Clomid/FE Conceived Buddies :)

lol Four - great minds ;)

I don't think you had a MC though, AF on Clomid for me was very different than normal AF, I also thought after I didnt O I had a MC and maybe I Od later, but it seems like a common issue. I had these thick Cloths and AF was very heavy and sore, normal AF for me is Light/medium flow for 4 days. I never stracked O before so Dont know what my LP should be but it was 15 days on Clomid.
For r2five, we miss you too. I think the general rule about LPs is that they can vary a little but it should only be by a few days. Others can correct me, but 5 days shorter is quite a lot. If you were having a MC I would have thought that you would have a longer LP, not a short one. But it is strange how you're having a different AF to usual. When I had a MC I still had a line the day after I started bleeding but I was too upset to continue testing. I really hope this cycle works for you!

Nita, sounds like a fun weekend of eating haha. Has your appetite increased? I know what you mean about feeling big. That's how I was feeling last week but I think I must have gotten use to it in the past few days. I'm sure it won't belong until your DH can feel her.

AFM, pretty quiet. Been having some weird cramping, kind of like period pain but my tummy isn't tightening so it's not AF. I haven't rung my doctor but I'm just waiting to see what it's like tomorrow.
Sarah - I can literally eat and eat and not stop!! The cravings for certain foods are getting less though, I dont feel like eating sour sweets the whole day anymore, so I am using the opportunity to try and snack on healthy foods, for example lunch today is one massive green salad and a few crackers. My baby girl kick me when I eat sweet anyway, so guessing she doesnt want me too lol.

We told our families about the name we chose for her, and so far only great responses. Will be telling friends today :D
Four, it could *possibly* be a chemical pregnancy. A missed miscarriage is when baby stops developing and your body shows no signs like bleeding etc and you find out the heart stopped at an appt.
With that said, my loss in June 2016 was like this. I had a very very short luteal phase and bled very oddly, somewhat lighter bleeding but very clotty. I took a pregnancy test about 2 weeks after what I thought was cd1 and it was positive. Obviously it was a miscarriage and not a healthy pregnancy. If that's what happened to you, which sounds like it could be, I think a test may still show. It took until my next "period" for tests to stop showing positive. But honestly if I hadn't have taken the test I wouldn't have known. My next cycle came on time. But it truly does sound like unfortunately that could be the case for you. I also think instincts are usually right. I was so mad my period came so early and I told my husband if it wasn't so early I'd think I was having a mc based on the clots. That instinct was right. I would test. I'm sorry if that's what happened. ❤️
Hi Sarah and Nita! Sorry I haven't been on much!
My blood disorder is acting up so I've been extra exhausted. I can feel tons of movement now so I'm relieved!
I wish I had a good appetite! I finally gained 3lbs but have a difficult time eating. Nita your lunch sounds super good!
Sarah I'm sorry you're having the odd cramps! Keep an eye on it. With my first I was in preterm labor and only had weird cramping.
Nita, I thought that same as you about Four's AF, my AF was heavy, painful, clots etc on Clomid too. But this isn't her first AF on Clomid so that's why I thought it was a little strange it was different to the others. But from my understand a shorter LP probably wouldn't indicate a MC. Four, I think if you want to know you should do a test ASAP. Your HCG could drop quickly.

My appetite has increased too. I'm either starving or feel sick. I think that their kicks are telling us they like the food haha.

TTC, sorry you're feeling so exhausted. But yay you're feeling kicks, that's exciting. I haven't had any more cramping so I'm not sure what it was. Google said that it could be constipation, but I'm going at least once, sometimes twice a day (TMI!). Is your blood condition causing any troubles with your pregnancy?
TTC I am sorry to hear that you are still strugling, I hope it gets better soon!

It makes sense Sarah, she had AF on Clomid before.. hmmm Its a difficult one. I dont really have an idea then or advice, sorry Four :( I will however send you a hug :hugs:

Having another busy day, with baby kicking and resting on my bladder again! She moved over the last few days as my bladder was fine, and today I can feel the pressure. Can't wait to see her tomorrow - hope she is still a she though :D
I only had 1 Clomid induced AF so I'm not sure either. They might vary from cycle to cycle. I hope you're doing ok Four.

Good luck for your appointment. I'm finding some of his movements are quite painful and uncomfortable. I'm also feeling really tired again. I'm working today and tomorrow but not sure how I'm going to cope. Hopefully you get to see your little one again tomorrow and she's still a girl.

We've got our hospital tour this evening.
She is still very much a girl. And a small one too, just like her mom. I am 21-22 weeks now and she is measuring 19-20 weeks. 13,5CM long and weight 281g. Heartbeat is 158 bpm :D she moved around so much, at first she was upside down, then she turned again LOL but it was amazing to see her stomach, and the 4 heart chambers, her bladder and her ribs/back bone. She is really turning into a little princess now.

I need to do my bed booking at the hospital this week and my 4D scan booking for 2 months from now :D

DHs friend also gave birth this morning to a beautiful baby boy <3


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Ahh lovely pic Nita! so exciting. halfway there now!

Four Clomid did change my O, I O'd on day 23 on Clomid, religiously. And it also did change my periods, on clomid they were much lighter but the doc told me it could change them heavier or lighter or not at all. Fingers crossed for you this month :hugs:

got my scan tomm, was rescheduled from tues, looking forward to seeing the pea and hoping all ok!
Exciting Nita

Bonnie, that's interesting because my AF was heavier and more painful on Clomid. Exciting for your scan. Please upload a photo if you want!

AFM, I'm 30 weeks today! Crazy to think in about 10 weeks he will be here! My friend just gave birth this morning to a big 10 and a half pound baby. They've called him the same first name we are planning to use. I knew that was going to happen...
OMG alomost forgot its ticker day, the last week was so insanely chaotic!

I am sorry your friend took the first name you had :o thats why we announced early...just incase. Will you still use the same name or think of a new one?

I have to complete a dozen of forms and book our prenatal classes as well - I have a feeling the next few months are going to go very quickly. We also thought my mom would be back at work already, but her doctor has her on no duty until middle July, and of course I had to land a huge new contract/client for us this month and I have no idea how I am going to do their work next month... crazy, busy, chaotic times ahead.
It's Thursday here but the tickers are always slow.

I think we will still go with the name. DH has wanted to use this name even before we met. The nickname we have for the baby is a nickname for the name we were going to use so I think we will just use the nickname more often. I'm a bit sad about them using the name but more sad about the fact it took us so long to get here. I know that this friend fell pregnant on their second cycle. So knowing that they have had their baby already when we should have had ours ages ago just sucks.

DH also came home and said his boss is sending some guys overseas this weekend. He doesn't know if it's him, where they're going or for how long for. His boss wants to see him first thing in the morning.

Plus work was terrible and I have bad reflux/heartburn, exhaustion, nausea, sore and achy, I'm just feeling over it all today.

I think I might go and have a bath.
Sarah - are you feeling better today? I understand what you mean when you say, we should have had our babies a long time ago. It took us a year to conceive, the same time it takes everyone else to conceive and give birth. But, I came across this funny thing a while ago, and although it obviously is just a 'saying' it made me think about how long it took... "Things come at the perfect time / perfection takes time" and I can't help to think that our perfect babies took longer to make, and that they will be absolutely perfect. After I saw the detail of our baby girl on the U/S on Wednesday, I feel so lucky and happy to be carrying her. She is and will be worth the wait - and her kicks are getting incredibly . It really sucks that your friend took the name you wanted :(

I have completed the forms and we will be visiting the hospital this weekend to do our bed booking and 4D scan booking - they said we can bring a DVD with to record it. :D I cant wait.
Hi girls!

Scan all went well, saw a heartbeat! Have a pic but can't post it from my phone it seems. Measuring bang on for my dates and another scan in 5 weeks, feels like ages!!

Sarah, hope you're feeling better now. Sucks about the name, a friend of mine did it a month before I had my daughter and we decided not to use the name and in hindsight I wished I had as we kind of lost contact after we had children and don't really see him now!! So may still use it &#128514;

Nita did you see Ask4Joy from our Clomid thread has got a possible BFP? She's worried it's an evap but fingers crossed not. It's on the pregnancy test gallery.

Feeling so sick at the moment, this morning sickness really kicking in between 2-5pm!
Bonnie, i am so happy to hear that you get to see the heartbeat and that everything is still good. So sorry about tge MS! I hope it doesnt get worse! You will see the 5 weeks will go by quickly.

Thank you for letting us know about Ask, I so hope its a true BFP for her, she and everyone there deserves a BFP!
Thanks Nita. I've been sleeping heaps and have a sore throats and headache. I think it's a mixture of a cold and the 3rd trimester exhaustion. I'll live though.

It's hard to think that we could have already had our babies. A mother at my school had her son a few days after my due date for my miscarriage. We'd already been TTC for 8 months when I miscarried. I know that we are so lucky to be pregnant now and there are lots of people who aren't yet here. It just makes me feel a bit sad that she used our name only a few months before our baby was due. I think we will still use the name. I like the nickname for the full name better anyway so I think it'll be ok.

That's exciting Nita. I did my hospital form when I signed up with mymidwife. It was funny because one of the questions was "is this admission to hospital the result of an accident?" Haha probably the furtherest thing from an accident.

Bonnie, that's so exciting! You must feel a huge sense of relief. I know I did after the 12 week scan. I can't wait to see the picture. I'm sorry about the 'morning' sickness. It sucks! The nausea is creeping back for me too. Thanks for the advice about the name too. If it was family it might be a bit different but I think being friends, it's not such a big deal. I think it's less about the name and more about stupid infertility. I'll have to explain to my friend that we didn't 'steal' the name though.

I hope Ask's BFP is a sticky one!

Also, they moved our thread?! Hopefully the others can find us.
Yes I noticed they had moved it too! Guess we are not first tri chat anymore &#128514;

For me the exhaustion is kicking in big time! Have napped for 2 hours in the afternoon for the last 3 days&#128514; I do feel relieved after the scan but I had an early scan with my last one and saw a heartbeat and still lost it at 10 weeks so I think I will feel better when I pass that milestone and get to the 3 month point.

Hoping you're all having a lovely weekend x
I suppose the move makes sense.. But I havent noticed it until now. I am sure they will find us, they know about this thread. :D

Bonnie, I am so sorry you are so tired. Luckily that gets better. Today I was so full of energy, and we are busy with babies room :D i feel that in 2 months or so everything should be ready, soon I will need to slow down a little bit.
I think they moved a couple of threads over that got too long.

Bonnie, the exhaustion sucks. Is your little one at preschool so you can have some uninterrupted sleep? I know it's hard to ever feel relaxed that things are going to be ok, especially with a late loss, I can't even begin to imagine. Keeping everything crossed that this will all turn out perfectly.

Nita, make the most of the energy! I'm just exhausted again. Second trimester was amazing and now I can barely keep my eyes open, except when it's night time and actually time to sleep!

AFM, TMI, I tried hand pumping last night and got some colostrum! I won't do it again until 36 weeks but I'm just excited to know there's something there!

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