Clomid/FE Conceived Buddies :)

Thanks for sharing Sarah. Everyone here tells me that shifts to feed baby doesnt work, but we are planning that DH takes the shift in the afternoon (7pm - 12pm) and I take over from there.
Any way, we will still figure that out.

The feeding bottles we got for DH for her first few weeks, is specifically designed for her to get fed while being breastfed, the hole in the teat is really small and soft (hence its called, closer to nature) so she still have to put in the effort to suck. We hope it will work.

OB appointment in about an hour :D BP is low at home, hope it stays that way.
Well, this wasnt a good appointment and I just came home and just like crying. I have a calcified placenta*and although my OB isnt too worried now, because the flow is still good amd she is still growing plenty (2kgs now) my blood pressure is very high and I need to increase my BP meds from tomorow. I need to make sure I feel 10 movements each day and if I dont I need to call her. Next appointment is in 2 weeks.

The part that I am most sad about is that if normal labour doesnt start at 38 weeks, I will be induced. So whatever happens, she will be here in 1 month. Ill just keep on praying that she makes it into world healthy.
Why do they say shifts don't work? That seems crazy. It's the only thing that's allowing us both to get any sleep.

Even with the bottles that are meant to be close to the breast they can still cause nipple confusion. But try them and if she's fussy then you can decide what to do next. I think we will look at trying a bottle in a few weeks but DH doesn't mind cup feeding and he is really worried William will go off the boob. There are plenty of other jobs that DHs can do to bond with the baby like changing, taking them for walks, bath time and cuddles. We are only doing the cup feeding so I can sleep a bit and recover because I'm still sore.

I didn't find the induction that bad. It was weird having my waters broken but I found the contractions fine. I actually kind of enjoyed them. If it's all too much there's pain relief options. How high is your BP now? I was told that the 10 kicks a day isn't a good way of measuring it. I had decreased movements and my midwife is 100% sure he was having trouble getting the oxygen he needed with the cord around his neck. She and all the doctors told me to look out for changes to the normal pattern. If the usual things don't wake him then call. Some days I'd still have 10 movements but the patterns would change.
Nita I'm so sorry. I think it's good your doctor is so on top of things :hug:

You won't believe this, but I got news today that my placenta is calcifying as well. I'm 33 weeks. I am seeing a specialist Monday for a thorough growth scan and look at the placenta. I'm also being tested for liver function and bile acid levels... so we will see what happens.

Nita, try to relax and I'm so sorry. I know it's all very stressful.
I am so sorry TTC! Its horrible news, thankfully everything was fine yesterday, she growed 1/4 of her weight in 2 weeks, and shes still very active. My OB didnt seem worried, but I am. Shes more worried about my BP thats staying high, and the fact that I am still working, she wants me to take things easy and get plenty rest.

Sarah my BP yesterday was 130/95 and then it jumped right up to 130/100 after a resting period. I need to have my BP measured over the weekend at a clinic and take a double dosage meds from today.

The good news though is that theres no sign of protein or blood in my urine.
Well, Dr googled reassured me on why my OB isn't worried about my placenta. Having Grade 3 calcification at 34 weeks will be a concern, but mine is only starting to calcify at 34 weeks, and anything up to grade 2 calcification in the 3rd trimester before 37 weeks is normal. I googled images and I definitely do not have Grade 3 calcification. However Hypertension causes calcification, and thats why she is concerned to get my BP down. I am going to get myself a wrist BP monitor today and use both my monitors for accurate readings - we think my machine might be giving incorrect readings, and if it doesnt come down in the next few days (will take about 5 days for the higher dosage meds to kick in) I will contact my OB and ask to come in earlier.
TTC and Nita, so sorry to hear you both had some worrying news from your doctors! From what I've heard though, if it's only beginning at your stage, the risk of any complications coming from it is miniscule :hugs:

9 weeks 1 day today :) Still dealing with nausea, but I've gotten better at managing it (I focus on eating fruits & vegetables & whole grains, small portions every 2-3 hours). My next appointment will be tomorrow in two weeks, very impatient for it. I keep getting worried that I could have a mmc (for no reason, I just worry), even though I know it's unlikely. Oh and keen as mustard to be done with those progesterone suppositories, hopefully I can stop them after my next visit (11w2d) :p
You are right fluffy, thats what I have been reading aswell. I cant believe you are 9 weeks already :D 1/4 of your pregnancy are almost behind you. Most women with MS say that it starts to get better from 12 weeks (2nd Tri) but hopefully it will be sooner for you. I am sure they will tell you at your appointment if you can stop the Progesterone - I stopped between 11-12 weeks aswell - because I could not bare the SE anymore. My next appointment is also 2 weeks away - so I will hope with you that time goes by quickly :D

So my wrist BP monitor also gives me low measurements... really dont know what to do with my BP :o Ill just keep on taking the meds, and rest.

I am a bit pissed off today. I work with my family, and all they care about is whether I am going to work from home or at work, not once have I been asked if I am ok and am I coping. And then we got this old Baby monitor from my aunt, which is barely working, so I told DH I want a new one thats reliable and he simply does not think its necessary. I am an emotional wreck today and I felt like crying a few times today. I am most likely over reacting and my hormones are wack - but for goodness sakes - is it too much to ask for symphathy... just a simple, 'are you doing ok' would be fine.
Ditto Fluffy, I am 9+1 now and my next appt is more than 3 weeks away (12+4). I worry about MMC alot as well. But even if it happens there's nothing we can really do about it, and no way to know if it's happening/happened until the next appt. :( Supposedly the chances are super, super small. Like 1%. I just keep telling myself that. I know it seems somewhat common because we see it here on these boards so much, but I am sure that is because when it does happen to you, you need support!

Nita, I work with family too so I know how challenging that can be. Hang in there lady! <3
Nita I’m sorry you’re having a rough time with family. I’ve been on edge emotionally too so I think our hormones must change at this stage. Hopefully they’ll try to be a bit considerate that you’ve gotten stressful news.

Lucy and fluffy, I think that fear is so normal. You both have had every sign that things are going well so I hope that continues. You’re both right the chance is so very low. And as someone who’s had multiple miscarriages I’ll say I always had a “doomed” feeling so even when the doctors tried to reassure me I knew in my heart how it would end. No longer having a heartbeat was never really a shock. But with that said, I felt deep down ok about this baby even though i had a lot of fear. I think it’s a common common fear but truly you guys are in such a good place and things will 99% be fine :hugs:

I’m just wasting time around here on modified bed rest.... can’t wait for Monday. Hope they’ll come up with a delivery plan.
Nita when William was born they said his placenta was calcified too but no one seemed that bothered. It's actually in our chest freezer haha. I haven't looked at it. We plan to bury it and plant a tree at our farm. But I'm still not well enough to go out there so we will just wait. It's pretty common here to keep the placenta. Occasionally you hear of stories of people being robbed and having their freezer full of meat raided, along with their child's placenta!!

My midwife said the electric BP monitors are wildly inaccurate. Everyone took mine with a manual cuff as well as the electric one. I'm not sure if I said but the best thing for my BP was an epidural. Too good in fact and it dropped to 80/60! I vomited and couldn't hear anything. They dropped the head of the bed and gave me extra fluids and some other medication through the drip.

And I'm sorry about your family, my family are doing exactly the same. It's driving me crazy.

Fluffy and Lucy that fear about the MMC. It's completely normal! But feeling sick is usually a good sign that things are doing what they should. I'd convinced myself that there would be nothing at my 12 week scan.

TTC, please let us know how your appointment goes!

AFM, William is 3 weeks old today. Crazy how quickly it's gone but also it feels like he's been here and I've been sleep deprived forever. I spend most of my day feeding. Thank god for Netflix. I'm almost finished my antibiotics so hopefully my infection doesn't come back. Today is also our Election Day. Hopefully we have a new prime minister by the end of the day!
TTC, good luck for Monday, I am sure everything will go well!

Lucy and fluffy, right through your pregnancy there will also be some kind of stres, whether its MC, MMC, BP, GD or whatever, but just remember to cherish the moments you have with this baby, and so far things are going great with you both, and the odds of something going wrong is very little.

Sarah, my OB also said the placenta is only started to calcify and its normal, but its a bit early, it usually starts later. I got a new BP monitor thats much more accurate, and the double dosage meds are making super sleepy. I heard the epi makes your BP less :D which will be great for me.

Also, yesterday was my last day at work. Even though I will be working from home a few hours a day, i will be resting much more than now.
I agree. There's always something to worry about during pregnancy and when they're here. But I found that first trimester really stressful!

Nita, it sounds like your OB won't let you go too far over your due date if at all. Hopefully she can wait until at least 38-39 weeks though. My doctor said babies born at 38 weeks are 10 times more likely to need to go to NICU than 40 week babies. Yeah the epidural can cause you BP to lower but that was far too low and they needed to bring it back up.

Ugh my husband (who slept through last night) told me he's too tired to help with William tonight. He's now snoring on the couch. I'm still really sore, I've been breastfeeding all day, I have had about 4 hours sleep in the past 24 hours. It's going to be a long night.
Husbands, right?

You are right Sarah, my OB she wont induce unless necesary, but given my circumstances she dont see why baby needs to stay longer than 38 weeks(considered full term) if my BP stays up, as the risks for both me and baby only gets bigger. If my BP can come down and she grows enough she wont induce, but she doesnt think my BP will come down and the meds are just to try and get it lower till week 38. I suppose we will see what happens, for now I just need to rest and take it easy.
He ended up having a nap on the couch and then did help after that. He's just a grumpy bum.

After spending the last 3 days with a baby attached to my boobs, he finally took a break today! He's been doing lots of sleeping so I guess it was just clusterfeeding for a growth spurt.

Yes and that's why they induced me. Even with my BP at 165/99 they didn't start talking about induction until I was virtually at my due date. Even with protein in my urine. I've played it over and over in my head whether things would have been different if I hadn't been induced etc but who knows. But I know I would have felt safer being induced at 40 weeks vs any earlier unless things were at a huge risk of going pear shaped.

I have to say, even after the shit time I've had I can still say I'd do it all again. Maybe I'm just crazy haha.
Lol Sarah, thats why women have more than 1 child ;)

I suppose each OB/midwife, etc. Does thimgs differently. My OB have not ever mentioned a C Section which I think is awesome! Lots of other OBs here just wait for any sort of complication and suggest a CSection immediately. For now Ill wait and see what happens at 38 weeks (who knows, perhaps she comes earlier on her own like my grandma said lol)
Haha I think there must be some kind of memory block and you just forget.

An induction increases the risk of having a c section unfortunately. So avoiding interventions is the best way to have a normal birth, for the most part. But of course if the baby is safer out than in you have to make that call. It's harder when it's not clear cut. You will end up having to make decisions in the moment based on what you know at the time. That's been hard for us because we look back now and wonder whether we made the right decisions. Of course hindsight is a wonderful thing.

Ugh so my midwife came back this morning. My uterus is too tender for having had all the antibiotics I've had and it's not contracted back as quickly as it should. So I spent the day in hospital. I had an ultrasound which looks like there's still some retention of products in there (left over bits of placenta etc I think). I go back to hospital in the morning and have to have a CT scan. They'll then decide whether that stuff will come out on its own or if I'll need a D&C. When will this end?!
You are right Sarah, having to decide under pressure with limited knowledge is not ideal, I am trying to read up as much as I can about my complications, but in the end, Ill probably look at my OB and tell her to do whats best for the both of us. I finished our hospital bags today, I needed some snaks to put in, but its in now. We are ready!

Good grief Sarah, hopefully DH is there to look after William? I was told one advantage of a c section is that they make sure to remove all the tissue :o hopefully those last bits can come out now, and you can stay out of the hospital!!
It's hard when you're in the moment, you don't have all the knowledge and sometimes the decisions need to be made quickly. At antenatal class they gave us a little card about making decisions. It's got the acronym BRAIN

B- benefits. What are the benefits of doing this?
R- risks. What are the risks?
A- alternatives. Is there an alternative?
I- intuition. What's my gut telling me to do?
N- nothing. What will happen if we do nothing?

This really helped us. And I don't think we would have changed any of the decisions we made even with the benefit of hindsight. You do have to rely on the medical staff but I also know from our time in hospital that even the doctors don't know everything. So trust your gut while also listening to medical advice.

Yeah tell me about it! And poor William has spent most of his life getting antibiotics through me. I think he's got a bit of an upset tummy because of it. My DH is here to look after both of us thankfully. But he hates the hospital as much as I do! That's what I thought too, I was told they scrape the insides of your uterus so you don't bleed so much as well. But I'm still bleeding.

I had the ultrasound at the same place we had the pregnancy ones. It's far less interesting with no baby in your uterus haha. But we got to introduce him to the sonographer and she just gushed over him haha. I guess they don't get to see the babies after they're born. I told her that his 10cm round head didn't even matter, I didn't have to push it out haha.

Newborn babies do this thing where they develop the muscles in their faces by practicing different expressions. So within 10 seconds he'll go from smiling, to looking like he's going to cry, to looking like he's just eaten a lemon. It's crazy and hilarious. Well I'm currently breastfeeding him and he's got my nipple half hanging out his mouth, half asleep and he starts to chuckle away like the funniest thing has just happened! It's great because he spends 90% of his day looking like he's concerned about life haha.
Well that was interesting. Very, very nearly passed out in church yesterday. DH had to walk me outside to the car in the middle of mass. Didn't feel hungry but it is possible that my blood sugar was low. Going to nibble on something right before we go in next week and take a bottle of water with me. Guess I will also have to skip the whole sit stand kneel routine...

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