Clomid/FE Conceived Buddies :)

Four - Whoohhhooooooo :happydance::happydance: get the BD going - This is your cycle! I have a very good feeling you will have your BFP in a few days :thumbup:

Sarah - So exciting!!

None of my jeans fit me anymore, for about a week now :haha: and maternity jeans and shirts are so comfy :hugs:
Four, haha great advice. I was thinking a frozen coke because of the cold and caffeine. My DH wasn't keen on that idea but he'll be ok with orange juice.

Nita, your bump is probably the same size as mine haha. Maternity jeans are super comfy.

I don't know how I'm going to sleep tonight. I'm so excited to see our baby. All my other scans I've just been so scared but now I can feel kicks I know he/she is all ok.
I am glad I am showing some sort of bump...being very short is finally paying off, but makes me think I huge I will be in a few months :o

I had the weirdest dreams last night, I only remember 1 in detail: I went to get my 12 week scan done and the OB decided she isnt going to do an U/s for some reason and she will only do one again at 20 weeks, so I left her office without knowing how baby is doing... last night was the first night since my BFP that I had a strange dream, and there was more than 1 as I woke up a lot during the night, but now I can't remember the others, just that I thought it was silly haha
Haha yay! You will probably have a bigger bump but maybe it'll slow down as you get further along?

Haha the dreams can be a bit crazy. I never usually remember my dreams but lately I've been having really clear ones. Last night I had a nightmare and my DH woke me up because I was whimpering in my sleep
Ugh, DH just rung to say he has to work this afternoon (even though they were all given this afternoon off). So no pram shopping and he doesn't know if he can make it to the scan... I'm not rebooking.
Oh gosh I had another crazy dream, that I went to the salon for a hair cut and they made me wait for longer than an hour haha silly dreams.

Thats sucks Sarah hope he can make the appointment atleast. If my time zones are correct you should be going anytime now?

Anyone else notice their finhers swelling? Or is it just me? My wedding ring barely fit over my finger :o

Oh and its Thursday, new ticker day yay.
Sarah praying your scan went good I can't wait to hear what you are having <3
The baby is a BOY!!!!

We are so happy :) everything looks good from what she could see but she said she'd need to have a closer look at it all. No photos unfortunately, I have to go back next week and pick up the CD. It was really cool! His (I can say that now haha) feet were right up under my ribs and the ultrasound lady said he was really tall with long legs. His face looked really freaky, like something from a horror movie haha.
YAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!! So happy you are having what you wanted.
Haha me too...!!! Could have been really awkward if it was a girl haha. Now I can properly get stuck into shopping :)
Yay Sarah congrats sooo exciting!!! Do you and dh have names picked out for your little man? So happy you get to have the little boy you wanted <3 I hope I get a boy next time but I'd be happy with a girl too!
I wanted a boy, but now I think I want a girl - but honestly I think I will be happy either way :D
Thanks Four. Yup we have a boys name but not a girl's name so that's lucky. We aren't 100% set on the name but at the moment we both like it.

Fingers crossed you both get what you want too!
Well I'm not sure what's going on with this cy...still no blazing positive OPK :( I'm beginning to think my thermometer is broke too because my temp has been the exact same pre o temp for 5 days in a row!! I wish o would just O already and get a temp shift! These constant hot flashes and daily diarrhea from the metformin are enough to make me go crazy so I hope it's not all for nothing :(
Sarah! Congratulations &#10084; Little boys are so much fun!!!!

Nita you'll be so in love boy or girl baby &#10084;

Four I'm sorry! That sounds frustrating! If you called would your doctor do an ultrasound to see what's going on?

Well I have a scan in two hours. I really am nervous as usual. But I hope all is well.
Ttc, goodluck, I know it will go well. I am glad you are having so many scans, I can only imagine how stressful it must be. How are you feeling by the way? Last time you said you arent well..

I thought I was having far less scans than others, but I spoke to so many women who het one at 12 weeks then only at 20, I am happy that I get to have one every 4 weeks for now :) and officially less than 2 weeks before the next scan...yay.

Not sure how it works in other countries, but we have a 4 day weekend for for those celebrating, happy easter :)
Well I'm not sure what's going on with this cy...still no blazing positive OPK :( I'm beginning to think my thermometer is broke too because my temp has been the exact same pre o temp for 5 days in a row!! I wish o would just O already and get a temp shift! These constant hot flashes and daily diarrhea from the metformin are enough to make me go crazy so I hope it's not all for nothing :(

Oh no!! Clomid can fo thqt, make you O one cycle and not the next, or just later, on my first O cycle it was CD14 and on my second O cycle it wasnt until CD18/19, and the metformin should help!! And ugh the side effects on them are the worst.
Four, oh no, I thought your OPKs were looking great. Your chart is very flat but you are only temping to 1 dp so maybe it's not picking up small changes. Hopefully you get your rise tomorrow. If your doctor doing blood tests to check if you've O'd? Metformin sucks, but I hope it's helping!

TTC thanks :) I see you have 2 little boys :) I've always wanted a boy first and then after that I'm not worried. Although I'd rather not have 3 of one gender haha. Good luck for your scan, let us know how it goes.

Nita, I think different countries do things differently. Here, you're lucky if you get an early dating scan, you can choose to have a 12 week scan but only if you're doing NT testing, then a 20 week scan is pretty standard and then they do one in the third trimester some time. For me, I'm getting lots, I'm about to start getting them more frequently. Oh I there was stuff about SA on the news last night, just about the protests.

Thankfully the cyclone that was meant to be the worst in 50 years or something passed without too much trouble. I think they were expecting much worse. DH has been on 2 hours notice to move and his bags are waiting at the door :( but hopefully they'll stand them down. And then we can go pram shopping tomorrow!

And yes, it's a long weekend here too but also school holidays so I'm off until the end of the month :) happy Easter everyone!
And yay for our tickers Nita. The silly thing is that a lot of the food we don't have here. We don't have donut holes or root beer.
Thanks girls, my OPK's have remained the same darkness as I showed earlier for the last few days but no test line darker than the control like I had last month so I'm not counting them as + yet. I'll test again tonight and hopefully see some change...really just waiting for that temp change to confirm though...we have been dtd a lot so hopefully it happens soon because I'm getting worn out lol I will be getting a 21 day blood test to confirm O once I know I've actually O'd or I hit cd 25 with no then I'll get it anyways to see what the number is for my progesterone...If I have to do Clomid again I'll move up to 150mg

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