Clomid/FE Conceived Buddies :)

25 week scan done and dusted. Was a very short appointment, everything looks good with me and baby. She is still measuring small (600grams) and 18,3cm but she is growing a lot(she weighed 280grams 4 weeks ago) so thats great. We have our next appointment in 4 weeks at the OB and the 4D scan :D

My OB also said we can expect her to be smaller than the average 3.4Kgs at birth (no surprise at all)

I also pulled a muscle in my back and it hurts so much to the point that DH cant even put anything on it. I start to cry if someone just touch the area. :(

It also seems like I have a week or so left in the 2nd trimester :O
That's good to hear Nita. We might have two little babies. Although those scans are often not accurate and can be out by 15-20%. I have some 'newborn/0000' size clothes but I think I might go and buy a few 'prem/00000' things too. I've started packing the hospital bag and getting things organised. Our freezer is full with meals too. Plus I was watching some YouTube videos about preparing for having a newborn and this one vlogger said to have a freezer full of muffins because it's always easier to get up in the middle of the night for a feed when you know there's muffins haha. So I made 3 batches to freeze today.

And it's ticker day again. It's coming around quicker and quicker. People say the third trimester goes slowly but I think it's going fast! Less than 4 weeks until I'm considered full term!

That's no good about your back. It sucks because there's little you can take!

Don't rush the third trimester either! It was almost like the first day of the third trimester my energy got zapped away again and the nausea returned.
Hi ladies!

How are you both? Just checking in, glad all ok with your scans. I wouldn't put too much trust in the size ones though, I had a scan at 36 weeks and the sonographer said 'I wouldn't buy any newborn things, she looks like she'll be 9-9.5lbs!'. Obviously I was terrified but she popped out at 7.11! So spot on average...

I've been feeling horrendous last week or so hence being quite quiet! Very sick and exhausted... been a real struggle especially as my daughter has just started school holidays! Oh well only a couple of week left of second tri...

Hope all's well with you girls x
Hey Bonnie, thanks for that. I think because I'm getting frequent scans and having the measurements plotted it might be slightly more accurate than those who just have 1 growth scan in the third trimester? Maybe? I'm not really bothered as long as he's sticking at roughly the same percentile/not dropping.

I'm sorry you're feeling so miserable. The first trimester sucked for me too. I can't imagine what it would have been like also looking after other children. Hopefully you'll start feeling on the up now that you're close to the second trimester.

I was meant to see the lactation consultant today but she has had to reschedule for next week. I get to try hand expressing and freezing colostrum in the next few weeks. Bonnie and TTC did either of you do things to prepare for labour? Like eating dates, ringing raspberry leaf tea, evening primrose oil, perineal massages etc?
Hi Ladies :wave: just checking in, happy to see you had a great scan Nita! Now hurry up 4 weeks for the 4d scan :)
Hi Sheece :)

Hope everyone's having a good weekend. The fatigue from the first trimester has returned and I slept until 2pm today haha, so good!
Hello everyone! I'm new to this thread but some of you might have seen me posting in the TTC forums for a few months. I hope it's okay if I post my question here as well! I thought this might be a good place to hear some uplifting success stories, and I could really need that right now.

Long story short (the long version can be found in steph's journal ^^"), I have lean PCOS and often don't ovulate and hubby has low motility. We've only found out about this about a month ago, and last week has been an absolute rollercoaster. We were sent home with hubby's results (unexpected news to us) and said there was no point in giving me anything to induce ovulation because we would not get pregnant this way based on him, we should just go home and come back in 3 months to try IVF. This was such a shock after initially getting me PCOS diagnosis (only a month ago) and being told "it's okay, we see this all the time, you will just need some drugs and then you'll be fine"!

We saw a different doctor two days later and luckily he doesn't think it's "that bad", but he think we should combine clomid with IUI for best chances. As my appointment was on CD3, we started straight away. My head is still spinning! I'm on CD6 now and am taking 50mg of clomid CD5-9.

So my question is mainly about the IUI, but also a little about your experiences on clomid. For those of you with PCOS, how many mg did it take for you to ovulate? What were the side effects like? So far I feel the same I think, but it's only my second day of clomid...
For those who have done IUIs before, what is that like? Was it (very) painful? Did it work for you?

and since I'm new, to all of you on here who are expecting, congratulations!! You give me hope that things will work out for us as well :)
Hi girls,

Sarah, glad you had a good nap! I also managed a 2 hour nap yesterday as was feeling so sick and tired, seems to make me feel more sick after napping for some reason but I needed the sleep!

I didn't do any of those things to prep for labour to be honest. My midwife and consultant basically told me it was mostly old wives tales so I never bothered, I have a friend who did raspberry leaf tea and pineapple etc religiously but it's hard to know if it made a difference! You won't do any harm by trying them if you want to but I wouldn't spend a lot of money on them. I think acupuncture for overdue ladies seems to work, not that I've tried it myself but have seen a few people it's worked for.
I did a pre natal 6 week birthing course which was great and very helpful, also listened to a hypnotherapy birthing cd quite often which I really enjoyed and would help me fall asleep too! I think the most effective things you can do are pre natal yoga, bouncing on a birthing ball and perhaps some birthing classes but other than that I think it's pretty optional, it's really up to you if you feel it would help! X
Fluffy cookie welcome!

Good luck on your journey, you will find a ton of resources on here in the forums.

I took 50mg initially, really bad hot flushes and serious mood swings! I was tested on day 14 for ovulation and it had failed the first 2 rounds, I upped to 100mg and still no Ov on day 14, was told to leave it a few months and come back to see what happened. Well 21 days after the ovulation test I was pregnant! Turns out that Clomid was making me ovulate way later than they expected, around day 22-24. I was so cross that ok one had told me it could happen like that as when I questioned it the doctor said I couldn't have ovulated that late on it!! But second time around I fell pregnant after 1 Clomid cycle when I timed ovulation at day 22 (ended in miscarriage) and this time around same thing, ov day 22 ish and fell pg first round again!
So long story short just give yourself some time and check when you are ovulating because plenty of people ovulate late on Clomid so don't be discouraged if you haven't O by day 14!
As for the iui I haven't tried it myself so can't offer any help on that. I'm not sure if you are in U.K. Or USA but if you do have to pay for it I think the chances are better with ivf so if you can only afford to do one then I would go for that.

And as for low sperm motility, I'm not sure how much attention I would pay to it unless it's a very low count. My husband had low motility too which we were shocked at, but he has another daughter before he met me and also each time I ovulated on Clomid I fell pregnant so his sperm seems to be working just fine!

Good luck on your journey, wishing you luck and baby dust xxx
Welcome Fluffy :) you're definitely welcome to post here. No experience with IUI, we conceived the cycle before we were due to start. I took 50mg of Clomid my first cycle and had no side effects whatsoever. I didn't ovulate. The next cycle I took 100mg and had a few side effects but nothing too bad. On the day after my first tablet I felt nauseous, no appetite and tired. Some hot flashes towards the end of the 5 days and night sweats for about a week after my last tablet. I took 100mg on days 3-7 and ovulated on CD 16. My second cycle was 29 days long. My third cycle was pretty much identical to cycle 2 (although I didn't feel ovulation pain, had no EWCM and a much lower CD 21 progesterone test). But I conceived on cycle 3. My husband's motility is low but this didn't seem to effect things. Feel free to ask any questions here :) and good luck!

Bonnie, thanks. I know that most of those things won't actually work to induce labour unless the baby is ready to come. I'm not looking to induce things anyway, quite the opposite! But I'm just wanting to 'prepare my body'. I probably won't start anything until 36 weeks. But I bought some raspberry leaf tea and some dates. I've been sitting on my birthing ball to help open up my pelvis a bit. I know it'll go however it's going to go, but if I can feel like I have some control in it all haha.

My hospital bag is nearly all packed. Picking up the capsule next week. We've nearly bought everything we/he needs! It's starting to get very real!!
Hi Ladies, I have been a bit quiet. Have a lot to take care of at the moment - including my FIL throwing fits and tantrums like a little baby. I am at the point of telling him to back the hell off - but thats a story for another day.

I have a bit of an upset tummy today and my clothes dont fit anymore...ugh

Sarah, I am glad you are so prepared. I think I will be as well when I get to where you are, I cant believe how fast time goes by and how close you are to meeting your little boy - I am so excited for you. :D :D :D

I hope you feel better soon Bonnie :hugs:

Welcome Fluffy - sorry I dont have advice on PCOS or IUI - I was on 4 rounds of Clomid... 50mg (no O), 100mg (no O), 150mg(O but horrible side effects) - BFN, 150mg(O but horrible side effects) - BFP ....... I simply didnt O after BCP.
I dont think I ever posted my scan pics :haha: so I am attaching them now. One is her feet, and the other is her face, and it almost looks like she is either tumb sucking or just putting her hand infront of her mouth :D so much perfection in these two images we got.


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Cute scan pictures Nita! When's your 3D scan? Ours was sucking his toes at the scan the other week. At least one of us can reach their toes haha. Putting on shoes and socks is a struggle so I just take the dog for a walk in gumboots now.

Midwife tomorrow. I think it's my last one before I start weekly appointments. I'm hoping she'll recheck my iron levels because I'm feeling utterly exhausted and after being on them a month I would have thought that would improve. Hopefully DH with be home in the next week or two as well!
Wow Sarah you're almost there!!!!

Cute scan Nita!!

As for me, I'm severely anemic at this point. Will probably get a blood transfusion this week. I have so little energy!!!!!
TTC, I know! It's starting to get pretty scary haha. My hospital bag is all packed and we have pretty much everything we need for his arrival. Today he's been moving so much and he's running out of room in there, so it's not the most comfortable, especially because he's so low. We don't do cervix checks here (they are thought to introduce bacteria and are unnecessary apparently) so I won't really know until I go into labour.

I'm sorry to hear about your iron levels! Hopefully the transfusion will help. How low are your levels?
thank you everyone for sharing your stories with me, I'm hoping I will be able to join soon! :)

Those teetsy tiny feet are the most adorable thing <3
Our 4D scan is on 11 August, just a little over 2 weeks to go. My next appointment at my OB is in 3 weeks, and thats the last appointment that was 4 weeks apart, from then its every 2 weeks.

Baby is kicking me very hard today, felt a bit uncomfortable at times, but I am not complaining, having an active baby is really awesome.

Gosh, TTC, I hope you feel better soon.

Tomorow is ticker day again...26 weeks already - I can feel that I am heading for the 3rd trimester, I have absolutely no energy, and its a real struggle to do common things like shopping... I just want to rest. I think I could sleep the whole day if it wasnt for the 11 hour working days in the way :p

We also have a date for the baby shower, 9 September - I will be 33 weeks then. I was hoping we could do it when I am around 30 weeks, but that seemed a bit soon.
We'll be keeping our fingers crossed for you fluffy!

Nita, that's not long at all. When you have your scan I'll be considered full term!! The next two weeks is going to fly by for both of us.

Have you found the feeling of how she moves has changed? I much prefer the kicks or jabs to the whole body movements. They feel so weird. Occasionally I feel like he's moving his whole body and going to flip. I quickly stop what I'm doing and hope he goes back. At my last appointment he was in the perfect position for birth so I don't want him going transverse or breech now!

Definitely know what you mean about the fatigue. My midwife appointment is today so I'm going to ask her. I think my fatigue is more than normal. Hopefully I don't need a transfusion like TTC.

I've been getting cramps on and off for the past 24 hours and TMI been going to the toilet (number 2s) more often. I was resting on my birthing ball last night and it felt like I was open down there. I'm just hoping this is nothing and he'll keep cooking for a little while longer!

Ovia said the baby is the size of a lop rabbit this week :)
Nita that's exciting you have your shower date set! I remember with my oldest my in laws threw a fit over me wanting my shower before 37 weeks. They said 34 weeks was way way too early. Then he came at 36. I just thought they were bizarre to whine over it that much :rofl:

Sarah, I bet your midwife would give you iron infusions through iv before a blood transfusion. It's very uncommon to get one during pregnancy. My hemoglobin is at 8 right now (I think in other countries it would be 80).... its very low for being pregnant but the main issue is that because of my blood disorder it takes unpredictable drops and they worry it could affect the baby. Iron doesn't help me because my disorder makes my red cells not use it well.
Also I remember my number 2s really increasing a lot at 34-35 weeks with my oldest! I really have a feeling you'll go early!
Thanks TTC, I meant an infusion rather than an actual blood transfusion! I hope the blood transfusion helps you, I know they don't like your levels to be low before labour incase you lose a lot of blood. Does your blood disorder impact your pregnancy?

So this morning I woke up really crampy still. Like period pains, but more painful and more regular than the day before. They seemed to last for 5-20 minutes and then ease off and start again another 20ish minutes later. I was also having back pain and my body was definitely 'clearing itself out' (although it wasn't like an upset stomach, just like I had to go lots). My dog was also super clingy (which she hasn't been all pregnancy). The regular cramps plus the clearing out got me a little concerned. I messaged my SIL (midwife) and just asked whether she thought it was ok to wait a few hours until my appointment. She said "should be, just take a bath and lie down and rest".

So I waited until my appointment. My midwife was a little concerned and a little confused I think. She is running some blood tests (to check my iron and a few other things) and a urine test (although my dipstick was fine). I'll do them tomorrow. She thought it might be a UTI. She did say, "hmmm I think this is just a bit too early than we'd like for baby to arrive". She said to ring her if they get worse.

His head is down and engaged and has gone from a 3/5 to a 2/5. I think 0/5 is the lowest it can go. She said his chin is tucked under and he's in the perfect position for birth. She didn't give me an indication of whether I'd go early or not (I don't think anyone could really tell) and we don't do cervix checks unless you're in active labour here.

DH was ready to spend thousands and hop straight on a plane, but hopefully the baby stays put. I'm feeling like I might go early, but really all of this is brand new so how on earth would I know haha.

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