Clomid/FE Conceived Buddies :)

Nita, I knew he would lose weight initially but he then lost more beyond that which was a concern. But my midwife came out on Friday and he's put on 80g in 48 hours so she's happy. I still have to express and feed him what I express. Which is ok but I wanted to start a freezer stash. I'm not sure if you guys have these over there, but if you're wanting to BF then look into the Haakaa pump. You suction it to your other boob and it catches the let down. Today I caught 150ml for doing nothing.

Definitely avoid an induction if you can. Inductions lead to other interventions. Although in my case I don't think the induction was the cause of my c section. I think his positioning was the biggest factor but then again if we'd waited would he have got into a better position? But then again if we had waited I might have had complications with my BP. So you can't really tell. But I wouldn't jump straight to an induction just because you've reached your due date. Your baby will come when she's ready as long as neither of you are at risk.

I wonder if they do tickers for when they're born haha. He currently 6lb 7oz haha so probably could still use a pregnancy one anyway haha.

Fluffy, I can't believe you 8 weeks already! I've heard the same about emergency c sections too and it makes sense. Mentally I didn't have much time to prepare for it. Physically I'd been in labour all day so I was already exhausted. Plus I wasn't expecting to have this kind of recovery so that added to things. I hope that I can try to have a vaginal birth next time but it's such a risk that the same thing could happen again.

Thanks Lucy! He's changing so much every day. It's crazy to think that he was inside me. I miss being pregnant!

Bonnie, no shame at all haha.

Wow that's a long time to wait for things to start! You must have been so bored haha. Was syntocin not an option? It sounds like all the emotions you were feeling was exactly what I felt too. I'm not sad for him, I'm sad for me. I'm disappointed it didn't go to plan and that we couldn't do delayed cord clamping or skin to skin immediately. I'm sad that I wasn't able to do anything to help him in those first few days. I'm feeling quite nub and detached from it all now. I said to someone yesterday that I'd had a c section and in my head, I couldn't quite believe what I'd said.. if that makes sense. It doesn't feel like it happened to me.

That's good to know you don't need to make the decision right away. I know you can't have the prostaglandin gels to induce labour but I thought the foley bulb and syntocin was ok if you've had a c section? I'm thinking about next time already even though it's not going to be for at least 18 months. I've geared a planned c section is easier too. I think it must be emotionally anyway. It just scares me that if I was to try again and then have a birth that ended in a similar way, it would be much worse than a planned c section. I hope you can have the birth you want this time.

So my infection isn't getting better. My midwife wanted me to go in to hospital yesterday when she came. Well actually she rung the obstetrician and he wanted me to go to hospital. My midwife told him I wouldn't be keen on the idea haha. I also tested positive for group b strep but it was negative before I delivered. So that also complicates things. But basically if I get worse DH is to ring my midwife and we go back in for another 24 hours of IV antibiotics.

The midwife also took the dressing off my wound yesterday. I have to put a pad on the inside of my undies to protect it from rubbing. And when I saw undies I mean adult nappies/Depends haha. They are amazing postpartum. See what I mean about all shame going out the window with childbirth!
I think this might be a long post post, sorry.

The whole labour thing have been on my mind so much. I want to get contractions, have my water break, taken to hospital, have the epi and give birth, but this would be under perfect cicumstances, right? I have to remind myself constantly that when the time comes, I need to put faith in my OB.

I recently learned about my aunts experiemce, and would like to share it, if thats ok. Her due date was 1 week after my grandfathers bday (he is an abusive alcoholic and we all refer to him as the devil, its a long story) so she wanted a c section, which she booked the day after his bday so he wouldnt share a birthday with him. During her pregnancy the blood tests and a spot on his tummy indicated downsyndrome, so she was stressed about that aswell. The afternoon of my grandpas bday, she started getting contractions, the baby wanted to come, she was rushed to hospital and the baby went into distress, the doctor said, emergency section, now! It was 2 hours before midnight, and my aunt begged them to please just wait till midnight, and they said no, her baby wont make it. He was born on my grandpas bday, the one day she constantly have to be reminded about her past and what he did to her. So, murphy showed us that whatever we have planned, he has another plan.

Next is a vent section, my FIL offered to buy us a drawer, we didnt ask or hint he came and said he will buy one. I saw the perfect one, but now he refused to pay for it, he wants to buy us a kitchen cupboard, because those can be used in the kitchen when baby is bigger..WTF!!!!! Dont offer to buy something then just go your own flippen way... MIL offered to buy the last few things for the nursary, we chose everything and she paid with a smile...

When do you think the right time is to start washing her clothes? And to get the hospital bag ready?
Not much to add yet in terms of birth ideas I'm afraid, but I so relate to your story about the relatives XD I have ones exactly the same!!! They offer to buy you something and then don't want to hear what you actually want or need and are dead set on buying you whatever they want you to have. When hubby and I were newly engaged and in fairly desperate need of household items (we were both broke students), his parents wanted to get us a "big surprise for the house". We thought it would be one of the many big items we needed or an ikea voucher or something. We said we didn't want a surprise but they said "it's a gift, you don't get to choose" - what is the point of a gift if not to get the person what they want?! :p In the end, they got us a 100 pound worth giant super ugly purple crystal, because his mum is into crystals and energies and all that. We're scientists, let's just say we are very much not into that. We got rid of it immediately, such a waste X) Hubby was so annoyed, he outright told her that it was the worst present ever :p Now they only ever give us money, haha!

About clothes and hospital bag: I have been told to have everything ready by 32 weeks, both in case you need anything early and because everything gets a lot harder to do near the end when - these are my mum's words - "you're a whale" ;)
Oh for goodness sakes! I wrote a long ass message and it didnt post :( lets try again, the short version lol.

33.5 weeks here fluffy and bags arent ready yet! Bought the last things today though, but for some reason we forgot the nipple cream, so I will have to get that.

Another question, regarding clothes to pack. What should I pack in her 'i was just born' bag? I must pack that seperate for DH as he will dress her. What else is needed, regarding clothes?? Totally clueless here (thats obvious haha) - keep in mind that shes coming when its super hot here, its only spring and the tempratures already rise to 35 degrees celcius during the day, I think thats 90 degrees F.

I already feel like a whale fluffy, my whole body are so swollen, I used to have long skinny toes, its short sausages now, ugh and this heat isnt helping at all..
Nita, that was my ideal birth. Contractions start at home. Stay home and get as comfy as I can until they get bad enough to go to hospital. Deliver the baby. Everything hunky dory. But it didn't happen that way obviously. I think there's nothing wrong with having the ideal birth in your head. In my head I wasn't going to be induced and I definitely wasn't having a c section. I'm not sure what I would have done better to emotionally prepare for it all. But I guess just be aware that things rarely go to plan. Of my friends who've had babies in the past 2 and a half months, only one of the 6 have had a smooth birth with no complications. I guess I shouldn't have expected things to go normally with that statistic.

I'm sorry about your aunt, experience. It's unfortunate but these things happen and lifesaving measures have to be taken. Hopefully she can see that something so terrible turned into something pretty amazing and she doesn't resent her child because of it.

Hospital bag, I'd recommend just chipping away at it and getting it as close to ready as possible. If you haven't packed Vaseline definitely do. Put it on her bum and the poo won't stick. Merconium is like sticky tar. We still use it now because William hates having his nappy changed and it makes it quicker to clean. I didn't have an outfit ready for him to go because I wanted 2 hours of uninterrupted skin to skin so I figured I'd have time. But in the end we only took a hat with us to the operating room. They wrapped him in a blanket and he stayed on my chest until we reached our room. Even then I don't think DH dressed him for a while. I don't really remember I was so drugged up for the first 48 hours.

I washed clothes as soon as we got them but I'd say do that now too. You might go early and if not, you probably won't feel like doing washing soon.

Also Nita, I recommend filling your freezer with meals, buying the shampoo, body wash, cleaning products you like in bulk, set up little boxes with nappies, a snack, wipes etc around the house, buy almond oil because their skin flakes after they're born, have extra pillows for feeding, have lots of water bottles because you get really thirsty breastfeeding, lots of facecloths and buy adult nappies for your recovery.

Some women with PCOS have issues with low supply but not me haha. I have the opposite issue and poor William sounds like he's drowning when I feed him.
Thanks Sarah!! Baby clothes have been washed, just waiting for them to dry now. Hospital bags will be packed the afternoon with what we can and a list with things to get and things still to pack. I friend of mine had her baby a few years ago so she is helping me make sure I dont miss anything. We are also busy finalizing things in the nursary and we will setup the pram and carseats today.

The nurses here strongly advised us not to use vasiline on the baby at all, their recipe changed and one of the ingredients is harmful for the babies skins??!! They said we should use Epimax nappy cream instead.. I have both, so I will just pack both in.

We will be doing skin to skin as well, but we decided DH will cut the cord (amazing that he is allowed to) and then he will have the privilage of dressing her in her first outfit. The hospital here really make an effort to involve the father. They even have a dads corner, where coffee are served free of charge and he can complete a form for a free meal. They are allowed to stay in the NICU for as long as they want and they dont have to keep with visiting hours, heck they even pay the dads parking tickets for them. Not all hospitals here are like that, so I am happy with the choice we made :D
That's good. I just got all that stuff ready as soon as I could. I did the same with the hospital bag. Packed what I could and then had a list. I also packed a back up bag just in case we had a longer stay. That way someone could take the washing home and then bring back that back with replacement things. I'm so glad I did that because we needed that stuff and it was so much easier than asking someone to get specific things.

Weird, they recommend Vaseline here. Definitely get your DH to put something on her skin before that first poo. Otherwise he'll have to rub quite hard to get the meconium off and probably irritate her skin even more.

It sounds like you've got a good hospital. Ours was weird. They were fine with dads being there until the baby was born and then they kicked them out. My friend had her baby at midnight (ventouse, episiotomy), she was taken to the maternity ward and her husband got kicked out. Thankfully my DH managed to stay every night. It was a mixture of me crying hysterically and they made an exception, one lactation consultant put her foot down and said he must stay and then him just staying even though he wasn't meant to.

DH is back to work for half days tomorrow. I'm hoping we will be ok. But thankfully he only works 5 minutes away from our house so he can come home quickly. My midwife is also coming tomorrow (she gets paid to do 6 pp visits in the 6 weeks after the baby is born. She's already done more than 6 visits in 2 weeks!). Hopefully William has put on more weight and she thinks my uterus is ok. I have my hospital bag all packed to go too Nita haha.
Lol Sarah, atleast with hospital bags there is one thing we have control over ;) the hospital gave me 2 lists one for notmal delivery and one with csection things to pack. I packed both lol just incase.

And I am sure you will be doing ok without your DH, hope you have some music or TV to put on in the background? If your place is all quiet without adult conversations it might make you a little crazy (although thats just me) I have lists with enya, gregorian, verde and bach ready so far to play in the house when dh goes back to work.

Oh and here is my 33.5 week bump - I am posting at an odd time because my bump have grown a lot this last week. Its suddenly in the way of everything and I just saw now that my stretch marks are huge and theres a lot. Lot of people keep on telling me how small I am carrying, but I dont think I am carrying small anymore. Going to the OB this Wednesday so I am curious to know her weight... (I am hoping for anything 1.8kg+)
Image attached now :)


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Loving your bump Nita!!!!!

Just got back from our 8 week appt. All is looking good. Measuring right on time, and the heartbeat is now up to 160 BPM. Grow baby grow! <3
October 16 (12 weeks). Did any of you ladies opt for the first trimester screening? I am torn. It wouldn't change anything for us, but if something is wrong I think I would want to know...

Also, any thoughts on the safety of flu shot in early pregnancy? They wanted me to go ahead and get it today but I wanted to do some research first.
Lucy very happy for a good report!!! I did the first tri screening this time. I never did previously but for me it was so we'd have an idea of what went wrong if I miscarried again. It's a personal choice but I think either way you'll be fine &#10084;&#65039;
Also, I always get my flu shot but never in first tri. I don't see harm in waiting a few more weeks but that's my personal opinion.
Yay for a good checkup Lucy!! :D
We opted for first trimester genetic screening, it will include a detailled ultrasound and blood draw from me for genetic testing of the baby (down syndrome). Same as you, I would rather know early and have time to prepare if something is wrong.

Flu shots are absolutely safe, in fact you are safer with them. They are encouraged for the elderly, sick and pregnant because you would fare far worse if you got the flu. I am getting mine in 2 weeks :) (So I will be 11 weeks then) Both my gynecologist strongly recommended I get it and my parents said the same (they are both doctors). Everyone in my family gets flu shots every year (we pay out of pocket) anyway because you never know when a big dangerous flu comes around! So personally, I would strongly recommend it but of course it's your choice :)
Wow Lucy by the time you have your next appointment, I will be considered full term :)

Flu shots are safe. I dont get them or believe in them, and neither does my OB, she just said its safe and my choice.

I had tge bloodwork done on 12 weeks for DS, they dont really give a choice here. We were offered an anatomy scan as well, but said no.

Lucy, you need to do what feels right for you :) And those DS tests arent 100% accurate any way. My aunys tests came back with a high chance, and she has a perfectly healthy baby boy.
That's why we opted for genetic testing, false results are 0.06% compared to nuchal fold measurement, where false results are 4-6%. Totally agree though that everyone should choose what feels right to them and think about whether they would, hypothetically, want to know early or not :)
Can't believe by the time I have my next appointment (in 3 weeks), you will be nearly full term! You must be so impatient to hold your baby in your arms ^^
Its crazy fluffy, i keep on thinking about things we need to do and whether its going to be before or after she arrives. According to my granny's old wifes tales, baby should come between 16 - 25 October, I will be 40 weeks exactly on 1 November. DH and I cant wait, the nursary is 90% ready, bags are packed for the hospital. We also started looking at a nursary, and think we found the perfect one...its all so real now..
Lucy, awesome! That's a fantastic fast heartbeat. I read that fast heartbeats suggest girls. Not sure if that's true. By first trimester screening do you mean the NT scan or the more thorough genetic blood tests? We did the NT scan. Partly just so we could prepare for whatever happened. I don't think we would have terminated the pregnancy based on the results.

In my opinion, definitely get the flu jab. I read an article about a lady in australia who was pregnant and got the flu. The baby is born but she's in a coma and it didn't sound good. But do your research and make up your own mind :)

Fluffy, how are you getting on?

Nita, it will come so quickly try and enjoy it now. I so miss my tummy. I look at the photos and feel a bit sad. It's great when they're here but you'll never feel those kicks from the inside again. You just feel them from the outside and they're not very nice if you've had a c section haha.

Also, I found that Vaseline is perfectly safe for babies bums. Definitely out something between their skin for those first poos!

AFM, we are doing ok. Thankfully my infection is improving, just very slowly. I need more antibiotics but I don't have to go to hospital at this stage. William is still a little mixed up about day and night and I feel like all I do is breastfeed him. I want to fast forward time so I'm all recovered but I love how small he is now.
I am so happy your infection is getting better Sarah! And I cant believe William is almost 3 weeks old. Time goes by so quickly.

I am definitely going to miss the kicks when she is born, but I am looking forward to not carry her 24/7 if that makes sense? Shes getting big, and her kicks are getting sore at times, if shes here and she is this energetic I can give her to DH to hold as well lol. I love putting my hands on my tummy and feel her hands/feet push against my hands, we are already bonding.

OB appointment today. We will be discussing my birth plan - and I also need to pay her for the delivery today already :o (Hope she has grown enough though - Ill be happy if she is 1.8kg+)

Sarah, is he only breastfeeding on you, or are you expressing so that DH can also feed him? My DH bought close to nature little bottles that goes with my breast pump, as he wants me to pump and keep a supply because he also wants to feed her.
I'm still feeling really sore so I'm not sure what's happening. But my infection symptoms (fevers, achy etc) are getting better. I guess I keep taking the antibiotics.

Haha I still feel like I carry William 24/7! During the day I rarely get him to sleep in his bassinet. Even at night time too. Yesterday I spent pretty much all day breastfeeding. He had maybe 6 hours sleep off me in that 24 hour period and rest of it he was attached to my nipples. We have a Tula but unless he's really full he doesn't like being that close to me and not being able to feed. DH has far more luck than me at getting him to sleep in his bassinet. I think it's because I smell of breast milk haha plus I can't move that freely still.

I wouldn't worry too much about the scan size they predict. They're more than often out. I hope you me appointment goes well and you can talk about your birth plan. I'd be interested to know what you guys decide.

In terms of breastfeeding I was pumping, I have a unimom double pump and can get about 300ml in 20 minutes. But I think it was increasing my supply. Plus as soon as it was all sterilised, William would just wake up and want to feed. It happened 3 days in a row haha. So at the moment I'm using my Haakaa Pump. If you haven't heard of it, definitely look it up, it's amazing. What you do is feed on one boob and suction the Haakaa Pump on to the other boob. If I use it for every feed I get about 300mls too. Plus it doesn't increase my supply because it's just the let down that would go into a breastpad. So then I save all that I get from the Haakaa. My midwife wanted me to feed William everything I expressed in the same 24 hours but 300ml is too much. So I'm freezing 200ml and DH feeds him 100mls. We've been doing the nights in shifts. I go until 2am. DH from 2am-6am and me from 6am. During DH's shift he'll feed him. The thing is that you can't go more than 6 hours without feeding anyway because otherwise your boobs get too full and you risk mastitis. We aren't using bottles because we don't want him to get flow preference (a bottle is similar to a nipple but it flows quicker and with less effort so babies can go off the breast because it's too much hard work). So DH has been cup feeding or using a syringe. From 6-8 weeks introducing a bottle is usually ok.

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