago now well 12 days including injection day. What do you think of the result? I could see it with the Orange cover on but took it off for a better photo :shrug:

These measure at 5mui or greater.


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I can def see something with colour sarahlou. My hcg injections used to take 10-11 days to leave my system so I'd say test every 48 hours and see if it gets darker. Good luck hun :hugs:
Fern- I'm sorry. That let down is the worst. But, like you said it's also a relief once it starts so that you aren't in limbo anymore. :hugs: How did the weekend moving go?

SarahLou I definitely see a faint pink line. I agree though that you should wait 48 hours then test again. Good luck to you!

CD 20 for me. I've had some cramping which worries me. If the :witch: comes early I'm going to throw an adult sized temper tantrum. :haha:
We finished our bathroom yesterday!!!! It looks so much better. All we did was paint it but I can't believe the difference. Some day we will replace the tub and siding, vanity and mirror, but I'll take the new paint for now. :happydance:
So I've gotten a little behind but today was kinda crappy because it's been officially 2 years since starting ttc, there's just something really mentally draining about hitting year milestones and I started the BC pill yesterday to try and control the bleeding. I'm hoping it'll stop from me bleeding while I'm gone to the D.R. And hopeful reset(sort of) my cycles so I'm not bleeding constantly. That's the theory anyway. Hopefully it doesn't screw me up more... But at this point, like my mom said, I'm already pretty screwed up for it to try to get worse.
I can't imagine ttc for 12 years, Fern. I don't know if I could do it honestly... You're a very strong woman.
Sarahlou- I agree, I definitely see something but keep testing to see that gets darker! Exciting though!
Jules- congrats on getting the bathroom done! I love the feeling of accomplishing something so big! Makes ya feel better about yourself. :)

PS for those that live in the U.S. Check out the petition in my siggy!
Took these tests too :)


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They look great Sarah :) fx for you it's your positive just a bit of info for you I'm sure it's not the case for you but it happened to me and was very upsetting I still had the HCG injection present at 14dpo - it depends what strength they gave u - was it Ovridrill? Fx for you and it looks nice and dark so my guess is positive :) x
Hi Everyone full post this time :)

Fern i absolutely take my hat off too you i don't know how you have managed it all these years (((hugs))) i hope the move goes well and that you are recharged and ready to attack ttc head on again. I understand the whole forgetting and living life, i agree to a certain extent it gradually gets better but in my case it only takes a few friends announcing pregnancies & ot all becomes oh so real again and like someone sticking a knife in a turning it. Thinking of you!!!

MrsMccurdy Sadly i'm with you on the over 2 year marker its not a nice one at all very upsetting but try to stay strong. Interstingly I have een bleeding a lot too basically right through from 3dpo to CD14/15 just before Ov - they have scanned me etc and nothing obvious but i have always been suspicious of my LP so asked to start Cyclogest which i did last cycle and it stopped my bleeding after O....possibly worth a thought?? Sorry if I have missed you explaining the bleeding i'm trying to catch up :flower:

Jules sorry about the cramping hopefully it could be implantation cramps :) lets stay positive :) glad your bathroom is finished, at least now you have a nice place to poas ;)

K4th wowsers i've just seen your ticker, boy did that time go quickly! How exciting for you imminent happy for you!! I seem to remeber it was about 2 years you where trying for number 2?

Lace& Pearls how are you finding the metformin? hope its treating you kindly!!!

Righto as for me well as you can see from above i'm on natural cycles with the help of Cyclogest and of course Metformin (been on a longtime now) to see if that makes a difference, i still have a 3.5cm cyst that I have had for years and never seems to go away...nobody seems bothered about it at all personally i wonder if that has anything to do with my struggles! Thankfully I do seem to be ovulating on my own as previously this was a problem, however i'm still not sure about the quality of my eggs. I have another 2 moths of Cyclogest to try and I think after that I will be hanging up my TTC boots for good as without any meds i may as well forget it.

Hi everyone else sorry I haven't addressed you all personally
Hi ladies

So AF arrived with a bang after a hectic day of bloating, pain and barely-there spotting yesterday! Glad the weird cycle is done.

K4th I'm surprised you see me as positive, I sometimes think I complain too much & wear my heart on my sleeve in the forums :) but then I think: so what, where else can I say exactly what I feel? :) Trying to be positive is such hard WORK for me it doesn't come easily. How are you feeling hun? Just a few more sleeps!!

MrsMcCurdy - urrgghhh hun :(. I so hope that something starts working for you. My heart really goes out to you. 2 years is a very long time. My 12 years were on and off mind you not every single cycle. Lots of breaks in between. But it has been 12 years since I first started trying with DH #1. That was about 18-24 unsuccessful cycles at once at age 21-23 after surgery to remove chocolate cysts....followed by the first of many breaks. The one thing definitely still on your side is your age. Keeping EVERYTHING crossed that the b/c helps reset your hormone levels!! xx

Jules - DH and I just took a long weekend "off" this past weekend Fri-Sun and relaxed instead of work all weekend like we usually do! We went to a game lodge to do bird watching & game spotting (best part of living in RSA!), saw some of the last poor rhinos, also watched Wimbledon. We're only moving end July.... 2 weeks eeekkk! Glad you're enjoying your renovations and GL with the rest of the tww.

SarahLou - I do hope that's your rainbow! I agree with the other ladies stick to one brand of test, test every 48 hours and check if it gets darker then you will know!!! FX FX FX!!!

Nimbec - hugs and more hugs.
Looking good Sarah :thumbup:

Nimbec - I was trying for 2 years & 1 month. That 2 year milestone was so difficult & really got me down. I broke down in public on several occasions, so I get how much it sucks :hugs: really hope the progesterone helps you out!!!!

Fern - we have all needed to rant & rave. We have all been down and we have all wanted to share those feelings with people who understand. It's totally normal. & then you follow it up with something uplifting or positive, either for yourself or someone else.... always. It's inspirational hun. You so blimmin well deserve your rainbow baby.

As does everyone on this thread :dust: & I'm always stalking xx
Nimbec I think we crossed posts!

So happy that you're Oing on your own hun. I also seem to have O'd every cycle since clomid so that's good.

Won't you be allowed to take progesterone for longer than the next 2 cycles, or maybe natural progesterone cream? Because it seems to be helping your body function more naturally? Sorry if that's a dumb question, I have no idea how hormone supplements work. xxx

Glad you added your chart back to your siggy I do love to stalk a chart hehe. :hugs::hugs:
Just wanted to ask if you ladies think these are getting darker? I'm 11dpo today


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Thanks Fern :) the cost is an issue with the progesterone it's really expensive and also makes me feel quite poorly and very spotty so not sure I'd want anymore than 6 months but may have a break then a bit more...idk it's all so difficult lol x
MrsMcCurdy- I'm sorry you hit the 2 year milestone. :hugs: It's definitely not easy when you realize how long its been. Whenever I look at my ticker I'm a bit shocked to see that years have gone by for us as well. That's why I'm so glad to have found this group of women that know how it feels. Good luck with the bc, hopefully it helps! I hope you are feeling better today!

nimbec- I'm trying to stay positive without being too hopeful. :winkwink: I want to believe it's implantation bleeding, that's for sure! And yes, it's definitely a much nicer place to poas. LOL.
I'm a little surprised that they are just leaving the cyst alone. It seems like most women have their cysts removed removed. Hopefully it truly isn't an issue for you with ttc. Lots of :hugs: to you!

Fern that does sound like a nice relaxing weekend. Sorry I messed up your moving date. I don't have the best memory, so I need to learn to go back and read once in a while. Haha.

SaraLou- the do look like they are getting slightly darker. Keep us posted!

Nothing much new here. No more cramping, thankfully. I'm trying to keep myself as busy as possible so my mind doesn't start wondering to the possibility of a bfp.
Have a wonderful day ladies!
Hey everyone xxx

Fern I agree you seem very optimistic, you are very inspiring xxxx you always seem to be thinking of a plan of action instead of dwelling too much zxx

ah nimbec I'm sorry to hear the progesterone makes you poorly :( I don't know much about it sorry x

K4th I do hope you're not feeling too uncomfortable!! Have you got your plan of action all set? :)

Sarah Lou those lines are getting darker ! :)

I can't remember if I posted but I tried the metformin one day last week and I was sooo poorly :( (sorry if I'm repeating myself) it was like I had food poisoning :-/ I am still working up the nerve to take it again!! But thank you fern and nimbec for checking in on me :)
I am sooo terrified of taking it again tho!

afm I think I have baaaad PMS today. I took my last norethisterone yesterday (turns out I had to take it for 10 not 7 days) so AF will hopefully be here soon so I can get it over and done with, I am so grumpy today! Lol. It's a nice sunny day but I just want to get under a blanket and sleep! Sorry I'm just moaning ... I don't really mean it but I definitely feel uncharacteristically grumpy today lol. And craving chocolate really bad!

Hope everyone is ok, sorry to be a moany mere lol xxxx
Hi everyone

Lace&pearls you have every right to moan!!! and eat chocolate ;) Seriously though the northesterone makes people very emotional - i never faired very well on it....i was either going to kill someone or collapse in a big puddle of my own tears and i couldn't even tell you why.....hopefully its not made you as crazy as it did me :dohh: With regard to the metformin i found the best way to start was with half a tablet at tea time with a good meal ie pasta or lots of meat and veg - not beans on toast! then get to bed at a reasonable time and you should be a lot better....its really important to have the slow release ones the others are just plain nasty!! please check you have those ones. It did make me feel terribly sick when i had a full tablet to start with & i was stuck at the loo with diahorrea however when i tried the half it was manageable and then i built up from there. hope that helps...if it make you feel better i feel fine on it these days unless i don't eat properly before taking it.

Jules the cyst is just a fluid filled one that is attached to the outside wall of my ovary and they say because its under 7cm (mines 3.5) they won't do anything about it....ugh sadly as i wish they would! I believe it maybe some of the cause of my fertility problems :(

:hugs::hugs: to everyone
Hi everyone,

I have my dating scan tomorrow - and I'm absolutely terrified.

DH keeps saying what will be will be, and if it's not happened the way it's supposed to this time, we'll just keep trying. I have absolutely no pregnancy symptoms at all and even my breast pain has disappeared. I am naturally a worrier anyway and always think of the worst case scenario whereas he never worries about things he can't change. Sometimes it's a good combo, but sometimes I just want him to share in my worries and fears or I feel like I'm going through it alone.

Anyway, in other news, one of my sisters-in-law had a baby girl yesterday and my other sister-in-law (due the same day) is fully dilated, so I should be an auntie again by the morning. I'm hoping with every thing I have that tomorrows birth announcement can coincide with a happy and healthy pregnancy announcement from our side.

Wish me luck and send some positive vibes my way please ladies!
Nimbec - hope that cyst doesn't interfere & progesterone does the trick quickly for you!!

Lace&pearls - I think I'm all ready. I know I'll forget something from my hospital bag - I'm always the one on holiday that has to buy a toothbrush or something obvious!! But I think I have the basics sorted (& a toothbrush!!)

Arohanui - good luck for your scan!! Thinking of you & hope you get to see a perfect little bubba :hugs:

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