hey Hopepray!
I started clomid on this cycle 50mg on CD5-9. The days I took clomid, had slight cramping. Then on CD14 I got ovulation pain that lasted even on the DPO days. I got an ultrasound on CD12, and I had a follicle that looked nicely!
Thanks pola17 for responding
I did one ultrasound today which is cycle day 13 , i didn't have any follicles which is about to mature ( one was 7mm &8.5mm) . My NP said i will have to wait till wednesday to know my progesterone level . I know this will take time ,god has a definite purpose about me . i am looking forward for the next followup.
Hi ladies this is my first month ttc baby no.2, I already have a 14 month old son who was conceived on clomid in June 2010. I was lucky and got my bfp 1st cycle 50mg days 3-7. I'm on the same dosage this time round.
I don't ovulate and have no idea why but clomid seems to work nicely for me so hoping I will be as lucky this time but am with a different partner now so who knows! I'm on CD2 so take first tablet tomorrow. Sending everyone baby dust xx
Hi ladies,
Hope you don't mind if I join you, I am only starting Clomid next cycle, but I have a few questions?
I have been told to try 50mg first cylce then increase to 100mg if my cycle is longer than 30 days.
1) Have you had bad mood swings and/or other symptoms?
2) What dosage are you on and has it made you ovulate regularly?
3) Most of you seem to be being monitored in some way, but I will not be. Is it just to check if you are ovulating?
Thanks in advance!
Hi sapphia,
I've been on clomid for about 10 cycles (currently at 150mg) and I'm regularly monitored. I have a blood test on cd21 to check my progesterone levels if the results are above 30 it means I've ovulated and can stay at the same dosage if not I have to double the dose next cycle. I think that's pretty standard practice. I also have checkups with the fertility clinic.
I have had a couple of side affects but nothing major I've had headaches and tender breasts but as far as mood swings go I guess you have to ask my husband
I'm currently in my 2ww an have a blood test on Wednesday, waiting to know if you've ovulated is the hardest part of taking clomid. Good luck
Hi Ladies. I'm not new to BnB but I'm new to the clomid club. DH and I have been TTC for a year and 3 months & I was diagnosed with PCOS and hypothyroidism. DH is fine and healthy. I just started first round of 50mg clomid this cycle and I got a positive OPK yesterday, but still no temp rise. I'm going to OPK again today to see if I get another positive. It was a blatant positive so I'm confused by no temp rise in my BBT chart...
Anyway, my question was have any of you experienced severe ovulation pain / cramping? It feels like I'm being stabbed and it takes my breath away. When the stabbing pain subsides I get very bad cramps. I've had ovulation pains near my hip for the last 2 days but but that was nothing compared to this. I hope it means I've ovulated or I'm ovulating but MAN does it hurt like crazy. It hurts to sit and stand :/ I ended up having to call in sick to work. Hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow.