Clomid/FE Conceived Buddies :)

Oh Sarah sounds like you're getting ready! It could all pause though, and don't worry if your baby does decide to make an early appearance he will be just fine. Take it easy and rest and yourself, and keep us updated! X
OMG Sarah - are you excited? And yes, please, keep us updated. I do hope your boy stick around a ittle longer, but I am sure if he comes now that everything will be perfect. Do you have any idea how much he weigh at this point?

Are you feeling any better Bonnie?

Nothing new here, planned a babymoon for about 2 weeks from now, but turns out the place we had in mind is fully booked, so just going to use that money on baby now :)

Have a good weekend :) We have a busy one ahead ;)
Thanks ladies. It seems like it might have just been a 'practice'. No more cramps today, just feeling exhausted. I hope it is my iron that's making me feel tired and then there'll be something we can do about it.

Haha I'm not feeling all that excited, more scared than anything! I don't feel emotionally ready, especially while DH isn't home! Only 2 more weeks until I'm considered full term (in my country that's from 37 weeks). He's been moving like crazy today and yesterday after a few quiet days and my bump has grown more in the past 2 days than the whole time DH has been away!

No idea about how much he weighs at the moment. Our last growth scan wasn't very accurate unfortunately. My midwife has been plotting his growth and some of the measurements jumped more than they should. Like his head had been tracking at about the 30th percentile and then last scan it was 97 percentile, which my midwife said doesn't happen. And when I go back and look at the scan pictures she didn't do a great job at lining up the measuring tool with the actual body part. But I have another/my last (!!) scan next Wednesday. It'll be the last time we get to see him before he's born... So scary haha.

I had an appointment with the lactation consultant today. Mainly around PCOS as this can cause issues with supply. She was lovely and said that approximately 1-3 in 9 with PCOS have issues with low supply (some even produce too much). But signs are looking good that I won't have any issues (my prolactin levels have been high, estrogen low, not overweight/obese, no insulin issues, and my boobs have grown from a DD to a G cup - which she said "WOAH!"). But she still advised I hand express colostrum from 36 weeks, especially because of the Lupus. So from next Thursday I can start expressing 5 minutes each boob, three times a day. I know I've got some colostrum already, so I'm excited to start :)
How are you ladies doing?
Sarah have things settled down a bit now? Hopefully was just your body prepping!

Got my scan tomm, half excited about it but also nervous! Symptoms easing slightly, still feel sick now and again but it's not so constant and I'm not as cripplingly tired as I was so fingers crossed.

Hope you ladies are well xx
Hey Bonnie, still having the odd "tightening" and the last few days they've gotten more uncomfortable. Nothing regular though. Haven't lost any plug or anything. I've been having pretty bad pelvis/pubic pain which is making it really sore to walk or to open my legs very far. The pain radiates down my legs and his head feels like it's about to fall out! I'm still really tired and having a nap every day. I'm on weekly midwife appointments now which is good. And last scan tomorrow!!

Exciting for your scan tomorrow! Upload a photo if you can. Will they do all the NT tests? I'm glad you're not feeling so horrendous!

Nita, I hope everything's going well. I recall you saying ages ago that your doctor was going to induce you on a certain day. I'm in a few due date groups and my antenatal groups and a few of them have been induced (for medical reasons) and they've talked about how much more painful it was and how they would never do it for any other reason than it being medically necessary. You might want to look into that if it's simply for your doctor's convenience.
Hi Ladies. hope everyone is doing good? Bonnie goodluck at your appointment - will be awaiting the photos if you get any. Hope you are still coping Sarah?

Very busy here, getting Braxton Hicks this week, they are so annoying.

sarah, I havent discussed birthing options yet with my OB, turns out the lady who I spoke to (goes the same OB) chose to be induced and it was not my OBs choice. Hopefully we will talk about that soon.
Yup still coping. The pelvis pain isn't very fun. It's radiating down my legs and worse in my groin and knees. I see the midwife again today so I'll mention it. I'm guessing it's because he's wiggling his head right down into my pelvis that it's causing trouble. I've had issues prepregnancy with my pelvis opening so I shouldn't be surprised.

I think we've bought everything we need for the baby. I'm getting the capsule installed tomorrow. I've put a water proof mattress protector on the bed in case my water breaks there. I'm also 36 weeks today so starting antenatal expressing. It's a slow job, I got 0.15mls last night. Then this morning I got 0.75mls but I pulled the syringe thing back too far and it all spilled out the bottom. I cried haha I was devastated! But then at lunch I managed to get 1ml off each side!! So that made up for things. The LC said to do it 3 times a day. So if I can get 6ml a day that will be awesome.

Phew that's a relief Nita, the stories I've heard about induction aren't much fun. Especially the ones where it takes a few days to get going and you have to stay in hospital the whole time and then the medication makes you labour really quickly and don't get a chance to naturally build up the hormones. Of course if you need it then go for it.

Last scan yesterday, he's still a boy haha. No 3D images because there wasn't enough room in there. He had his face squished up on the side of my uterus and the cord was in his face. He's measuring much closer to 50th percentile now which is great.
Sarah glad to hear you're doing well! I. So surprised the LC has you expressing already! Here in the US I don't think they usually recommend that! Very cool yo hear your experience!

Nita I'm sorry about your babymoon plans! Sounds like you're ready for baby just about! Happy 3rd tri!

Bonnie how was your scan?

I had my growth scan today. Little guy is doing well! About the 60th percentile and estimated to weigh 2lbs 3oz. Will go back in a month then likely start weekly scans. I see my OB Friday and get my weekly blood draw. Seems they'd rather avoid a transfusion as much as possible and then opt for early delivery because my body can recover on it's own when not pregnant. Also been heavily weighing my birth options. I'm leaning toward scheduling a repeat c section but if I go into labor on my own before it I'll attempt a VBAC. That's my thoughts for now anyway...
Happy ticker day Sarah :happydance:

Wow, 3rd tri for me, can you believe it already :thumbup:

Sounds like you have a pretty hectic time ahead TTC - do you have any idea for when you would want to book the C-section?

Ive attached a photo for a good laugh :haha:


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Hey TTC, they recommend it for some, not all women here. But I think if everything was going well and you asked about it, they'd be happy for you to express. Trust me though, it's hard work! Today I managed just over 6ml but have only managed to freeze about 5ml of it because of spillage. My midwife said she'd like me to have 30mls by the time I go into labour. Which I think should be doable. She said that at the hospital they tend to encourage formula when it's not necessary (only lady was told her nipples were too big to feed) and having colostrum is a good alternative. Plus at this stage my body is producing really calorie rich colostrum for a baby at 36 weeks. The later you go, the less energy the baby needs because they're stronger. Anyway, it's hard work but worth it.

I'm glad to hear he's growing well. What are the weekly scans for? It must be a tough call whether to schedule a c section or try a VBAC. What are the risks associated with a VBAC?

Nita, happy ticker day! Ovia also says a chihuahua which seems quite big! Happy 3rd trimester. I hope you can keep up the energy levels!

AFM, I had the midwife today. Ugh and he's turned himself posterior! After being perfectly LOL for the past few months. So now I need to try and spin him. She said this is why I'm getting so much pelvic pain. Also, iron levels were good but white blood cells were high so I think I must be fighting a virus/bug of some kind. Stupid blood pressure has gone back up (145/90) after being perfect the past 2 weeks. Just feel like crying. I don't think I could manage a posterior labour while my body is fighting an infection plus high blood pressure.
Just thought I'd give you ladies a little update: I actually ovulated on only 50mg of clomid!!! Both the doctor and I were really surprised but chuffed :D We went ahead with our first IUI on Wednesday and now I officially, finally, have my first TWW ^^
Yay that's so exciting Fluffy!! And it didn't sound like you had too many side effects from that dose either. It really won't be long now until you get your BFP, I'm sure!

An update on the colostrum expressing, I have 21mls in the freezer already!! My midwife said to aim for 30mls to take with me, but the more the better. I got 8mls in one sitting the other night! It's hard work though and my hands are feeling it.

Also no luck on turning this posterior baby yet. I've been spending most of the day on my hands and knees. I know there's still time but I'm really uncomfortable and want him back where he was.
wow, Fluffy, you can consider yourself lucky for ovulating on 50mg Clomid. Goodluck in the TWW.

How's things going Sarah? Any luck with the colostrum expressing?

AFM, Ive been feeling sick, dizzy and my blood pressure have been just above 120/80 - havent been this high for a while.

Also bought my breast pump :D This week is my 4D scan and next week I am seeing my OB again, I suppose I need to discuss my higher Blood pressure and dizziness with her then.
Nita I had severe preeclampsia with my oldest. I think you should call your OB and not wait a week. Your symptoms are very concerning.
Thanks TTC, I will contact my OB if it gets any worse and ask for an appointment this week.
I have decided to move my appointment, the earliest they can help me is in the morning, so I am going early in the morning.
Ironically after moving my appointment earlier my blood pressure is back to being textbook perfect 115/75 but I still get the dizzy spells, so better I go tomorow and just make sure that everything is 100% with me and baby :)
My blood pressure was 140/90 at my last appointment and my midwife said that's boarderline.

I've managed to express 29mls now!

I haven't been feeling him move as much since last night so tried all the usual tricks. Usually when DH talks to him he'll wake up but nothing. We can prod him and he will give a small movement back. So after eating ice cream, drinking cold water, having a shower, lying on my left and right side and getting DH to talk to him and push him, nothing was working. So I rung my midwife this morning and she wanted me to go into L&D in an hour. I'll keep you guys posted.
We just got home from the hospital. The baby was fine and of course as soon as the monitors were on my tummy he started moving. But they were concerned with my blood pressure and headaches (142/89 and 145/90 I think). Urine tests was clear but I had bloods sent away and follow up with my midwife on Thursday. She said at this stage we would call it gestational hypertension but I'll need to be monitored pretty closely to make sure it doesn't turn into preeclampsia. DH is annoyed because he thinks it was a waste of time going.
Oh gosh Sarah, thats really high!! I am glad that baby is OK though. Hope the bloodwork comes back okay.

My blood pressure this morning went down all the way to 106/69 which is normal for me. Now I feel kind of silly for moving my appointment - no dizzy spells since yesterday morning, and after some thinking it only happens when I sit for long periods of time, so perhaps walking more often will help. But I will hear what my OB says today, atleast I will know whats going on after I saw her. I think my blood pressure went a bit up because I was feeling sick.

I am scared of preeclampsia too, but after some research on symptoms, I dont have any really, but will see how the urine tests turns out today.

I was thinking of asking my OB for a letter for my work to take things a bit slower at work for a few days, its been a real stressed period the last two months. But I dont know if she will give me one. I have a short 15 minute appointment today, since they pushed me in.

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