Clomid/FE Conceived Buddies :)

I think I will wait till Wednesday and go in for the test then, that would put me 7dpo if I did o...I think my temp will show by then if I did too.
Four, if it were me, I would've counted cd14 as positive and not tested again. It's very tricky! I know when I had a positive that looked like your cd14 one an ultrasound showed I did ovulate after that test. I know my tests would go back and forth even if I ovulated. Some women have "corrected" me that it needs to be "blazing" positive but in my wondfo experience that wasn't the case. Fingers crossed for you!!!!!

Thanks Sarah and Nita! I am feeling a bit better. I'm sure I'll improve more once off progesterone!
Four, CD 16 is definitely the darkest but 14 looks positive to me too. I see you have crosshairs but I can understand why you're not feeling like they're 100% correct. Like Nita said, 7 DPO is when they recommend it. CD 21 is 7 days after CD 14 when we are all suppose to drop our eggs. I'd hold off if I was you. Give it at least 3-4 more days and then do the blood test. The blood test will confirm if you've O'd and it might give you some indication of when but it's not going to be as good as temping. Mine was high on my second cycle and lower on my third. I ovulated CD 16 both cycles and did the blood tests on the same CD. I'm convinced I ovulated two eggs on my second cycle and just 1 on the third (and none on the first). Not to get your hopes up too high but a positive OPK in the TWW is a good sign!

Nita, I hope that makes the time go quicker! Not long now :)

TTC, that's good to hear. How much longer do you have to go with the progesterone?
Sarah I'm supposed to stop after my last one tonight!
Good luck! I'm sure everything will be fine! Have you read up on what happens when you stop them? I've heard a few women getting unexpected reactions. I didn't read too much into it because I wasn't taking it.
Well I'm pretty sure I'm just not going to O this cy. So bummed. This is my OPK's still way darker than it should be but not + so I guess I'll go in this Wednesday or Friday to have my 21 day test ran to confirm but I'm pretty sure it's a bust. I don't even know what to do from here, I'm pretty frustrated.
Four, if you think you didnt O, get the CD21 bloodtest done ASAP so you can get started on the next cycle - this is the best advice I gave myself. The Clomid should have made you Od already, and maybe it did (as I said previously, dont trust OPKs) That stress of not knowing is enough to drive a person crazy.

Sorry if I may sound unsensitive/harsh - not my intention :)

I am so stressed about work :( so I am going MIA for a few days... I will check in when time allows for it.

Four, Ill be waiting to hear about your bloodtest results.
I agree with Nita. If you're not sure, just do the blood test. If you did O you'll probably still get a good result and if you didn't, then you can move on with the next cycle. Maybe your doctor will give you 150mg?

I hope everything's ok Nita, look after yourself.

My tummy is stretching big time tonight. It feels really weird. I've only gained 3kg (6.5lbish) which is on the low side for 20 weeks. Surprising, because I'm still finding it hard to eat healthy but have a huge appetite at the moment!
Ugh, we have staff issues, because they are lazy and demand more money, so we kinda send them packing. And with me taking leave next week, I have a crapload of work to do, and I am not sleeping well, 4 hours max at night (thank you insomnia) and I am stupid tired during the day(still blaming the prog :haha:) So I am just really stressed.

yay for a stretching tummy Sarah - and guess what? Its almost Thursday...and you know what happens on a Thursday :winkwink:
:cry: My dr ordered my test just a few minutes ago so I'm going to shower then head in to get it done. I just took two OPK's and a preg test because I am having horrible O cramps so I checked my cm/cp and I have gobs of ewcm (sorry for the tmi pic) and my wondfo OPK looks positive again :( we haven't dtd since Sunday morning because we were just so exhausted. I guess we will dtd today just in case I'm finally O'ing. I know the blood test will confirm I haven't O'd because my chart lost its crosshairs and I definitely haven't had a temp shift like I normally do for O. Anyhow doesn't this look positive too?? I wonder if I got a bad batch of wondfo or something :(
Nita, that's frustrating. I hope you can catch up on everything before you go away. I was having trouble with insomnia and then I realised I was waking up because I was hungry. Maybe try a yoghurt or banana when you wake up. I did and it put me back to sleep haha.

I think my tummy is starting to grow, slowly. I dropped something yesterday and it was a little bit harder to pick up haha. Yay haha I'm sick of being a pint of root beer.

Four, that's so frustrating. You have the opposite problem to me - no positive OPKs. It looks like you might be Oing now but being CD 22, my doctor would say it wasn't a Clomid ovulation. So I think it's a good idea that you did the blood test. If you don't get your BFP this cycle, your doctor might prescribe provera to finish it and then give you a higher dose. My doctor didn't keep me on the same dose after I failed it once. What did your doctor say about doing 100mg again, even though you didn't ovulate cycle 2?
Went and had my blood work done, the tech said I would get results in a few days because they have to send it to a bigger lab.

Sarah I have an ongoing prescription for Provera because I typically have to take it to jump start my cycle. Last cycle was the first time I have O'd and so af came on its own but I typically have to take Provera and Clomid to have a normal cycle. When I spoke to her about my charts and O and such last cycle she said to try 100mg one more cy then she will move me to 150 if I don't so or don't get pregnant. I really just want to O so I don't have to take Provera :( I'm still in tons of crampy pain and had some sharp O like pains on my left side today but who really knows. I knew the stress of this whole move thing was going to mess up this cycle :cry:
Hopefully you get your results before the weekend! That makes sense, if it was me and you think you might still be in with a chance this cycle, don't take provera just yet. Wait and see what the blood tests say and if you get a rise in the next few days. It could be the stress or that 100mg is just not enough. It sounds like you need 150mg and hopefully you won't suffer too much with the side effects. Will you have to find a new doctor too?
Yes once we move in July I will have to find a new dr and we will have all new medical insurance so I'm not sure how it's all going to work if I don't get pregnant before then :(
Four, I am glad you did the bloodtest I hope you get your results soon, I cant wait imagine days for it though, here it gets released in 2 to 3 hours to the app and I could see it there, even my hcg test and pap smear. I hope its before the weekend though.

Things shoukd be better at work today, but I need a break, so the weekend better come soon. I have my appointment in exactly 1 week from now...starting to stress about it
Yeah it seems like a long time to process the test. Here, it's probably take 24 hours. Maybe less because my doctor seems to always make my tests as urgent. We also don't really have healthcare insurance here so I don't really know how that works.

Well I spent all day cleaning. Cleaning walls, ceilings, mopping etc. I think they call it nesting haha.
Its so weird, my tests are always marked as low priority, but it seems things work differently everywhere. My hcg was marked as urgent for some reason, and within an hour I got the SMS to say its positive. We have lots of different labs here too, so dont know if the others take longer.

Sarah - How much should I pay you to clean my house too? The lady that cleaned our house went back to zimbabwe and she have not returned yet (3 weeks later) ugh!! And I dont have time to clean. :dohh:
The hospital they had to send it to is a couple hours away, I'm not sure how often they do transfers to there but I'm watching my online account waiting to see if they post results soon. I'm hoping I don't have to wait through the weekend...the tech who drew my blood might not really know and just said that so I don't call bothering for the results lol

I spent all day running crazy errands for our move, had to gather a ton of paperwork from all over for our realtor so we can start looking for properties in Alaska! Then I came home and cleaned like crazy and got rid half my wardrobe so that we don't have to take as much, I have two months to purge all of our belongings, the more we take the more expensive it is and it's just easier to start over with new furniture there and such so we will be taking as little as possible, it's nerve racking!!
Four, that sounds exciting and crazy at the same time. I am excited for you though, I am sure it is all going to work out like it should :hugs:

When we moved in January into our new house, we were so busy and it took my mind of TTC for a while, who knew we would get our BFP just after the move :D
All my fertility ones were marked urgent and so are my Lupus ones. Seems weird because they really didn't need to know any of those results urgently, but all good. Here some of the blood tests can only be done at certain labs. I've even had blood tests sent to Australia because none of the labs can process them.

Haha Nita, I don't think you could afford me! While I was cleaning the walls I was thinking someone should pay me! When DH got home from work I made him walk around the house and admire all my cleaning haha.

Four, sounds like a big clean out. I find it hard to throw out clothes and other things. I think I need to have a good clear out though.

I've just seen that Love from the Clomid buddies thread got her BFP. I sent her a private message inviting her to join us :)

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