Clomid/FE Conceived Buddies :)

Thanks for the support ladies x I wont put too much depressing stuff in this thread! My d & c is monday morning. We are doing ok today. Got a lot of emotion out yesterday. Just need to work out what the next steps are. 3rd times a charm and all that.

I'll keep checking in on you girls I love seeing your progress and your ticker updates :p Might just be quiet for a while.
Take your time Sheece, and most important, take care of yourself, let go a little if thats what it takes :) . I hope everything goes OK on Monday. You will always be welcome on here to talk, ask for advice or even vent. We all know how though it can be on you when it comes to TTC. And I am positive that you will be back soon with a BFP.

Goodluck on the journey ahead. :hugs:
Awww shecee, you always handle all of this so well. You're a lot more resilient than me! I'm just so sorry this happened and I wish this wasn't happening. I've heard lots of women say that they wanted to get a second scan to just 'confirm' things before they went through with the d&c. I'm not sure if that's what you want to do. But I'll be thinking of you and hope that you're managing ok.

And thanks for your comment before Nita. I've got a growth scan booked in Tuesday just to make sure everything is ok. My midwife didn't want me to wait until 32 weeks.
Sarah im having another ultrasound at the hospital before the procedure but yeah, I saw it for myself too :/

I dont know about resilient, just a coping mechanism I guess!
Oh sheece so sorry for you. Rest, be kind to yourself and cry as much as you need. It's horrible but it did bring me some comfort knowing it was so common, it's nothing that you did it's just the baby didn't develop properly. It doesn't make the pain any less but it brought me some comfort knowing I wasn't alone xxx
Is anyone else strugling with heartburn? I get heartburn the last few days from everything I eat or drink, even water... I really havr no idea what to eat and drink to avoid it anymore, and then I read it gets worse in the 3td trimester, i hope not...
Yep, having a hard time with heart burn. It's much worse when I'm at work because I'm bending down to talk to little people. I find if I'm bending down to pick things up it sets it off.

My midwife said to either drink or eat, don't do both at the same time. Have small meals and eat fatty food in the morning rather than night. She said gaviscon is good for 'putting a lid' over the top of where the stomach acid comes out. Also sleeping on your left side helps (you should be sleeping on either left or right side from now on Nita). The dumb thing for me is that I can't take any antacids or calcium within 2 hours of my iron tablets and I have to take my iron tablets before bed and that's when I often get it worse.
I am sleeping with a pregnancy pillow which restricts me from sleeping in any other position lol, but it doesnt help the heartburn, gaviscon helps but its so expensive, taking it every night will just cost me a fortune. I have a little heartbur during the day but somehow at 10pm it rocks up like crazy.

And then, DH and I did some shopping, and we now own a camp cot, a foldable crib and a jogger. :D so exciting. We just need the base for the car seat which we will get next month, other than that I will be waiting to see what I get at the baby shower. Sarah, when is your baby shower? Mine should be end August/start September. I asked that it be held early, between 30-32 weeks so I can enjoy myself without being too uncomfortable.
Don't know what it's like over there Nita but our big pharmacies do a generic heartburn relief which is at least half the price of gaviscon if not more! I was chugging away on that during my 3rd tri last time. I've had a bit of heartburn on and off but nothing too serious. Having said that I never had heartburn before I was pregnant and every after I gave birth the heartburn stuck around and never really left! Pretty infrequent but I assumed it would disappear after I gave birth :shrug:
Nita, that's good about the pillow. Maybe try and prop the head of your bed up? I use to get terrible reflux when my old stupid rheumatologist just wanted to treat me with NSAIDs and 'wait and see'. It damaged my vocal cords and now my voice goes husky haha. I find mines worse at night time too and now with the iron tablets I can't do anything about it. Gaviscon isn't too expensive here. I bought 48 (I think) for $12.

That's exciting about the shopping. It sounds like you're nearly organized. We aren't having a baby shower. No offense to anyone but we just feel a bit uncomfortable about it because they are often about presents and asking other people to buy things for the baby etc and we don't feel comfortable with that. It's considered quite an 'american' tradition (like Halloween which is generally frowned upon here - people think it's rude to go and ask random strangers for lollies). My work threw me a little surprise baby shower which was embarrassing enough! We are thinking of maybe having a 'welcome to the world' party when he's here but mainly so people can meet him. Anyway that's exciting for your baby shower, you might still be uncomfortable around 30-32 weeks haha I am and I'm not even big!

Bonnie - ugh I was hoping it would go away after the baby is born :(

AFM, DH is away tomorrow morning for a week. I probably won't be able to contact him but if I go into early labour or have any issues they'll be able to (hopefully) get him on a satellite phone. I've got my growth scan tomorrow afternoon so hopefully everything's ok.
Oh wow Sarah - amazing how things differ. Everyone knows the babyshower is all about the gifts here, but its also a special time for the mommy to be to bond with friends and family and get some advice. My mom and aunt will be organizing my baby shower, and they will be highly offended if I told them I dont want one. My mom even apologized for not starting to buy things for her, even though we havent asked anyone to buy anything. Yet I have 3 bags of gifts already for her. Everyone is super excited for the baby shower just so they can buy gifts and spoil me :D

Our whole house is re-organized and baby room is ready - empty but ready. We will wait and see what we get at the baby shower and after that just buy the last few things, however, we dont think we will need much though. I will be working weekends from now on for a bit of extra monies :)

Hope everyone had a good weekend?
Some people do do baby showers here but I think it's probably more common not to. I hate to say it but a lot of the celebrations here focus around drinking alcohol haha and I guess you could say baby showers aren't typically big booze ups. I don't know, DH and I just felt a bit awkward expecting presents for our baby. We brought him into the world and can provide for him. I think I find the gift registry the most uncomfortable. Plus a lot of our family and friends are scattered around the country and wouldn't be able to make a baby shower.

That's exciting. I love setting up the nursery. It's not quite finished but we are getting there. DH is away now and I only have 2 days of work left! So I'm looking forward to getting stuck into the last of it.
New tickers Nita. I'm not sure how big a mega chupa chup is and all mine from Ovia are lame this week.
Oh no, I missed ticker day. Its already friday here. Boring this side as well, lol.

I have been extremely busy this week and my back is aching like crazy, so sleep is a luxury at this point. Working the weekend too, so no hope in resting to hope it gets better. Good news though is, my mom is back at work next week.

How did the growth appointment go Sarah?
Underwhelming tickers haha. It seems to be the case lately.

I've been having a few Braxton hicks. I was a little worried because they were really close together but have seemed to ease off.

The growth scan was all ok. His head is in the 95th percentile and he's moved up to being in the 35th percentile overall. So no explanation for my tummy getting smaller and the weight loss.

Nita, have you got a Swiss ball? They're really good for leaning over. Our antenatal tutor said if you can get your hips rotating backwards you open up your pelvis and make much more room for the baby to get through. When you kneal and lean over a Swiss ball it does that plus it also helps your back.

Haha what's sleep?

I'm glad your mum is back. That'll take a bit of the weight off you at work.
Hi ladies, am back from holiday! Was rather tiring but coped well and was lovely to be outdoors for a week, feel exhausted today though!

How are you both getting on? Ive just got my date through for my scan, Aug 3rd so by my dates I will be 12+ 4.. fingers crossed!
I'm glad you had a good time Bonnie! I just got home from a weekend away. It was my grandparents 60th wedding anniversary. It was a busy weekend and I'm exhausted. Way too pregnant to be doing all of that haha. I can feel that I'm slowing down and my energy is disappearing.

That's exciting for the scan too. But when I first read that I thought surely you must not mean August because I'm due that month. Then I realized you did and I'm actually due soon haha freaking out a little!
I am so glad you had a fun holidag Bonnie, hows your symptons though? So excited for your scan :D

Sarah, I read on your ticker 54 days to go, at first I thought that stilk 2 months away, then realised its next month :o I am on another thread and the lady mentioned we are almost down to double digits and gosh that made me freak out, so I can imagine how freaked out you are.

Im getting uncomfortable when I bath and bend, and DH thinks thats funny ofcourse :p my next appointment is in just over a week and I have an idea shes going to be measuring even smaller. My bump havent grown much since 20 weeks. But shes definately a strong kicker :D which is exciting.
Yes not long for you now ladies before the fun really begins! Have you got your hospital bags packed yet? That's when it felt real to me I think!

Feeling ok at the moment. Not as sick as I did which is freaking me out a bit but I do still have other symptoms so that's making me feel a little better! Wondering if it's a boy this time as I feel very different to when I had my daughter. cant wait to find out what it is, don't know how people wait till the baby is born, I want to know right now!!!
Haha Nita, 54 days is nothing! I didn't read that on my ticker and now I'm freaking out again! I've heard some people say they're worried about having a baby and how they'll manage but I'm just worried about the actual labour and delivery. I have almost no idea what to expect but everyone's been giving their advice.

I'm at the uncomfortable stage too. It's hard to get dressed, put shoes and socks on etc. I kind of wish it was summer here now (our summers don't get that hot) so I could wear dresses and jandles without freezing. You might be surprised Nita, my tummy has shrunk but he had grown bigger! So weird.

Bonnie, packing my hospital bag is on my to do list this week. I'm not sure if it's too early but I'll need to buy a few things so I think it's a good idea to start getting it all ready.

I found it so hard to wait until 20 weeks too. I don't know how people wait until the birth either. I had a gut feeling and was about 90% sure we were having a boy so you might be right with your gut feeling. My mother in law swears by the craving salty foods for boys and sweet for girls. She's had 7 children and it's been right for her each time.

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