Clomid/FE Conceived Buddies :)

Nita, it'll definitely grow more in the last few weeks. I managed to shave my legs at 40+1 but the week after he was born, no chance.

I had a think about his movements in the womb and now. I think there's some similarities. He use to be most active at night, between 10pm-2am. This is the time he usually feeds non stop. It's 10pm here now and he's currently eyes wide open feeding. The other thing would be how strong his kicks were and he's got REALLY strong legs. He also got the hiccups heaps and he gets them pretty frequently still. Babies usually have night and day mixed up when they're first born.

Fluffy, that's completely normal. I couldn't fit my jeans from about week 6-10 and then they fit again for a few weeks and then there was no chance. It's to do with your uterus expanding.

I have read different things about when the trimesters flick over. I think Ovia says 14. We decided to tell people at 12 weeks because that's when we got our NT scan done. I didn't think the chance of a Mc between weeks 12 and 14 was significant after we'd had the scan. But that's up to you guys.

Lucy, thanks. I don't think I'm any worse although I had a temperature last night but it's gone now. I had some heavier bleeding earlier in the week but it's almost stopped now!

I'm in no real hurry with the house but my DH is eager to get started on it. Have you got much land with your house? We have a small farm and in the process of buying some animals and planting fruit trees. My husband is planning to manage the build too. Hopefully you'll be in before the baby arrives. My DH is going to be working full time and managing the build. I don't think we will see him much.

I found those belly bands really good. And when your bump gets really big you might feel like it's pulling and really saggy and uncomfortable. I put the belly band over my bump and it gave it a bit more support. Maternity jeans are so comfy haha.

Also, just a postpartum heads up. No one told me about the crazy nightsweats you get PP. they're far worse than Clomid night sweats. Also, if you decide to breastfeed, when your milk comes in your boobs will be huge and engorged. They'll feel heavy and sore and swollen. It'll settle down after a few days. Also, in between feeds
You might get stabbing, pins and needles type pain in your boobs. It's really uncomfortable!

Nita, has your OB talked about expressing colostrum antenatally?
Sarah, my OB havent mentioned expressing antenatally at all, but I did ask the nurse at the hospital, and they strongly recommended that I dont do it, our local forums here say the exact same.

Baby likes to do this thing where she pushes he foot out just below my lungs, and it kind off hurts when she does it, so today I told my DH to look while she does it, and he went along and gave her foot a huge poke, that really hurt. Shes very active, day and night so I guess we are going to have a very energetic baby that doesnt sleep, she gets the hiccups 2-3 times a day now as well.

My DH was so kind today, he is working in the garden and I was sitting inside, so he pulled a chair out for me in the shade and told me I must come sit outside with him, he even got a chair in the shade for the Queen. It was so adorable and so much fun watching him do all the work :p
Really!? It's strongly recommended here. When I arrived at the hospital I had 270mls and everyone was saying how amazing that was. We used all of it! If I didn't have it we would have had to use formula. If things had been straight forward I might not have needed it but it was so good. It meant to could have a sleep and DH could do a feed or when my nipples were cracked because of his tongue tie I could take a break. My obstetrician and midwife said it was one of the best things I did to prepare for his arrival. And it didn't bring on contractions or anything.

Babies do sleep. Even when he's asleep he's moving his arms and legs. So I think that you'll find she might be active but it won't mean she'll be awake all that time. In the womb babies usually sleep for a 40 minute stretch. That's what the obstetrician said when I had one of the many non stress tests.
Sarah, this is what the nurse said when I asked her: Both you and your DH dont touch or sqeesh your boobs or nipples until that baby arrives, its for your baby to do it at birth. And then she said not to worry, there will be enough for baby, mother nature will look after the baby, and the nurse that I will get that day will assist me. If my nipples get cracked or sore and I am unable to feed, they will send me to get laser treatment.

So we will see.

I think baby likes afternoon naps, thats when she goes very quiet until I eat dinner, lol then she is as happy to eat as I am.

Not having a good day today, BP is constantly 130 over in the high 80's, low 90's - I had stuff to do today, but I guess I will be resting. OB appointment in 3 days and from there on every week. Pretty sure she might increase my BP meds again this week.
Wow sorry but that sounds like the complete opposite of what I was told and that I've read as recommended. Touching your nipples isn't going to bring on labour. You need to do at least 2 hours of full on nipple stimulatinon to even produce enough oxytocin to bring on labour. You produce oxytocin when you have sex, kiss and hug. I wonder if she is against that too? If only human nature made sure things went to plan. I'm so thankful I had that colostrum stored. I'm not sure why they'd laser your nipples. If they hurt you would be wanting to make sure you've got a good latch and if that looks ok then check for a lip and/or tongue tie.

So the world of what could go wrong next has delivered again. I have thrush in my boobs and nipples from all the antibiotics.

William is 1 month old today and put on 300g this week. He's only on the 3rd percentile and he's still fitting prem/00000 size clothes.

Weirdly, it says 7 guests are viewing our thread?!
Sarah, the people here simply dont believe in expressing before the time it seems. Asked DH's friend who had her baby boy about 3 months ago, and she said she also didnt express. The laser treatment is to help with pain or cracked nipples.
If I remember I will ask my OB on Wednesday what she thinks about expressing before the time.. I have a whole list of questions for her this week, as we are fast approaching the 38 week mark...

Lol Sarah, we need to get you a checklist with things that can go wrong, so you can tick them off.. sorry, its no laughing matter, I just can't believe how so many things can go wrong with one person! I hope it goes away soon, and this is the last! How are the c-section cut healing?

I cant believe he is 1 month old already! it felt like yesterday when he was born. You should upload more images for us :)

I also see a lot of guests viewing this thread, if you search Clomid on google it post the link for the group due to the name :)
Well, Sarah, seems like you arent the only one with bad luck - my mum have just been admitted to hospital with a heart infection, after she have been having the flu on and off for the last 2 months :( Turns out, it wasnt the flu...
Sarah, you just can't seem to catch a break huh? So sorry dear.

And Nita, sorry to hear about your mum, will be thinking of you!!! <3
Nita, I'm sorry to hear about your mum. I hope they can get on to that infection really quickly.

I was talking to my neighbour yesterday who is South African and her midwife is also South African. And she was told that she couldn't have sex during pregnancy and definitely not the first trimester because it increased the chance of a MC. This midwife has her PhD in Midwifery but that's not the advice given here unless you have bleeding or an incompetent cervix etc. So maybe that was the advice from her training in South Africa? But I had a South African midwife in hospital and she was great. She gave fantastic advice, sat with me until my midwife arrived when I was on syntocin.

My other friend had a complicated vaginal birth and ended up having a major bleed. It took 7 days for her milk to come in so she had to use formula in the mean time. She tried expressing before she had him but she got nothing. She wishes she tried a bit harder she said.

I seriously do need a check list. This pain in my boobs is much much worse than the contractions during labour. It feels like hot lava or broken glass in my boobs. The c section is recovering really slowly. I'm still in quite a lot of pain. I can't rock him to sleep. I can't twist, reach or cross my legs at all. I've been feeling pretty shitty with all this pain and William has been unsettled and not sleeping much more than30 mins-1 hour unless he's in the Tula (which you can't sleep while he's in there).

Thanks Lucy. I'm just so over it.
This week has been really stressful so far. My mom had to get an emergency op to drian the fluid around her heart, and now she is lying in hospital while they try and figure out what was wrong (all tests so far have been negative) and with both me and her not at work, its one crises after the other, and they just expect me to sort it all out. With this I am not sleeping well and so tired.

Lol Sarah, advice seems to differ from person to person and country to country. My OB never mentioned anything about stop having sex, not even now with my high BP, and we certainly did not stop lol. I dont really know if I should start expressing or not. I will find out from my OB today what our plans going further are..

Oh goodness, I am sorry to hear that you are taking so long to recover, dont they say about 6 weeks? I hope it gets better soon though, I can imagine your frustration with the pain and not being able to do what you want..
Sarah I’m so sorry you’re still having so much trouble. For what it’s worth I was feeling tons better 3-4 weeks out from my section. Hang in there a bit longer and don’t hesitate to call your midwife if you don’t feel better soon!

Nita I’m so sorry about your mom. It all sounds overwhelming. Youre in my prayers.
Baby girl didnt grow in the last 2 weeks, and my BP is still very high. I need to take more meds now. After my appointment I had to go to the hospital for tests, happened so fast, I dont even know what they tested, but all was good and I was sent home. Due to her not growing and my high BP she will arrive at 38 weeks, 90% chance it will be with a lovely c section. If everything looks good at 38 weeks, she will induce and we will go naturally, but if anything is wrong, like high BP or baby still havent grown she prefer doing a planned c section than an emergency c section. I am on bed rest as well...

Oh and she weighs only 2.1Kg (4.6lbs)
(still need to discuss this with my husband) But I am considering just asking my OB next week to schedule a c section. I read all articles I could find online and they say the same as my OB... Small babies who go through induced labour usually can't handle the stress and end up getting an Emergency C-section, and when a mother has hypertension its best that baby be born as soon as he/she reaches full term ( here they consider babies to be full term at 38 weeks)

So my question, those who have gone through a c section - what is a must to pack in our bags? I will most likely re-pack our bags (Even if I choose induction, it may still end in an emergency c section - so I need to be preped)

I will need to get some premature clothes as well :o expecting a birth weight of 2.2Kg(around 5lbs) (If we are lucky and she grows a little bit)
Nita, I obviously can't offer any advice, but just wanted to offer some love and support. I am sure none of this is what you wanted, but it sounds like you are handling it well and making good decisions for your baby girl. Love and prayers to you!!!!
just half caught up with this thread after a long time! quick reply, Nita for your bag you will likely be in for 3-4 days after your section so at least 2-3 nightdresses that button down the front, i managed to get blood on 2 of mine! Ditto baby clothes for baby, more vests than you will need. lots of maternity pads. snacks as our food was not great in hospital. and some BIG pants, the bigger the better. a size uo from what you think you are and ones that come right up tp your belly button too as you wont want anything touching the scar. other than that I would just say the normal hospital stuff. lip blam and warm socks etc. Also a very light dressing gown, its very warm in there but sometimes you just want something to cover up when you're walking around. You will also find it hard to move around easily when you get home so organise yourself so everything is easy to find for other people that are helping you. Give yourself a good 3-4 weeks recovery time before you are expecting to feel better. Also if your baby is small will they expect to keep her in longer? You may want to keep a bag of clothes for yourself/baby at home packed in case you need hubby to bring them in unless you trust him to choose them for you (my hubby brought in a pair of jeans for me &#128580;). Also have a few pairs of large size tracksuit bottoms to wear when you get home, anything touching scar is sore so a size or 2 up at least so the waistband isnt pressing on it.

If i think of anything else i will add it! Sorry things aren't going as planned for you.. most important is that you and baby are safe. In my experience planned section seems to be much better and faster recovery than emergency so if you think it is likely I would go with a planned but it is soemthing you need to discuss with your OB.
Sorry things a bit mad here so I havent been on much, getting house re-decorated and my daughter currently being very tricky so not much time for myself! hope all is well with everyone
Thanks Lucy, I am trying to stay calm and sane, I suppose we will decide on Wednesday when we see my OB what we will be doing, ill be 37 weeks then.

Thanks for the advice Bonnie, not loking forward to the recovery time afterwards, but I am not willing to take a chance with induction to put my daughters life at risk just because I want to do a normal birth. We are however expecting her to spend some time in the NICU(from what I understand, she will need to pick up enough weight and ofcourse her organs will need to work properly - hopefully she gets a good Apgar score) so Ill be packing extra clothes in for her and me.
Nita, I’m sorry things aren’t going to plan. It sounds like you’re doing all you can. I think Bonnie had great tips for you! I would add one trick and that is bring a hair dryer and dry your incision after showering. It helps it heal so quickly!

Bonnie thinking of you! Hope things settle soon!

Lucy and Fluffy and Sarah hope all is well.

I am having my baby on Tuesday evening. Repeat c section. Excited to meet him but quite busy with prepping this weekend. I got steroid shots for his lungs Thursday and yesterday so we hope for no NICU time.
Thanks for the advice ttc :) it sounds like my DH is keen to go with a c section as well. So it will most likely be one in about 2 weeks time.

All the best of luck for Tuesday ttc, Will keep you in my prayers that everything goes well. Please keep us updated when you can after his birth <3
TTC, will be thinking of you, prayers that everything goes smoothly!!!! <3

Nita, good luck on Wednesday. Let's get all the babies out safely! :)

Well, we are all moved out of our house and into my aunt's. That was utterly exhausting. The buyers are doing their final walk through tonight, and closing is tomorrow. It's been challenging trying to get settled at my aunts because there is truly no space for us to unpack much of anything, and so many people helped us pack I have no idea where things are. But we are trying to make the best of it without disturbing her house too much. Now we just have to figure out how to show her how grateful we are; she refuses to let us pay rent, so we are planning to try to pay at least the utilities, and hopefully make up for the rest by knocking out some things on her honey do list.

I will finally be the magical 12 weeks on Thursday. Our next appt is one week from today. Counting down. Fluffy you should be having your next appt any day now right?
Afraid I don't have much advice about what to pack, but I would say (if this is possible, haha) don't be too worried about having a c-section! Every woman recovers differently and with a planned one, you have good chances of recovering well and swiftly. Crossing my fingers that this will be the case for you!

Things are moving so quickly for you :O Thinking of you for tomorrow!

Nice to to hear you're all moved out :) Moving is one of the most stressful and exhausting things, tell me about it! Until last year, hubby and I moved every single year, sometimes twice a year (for the past 9 years...). We've been in this place since last summer now and it's been wonderful not moving.

I had my appointment on Friday, little pea is still measuring two days ahead and SUPER active. We could see baby jumping and waving, doing little dances. Heartbeat was nice and strong. Everything looks perfect. Hubby came with me and said it was magical :) Since little pea is continuously measuring 2 days ahead, my date is now adjusted and I actually complete 12 weeks tomorrow, meaning I am through the first trimester! Such a relief! Also, I get to stop those super annoying progesterone suppositories now, phew. Beginning to get a tiny baby bump I think, I can mainly see that my tummy is not as flat/concave as it used to be when I lie down. Can't wait to be really showing <3

We're telling the extended German family this weekend at a family brunch and will then be skyping with the British family on the same day to share the news with everyone :) I'm also meeting my midwife tomorrow evening for the first time - does anyone have any tipps on what to ask her?

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