clomid club

:rofl: Mine gives me the same look. However, after last cycle's chemical pregnancy he's really into it, determined to get me PG. I even had a splitting headache the other night and he just .. uhh .. "took care of business" while I lay there like an idiot holding my head :rofl:
Hi girls..... I hope it's ok to join you......

:rofl::rofl: phexia you are too funny......spent ages on your journal yesterday and had a few good laughs on the way. I am like you with children already but wanting a last shot with a fourth.To cut a long boring short I've three children already.....all boys.....the first two were clomid babies and my third son was a lovely surprise......or fluke!! Have been trying now for 15 months and have just been to see the fertility specialist who told me I have slight PCOS.......wth......nobody mentioned it before :hissy:....wondered why I had a moustache and hairy toes,nipples etc.....:blush:.......:rofl::rofl: I do ovulate regularly on my own ( I know this cause I BBT ) but she thought to try clomid to boost my eggies a bit. Not very hopeful though cause last year my locum doctor gave me clomid and so i took it for two months and nothing :cry: So girls this is my last shot. Hubby is 46 and I am 37 and we've both agreed it's really not meant to be if it doesnt happen soon. ( plus my eldest is 13 and youngest is 8 so a big age gap really )
Anyway, just want to wish you all the best............good luck to mummysirerra,jen35 and bizybee as u're on in the two week wait and good luck to everyone else too.
By the way phexia.........OMFG to all that shagging girl.......don't think my kitty could cope with all that banging......:rofl::rofl::rofl:.........keep going though as i bet that eggie is just round the corner wating to come out....FX for you love...........:hugs:

I'll be taking my first tablet tonight before bed at anyone about to start taking it so we can obssess together?

wow honeybuns, seems like we have a lot in common :) I hope you don't think I'm a crazy person after reading my journal :rofl: And how glad am I that you mentioned HAIRY TOES I mean wth? I'm lucky because the hairs are almost invisible but if you look closely my toes are really hairy :rofl:

I really hope the Clomid works for you :D And I must ask, 3 boys, are they loud? I have 2 drama queens and they can be quite noisy but good girls most of the time ;) Of course I'm secretly hoping for a boy but I won't mind another girl :)
wow honeybuns, seems like we have a lot in common :) I hope you don't think I'm a crazy person after reading my journal :rofl: And how glad am I that you mentioned HAIRY TOES I mean wth? I'm lucky because the hairs are almost invisible but if you look closely my toes are really hairy :rofl:

I really hope the Clomid works for you :D And I must ask, 3 boys, are they loud? I have 2 drama queens and they can be quite noisy but good girls most of the time ;) Of course I'm secretly hoping for a boy but I won't mind another girl :)

Yes we do have a lot in common phexia and no u don't sound crazy love.......well no crazier than me glad I'm not the only mama with hairy toes except mine are dark so have to shave them off along with the usual leg,underarm and kitty hairs.........omg I sound a right hairy beast don't I? Not going to visit any zoo's in the near future incase I get offered a fecking banana.............:dohh:

My boys can get a bit noisey especially when they play fight........they enjoy wrestling so I have to watch the glasses and the teeth cause it can be a bit embarrassing going to the opticians countless times to get their glasses straightened..........two out of my three boys have to wear them all the time....don't know why cause i don't have to and neither does my husband - although saying that he is 47 next week and seems to be looking RATHER close to the newspaper these days.......old fart.........:rofl:.......see how brave I am when he's at work......:blush:
I suppose in all honestly I would choose a girl next time but have to say don't mind really cause it's such a job getting pregnant for me it's a long as it's not a labrador cause after DTD I plug myself with toilet paper to keep the swimmers in......imagine - congratulations it's a (sorry if u don't get the joke love coming from iceland u may not have the andrex toilet tissue adverts we have here?)
Hi girls..... I hope it's ok to join you......

:rofl::rofl: phexia you are too funny......spent ages on your journal yesterday and had a few good laughs on the way. I am like you with children already but wanting a last shot with a fourth.To cut a long boring short I've three children already.....all boys.....the first two were clomid babies and my third son was a lovely surprise......or fluke!! Have been trying now for 15 months and have just been to see the fertility specialist who told me I have slight PCOS.......wth......nobody mentioned it before :hissy:....wondered why I had a moustache and hairy toes,nipples etc.....:blush:.......:rofl::rofl: I do ovulate regularly on my own ( I know this cause I BBT ) but she thought to try clomid to boost my eggies a bit. Not very hopeful though cause last year my locum doctor gave me clomid and so i took it for two months and nothing :cry: So girls this is my last shot. Hubby is 46 and I am 37 and we've both agreed it's really not meant to be if it doesnt happen soon. ( plus my eldest is 13 and youngest is 8 so a big age gap really )
Anyway, just want to wish you all the best............good luck to mummysirerra,jen35 and bizybee as u're on in the two week wait and good luck to everyone else too.
By the way phexia.........OMFG to all that shagging girl.......don't think my kitty could cope with all that banging......:rofl::rofl::rofl:.........keep going though as i bet that eggie is just round the corner wating to come out....FX for you love...........:hugs:

I'll be taking my first tablet tonight before bed at anyone about to start taking it so we can obssess together?


Hi there honeybuns,
I am about to start Clomid (3rd round) tomorrow 5/15, we can obsess together LOL...I am TTC my first so I warn you I am ULTRA :muaha: obsessed :rofl:...I start my Clomid on CD5...lets hope for the best and keep our fingers and toes crossed (but not our legs :rofl:)
Ladies I am going for this again, I am waiting for hubbys SA results and starting round 3...I want to scream but I think I am just being emotional cause AF that nasty :witch: is here with me and hopefully leaving soon.

Have a great day all and as always thanks for hearing my nutt job butt :hugs::hug:
Hi girls..... I hope it's ok to join you......

:rofl::rofl: phexia you are too funny......spent ages on your journal yesterday and had a few good laughs on the way. I am like you with children already but wanting a last shot with a fourth.To cut a long boring short I've three children already.....all boys.....the first two were clomid babies and my third son was a lovely surprise......or fluke!! Have been trying now for 15 months and have just been to see the fertility specialist who told me I have slight PCOS.......wth......nobody mentioned it before :hissy:....wondered why I had a moustache and hairy toes,nipples etc.....:blush:.......:rofl::rofl: I do ovulate regularly on my own ( I know this cause I BBT ) but she thought to try clomid to boost my eggies a bit. Not very hopeful though cause last year my locum doctor gave me clomid and so i took it for two months and nothing :cry: So girls this is my last shot. Hubby is 46 and I am 37 and we've both agreed it's really not meant to be if it doesnt happen soon. ( plus my eldest is 13 and youngest is 8 so a big age gap really )
Anyway, just want to wish you all the best............good luck to mummysirerra,jen35 and bizybee as u're on in the two week wait and good luck to everyone else too.
By the way phexia.........OMFG to all that shagging girl.......don't think my kitty could cope with all that banging......:rofl::rofl::rofl:.........keep going though as i bet that eggie is just round the corner wating to come out....FX for you love...........:hugs:

I'll be taking my first tablet tonight before bed at anyone about to start taking it so we can obssess together?


Hi there honeybuns,
I am about to start Clomid (3rd round) tomorrow 5/15, we can obsess together LOL...I am TTC my first so I warn you I am ULTRA :muaha: obsessed :rofl:...I start my Clomid on CD5...lets hope for the best and keep our fingers and toes crossed (but not our legs :rofl:)
Ladies I am going for this again, I am waiting for hubbys SA results and starting round 3...I want to scream but I think I am just being emotional cause AF that nasty :witch: is here with me and hopefully leaving soon.

Have a great day all and as always thanks for hearing my nutt job butt :hugs::hug:

Oh goodie........a clomid cycle buddie.........:happydance:

Good luck with DH's results and will be looking foward to chatting with ya........:hugs:

:rofl: I have seen the Andrex ads. Have you heard of Instead cups? They're perfect for holding the swimmers in. Many girls who have a BFP swear by them.
:rofl: I have seen the Andrex ads. Have you heard of Instead cups? They're perfect for holding the swimmers in. Many girls who have a BFP swear by them.

Yeah I've heard of those instead cups too.......have u tried them? Don't know if i fancy it really might get lost up there having had three kids already.......:rofl::rofl:

You going to go for some more action later with hubby or have u had enough for now? It's sooo frustrating waiting for the egg isn't it love......:hissy:

On another note .......I'm sure i read in your journal somewhere that u're periods are light. Well do u know so are mine - started spotting slightly on sunday,monday a bit more on tuesday - all this only brown in colour then yesterday light red blood, a bit heavier today and now looks like it's easing off already....wth.....I know it''s lucky really but am sure it's all part of this PCOS and infertility I'm assuming that I count yesterday as day one cause that was the first day of proper this what u did love?
I need to know what day I'm really on.......:dohh:

I haven't used them but I always use a mooncup during AF and I couldn't live without it. Haven't lost it up there yet :rofl: And yes, my period is very light after I had my coil removed and I think it's due to the hormones not being strong enough to make a good uterine lining. From what I've read the Clomid can fix that, making the eggs better and therefor the corpus luteum which produces progesterone. So I'm hopeful :) I'm not really sure but I think I'd count yesterday as CD 1 if I were you because it turned red then. I haven't spotted in the last year, dunno why, I used to spot before AF. So I'm never confused about when to start counting CD 1.

I'm going for more action tonight since OPK is getting darker now. Then probably tomorrow, maybe the next day but then I'm DONE :rofl:
I haven't used them but I always use a mooncup during AF and I couldn't live without it. Haven't lost it up there yet :rofl: And yes, my period is very light after I had my coil removed and I think it's due to the hormones not being strong enough to make a good uterine lining. From what I've read the Clomid can fix that, making the eggs better and therefor the corpus luteum which produces progesterone. So I'm hopeful :) I'm not really sure but I think I'd count yesterday as CD 1 if I were you because it turned red then. I haven't spotted in the last year, dunno why, I used to spot before AF. So I'm never confused about when to start counting CD 1.

I'm going for more action tonight since OPK is getting darker now. Then probably tomorrow, maybe the next day but then I'm DONE :rofl:

:hugs:...thanks for that honey....i will count yesterday as day 1 then and pop that pill tonight as planned........:happydance:

Gosh more kitty bashing :shock::shock:don't know where u get the're bound to catch that eggy love......:happydance:

Hi there
I am going to be starting round six (I think) in about three weeks. I just came back from some time off TTC, because I had a lap/hysterscopy/D&C about 3 weeks ago. They found scarring, and fixed I am going to be back in the saddle again. ;=)
All of you ladies are hilarious!! :rofl:

Well... I think I am officially 2 dpo... Check my chart... What do you think?

I went in on cd 13 and had an u/s and they found two eggies. One was 26mm and the other was around 18mm. I doubt both were released, but the more the merrier :happydance:

We BD the day before, the day of, and i wanted to give it another go the day after, but my DH couldn't do it... This is so not like him, but it made me :hissy:

Oh well, I guess we did it enough before I ovulated... or let's hope!!! If not, I will blame him :dohh:

Good luck to everyone on the 2WW with clomid. I am dreading a :bfn:, so I am not going to test (or will try not to test :blush:) until AF is due...
All of you ladies are hilarious!! :rofl:

Well... I think I am officially 2 dpo... Check my chart... What do you think?

I went in on cd 13 and had an u/s and they found two eggies. One was 26mm and the other was around 18mm. I doubt both were released, but the more the merrier :happydance:

We BD the day before, the day of, and i wanted to give it another go the day after, but my DH couldn't do it... This is so not like him, but it made me :hissy:

Oh well, I guess we did it enough before I ovulated... or let's hope!!! If not, I will blame him :dohh:

Good luck to everyone on the 2WW with clomid. I am dreading a :bfn:, so I am not going to test (or will try not to test :blush:) until AF is due...

Hi there Bebecake........:hugs:

:happydance:......yes love I also think u're 2 dpo.....there or there abouts......:happydance:

I'm sure you'll have DTD DH gets like this also......when you think about it it is a lot of pressure for them having to get 'GOING' cause it's babymaking time........all we have to do is lie back and open wide.......:rofl::rofl:......well not me cause sometimes I end up doing all the work and he's the one lying back doing nowt.....:hissy:.....:rofl::rofl:

Good luck love and sending you some :dust::dust:

Girls, I have a positive OPK and a PEAK reading on my CBFM. I'm used to getting O pain in my left (cystic) ovary but now I'm getting like this tickling/shock pain in both ovaries although still more on the left, very strange. It starts like an electric shock, tickles a bit and then ends with pain. Did you girls have different O pain with Clomid?
Girls, I have a positive OPK and a PEAK reading on my CBFM. I'm used to getting O pain in my left (cystic) ovary but now I'm getting like this tickling/shock pain in both ovaries although still more on the left, very strange. It starts like an electric shock, tickles a bit and then ends with pain. Did you girls have different O pain with Clomid?

GO GO GO PHEXIA......:happydance:

Both times when I conceived my sons with clomid I had really bad pains in my ovaries on both sides so I would take this as a very good sign love.....when I took clomid last year for two months I didnt have much ovary pain at all and the clomid was unsuccesful :cry: so I'm definately hoping for lots of side pain very soon........
Girls, I have a positive OPK and a PEAK reading on my CBFM. I'm used to getting O pain in my left (cystic) ovary but now I'm getting like this tickling/shock pain in both ovaries although still more on the left, very strange. It starts like an electric shock, tickles a bit and then ends with pain. Did you girls have different O pain with Clomid?

WOOHOO YAYYYYYY :wohoo: I hope this is your month girl :) go phexia, go phexia, get your groove on :sex: LOL I'm a little wired this morning, trying to drown out my mood with a large iced caramel latte, and I had to go back and edit LOL, I forgot to add that last month the day I O'd I got sharp side pains that I could barely get up from the it sounds good :)
Better, thanks :) Some twinges and temp still not up, but no pain like yesterday.
Welcome Honeybuns and Jasmak :hi:
Hope your first round of Clomid is successful!

Phexia, the O pain sounds like a good sign. Glad you're feeling better today!

Bebe, you're in the TWW with me! Yay! FX.

MommySierra, hope this is your cycle hun...

I don't have much to report. I am around 7 dpo today and don't have any real symptoms. I am pretty sure I ovulated, as I had positive OPK's and cramps/twinges last week. I've been taking progesterone every night and I have felt fine. I thought for sure that I would have side effects. I want to POAS so badly, but I am going to wait! :dohh: PMA that this will be my cycle!!!

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