Clomid/FE Conceived Buddies :)

Sqrah, thats great!! I am pretty sure you will be able to supply enough to breastfeed, how exciting!

Its hard to think that in just over a month I will be in the 3rd trimester too, the 2nd tri went by too fast. I told my DH baby's room should be ready before I hit the 3rd tri. And I am pretty sure I was too active yesterday, my muscles hurt so much today and my tummy.

I have this annoying lady who works with me, who keeps on telling me how much my tummy is growing, I konda want to tell her, thank you but I am not blind I xan see its growing. So instead I just tell her, yup its because Im so hungry. I love being pregnant and I love my preggy belly and that ai cannot hide it anymore, but telling me everyday its getting big, is so annoying.
Thanks Nita. I'm not sure if having colostrum has much to do with supply, which is generally the issue in PCOS. Not much I can do though, so just keeping my fingers crossed that it'll all be ok.

The second trimester went quite quick for me too. But if I think back to when my 12 week scan was, that feels like AGES! Everyone else's pregnancies are going fast but mine feels slow haha.

We are more or less ready for him to come any time now. Ideally he'd hold on a few more weeks but we could manage if he did come early. What do you have left to buy Nita?

I have the opposite problem. People keep saying my bump is so small!
thats great news on the colostrum sarah! tip for you guys: my midwife gave me some small 1ml syringe type things and had be express colostrum into them in the few days leading up to giving birth and kept them in the fridge. I took them into hospital and gave them to her in the few days before my milk came in properly and I'm so glad I did! My milk came in late, day 4/5 and she was starving on day 2/3 so it really helped as nothing worse than having a starving child and nothing much coming out! Mine came in late as had an unplanned c section. was very handy having it there as she screamed all night on day 2 as she wasnt getting anything from me!
Thanks for the advice Bonnie. My midwife suggested the same. She wants me to start hand pumping at 36 weeks and freeze it. I'm going to be seeing a lactation consultant before he arrives too. I've been warned that my Lupus could flare really badly after he's born and I want to have as much frozen in case that happens.

I've wondered what they do if your milk doesn't come in? I mean can you just wait for it or is your poor baby going to starve? Or if your baby is lip/tongue tied and they're not getting much milk. It seems scary that you might not produce any milk or your baby might be able to get any for a few days. I'd hate for that to happen and then formula becomes the only option :(
Your milk will always come in at some point (barring medical conditions) but for some it takes longer than others, I think average is day 3 but can be earlier or later. You'll know as your boobs will suddenly dohjoe in size and be very sore! You will have some colostrum from birth but their tiny stomachs expand quickly and by day 3 she was starving! Sucking and sucking and nothing coming out but thy tell you to keep them at the ready as stimulation is the only way to encourage it. But it's so hard hearing them crying and you've got nothing! That's why I was so glad I had some back up, think she was still hungry but helped a bit. Honestly I found breastfeeding the hardest part of the whole experience but there is loads of help in hospital and out of it so do ask for it, it can be a nightmare but does get easier and However you end up feeding, breast/combo/bottle it's not the end of the world if it's not your perfect image. Most important thing is having a fed baby and a happy mummy xx
Thanks. At antenatal class they showed us the size of their tummy's (marble at birth, big marble at 3 days and I think a ping pong ball at 10). I'm definitely going to hand pump as much colostrum as I can and have that ready for him. Especially if I have to go on different drugs to control my immune system. At least it'll be a good start if we do have to go with formula. I've heard people say that breastfeeding is that hardest part of it all and there's virtually nothing you can do to prepare for that. I hope my boobs don't double in size, they've already gone from a DD to a G!

For those 2nd or 3rd (or more) time mums, if you got stretch marks when did you get them. Currently I've got none but I'm wondering if they're still yet to come. My bump isn't huge (and even my DH said I looked just a bit fat if I suck in) and I'm guessing I've got lots of growing to do in the next 10 weeks which might mean I'm more likely to get them?
Sarah you know this is my 3rd pregnancy to come this far. My oldest was born at 36 weeks, second at 37 so I have never gone to 40 weeks. But I have maybe 3 stretch marks...on one hip! None on my belly at all. I've heard it's more genetics than anything. I gained 25 lbs with my first and 35 with my second.This time I'm up 5lbs so we'll see where I end up but I don't expect stretch marks. I also don't do any creams or anything special ❤️
Nita, time for another bump pic! That lady at your work sure sounds annoying!

Glad all is well Bonnie. Hope time flies to your next scan! I also agree with you on the feeding. I about killed myself trying to breastfeed my first. We were successful but I was very very ill with preeclampsia and a chorio infection and my milk took a week to come in. I stressed that the formula and bottles he got in the NICU had done in my chance to nurse! Not true!!!! It went fine once he got used to sucking a little harder than on the bottles.
I read an article over the weekend 'the ugly truth about breastfeeding' and one thing was that supply might not be available as soon as you would like after birth. I love reading that you ladies can relate, and that it will be OK! I am not near discussing that with my doctor but will mention it at my next appointment.

My body is in so much pain after the active weekend we had, geeeez! I dont think I am supposed to be this active as this stage - am I?

TTC how are you holding up?

Bonnie - how is the MS?

I will upload a bump picture this week! I also ordered some maternity Jeans online and they should be here next week :D
Stretch marks definitely down to genetics! I had a few from puberty already on my boobs and hips so I knew I would get some in pregnancy. Religiously used bio oil and stretch mark cream since week 8 and still ended up with some on my stomach the last month of pregnancy, quite low down so nothing serious but none of my stretchies have really bothered me to be honest!

Nita hope you manage to get some rest, it does get harder as you go on! We've got an activity holiday booked for next week so I'm just going to see how I get on really, supposed to be a cycling hol!!

Sickness bad yesterday but managed to sleep quite a bit, also suffering a lot with round ligament pain! I'm sure I didn't get it this early on last time...

Have you girls planned your mat leave yet?

Hoping you ladies have a good week!
Bonnie - I am busy negotiating my maternity leave today lol but think I will only know certain closer to the time.

I also have our 4D scan booked for 11 August, and our prenatal class and hospital tour is booked for 2 September. :D
Thanks TTC, I knew youd be able to offer some insight into the stretch mark thing. I'm just worried that he's got lots of weight to gain in the next few weeks so my tummy will probably grow pretty rapidly. I had heard it was a lot to do with genetics and a little bit to do with hydration. I drink heaps of water so we will see. My mum didn't get any and neither did my aunt. But I don't have some on my boobs and 1-2 on my hips from when I was going through puberty. They've all faded now and you can't really see them.

That's also good to know that you were still able to feed after some formula. I would be worried about the same thing. Did you still 'attempt' to feed during that first week to encourage your milk?

Nita, i was reading my pregnancy book from the midwife and it said under 32 weeks to not do any heavy lifting because of the relaxin. Not sure if that applies earlier too. But take it easy! You've got a good excuse :)

Thanks Bonnie, I have a few stretch marks from puberty too. So that's why I expected I'd probably get some. But so far so good. That sounds promising though. And to be honest I'm not too bothered. I'm feeling lucky to be pregnant. Sorry you're having such a hard time. I got round ligament pain really early too. Much earlier than Dr Google says you get it. The morning sickness is back for me too :( I miss the second trimester.

And for maternity leave, I have 2 more weeks of work although I'm not sure I'll make it this week because I've got a cold, feeling exhausted and the nausea is creeping in :( . I get 18 weeks paid leave from the 10th July. My job also stays open until the start of July 2018 but I don't think I'll go back to work. It'll just be too difficult with DH in the military and my health. Plus there's only a full time option and i don't want to be teaching other people's children while mines being raised by strangers. Are you working or SAHM at the moment?

We might need to do bump photos again!
Nita that's exciting. Our hospital tour is on Thursday. Has your DH had any luck feeling movements yet?
Nita that's exciting. Our hospital tour is on Thursday. Has your DH had any luck feeling movements yet?

Not yet - and looks like he have given up on the idea for now lol. I havent had strong kicks/movements the last few days, just the round ligament pain, so we will try again when she gets more active again.
Awww it shouldn't be long. When you had your last scan did they say where your placenta was? If it's in front this can make it more difficult to feel movements. I found I had more active days and then a few rest days and then a few crazy active days again.

I think my body is getting me ready for the midnight wake ups/feeds. I can't sleep even though I'm exhausted.

Nita how are you getting on with setting up the baby's room?
At my last scan the OB said my placenta was on top, exactly where it should be - so whatever that mean :haha:

Currently baby's room is a chaotic mess / volcano ready to explode, but the room to which all the stuff needs to move out to are FINALLY empty. We will most likely move the stuff over this weekend and then finally start to plan the rest of her room. Her room has pink curtains so far :D
Aww it will be so fun to set up the room Nita!

Bonnie hope your holiday goes well!

Sarah I didn't attempt to feed him because he was in the NICU (intensive care for newborns) and we were both too sick. I did pump though.

As for me, my to do list is so long! We redid our bathroom last week and I really overdid it. My belly ached a lot Nita! I think it's easy to overdo things at this stage. I'm feeling baby a ton! Even from the outside! I think it's because I'm very slim still. My placenta is low and in front so I didn't feel much for quite awhile... I see my OB and hematologist this week and my high risk doctor and ultrasound in 9 days!

Nita and Sarah are you guys still nauseous? Mine is finally easing a little.
So many appointments TTC! I hope they all go well.

I consider myself lucky as the only times I felt sick/nausea was while i was taking my prenatal vits (which I stopped) and when I get severe heartburn, that made me throw up. I am however finding the heartburn to get worse now, i have to cook all my food in the oven to avoid oil, etc.

As far as the to do list goes, mine is pretty long too, but after this weekend, I will be relying on DH to do more of the moving and lifting.
Nita- hmm that doesn't offer an explanation then. I reckon when you go to bed, lie on your left side and get your DH to spoon you and rest his hands on your tummy. It can take a while but if you've got no where else to be hopefully he won't feel impatient. My DH use to have to put his hand exactly where the movement was to be able to feel it but now my whole tummy moves.

That's exciting about the bedroom. Hopefully you'll have some time to get things sorted this weekend. We are doing things pretty neutral so we don't have to go out and buy a whole bunch of things if number 2 is a girl. You're planning on having her in your room for a while aren't you? When it's all set up I'll take a photo. I was writing a list of things we still need to buy and it was a shorter list than I was expecting.

TTC, I'm guessing the pumping brought on your supply? I've got a pump just in case. That is a lot of appointments all at once. I hope everything is ok. Do you wear anything to support your tummy? I got some belly bands so that I could keep wearing my old jeans for a bit longer but I find they're really good for pulling up over my tummy for a bit of extra support.

And I had nausea from weeks 5/6-9/10 and then felt great. But just this week I've been feeling nauseous again. I heard it can creep back in on the third trimester so I was kind of expecting it.
Oh my DH is most likely the most impatient man I have ever met, whenever he tried to feel her, he didnt keep his hand on my stomach for more than 5 minutes. He havent tried the last few days since I am also not feeling her from outside this week, she gives slight kicks the last few days. She will be staying in our room for a while yes, but we want to have her room ready so she can move over very soon to get used to the environment of her own room. Hopefully we can start getting her things ready from this weekend onwards...

Ugh, I am still sore from the weekend :haha:

Sucks about the nauseous Sarah! Hope it isnt as bad as in the first tri though. :o

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