Clomid/FE Conceived Buddies :)

Sarah, i think you are taking way too long to recover. I hope they can give you something to speed up recovery or atleast find out why.

I was discharged from hospital friday morning already and DH went back to work today, and I am now home with baby. My MIL is making us dinner each night, yay. I was up walking the next morning after my c section, and on saturday I went to the mall. Its still sore and I find the lack of sleep really draining. Liezl switched her day and night. My boobs was extremely sore and huge when my milk came in yesterday, but its much better today.

I thought my blood pressure would atleast have come down, but it is actually going up. I am still taking meds 3 a day. Today is the highest it has been, 160/110 but I think the lack of sleep is contributing to it. My OB said to take the meds and wean off as my BP starts going lower again...hopefully its soon, I see most women say 4-6 weeks.

My little princess have to see her dr this week thursday and go for observation on friday, just to make sure everything is good. She weighed 2.135kg when she left the hospital and last night she was already uo to 2.4kg again :D shes feeding really really well.
Nita, Liezl is so beautiful! I love love love seeing the baby pictures here!!! <3

Sarah, I really hope they get to the bottom of things ASAP. You have been in pain for far too long!! Hugs!!

TTC, we are going to try not to find out what we are having. I say try because I am torn, but DH really wants to be surprised. But I wonder if that will change at the 20 week ultrasound! Next appt is just doppler and blood tests at 16 weeks.

We are starting to think about making our news public. We are having family photos taken on Wednesday. Not sure when exactly we would go public; still don't feel quite ready, but we are getting there :)
Congratulations Nita!!! Liezl is adorable (and I love the German name :D)!

Sarah, I really wonder what's going on. I hope they get to the bottom of why you're having such a rough time and that things get better quickly once they do.

Lucy, we just told friends this weekend and hubby started telling work colleagues today, so we've basically made our news public. I'm 14 weeks tomorrow ^^ I would say make it public whenever you feel comfortable! So exciting that we've made it through the scary first bit, isn't it? I feel so much more at ease these days :)
Lucy, my dh also wanted it to be a surprise, I told him its ok it can be a surprise for him, but I am finding out, otherwise people will buy my yellow stuff, and I hate yellow. He said he will then know as we will get blue or pink stuff, and I told its a risk he have to take. He wasnt happy but agreed we find out. When my OB at 16 weeks said, its a girl, he was so excited that he started tellimg everyone.

I cant believe you are so far along fluffy and lucy, youll have your bundle of joy in your hands in no time.

You will still get a lot of advice, but take this from me, sleep! Sleep as much as you can now. I get 3 hours of sleep a day, if I am lucky lol
Just for cuteness :)


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She&#8217;s gorgeous Nita. Wow your recovery is much quicker than mine. I definitely think it&#8217;s the planned vs emergency. I&#8217;m glad you&#8217;re all doing well.

Lucy and Fluffy, that&#8217;s gone so fast! Have you guys thought about getting a ticker so we can all see how far along you are?

So I went back to hospital today. I have adhesions on my bladder from the c section and infection. I&#8217;m hoping they aren&#8217;t on my fallopian tubes otherwise it might cause infertility too. I&#8217;m going back again in a few weeks to see what the plan is.
Sarah, the recovery from an emergency c section is definately longer and its a lot harder on your body. My ob wanted to avoid an emergency for me as well as far as possible and thats why we just did the planned. Dont regret it at all. I am 8 days pp today and I can do most of my daily tasks, except I am not lifting anything heavy at the moment. Might even start to drive short distances over the weekend. I am also off all pain meds now, they make me feel dizzy and sleepy.

I still have some infection in my bladder but its getting better.

Hope everything turns out ok for you. xx
I think whether it&#8217;s emergency or scheduled has a lot to do with the recovery. I was exhausted before going into surgery plus had my waters broken for that long so I was already at risk of an infection. Wow, it sounds like you&#8217;re at about where I was 6 weeks pp. Crazy. Even though it might be easier to recover from I think I would freak out with the anticipation of knowing what was coming. I&#8217;m hopeful for a VBAC next time. I really hope to never have a c section ever again.

William hasn&#8217;t been well. He caught some kind of bug and has been having trouble breathing. I put him down in his bassinet last night and he was making horrible gurgling noises and gasping for air. So I grabbed him immediately. I let him sleep on me for an hour and tried again to put him down but he made those horrible noises again so I just let him sleep on me upright for the night. We took him to the doctor this morning and basically got a lecture that we should have rung for an ambulance when it happened. He was showing some signs of respiratory distress so they monitored him all day. The doctors think it&#8217;s just a viral infection so we were sent home. But now I&#8217;m scared to let him go to sleep in his bassinet and have it happen again.
I think youve been through so much Sarah, dont be too hard on yourself. And take your time to heal properly! Take care of yourself.

And emergency c section has so many risks for for bothe you and baby, the fact that you both are OK is all that matters. I am ratger happy with how quickly mine went... I got my catheter at 12, they tried inserting the drips for 30 mins and both my hands are still blue and swollen from how they tried. I went to theatre at 12:50, 12:55 I got my drip, 13:00 my docter came and I got my spinal, 13:10 they helped me to lie down and put up the screen, 13:18 Liezl was born, 13:30 my doctor greeted me and left and I was taken to the recovery room, 13:40 I was back in my room where DH and Liezl waited for me. Got my first visitors at 14:30 and by 15:30 my spinal started wearing off. It went extremely fast.

I hope William is ok, they give us such frights!! And dont listen to the doctors lectures, you are his mother, you know whats best for him!
Fluffy, I am 14 weeks today, so now we are both officially in our 2nd trimester! I definitely feel more relaxed lately. Still loving having my doppler just to check though, lol.

Nita, Liezl is so gorgeous!! And I think you are right, I think it is ticker time! :happydance: Where did you ladies get your tickers?

Sarah, I am so sorry to hear about William, I can't imagine how scary that is. Hope he is ok!!!

We had some portraits taken yesterday of DH and I and our furbaby. Also took some announcement style shots. The photographer showed me some of the shots just after she took them, and they are going to be so good!!!!! Can't wait to get them back!! <3
Lucy, yay you got a ticker. So exciting about your photos.

So today I had a nurse tell me that I dont feed my daughter and she told me I have a beautiful baby boy... She was wearing pink with a pink blanky...real nice colours for a boy. But her doctor says she is perfect and she is exactly where she should be. Humpf stupid nurse, thinking of reporting her.

Sarah, been meaning to ask, do you still bleed/have bloody discharge? Womdering how long it will last...its like your body have no periods for 9 months and then just remind of it after birth.. LoL. I have a pinkish/brownish discharge.. Its not a lot, but my word, its annoying and these maternity pads arr horrible.
Wow that is really quick Nita. Even from when they decided I’d need a c section it took 3 hours. Mainly because they had 2 emergencies and although william’s heart rate was decelerating they turned off the syntocin which helped and I had an obstetrician in with us the whole time. The worst for me was the emotions around it. Like when they broke my waters the obstetrician commented on how amazing my cervix was for a FTM and how everything looked amazing. But then things changed and no one really knew why. I was so determined to have a vaginal birth but we were both in danger and had no choice. I felt like all my power had been taken away. Then the recovery was shit and I missed out on so much in those first few weeks.

I had bleeding until about 5 weeks and have only just stopped spotting. But I don’t think I’m a regular case because I had some retained tissue so it took a bit longer to pass.

Oh I’d be pissed off if someone said that too. William has gone from the 3rd to the 9th and now is on the 7th percentile. Everyone keeps saying how little he is and implying I’m not feeding him enough (it feels like that’s all I do!).

Lucy, that’s so exciting. Yay you got a ticker, we both used the same as the one you have. How cool to get photos done. Are you going to announce on Facebook?

Just a heads up about the doppler, my friend was 39 weeks and hadn’t felt her baby move for a few hours. She had a doppler so just used that. She thought she heard the heartbeat so assumed everything was ok 12 hours later still felt nothing so she rung her midwife. She went into hospital and the baby had died. She had been hearing the blood flow to the placenta, not the baby’s heartbeat (they sound similar unless you really know what to look for). Possibly her baby could have been saved if she’d called earlier. Just please go with your gut (when you start to feel movements) and don’t ignore other symptoms just because all sounds well on the doppler.

And thanks. William is doing ok. I didn’t get much sleep again though because I just wanted to stay awake and make sure he was still breathing
Nita, that is one extremely insensitive and clearly ignorant nurse! So sorry you went through that!

Sarah, you are so right, I also read similar stories on the doppler; it is actually one of the reasons I tried to avoid buying one at first. I think I am just going to put the doppler away once I can feel the baby move. But at least for now, I find it extremely useful :)
Sarah, I can imagine how you felt about the c section afyer you had planned to go normal. You didnt have time to mentally prepare yourself, which must have been the worst. For me I had a week to prepare myaelf, I came to terms with it, it was hard but by the time I went in I was ready. Not saying it was easy, but I knew, it was whats best for my baby, and I kept on saying that to myself. I have a perfectly perfect little baby and I have a huge scar to show for it, my battle scar. I found inner peace, I am happy about all my decisions, and wont change a thing.

People will see a small baby and just assume its not getting enough milk. My baby is in the 3rd percentile if I remember correctly, but shes healthy, strong and they even think shes going to be longer than her mommy.just ignore other people Sarah, babies cry if they are unhappy and if they are starving. And the whole part of breastfeeding is feeding on demand, we know whats best for our babies. I fed my baby 18 times in 24 hours, I literally didnt sleep for 24 hours, aint no body gonna tell me I aint feeding my baby, they dont know shit. I am glad William is better, but do try to sleep, if something is wrong your mommy instincts will kick in, a lack of sleep wont do you any good! Take care of yourself.

Lucy hang in there, you will start feeling movement pretty soon, I think Sarah felt mobement pretty early on, I only felt it a bit later. I was also against buying a doppler, I just trusted that everything will happen as it should. Maybe stop using it when you feel movement? Just a warning in advance, the movement will be very unregular at first, its only at 28-30 weeks when they suggest you start counting kicks.
Lucy, I think it’s ok to use it, my midwife used it every appointment (although she could tell the difference in sounds between baby and placenta). I completely understand what you mean it’s definitely reassuring to hear a heartbeat and carry on using it after you feel your baby move. I just mean go with your gut and don’t assume that because you’ve heard a heartbeat everything is automatically fine. If things don’t feel right, don’t wait.

I felt the first kick at 15 weeks. It was more like a little kitten playing with soft little paws. The movements did change a lot. I can’t remember exactly what weeks but I know they went from flutters to kicks and then swooshy movements. Then, in the third trimester I could tell what part of his body was moving and feel his back and butt. William was a wriggler, he moved heaps. But then I had days with decreased movements (probably due to the cord around his neck). So it went from one extreme to another. 15 weeks is early for a FTM, I think about 22 weeks the obstetrician said I should have felt movement by then. Awww I miss being pregnant haha. Just thinking about him inside me. While I was pregnant it was so hard to believe a little person was in there but now I’ve met him it’s just incredible.

Nita, I think that’s a big part of it. The way mine happened I felt like I was in control one minute and then the complete opposite. I don’t think you could ever fully be ok with your stomach being sliced open but with time to prepare I’m sure it would allow one to come to terms with it. To be honest, I hate my scar. I won’t look at it unless I have to. It still hurts and I can’t wear normal clothes or underwear with it. I would have preferred an episiotomy and forceps/ventouse than what I ended up with. I don’t feel like o gave birth. More like I had a medical procedure, my stomach was sliced open and then there was a baby.

I think so too. William is 9lb 8oz and he’s 8 weeks tomorrow. I’m like you, I’m feeding him a lot. Like almost every 2 hours at least. His arms and legs are still skinny little chicken legs and he doesn’t have a big tummy either. I think he’s ok, he’s got enough wet and dirty nappies and is gaining weight. It’s currently 8pm here I’ve spent more than 5 hours feeding since midnight. DH and I took turns keeping watch overnight and my mum came out today. I’m just not going to risk losing him over a stuffy nose.
Sarah, i dont blame you for feeling that way about your scar, what you have been through must have been so traumatic! But, I do believe you are a stronger women now. One day when William is all grown up, youll have one heck of a story to tell him about his birth.

Wanted to say before, I remember you were on those clexane injections - you have all my sympathy for those - I had 3 in hospital, they burn and they hurt and that was on my flabby tummy.

I am 10 days pp, so far I lost 7kgs - 10 more to go :D

I cant believe how fast time goes by, Liezl is 10 days old and have been home for 7 days already.
Thanks. Which makes me wonder about number 2. I would love to have a VBAC but if it ended in an emergency c section again I would be SO done. Never again. But a successful VBAC would be so amazing and probably a scheduled c section would be my second preference. But once you&#8217;ve had 2 c sections here you can&#8217;t have a VBAC. It&#8217;s still early days Nita but have you thought about number 2?

I do feel like it&#8217;s made me stronger but I also feel like I have been through hell and I&#8217;ll probably never look at the world the same way again since going through infertility, a difficult pregnancy and then the birth and recovery.

Haha and yes he will definitely hear about what he put me through! Little monkey.

On the height to weight chart in our baby book william doesn&#8217;t even make it on the chart for his age. He&#8217;s in the 70th percentile for height and his weight puts his way below the 1st percentile. Our well child nurse is coming on Tuesday so we will see what we have to do. I&#8217;m guessing expressed milk top ups but he&#8217;s on the boob, swallowing a lot!

Haha yes. I felt like I was on familiar grounds when they brought out the Clexane injections. The midwife let my DH do one of the Clexane injections in hospital haha. They did hurt more with the wound

Wow that has gone fast. Does it feel like she&#8217;s been here forever though? How are you getting on with DH being back at work? And how&#8217;s the breastfeeding going? Good stuff on the weight loss. I think I&#8217;ve lost 9kgs and have 7 to go. But I think it&#8217;s going to be hard to budge. My body seems to be holding on to it with breastfeeding

William is 8 weeks old today. It feels like it&#8217;s gone fast but the first 4 weeks were a blur.
Sarah, dh and I wanted nr2 soon after nr1 but that changed. The lack of sleep made us realise we shouldnt have another too soon, also after my c section we need to wait atleast 6 months before even trying again. However, I am NOT going on any BC whatsoever. Id rather we be careful. Also it will be a planned c section again, they dont really do vbac here, and ill most likely have hypertension again. I will have my tubes tied after nr2, there wont be a nr3.

Those clexane injections really are the worst, when I got the 3rd one, i was relieved, i really didnt want a 4th. I still have tiny marks on my tummy from the ones i had.

It feels like I was still pregnant yesterday and i had to wait for time to pass for my c section, time goes by really fast. Breastfeeding is going good i had a lot of milk, and suddenly theres a lot less, but shes getting enough, thats important. Its also so tiring, getting up 5 - 10 times during the night to feed is horrible. She drink less during the day maybe 4/5 times.

I dont know her percentile, but Ill check it out and post it. How does Williams height and weight compare to what it was at birth till now?

I lost a lot of weight due to diarrhea I had from the c section, it luckily stopped now, but i might lose less now.

Dh starts to work overtime again this week, i asked him not too because I need him at home. So far Im coping but I had a friend come stay with me. The coming week Ill be on my own, so we will see how it goes...
Hi everyone!!!
Sorry I’ve been so busy and sleepy I haven’t replied though I keep up with you all.
Sarah, I am not sure why my recovery has been better this time, but i think a big part of it was that they got me up walking just a few hours after surgery. I also think planned sections are easier. I’m sorry you’re still going through so much! I hope they can fix the adhesions!
Nita, glad things are going well for you!
Fluffy and Lucy congrats on making it to second tri! So exciting!
As for me, I’m just feeding my little guy constantly. I don’t know how well he’s gaining.... his checkup is nov 15. Curious to know how big he is!
Man I reckon it would be so hard to deal with the lack of sleep, breastfeeding and being pregnant. Especially first trimester nausea. F that haha. They said 6 months to you? I was told 12-18 months. Maybe it&#8217;s more if you want a VBAC? I&#8217;m surprised they don&#8217;t do VBACs there. They&#8217;re encouraged here if you&#8217;ve only had 1 c section. But if you have 2 c sections then they don&#8217;t usually allow you to attempt a VBAC. So I think this is my only chance. If I opt for a RCS then that&#8217;s that for any future births. But if I end up with an emergency c section I think I&#8217;d be done, no more babies.

How are you going to go about being careful? I think it would be way too difficult to temp with sleeping. Plus breastfeeding you can still ovulate and not get periods (apparently).

Haha I was looking for something today and found a big box full of clexane injections. The ones I had after my c section weren&#8217;t too bad. I felt like I&#8217;d been tortured already so what was a few more jabs. You know the big IV lines they put in your arm in case you need a blood transfusion? My veins were so bad it took them 7 goes to get it in properly. So comparably, the Clexane was nothing haha.

The past 2 months for me feel like a blur but also like it wasn&#8217;t that long ago he was inside me. Time goes really fast. I hope you can keep your supply up. I found that mine was crazy high. I could pump 300mls in 5-10 minutes. But now it&#8217;s regulated. My boobs don&#8217;t get full if I don&#8217;t feed for a few hours, they feel soft and empty. But I can still pump a good amount. This morning after a feed I got 260ml in 20 minutes. Breastfeeding is tiring. How long is she sleeping for in one go? William varies so much. One night he&#8217;ll be up feeding every 20 minutes and other nights we&#8217;ve got 6 and a half hours. My friend&#8217;s babies are sleeping 10-13 hours in a row at night! It sounds like she has her days and night mixed up with is normal. But maybe she would feed less often at night if she fed more during the day? Are you pumping any milk to do bottle feeds? My DH usually gets up and does 1 overnight bottle feed. We&#8217;ve had no nipple confusion.

Who do you see for after birth care over there? Like do you keep seeing your OB or a pediatrician? William was 3.2kg or 7lb 2oz at birth and now he&#8217;s 4.3kgs or 9lb 8oz. They don&#8217;t measure length at birth here but at 6 weeks he was 55cm and now he&#8217;s 59cm. His head has grown in the last few weeks. It&#8217;s crazy haha.

Have you got the wonder weeks app?

I found I lost weight but then gained a few with breastfeeding. I&#8217;ve heard people say breastfeeding is great for weight loss but I&#8217;m starving all the time haha.

Awww that&#8217;s hard. I was so lucky to have my DH home for a while. What parts of it are you finding most challenging without him? My DH and I know William so well and I feel like anyone else coming to help with him is pointless. They can&#8217;t give him what he needs like we can. My DH is away next week, he&#8217;s off to Antarctica! So I&#8217;m flying completely solo for a week.

Ttc l, I&#8217;m glad you&#8217;re doing ok. How are you getting on with your other 2 boys plus a newborn? I managed to get out of bed about 12 hours after my c section but I can&#8217;t even describe how much of a mess I was. I tried I was more carried to the shower than walked. I then was almost in the foetal position as the midwives showered me. I hope he&#8217;s making gains, what is his name?

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