Clomid/FE Conceived Buddies :)

So glad you are moved out Lucy and settled in at your aunt. Hopefully you can rest now :) almost time for your appointment whoohoo

Fluffy, really amazing to see that little teeny tiny human go crazy in there, soon you will start to feel those moments :) when is your next appointment? If you got a nub shot at your previous appointment post it and we can guess the gender, thats if you are finding out? Also, if you are finding out, eat something sweet before your next appointment so baby can move around and its easier to see the gender. Goodluck telling the family, I felt relieved after everyone knew hehe.

Ttc, it felt like yesterday when we both got our BFP and look at us now, you are delivering your baby today, Ill be thinking of you today!

I cant believe another week has gone by OB appointment early tomorow morning, and im also 37 weeks tomorow :o
Csection booked for next week Tuesday, my placenta is calcified and the flow to baby is 'okay' - lots of amniotic fliud though, which is good. OB checked my cervix and its not ripe enough for normal labour yet, so she doesnt want to do induction.
Nita, we want to find out the gender but we won't have to guess :) We're going for a prenatal scan and blood test (like the Harmony test, just a different brand) next week and while the point of the test is to check for Down Syndrome, you also get to find out the gender. The pictures are a little blurry since little pea was moving so much. You can't see anything that's worth guessing at from the angle anyway though.

Definitely looking forward to telling all the family this weekend and then most of our friends (hubby is dying to tell his work colleagues, haha) next week. NOT looking forward to telling my employer though, still expecting that they will be majorly pissed and that will be the end of me at this university (sadly completely normal in academia and with fixed-term contracts, nothing you can do about it legally).

Next week Tuesday, that's so close!! How are you feeling about it?
Wow Fluffy, those bloodtests to tell the gender are very new as far as I know, and they are not available everywhere yet (not here though) we found out the gender at the 16 week scan. :) let us know the gender when you do find out.

I had a very long appointment with my OB about the risks and the safest option to give birth. She is willing to do induction if I really want to (and thats why she checked my cervix) but with the current state of my cervix she wont be able to handle it and it will end up being an emergency C-section. She said the safest option is a planned Csection. Waiting for natural birth to start is not an option - my placenta is already too calcified and the flow to baby is only ókay - she must be delivered at 38 weeks (considered full term here) and since she is growing absolutely zilch there is no reason for here to stay in me. I read many stories online similiar to mine and in my heart I know I made the best decision - its still a process to mentally prepare myself, but baby comes first - always! I'll be ready to meet her next week Tuesday. :D I am really excited and scared at the same time
Nita I’m so glad for your ob. I think you’re doing the wisest thing. Prayers for you!

I had my baby at 5:25pm yesterday. And he was 5lbs 11oz!
Thank you ttc <3 congratz on your little boy. Is everything Ok with him? (Is he spending some time in NICU?) and how are you doing? Hope everything went smooth and you get to go home soon.
TTC congratulations!!!!!!! I assume everything went smoothly? Hope you and baby are doing fabulously!!

Nita, I can't wait for you to meet your baby girl! Sounds like you are making the safest decision you can for your baby, prayers for that everything goes smoothly!!!!

12 weeks today. <3
Nita, today is Tuesday, prayers that everything goes smoothly!! <3 Looking forward to your updates!!!!

Had my 12 week appt yesterday. It was short, no u/s, just doppler. DH laughed at me but didn't say a word to the doc about my having bought a doppler, lol. Listened to the heartbeat, felt my uterus and sent me on my way. Apparently the 16 week appt will be the same, plus blood tests. Won't get to see our little one again until 20 weeks. Going to be very, very hard to be patient. But it is so, so nice knowing I can listen for the heartbeat when I am feeling nervous.

Sarah, how are things going for you? No more complications I hope? TTC, are you home and everything going well? Fluffy, hanging in there? You should be done with your first tri now right? I am almost there!!! :)
Congratulations TTC!! Hope you and baby are well :)

Thinking of you today Nita! Hoping everything goes smoothly and that you and baby will be well taken care of.

Yay for passing the 12 week mark Lucy! :D I was considering getting a doppler too before, but then what if I can't find the heartbeat one day because baby is in a bad position for it and I drive myself nuts ^^" So I decided against it. Now, I feel so much safer already, so I won't get one.

I'm 13+1 today. We went and had an optional prenatal checkup today, which involved having some blood taken (for the Harmony test, which tests for Down Syndrome) and had an IN DEPTH ultrasound. And I mean it - it took about an hour and he showed us every single organ and bone. Not kidding, every finger, every little organ and how the blood vessles connect to it, everything. Even the different parts of the heart and brain, such detail!! The ultrasound was to check for a variety of things that the blood test doesn't check for, and I'm so relieved to say, *everything* is perfect. ^^ Baby was super active, but we still got a bunch of super cute pictures. He even made a guess at the gender, but we're not telling anyone until the end of next week, when we find out for certain anyway as we get the results of the blood test then.

Lucy, I think I won't be getting a scan at my next gyno appointment either, but I'm not sure. She said she will start doing CTG (doppler) in January, so I don't know what the two checks I have before then will entail... but we shall see :) Who knows, you might get to feel your little one before you next see him/her! :D I'm *so* looknig forward to that even though I know it will still be well over a month before either of us can feel anything.
Fluffy, I waffled on the doppler too. Thought about it, decided against it, and then changed my mind again. To each their own I suppose! For me I have no regrets. I don't let myself obsess over it; I am only using it about once a week, and that has been enough so far to keep me off of google searches for mmc, lol. The first time I used it I couldn't find the heartbeat, but I knew not to freak. Now I find it pretty easily. I feel safer now too, but it's nice just knowing that I have access to the reassurance.

Jealous of your ultrasound! I told DH I am tempted to go to one of those places that offer ultrasound packages outside of insurance; not sure I can handle not seeing our little one from 8 to 20 weeks! He thinks it's silly and unnecessary, but we shall see. Going to try to tame my crazy, lol.

Excited for you to find out the gender!!! Not sure we are going to find out. I am conflicted on this, but DH does not want to know. We will see what happens!

I thought I might have felt some flutters the other night, but more likely that was just digestion/gas, lol. DH put his hand on my belly this morning and claimed he thought he felt the babies heartbeat, but I am sure that was just wishful thinking. Sweet thought though <3 I am right there with you girl, can't wait to feel our baby move!!
Just a quick update. Liezl was born 17/10/2017 at 13:18 weighing only 2.3Kgs, but she got an Apgar score of 9/10 twice so she didnt spend anytime in ICU. She is already the love of our lives.
Sorry I&#8217;ve been MIA, we are still having issues. William has a problem with his wind pipe. We are waiting to see a oediatrician about that. I&#8217;m still in a lot of pain in my uterus and shouldn&#8217;t be this sore for 7 weeks. So I&#8217;m back to the hospital on Tuesday or Wednesday. They&#8217;ll ring me to let me know when they can get me in. Looking at starting medication for Raynaud&#8217;s next week too. Not getting his lip and tongue ties done at the moment. I feel like just crawling up and never leaving home so that we don&#8217;t have to deal with doctors and things going wrong anymore.

Congratulations Nita. I hope it all went smoothly. I&#8217;m sure an elective is much easier to recover from. I hope you&#8217;re both doing ok.

Congratulations TTC I hope your little one is doing well.

Lucy and Fluffy, I hope you&#8217;re both feeling ok too. It must be a great relief to be out of the first trimester. I hope you&#8217;re both over any rubbish first trimester symptoms
Sarah, I am so sorry you guys are still struggling. We are here for you!! <3
Good hearing from you Sarah, im sorry you are still strugling.

Im not going to lie, I am in a lot of pain, unfortunately things didmt go as smooth as I hoped. Both my hands have been pricked so much that both are blue and swollen. Ive been getting up and walking as much as possible, and I had to see a physio as I strugled to breath yesterday. All that being said, its going good with the both of us.

Just wanted to say, regarding bfing, just as the nurse said, mother nature will colostrum came in immediately, she was strugling to latch and had high blood sugar so we had to express, it took is about 10 minutes to get 5ml at a time. My boobs are getting super full now and she is bfing every 1-2 hours.

I think I slept about 1 hour during the night, but she is so worth it <3
Sarah! I’m so sorry to hear you’re still struggling! How awful you’re still in pain! Please keep us updated!

Nita, I had trouble breathing when I first walked after my c section too! It’s really hard! Do you have an abdominal binder? If not I highly recommend it because it helps soooo much. I’m glad your milk came in well!

Lucy and Fluffy! Everything is moving so quickly now it seems! Are you both finding out boy or girl?

I’m 9 days post op and very very grateful everything has gone so smoothly! Recovery wise this is much easier than my first c section.
I do have a belly binder, but it didnt work :( i asked to see a physio and she gave me some breathing exercises, which is working.

Im still feeding colostrum (its 7am and i am feeding for the 4th time) hopefully milk will come in today.
Our Perfect daughter! <3 all the pain and sleepless nights worth it.


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Congrats Nita, she is perfect!!

Sarah - I'm sorry you are having such a hard time still! You deserve a break, I hope if you have to go to the hospital they can actually help you out this time x
Thanks everyone. We&#8217;ve had a long weekend here and I&#8217;m going back in to see the doctors either tomorrow or Wednesday. My uterus is still really sore and I&#8217;m still taking pain relief around the clock and I&#8217;m now almost 7 and a half weeks pp. I really don&#8217;t think this is normal.

I&#8217;m glad to hear you&#8217;re doing well Nita. The pain was much much worse than I was expecting. I still get shivers down my spine thinking about it all. She is so precious. Are you still in hospital? We don&#8217;t see to use binders here. I had trouble breathing too. I didn&#8217;t really get out of bed properly until day 3. I&#8217;ve been donating milk to a poor wee girl in hospital who&#8217;s mum&#8217;s milk hasn&#8217;t come in after a week. The girl is allergic to formula. I hope you&#8217;re not in too much discomfort when your milk comes in. I found sitting in the shower massaging the lumps out helped as well as putting cold wet face cloths on them.

Ttc, I&#8217;m glad to hear you&#8217;re doing so well. Do you have any idea why your recovery was so much better this time? Have you chosen a name?

Thanks Sheece, sorry I&#8217;ve been useless at replying to your messages! I&#8217;ll do that tomorrow hopefully.

Maybe we should rename this thread Clomid and c section buddies! I wonder if there&#8217;s any correlation?

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