Clomid/FE Conceived Buddies :)

Yep it is high. Especially for me because prepregnacy it was always really low, like under 80/60. It kind of explains the headaches. But I've had no swelling so it's just a wait and see at the moment.

We packed up the car and put the bags in there just in case so I think we will just leave them there now. I'm officially full term on Thursday! But I really don't think I'll go this early but who knows.

Nita, I'm glad you managed to get in with the doctor tomorrow. You're better to be safe than sorry. That's how I was feeling with his movements. I'd definitely ask for a letter for work. It's important to take it easy.
Yeah headaches is quite a common symptom of high blood pressure, have they given you anything to help with the headaches?And its good you have the bags ready, you could be going any day now. I hope yoir DH will be home from now just in case?

My appointment is in less than hour, and still no dizziness, hope they wont think I am wasting their time...
so just an update after my appointment. Everything looks good with baby - doc is happy with her development. She weighs 960 grams now. Her tummy is measuring a bit behind the rest of her body, but she isnt concerned with that now, I must just eat a little bit more now.

However my blood pressure was very high at her office, I have to take it a few times today and if it doesnt come down i need meds to bring it down. But I think I was just nervous when she took it, as it went down when I got home afterwards. She wants to see me at the least every 2 weeks now to monitor my blood pressure and I need to keep on checking it at home :( Urine test came back clean, which is good.
Nope nothing for the blood pressure. My midwife sent me a text message to say that the bloods were all clear but that with preeclampsia things can change very quickly so to stay in touch if I get swelling etc. She said that if I'm getting the headaches again to pop into the clinic and they can check my blood pressure.

Yup DH is home now. He got home a few days ago. He did tell me he was going away again at the end of this week through until next week and I put my foot down and said he wasn't going anywhere! He agreed and is staying.

I know sometimes with my blood pressure it would rise when I was at the doctors/midwives just because I was a bit anxious about it all. Lately I've been getting headaches and flushed face when I'm not at the midwife/doctor so I'm thinking it's probably less to do with that. But it might be a good idea to go off your readings at home Nita. And phew that your urine is ok. I think preeclampsia is one of those things that they really don't like to mess around with.
Good that your DH will be home from now. And thank goodness the bloods came back clear, phew! I think its important now that you just rest good and take things easy and obviously try and keep baby in for a little while longer :)

My blood pressure seems fine now, but I will keep on monitoring it, its easy that I have a monitor at home to do so any way.

Something the OB said made me wonder a little. Baby's stomach is measuring a bit smaller than the rest of her body, but her weight seems to be right on target. I haven't gained any weight the last 2 weeks, so I am wondering if I haven't eaten enough... but she wasnt that worried because she is still growing and their measurements can be a little off...will see at the next appointment. She did also check the blood flow to her and it was all good.
Oh my ladies! What are we just a mess?
I spent yesterday at the hospital being monitored because of preeclampsia symptoms! My bp was high for me but still in an ok range but because I had it so severely with my first my OBs office takes no chances and sent me for observation. Everything is fine for now but I do have to be watched closely for swelling and headaches etc.

Also, with all of us having issues I thought you ladies would find it interesting that taking medications to induce ovulation is associated with a higher preeclampsia risk! You're also at higher risk after experiencing infertility and multiple miscarriages in a row.

Hang in there both of you and let's get these babies here safely as soon as possible! For you Sarah I hope you'll deliver next week! For us Nita I hope August and September fly by so we can just get to Oct and safe gestation to deliver!
OMW TTC! So glad everything is OK for now. It seems like all 3 of us needs some additional monitoring from now on...and I thought being pregnant would be a walk in the park...although I know it will be well worth it in the end for all of us!

I have my 4D scan to look forward too on friday :D and tomorow is a public holiday (I was supposed to work, but said no today - think I need some rest) and on Friday I have a full day's leave, so sort of a long weekend - but I am working Saturday morning)
Nita, I'm glad he's home too! He got offered a trip to Mongolia for most of August, so I'm very glad he's not there! I'm definitely glad about the bloods, I'll just be taking it easy. I'm still getting headaches though.

I wouldn't put too much weight in the baby's measurements on the scan, unless they're over 90 percentile or under 10th percentile. Because I've had the three growth scans my midwife plotted the changes between scans and some of them jump crazy amounts. One of them would be sitting at 15th percentile one scan and then the next scan it would jump up to 85th and then back down to 40th.. With the stomach measurement they usually do it freehand around their tummy which isn't going to be greatly accurate. Plus growth scans are known for being off. Babies go through growth spurts in different areas at different times. We found one week his legs were shorter than average, then longer, then normal.. It's most important to compare them scan to scan than looking at one on its own.

TTC, oh no! We are a mess haha! I really hope you don't have preeclampsia again. Does having it once mean that you're more likely to get it again? I know having PCOS (and Lupus) increases your chances of preeclampsia too, that's interesting about the fertility medications. I'm still having headaches, but no swelling. I'm officially full term tomorrow!! But I'm thinking I've still got a few more weeks. I really don't want to be induced, I hear it's not very pleasant!
Yes if you have it with one pregnancy you're at high risk of it reoccurring! And please don't worry about induction. People love to share horror stories but it was cake for me. Birth kind of sucks no matter what but you get through it and get that baby at the end.

Nita! Can't wait to hear about your scan!
Thanks TTC, I hope it doesn't happen again for you. Last time, did you have lots of swelling? I'm still getting headaches but I've had no swelling. If I need to be induced then it is what it is. When did you get induced and what did they use? I'm feeling a bit better about it now that I'm pretty sure he's moved back around to the front.
Thanks Sarah. I hope we can all avoid it!

So I had atypical presentation I guess. I had increasing blood pressure from 32 weeks. I started having random vomiting (different from morning sickness because I had zero warning) and moderate headaches. Then at 36 weeks I went from feeling fine that morning to that night I got severely dizzy. I started vomiting uncontrollably and couldn't see at all by the time my husband got me to the hospital less than half an hour later. My bp was very high and tons of protein in my urine. Never any swelling whatsoever! Blood work showed severe preeclampsia.
They induced me right away once I was stable on magnesium sulfate (to prevent seizures). I was already 2cm and fully effaced so they just used pitocin. It was about 16 hours from first pitocin to delivery.
That sounds so scary TTC ! I have however also not heard anyone here on the local forums complain about being induced, one women said she preferred it because she just couldnt bear with being pregnant anymore. Sure we would all like it to be as normal as possible, but in the end getting baby out safely is the most important.

I know I spent a lot of time in the ICU when I was born, and I am scared this will be case with my baby because she is also measuring small and a bit behind, so last night i just needed to vent and told my dh if its too much to ask to just have a normal baby, and his response was, dont worry daddy will be by her side the whole time if she needs to stay in the ICU like I did. Id be happy if she is anything above 2,5kgs.

Good news on my BP, last night before bed it went down to 110/68 and this morning its 99/67 - also slept 11 hours last night and looking forward to a lazy day at home :)
Thanks TTC, I was basically told to just watch out for swelling as the key way to know. But it sounds like that's not always the case. I'm still having bad headaches and paracetamol is doing very little. Was there no protein in your urine before that point? Basically my midwife who consulted with my OB at the hospital has just said to come in and get checked at the clinic (which is open 8.30-5) if I get bad headaches and they'll keep a close eye on things but to ring if I get swelling. So I don't know. I see my midwife again this afternoon so maybe I'll know more then but I'm feeling pretty rubbish.

Nita, the thing with induction is that here they like to do as little to augment labour as possible. Your body (usually) knows what it's doing and by inducing when not necessary you're taking away the body's natural abilities to build up the hormone levels needed. With some options, mainly the gel, they'll give you a small amount to see if it's enough but once they've started it you're stuck in hospital (and being at home as long as possible generally has the best outcome in normal situations). My friend who got induced with the gel had to stay in for 3 days before anything actually started. Then the contractions can start quickly not allowing enough time for the oxytocin to build up and you're often in a lot more pain. Of course, if it's a medical emergency it's not even a question of whether or not to induce, but if it's purely convenient or someone's just over being pregnant (before they're over due) it doesn't seem like the best option (to me anyway). So I'd rather not be induced unless it was actually medically necessary for me and the baby.

You might find as you progress through the third trimester that she grows a whole lot more. Like we went from something like the 35th percentile to the 20th (and some measurements close to 10th) and now back up to around the 40th percentile. The growth scans aren't all that accurate and babies can have growth spurts in the days after the scan. Even my friend with her 11lb boy, he spent 4 days in NICU and my other friend with a 6lb was checked over and all fine. You just never know.
I hope you are right Sarah - she did only do the measurements quickly because of my short appointment, and I find it a little odd that her head measured so far ahead than her body.

Happy ticker day - this weeks tickers make me so hungry :haha:

It feels like baby is kicking my lungs this morning. I bet she is starting to turn head down... although thats what it feels like. I dont really feel strong kicks specifically, but a very busy body, like she is moving all around looking for space in my small body lol :haha:
Yeah I had a good chat to the sonographer at my last appointment about the accuracy of their measurements. It can be a particular issue if you have different people doing your scans (I didn't, all done by the same lady). But they have a special tool they can use to measure around tummy's and heads (like a circle shape) or they can do it free hand. Free hand is often more accurate especially for tummys. The sonographer ended up measuring his head 3 times and got anywhere between 95th and 50th percentile. Plus even if they do things perfectly, growth scans aren't 100% accurate.

Yay ticker day. Ovia's ones were boring this week.

She definitely could be getting herself into the head down position. Apparently when they do you can breath more easily and get less heartburn, hasn't been the case for me at all though!

I've also got 60mls of colostrum stored which is twice as much as the midwife recommended by the time I go into labour. I think I'll keep expressing it and freeze it in bags. I've read that people give it to their babies when they're sick or constipated.

I had the midwife today. Blood pressure is still high-ish 138/90. She wasn't happy with me having headaches so I'm being monitored for preeclampsia, blood and urine tests twice a week. She said any sign of swelling or vision changes I'm to ring her immediately and any reduced movements I'm to ring too. I know some other hospitals in my country have a policy where 2 lots of reduced movements past full term is automatic induction. So he just needs to keep wiggling. Also, very weirdly my fundal height has dropped. I'm 37 weeks today but fundal height is 33 weeks, after being 4 weeks AHEAD virtually all pregnancy. My midwife looked a bit concerned but said because my NST at the hospital was ok and so was my last scan then she'll see what my measurement is next week. Also I'm group B strep negative (yay!) so at least something seems to be going in my favour!
My OB does the measurements herself, always - says she doesnt trust anyone else to do it, but she doesnt do it free hand, she uses the tool with the circles. But I think she was just doing it really fast. but she didnt seem too worried about it though, she is just really concerned with my BP. But its been lower since I saw her, and I am writing down the numbers so we can look at it on the 21st. I have ugly marks on my arm from all the testing my BP, so I am going to measure it a bit less over the next few days just so my arm can get better.

I hope everything is OK Sarah, it looks like there are some concerns, I hope baby makes it out ok without any issues.
Our OBs don't do scans here unless you're admitted and they need to do one urgently. Otherwise you go to a clinic. But if she's doing it quickly with the circle rather than free hand I really wouldn't worry. That could be out by quite a lot.

I have been doing some reading on gestational hypertension and apparently anything over 140/90 is considered high but even then only mildly. According to that mines only borderline. But I guess it's best to keep an eye on things especially with my headaches.

I've been having the odd contraction this evening. Like one an hour, then two within 20 minutes and then back to one an hour. So I'm not getting excited or anything. Probably still weeks off the real deal haha.

And the other good news I forgot to mention is that I've shifted him back to left anterior from posterior! I say "I" shifted him because I've spent the last week on my hands and knees/downward facing dog/leaning on my swiss ball etc so I'll take some of the credit haha. His head is still engaged at 2/5 so I'm going to do squats now to see if I can engage him further and stop him from spinning again. Little monkey will probably move again between now and labour!
Things are a bit different here - I pay more to see an OB, even though a midwife wont have me because I didnt conceive naturally. My medical aid have been fully covering my OB costs as well (they take about 2 weeks to pay out, but atleast they do). I am looking forward too more scans though, they will be about 1,5 weeks apart, or at the longest 2 weeks.

I guess they would rather treat high BP when its borderline than to treat it when it becomes serious. Thats why my Ob also freaked out when my BP went higher than normal.

I am glad you got to move your little monkey - phew. Hopefully he stays in position. I am glad he is still holding in though - but I think the end is in sight for you! The contractions sounds positive as well.. although they would freak me out a little (the BH does to be honest), the whole 'shits getting real feeling' - if you know what I mean?

4D scan tomorrow :) we are taking a DVD with to records it as well. On Tuesday she was sucking her thumb, we are hoping she wont be having her hand in front of her face for the scan. This is scan is free, and we wont pay for another, so hoping we will get some proper shots of her :D
Yeah, here a midwife will take you regardless but if you are complicated or conceived with IVF then you'll see an OB instead of or as well as. Some people have healthcare insurance here and pay to privately see an OB. But I would hate to not see a midwife. The OBs here are very clinical and everything is medical or it's not important. Whereas my midwife is much more holistic and caring. Plus you could end up seeing any of the OBs at the hospital where as I always get my amazingmidwife. I'll be sad when she signs us over :( she's been amazing. It makes me want to have another just so she can be my midwife still haha.

Yeah I think it's best to keep an eye on the blood pressure thing. But I've seen in other groups that women have been sent to the hospital for BP when it's 120/70 being told that this is high. I can only imagine being told that and being sent to the hospital would make you stressed and your blood pressure go even higher!

I'm glad he's back to LOL too. If he spins back around I won't be happy haha. I can now walk without pain and everything feels much better. The contractions I've been having aren't like braxton hicks. They're tightening plus period cramping/dull ache/back pain. They're not hugely painful but more painful than period pain. I had 2 before 8 minutes apart but then nothing for over an hour. So I'm guessing this is going to be my reality until he decides to arrive! I've seen others say that they get contractions like this for weeks before the baby is born. But we've put a waterproof mattress protector under my side of the bed in case my waters break. But I have a feeling they'll do that somewhere really public, like the supermarket haha.

I hope you can get a great scan image. Unfortunately my last 2 haven't been very good because the cord has been in his face and then last time he was running out of room and had his face pushed up against me. But you're going at a perfect time. We got our amazing ones at 28 weeks. Please share them :)
Hi ladies sorry just checking in quickly to say scan all ok, have been mad busy (and still being sick!) so haven't read through your posts but will be back soon hope all ok xx

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