Clomid/FE Conceived Buddies :)

Haha he can't be impatient if he wants to feel them. At the start, DH would lie there for almost an hour. If you can do it on a weekend morning when you don't have to get up early? But if you're not feeling them on the outside then he probably won't yet.

That's the same as us with the nursery. We will have it all ready but he will be in with us. But I'll use the change table in there during the day etc. plus I don't have much hope in being able to do much set up when he's here. We've started cooking and freezing meals. Even DH said it was exciting that we would eat this food when he's here haha.

I hope you can get some rest Nita. Is your mum back at work yet?

It's definitely not as bad as the first trimester. I think part of it is because I'm really tired and sick with a cold. My cough keeps waking me (and DH and the baby) up in the middle of the night plus it's giving me a headache and making my tummy feel nauseous.

I hope we see Shecee back here soon. I know she went to the Hanson concert and they were on the TV here last night because they'd arrived in NZ haha (by the way, I'm not going!)
Freezing meals is the absolute best thing Sarah! Honestly I filled the freezer with meals before she was born and it was so nice to be able to just grab things and not have to think about it, I cooked tons!

I've been so exhausted this time around, I remember the first time around I had a nap for half hour or so in the afternoon sometimes but this time around I'm bone tired!! Last 2 days I've been asleep by 9, slept till 7am, did the morning School run and came back and slept 10.30-2 before going to pick her up again! And honestly it was a struggle getting out of bed in the afternoon I feel like a zombie till around 7pm and then have a couple of hours feeling ok before sleep again! I'm still feeling a bit nauseous in the afternoons but the tiredness is definitely the worst bit... on that note I'm off to bed 😂😂
Bonnie, I've heard they're really good! Especially with my DH being in the military I know there will be times when he's away and it's just me and the baby at home and I'll be left to do everything and cereal or toast for dinner will just be really appealing haha. What sort of things did you have frozen?

You sound like I was in the first trimester. I spent nearly all day in bed, nap and then be in bed asleep by 6pm. Slowly that improved, I remember having 2 nights in a row when I went to bed at 7.30pm haha. I can feel the fatigue creeping back in but I've got a cold at the moment, I'm awake all night coughing and have no voice. Hopefully you've only got a few more weeks of it to go.
Hey guys, I'm back! I actually got back home last Wednesday but I've been sick with a virus since then and only got off the couch to come to work today! Way too old for following a band around clearly :p

Hope you are all well! I'll have to read back and catch up :)

I'm 9 weeks today woo! But I've just started having (tmi) brown discharge which worries me as it looks like what I had when I had my first M/c (that was at 4 weeks tho!). Hoping it's just placenta implantation bleeding or something!

I don't have another ultrasound until 21st July (12 weeks 2 days) so I'm struggling a bit without all my monitoring!
Yay welcome back! Haha I thought you were brave going to the concert plus being pregnant! I hope you feel better soon! Wow 9 weeks has gone so fast!! Have you rung your doctor/clinic about the spotting? I had spotting at about 5 weeks and freaked out. The fertility clinic said as long as it's not bright red it's ok. I also read that women sometimes get spotting around when they would usually get their period. I'd ring and check if I was you, especially being on progesterone. They might do another scan or blood test.

I swear my bump isn't growing. It looks smaller than at 26 weeks
I haven't rung yet. Im confused who to ring! fertility clinic would be more helpful but I'm not officially a patient anymore and I've been referred back to GP who I don't think will be very helpful.

It seems to be a bit less each time I check but I keep reading nightmare stories about missed miscarriages :/ I'll give them a call once I'm out of work and hope they don't just say "thats normal go away"
If I was you, I'd ring the fertility clinic. The worst they'll say is that it's now the GP's job. But they'll probably be helpful because they know your history. I hope it's nothing and if you're not having cramps or bright red blood it's a good sign. Best to get it checked out though!
Thanks Sarah! Good to know I'm not alone... feel totally wiped out! Not quite sure how I'm going to cope on our cycling holiday next week 😳

I froze a ton of meals, probably enough for 4-6 weeks worth of dinners! I did things that were easy to batch cook i.e. Made a huge batch of mince and used it for spag Bol, chilli con carne, enchiladas, taco mix etc. Then same with chicken mix etc. If you have a slow cooker (I recommend one!) they also have a ton of 'dump bag' meal recipes on google where you put everything in a bag and freeze it so all you need to do at some point in the day is take the bag out the freezer and dump it in! Also bought loads of lazy stuff like pre chopped onion and peppers etc, you'll need all the help you can get! Honestly the last thing I wanted to do was cook.

Sheece I would definitely ring someone about the spotting, we have early pregnancy units attached to our hospital which we can call with any problems in the first 12 weeks and we get in touch with them with anything like bleeding etc but not sure if you have anything like that there? X
Sarah, my DH isnt willing to hold his hand on my tummy for longer than 5 minutes, then he gets upset and just say we will try again. She is still quiet now, I felt a few faint kicks this morning. My mom is not back at work yet, she is still booked off for no duty until 11 July... ugh.

Welcome back Sheece - definitely ring someone to find out about the spotting, you are not supposed to have any amount of spotting while on Progesterone.

I thought about the freezed meals as well, but so far I buy food that is easy to prepare, like meat that I can cook in the oven, and already cut veggies and potatoes, etc. I just put everything the oven, wait and hour, and dinner is done. I am planning to ask my MIL and granny to assist when baby is here.
I didn't think of that Nita hmm.

But its actually not spotting exactly, its just tinted brown watery discharge :/ it seems to be going away over the day too. I haven't called yet (stuck in work) but if its no better in the morning I'll call GP.

Bonnie - I don't think we have anything like that here. Nothing that I'm aware of anyway!
Bonnie I love those dump meals too! About every 2 weeks I make 14-16 meals for the crock pot or to pop in the oven. So much easier than cooking from scratch every single night. I love this woman who runs a site called New Leaf Wellness. Super easy recipes and they've all been great!

And Sheece, I would still call about the brown discharge but it can happen sometimes even on progesterone. Definitely call though.
This morning I had a few red spots so that sealed the deal for me and I rang doctors. Got in straight away and she gave me a quick ultrasound but their machine was horrible & she wasn't trained properly so as she warned me, we couldn't see much. Checked my cervix and there was no sign of blood and it was nice and closed at least.

She did mention it could be the placenta implanting too. She was really good and set my mind at ease! I have an ultrasound in a few hours at my normal ultrasound place so that will tell me definitely, and I had a blood test too, and a follow up one in 48 hours. So they are nothing but thorough thankfully!

I'll let you know how I go - Happy to get a chance to hopefully see my happy healthy baby earlier than anticipated at least! Thanks for the advice girls xx
I am glad you called Sheece, and they are so thorough! Its really reassuring to know you get to see your little one a bit earlier too. Goodluck and I hope you get some good news!

Sarah - I don't know about you but I woke up this morning thinking 'is it ticker day already' - it goes by way too quickly. Its already been more than a week after my last appointment and less than 3 weeks till my next.
Thanks Bonnie. I'll look into those dump bags. They sound really good. I was planning on doing the same with the mince and having a few different combinations ready to go. I definitely don't think I'll feel like cooking.

Shecee, I'm glad your doctors are being thorough and checking that all out. Fingers crossed everything is fine. Did they see the heartbeat at your ultrasound?

Nita, it won't be long until you're both feeling lots of kicks. I know, I checked ovia and I was surprised it was another week gone!

AFM, I'm still sick, coughing all night, losing my voice, plus horrible heartburn. I had work today which was exhausting and I have my work baby shower tomorrow. Then I had the midwife which was full on. We went through the birth plan with her, talked about pain relief (they won't offer it unless I ask) and tearing during labor. My midwife said that they will never cut if they think you're going to tear. There have been many times when she's thought women were sure to tear and she put pressure on the perineum and guided the head out there's been no tear. I'll start antenatal expressing from 36 weeks and she said ideally we will have at least 20mls but the more the better. Unfortunately my iron levels are really low so I'm starting iron tablets. She's also concerned because I've lost weight in the last 2 weeks and my tummy is measuring smaller than my last appointment too. I knew I wasn't imagining my bump getting smaller. She wants me to do my growth scan early to make sure he's ok. Then tonight we had the hospital tour, which was good but I was exhausted. I'm off to bed now...!
Sounds like a lot Sarah! Get some rest, phew, even just reading what a day you had was exhausting. You are in the last stretch now, and it wont be long from now on until you meet him. I hope everything is OK.

My granny told me today, I have a big chance to get twins at some point if we keep on having babies. I asked her why, only twins in our families is my husbands mom, she said no, her dad was a twin and my moms brother was a twin (his twin didn't make it though) - and if I keep on taking Clomid... I am surprised there is only one :o
My worst fears were confirmed sadly. Mmc at 8.5 weeks so only just happened :(
Oh sheece I'm so so sorry. It happened to me only recently so I know the pain you're going through. There are no words. It's so awful. Did they talk to you about what will happen so you're prepared? If you want to know any more just ask me. Take your time honey and rest for now xxxx
Sheree I'm so sorry. I'm actually crying. That is the worst news ever. I hope you are ok or as ok as you can be. Take as much as time as you need and if there's anything we can do. I feel heartbroken :(
Oh sheece! Such horrible news! I'm so sorry. As you can tell from my signature I've been there far too many times. Please feel free to pm me if you'd like. I'm so so sorry.
I am so sorry sheece :( I dont have words. Please take care of yourself now and take some time for yourself. I wish I could do or say anything to make it better :(

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