Clomid/FE Conceived Buddies :)

What an amazing experience, to see our daughter in so much detail. :baby:


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No worries bonnie. Hope you come out the other side of the sickness soon. So glad to hear the scan was all ok :)

That's so exciting Nita. Did you feel it made it more real? It definitely did for us. It's hard to explain but I struggled to actually think about there being a baby inside me. Like I just felt like it was a wiggling blob. But when we saw his face it became so much more real. Do you reckon she looks like you or DH or not sure?
Its definately more real Sarah! The tech really put in a lot of effort to show us a lot of detail, the urine in her bladder, a full tummy, thr heartbeat, even the bones thats growing inside her ribs, the few hairs on her head, the bloodflow from me to her, etc. Things we dont see at regular OB scans.

I can see a lot of myself in her, the shape of her face and her cheeckbones are definately mine, we think she has DHs nose though. The tech also said she had long legs, which definately is my DHs. They also checked the amount of fluid and space she has, and said it looked really great. She was also awake during the scan so she moved around a lot :haha: oh and her head is already facing down and resting on my bladder. Amd ofcourse she wasnt shy to let us know that she is definately a girl ;)
I still sometimes feel like I have a blob inside me haha. I'm not sure how he could come out as a real person haha. That was cool to be able to see all those things. I asked at my last scan whether he had hair and she said she couldn't see any. I was surprised because I've had bad heartburn and my DH and I were both born with lots of hair. Plus you see such cute photos of babies with hair.

I think our baby had flipped head down quite early too. I don't think it means they're going to stay there though. Usually by 36 weeks I think they chose their position to stay. But it's good that she's head down, I think it means she's more likely to stay that way.

Still having the odd contraction with a bit of pain/cramping.

We asked DH's family (and mine) to make sure they were up to date with their immunization and not visit us if they were sick. My family had no issue and have gotten up to date with their tdap and flu shots. But my husband's family are kicking up a huge fuss. Three of his sisters won't talk to us and neither will his mother. Even when I try to explain it's about my health (I don't want to get sick while trying to learn everything about a newborn) they're still calling me precious. Unfortunately my husband is starting to side with them too. Who would have thought trying to keep yourself and your baby healthy could cause such a stink?!
We saw some hair on baby as well, she has very short, thin hair on her head, and 3 longer hairs that we could clearly see on the lower of her head close to her neck :) I wonder what colour it is though.. I have brown hair and DH has dark blonde hair, I so hope its the blonde and not the brown.. I absolutely hate my natural hair colour.

Your DHs family sounds very inconsederate, its not like you are asking much, just be careful so you dont get sick...which really isnt asking much. Im glad my DH understands that, he totally freaks out when someone sick comes near me, he politely ask them to leave, and when a lady at my work was sick he didnt even want me to go to work :o
Our sonographer looked at the back of his head too. She said that's where they grow first. He might have just grown some in the past few weeks. I don't want a bald baby haha. My friend's husband said that their baby's hair is annoying because he always pulls it by accident when he's picking him up haha. I reckon she'll probably have lighter hair. All of my cousins and brother were born blonde and then some went darker after they were born. Not me though haha I had a full head of dark hair and it's always been dark.

Yeah I'm feeling pretty annoyed about my in laws. It doesn't seem unreasonable to me that I want to keep our baby healthy. They've previously said they can't wait for him to arrive so they can give him lots of kisses and cuddles. So to be honest if they don't come, it'll be easier than asking them not to kiss him. I don't want to get sick either, I know what my immune system is like and the amount of time I spent sick this pregnancy should show all of them too. I can't imagine having to deal with pneumonia while also caring for a newborn.

All this talk got DH and I talking about how he thinks I'm going to parent differently because of the infertility. He thinks I'm going to be over the top, not let him take any risks and be over protective. I don't think I will be, I'm happy for him to climb trees, eat mud, etc etc. but for now, I can't help thinking about the struggle it took to get him there, keep him in there and all that I've been through with this pregnancy. I'm sure I'd have a different attitude had things been easy and we'd gotten pregnant straight away.

But on another note, we ran into one of DH's workmates and his wife said to me "so when are you due?" I said, "the 31st". She said "of what month? November or December?" I said "haha no August! Like 2 and a half weeks away!" She couldn't believe it and said she was bigger than me at 20 weeks. I can still hide my bump if I wear something loose haha.
Ugh Sarah, so annoying! I really feel that your wishes should be respected, when they are/have been pregnant they can set out what they want and expect it respected, not true? People here are also strange, when a baby is born everyone wants to see the baby immediately without giving mommy, daddy and baby a chanve to settle in. My mom however taught me otherwise, always give them space and make sure they know you are there for them, and wait till they are ready for visits and invite you over. With DHs friends we waited 6 weeks before meeting them, because thats when the mommy fully healed and felt like she was ready. With me on the other side, both our parents will come to the hospital and DHs cousin said they will also come visit in hospital already. I dont mind, but I feel like in that time I really only need my DH by my side.

Lol, you must really be carrying small then :) I get the same comments. Started telling clients from work I am pregnant and they all just say, you can barely notice it I am carrying so small. But I really have grown in the last 2 weeks, my clothes are getting really tight now, I am still wearing some pre pregnancy from timw to time though :)
I completely agree. People seem to think it's all about them and their wishes. They just want to see the baby without any respect for the immediate family. It's a bit like that here too. We've had family say that'll come visit in the hospital but that was before we made a stand about the immunization thing, now they're pretty much all staying away haha. I've seen women who have said they have their extended family all waiting outside the delivery room or even in there with them. I'm with you, I just want DH there. I think we will let our mothers come and visit in hospital but everyone else can wait. Have you thought about when you'll announce her arrival Nita? We definitely won't be saying anything on Facebook until we are home. I'll let you guys know though haha.

I really thought I'd be bigger but my bump really isn't that large. DH said it's definitely grown in the past few days though and he said it's starting to look a little bit like a tumor haha. You must be carrying small too Nita. The lady we ran into yesterday said she was sure I was having a girl because of it (but we've confirmed 4 times he's boy haha). You've still got lots of time to grow Nita, I'm running out of time! Still no stretch marks for me and I can put my shoes and socks on, shave my legs and cut my toe nails haha.
I think my DH will be so excited when she is coming that he will just spill the beans and let everyone know immediately. I dont really have a problem with that, but I doubt we will put anything on Facebook as well before we are home and settled a bit.

I have 4 stretch marks on both my hips, but they are very very small, more like stretch dots lol. I am having issues putting shoes on and shaving my legs already - maybe because I am so short lol, who knows. You are very lucky that you are OK with that so far.

Are you also always hearing the same when people see you are pregnant? With me they always start with ' when is the due date ' then ' oh gosh you are carrying so small ' then ' Is a boy or girl, oh a girl, you must be so excited ' then ' are you going natural or c-section' I say normal and then its either ' oh you MUST breastfeed ' or ' how many hours a night do you currently sleep, you realize once baby is here you wont ever sleep again '
The other day DH said he wished that everyone would just stop telling us we wont sleep after she is here, we know that already and we will cope with whatever challenges there are..
That's cool. We've decided to probably let our mums know when we go to the hospital. Then after he's born, maybe 12 hours or the next day, we will send a group message to our family and very close friends. We will probably just let them know his name and all is well and we will let you know when we are ready for visitors. Then we might announce it on Facebook in the week after he's born.

Last night was the first time I felt like my tummy was getting in the way when I slept. But apart from that it's not really felt that big. But we've been taking photos whenever we remember of my bump. Man I use to be so skinny haha. My tummy was so flat compared to now haha and my boobs aren't as massive!

People usually just ask when I'm due, whether it's a boy or a girl and whether it's our first. People here don't really ask if it's going to be a c section or vaginally. If you knew them really well you might ask if they plan to breastfeed (like my friends and I have asked each other). Then people ask how I'm feeling etc and I usually just say pretty good, not as big and as uncomfortable as I was expecting or that I'm pretty tired but making the most of being able to nap whenever I want. Then people usually laugh and tell me to make the most of it. My DH is use to sleep deprivation being in the army. They make them stay up or wake up at crazy times for weeks on end. I think I'll probably struggle though haha.

Do you find that people always look at you/your bump and smile? I find it's usually men, like aged from 20-50.

Oh and I lost my plug tonight! I know that means it could be days or weeks away though so I'm not holding my breath.
Eek sounds like your body is prepping Sarah! I went into labour the day after my plug went 😜 Keep us updated.

I didn't feel like visitors for at least 2/3 weeks after I had her. My immediate family came to the hospital (I was in there for 4 days after I had her) and I think I only had one or two people pop round in that 2 weeks, and to be honest it took me a good 4-6 weeks before I really felt like I wanted visitors but did give in a bit sooner! Just be honest with people and say if you dont feel like it, there will always be tons of people wanting to see the baby! Another good thing I did was go out for a girls brunch with quite a lot of my friends at about 4 weeks. It gives people the opportunity to see the baby without having to have people in your house and also you can leave when you want, people tend to overstay their welcome when they are in your house!

Definitely do whatever you feel is right, don't be afraid to tell people to back off. You never get this time again so have it however you want!
Thanks Bonnie! No contractions today, so I'm not confident it's going to start anytime soon. My friend went into labour 24 hours after she lost hers.

That's good to know about the visitors too. I don't think we will have many visitors either. I'm quite happy just to chill at home, getting to know him. I feel like people would just come, demand cuddles, tell us what we are doing wrong and then outstay their welcome.. You're right about never getting this time again!

Ugh, headache and heartburn are bad today :growlmad:
Oha Sarah, You could be going into labor at anytime now! How exciting! On our local forums, lots of women say they went into labor a few hours after losing their plug, others say a week or 2 later. How are your blood pressure? Since you still have headaches, hope its not too high.

Thanks for the advice Bonnie! Hope you are doing ok?

I just want a vent a little, my babyshower is around the corner, which all is pretty much planned and ready, but the 'nappy-braai' for DH is making me insane. The guy who must arrange it, is slacking so bad that I had to tell him to just do something. Then he told them what size nappies we want, now we have been getting msgs from people saying are we sure, because they never used that size... Well I dont freaking care... I ask for something for a reason. I am just so sick of advice at this point... Whenever I say I feel something I have to hear how someone else felt worse, etc. I am just like give me sympathy and don't make this about you. I feel so selfish, but good grief, I can only take so much... ugh (you can probably tell I am having a bad day)
Hi ladies, popping in to say hello. Thank you for the invite Nita! Got my first ever :bfp: this morning! Part of me wasn't sure I would ever be able to say that!

First appt with OB happens to be my husband's birthday. Waiting for the RE to call me back regarding getting bloodtests done in the meantime to confirm everything is good.

Side note: Is it normal to have ever so slightly brown tinged cm at this stage? AF was due today or tomorrow, trying not to overthink this, lol.
Yay, lucy, welcome and glad you made it over.

Just a reminder that we dont have any rules in this thread, go ahead and brag, laugh, cry, vent, chat or ask any questions you are unsure about <3

I apologize that you had to join just after my vent thread :haha:

Regarding your question on the CM, I think as long as its not red or heavy you are in the clear. But this early on I think iys a good idea to ring the OB and make sure, and I would push on getting the bloodtests done for peace of mind.And if you do have spotting they may want you to take progesterone until week 12.
Thank you Nita! And I love your vent post, I can't wait to be able to vent about those kind of things, lol!

Going for blood test tomorrow. Fx!
Another question. So my BFP was pretty clear. Not even sure I would call it faint. See attached. I am 13 DPO, and AF was due today or tomorrow. What are the chances of a chemical at this stage?

I have never had a BFP of any kind before so I am just so scared!!!!


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(still following this thread, hoping to join one of these days)

Lucy, I had wondered the same thing while trying to pass this TWW and I found this statistic:
Lucy, that BFP is pretty clear! Have you taken another test a few hours later? If it gets darker its great, so keep testing :) . Like I said, I would push to get bloodwork done to have peace of mind.

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