Clomid/FE Conceived Buddies :)

Sorry everyone. I’ve just been flat out looking after William on my own with DH away so much.

I’m about to catch up on the thread. But I hope you’re all doing well. I can’t believe how fast it’s going for you all. Your little ones will be here so soon.

As for us, we are still waiting for our initial referral to the paediatrician but now have another one. I can’t remember how much I said when I was last on, but we are still having slimy green poo and some blood and he fell off the bottom of the growth chart the other week. But he seems to have jumped back on at the 2nd percentile now. The doctor said there’s something going on with how he’s digesting food and that they’ll probably suggest hydrolysed formulas. Not sure what we will do if they suggest that, hard to go against doctor’s advice but we will wait and see. By the time we get an appointment things will either be worse or resolved.

I’ve developed tendinitis in my wrists from picking him up, ironic considering he’s small for his age haha.

We are going through a bit of sleep regression. Back to 1 wake up most nights. It’s so hard when you’ve had over a month of 10-12 hour sleeps.

Anyway I’ll catch up and reply properly some time soon. :)
Thank you Nita & Lucy for the ticker day well wishes - and happy ticker day to you Lucy! :) Glad to hear your anatomy scan was all good news. Hoping it's smooth sailing from hereon out for both of us ^^ So cool that you could see baby kick!! Depending on how short they are on midwives in your region, you might not be late at all, it really depends I guess. For me, 7 weeks pregnant was already "late" apparently XD

I can't believe it takes so long for you to be able to see a pediatrician, yikes! I hope they find out what's troubling your little boy soon.

Have been a bit slow because we've been both busy and I caught hubby's cold, so not feeling too energetic. He felt her kick a couple of days ago though which was amazing ^^ I feel her 2-3 times a day now and LOVE it <3 So reassuring
Nice hearing from you Sarah :hugs: i am so sad to hear about William. What I cant understand now is why it takes to long for you to get to a peaditrician? I have mine on speed dial, I can pretty much call him now and have an appointment today.

Fluffy thise kicks are the best, and they keep on getting better as your pregnancy progress :D

Sarah what does William weigh now? Liezls birth weight (2.29kg) was in the 15th percentile according to her chart. She now weighs 4.4kg (feels like a ton to me) at 8 weeks, so she has jumped to the 50th percentile now :o
Sarah you will see a longer reply in my other message but once I got my daughter on Neocate hydrolysed she made a rapid improvement in a few days, hang in there. And really push for the paed appt, we werent taken seriously till we took her to the children's hospital a and e as she was so poorly, once we saw the paediatrician there it was diagnosed very quickly x
Thanks everyone.

We had an appointment with a GP who has worked on the children&#8217;s ward. She reckons it&#8217;ll be a few months until we are seen. Mostly because he&#8217;s not losing weight but he&#8217;s also a happy boy. He was smiling and chatting away to her all appointment. She said there&#8217;s definitely something going on with his digestive system and it will hopefully be something that he outgrows. She thought the paediatrician would recommend a hydrolysed formula but it would be up to us whether we went with that or stuck with breastfeeding. She said she would recommend breastfeeding but she isn&#8217;t a paediatrician so wait and see what they say. She said dairy may not be the issue but it&#8217;s probably irritating his gut more so I should definitely avoid it. So that is about where we are.

Nita, he was weighed 2 weeks ago and he was 5.02kgs. He was 3 months old and on the 2nd percentile. We are still in newborn clothing. He is getting weighed again tomorrow. Liezl is doing so well. How are you doing?

Fluffy, thanks. It&#8217;s unfortunately what our public health system is like. I think we would have to travel a few hours and pay hundreds of dollars to see one sooner. How exciting you&#8217;re having a girl! The kicks are amazing! I agree it&#8217;s really reassuring. Enjoy them all, they&#8217;re not quite as cute when you get kicked on the outside haha.

Bonnie, thank you for your message. I&#8217;ll go back and read your other reply. The GP thought we would be prescribed hydrolysed formula too. I just really want to keep breastfeeding though :( but of course I don&#8217;t want to make him sick. I&#8217;m sorry your wee girl had to get to that state.
Hi everyone! I lost this thread somehow but found it again!

Fluffy and Lucy!!! Over halfway there!!!!!

Bonnie, not long to go! How are you feeling?

Sarah, I’m sorry you’re having so much trouble! I’m glad he’s happy and not losing weight. Hang in there and keep us posted.

Nita, it sounds like Leizl is doing so well!

Ford had his first round of vaccines and his 2 month checkup. He’s in the 6th percentile for weight but he’s up from the second percentile. He is also finally smiling lots! He had a small eye infection and was put on drops for a few days. He’s also on ranitidine for reflux. He’s like a different baby on the reflux treatment.

Hope everyone has a good week!
Thanks, Liezl is doing very well, and growing so quickly. We took her to the dam yesterday (it was 35+ degrees) and today I see her body full red spots, either bite marks or allergies. Hope it goes away soon. Shes full of smiles now, laughs open mouth, just no noise yet lol, cant wait for her to laugh out loud.

Sarah, 5kgs does not sound like a bad weight at 3 months though? I dont remember his birth weight? Its good to hear that he is a happy baby. :D

Great hearing from you ttc and that Ford is finally smiling, and lots as well. We are due for the second for a second round of vaccinations next week, but will only go the first week in January.

Hope everyone else is doing well?
Sarah, I am so sorry to hear you guys are still working through issues still. Sucks that you have to wait so long for an appt! Really hope things get resolved for you soon. And Nita, I hope Liezl clears up ASAP too!

We had a follow up to our anatomy scan on Friday to get additional shots of the brain and profile. It took some doing, baby was a little stubborn still, but we officially got the all clear. "Beautiful baby" according to the tech. <3

Picked up the crib and dresser yesterday. :) Now all we need is our house to be finished so we can set up the nursery!
Glad it went well Lucy :D

Happy ticker day fluffy.

You two lovely pregnant ladies have not shared any bump images with us yet???? ;)

I am so excited - Liezl still has to gain 80grams (which she will in a day or 2) before she has doubled her birth weight - most babies only double their birth weight between 3 - 4 months. We also took the bamboo chair out of the cupboard today - sit training will officialy commence today :D Ill share some photos if she plays along.
Nita, I didn&#8217;t think it was that small but he had a few weeks where he was off the bottom of the growth chart, so I guess it was small. He&#8217;s had a massive gain in the past 2 weeks, 200g a week. So he&#8217;s jumped up to the 6th percentile now. We are almost out of newborn clothes and into size 0-3. He was 7lb2oz at birth but just gained weight really slowly. I think he&#8217;s doing much better with me off dairy and his posterior tongue tie cut. His rash has disappeared and he&#8217;s pooing 2-5 times a day, not 10-20 times. They&#8217;re still green and mucousy though.

I hope Liezl isn&#8217;t allergic to anything. How is her rash now? Her weight gain is awesome. How&#8217;s the bottle going? We are a wee way off doubling birth weight. And have you thought about solids? When and what you&#8217;ll try her on? We&#8217;ve been told mixed things (he needs the calories, start at 4 months. His gut isalready sensitive and not developed properly until 6 months, wait until then). I think we will skip baby cereal and just start with some vegetables and go off his cues rather than a set date. But we aren&#8217;t in any hurry.

Ttc, it sounds like Ford is doing really well. It&#8217;s so exciting when they start smiling lots. Was he fine after his immunisations?

Lucy, so exciting! William was always really stubborn for scans. How is the bump coming along? Will you have the baby in your room with you initially? We will have William in our room in his cut until he&#8217;s at least 6 months old. I suggested to DH we could move him in March and he said no because he likes having him in here with us haha.
Sorry to read and run, will catch up properly soon but mad time of year! Sarah we weaned at 4.5 months under paediatrician advice as she needed that calories and also helped massively with her reflux as it strengthens the stomach muscles. You should also follow the milk ladder (google it) to test for allergies but do it under dietician advice. I think we started it around 1year. We also had to cut out all soya/whey as the proteins are almost identical to milk so if you are still eating soya it may be why he's a bit upset still. It's a minefield! But sounds like he is doing much better. Catch up with you all soon!
Nita, I suppose it is time, lol! Here ya go! This bump photo is about 2 weeks old now, and I feel like my bump has really grown a lot since then, so I guess I will have to take some new ones!

Sarah, yes, we plan to have him in our room with us for the first 3-6 months. DH also wants to keep baby in with us as long as possible. We have registered for the Lotus Bassinet & Crib bundle; thinking it will be good as a bassinet in our room, double as a pack and play, and then also come in handy when we fly to visit DH's family.

Is it weird that I am getting excited to approach "viability"? Feeling much more secure these days. Feeling baby move is so reassuring, I haven't touched my doppler in about a week. <3


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Sarah, how awesome that William is gaining weight so well now. Dh and I want to start Liezl on solids between 3-4 months, basicly end January. We heard that some food make then constipated, so I think we will start on bland veggies like butternut and sweet potato and see if she likes it. Im still a bit unsure about the whole food process, but we have an appointment at the peaditrician again on 18 January for Liezls 3 month check up, so I thought about asking him then to just assist me a little. I think her next check up after that one is only at 6 months, and he said start food on 4 months. We also have vaccinations 1st week in January and 3rd week in January, kind of scared to have her get them so close together as she didnt handle the 6 week ones that well. She was grumpy and crying for about 5 days afterwards :(

Liezl has doubled her birth weight, and thank goodness my DH found a way to give her the bottle, and she takes it. She slept tge last 3 days and today havent slept a bit. Amazing how they go through phases.

Yay for a bump pic Lucy. I think you are definately looking at keeping baby in your room up until a year :) mine will be moving out then :) just dont make the mistake to let baby sleep in your bed
Cant believe how she has grown. My baby is turning into a tiny human :baby: :baby:


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Lucy, my bump really started growing more quickly after 20 weeks too! Such a sweet picture ^^ Feeling them move is the best feeling in the world <3 I'm also excited about approaching viability, so close now!

Nita, look at those cheeks! ^.^

To everyone, have a very Merry Christmas tomorrow :D
Bonnie, thanks. I&#8217;ve read that about the reflux too. Also that solids help. I&#8217;ll read up about the ladder. I have seen it mentioned but figured it wasn&#8217;t really important just yet. I&#8217;m keen to keep BFing if I can. I&#8217;m still eating soy but I&#8217;m not having soy milk, but just what&#8217;s in my usual diet. He&#8217;s had a few good days though. I hope you&#8217;re doing well, not long to go for you!

Lucy, cute bump!! You&#8217;re not looking big at all. My bump was the same. Almost unnoticeable until 25 weeks and even the night before my due date my boobs still poked out more haha. Sounds like a good plan with the crop and room sharing. I agree with Nita about the bed sharing. We don&#8217;t do it and I&#8217;d never feel safe. It&#8217;s nice having them close though.

Nita, here they say between 4-6 months for solids but definitely not before 4 months. I&#8217;ve read mixed things about closer to 6 months being better and closer to 4 months being better. I think I&#8217;ll just mush up some banana or avocado and try him on that. I&#8217;m keen to try some summer fruits too. They&#8217;re probably good for extra fiber. Our well child nurse just gave us the info last appointment. She&#8217;s grown heaps! I&#8217;m noticing William is putting on more weight every day. Tonight he held his own bottle when DH gave it to him &#55357;&#56877;&#55357;&#56877; he&#8217;s growing up too fast.

Fluffy, merry Christmas to you too.

AFM, this time last year we found out we were pregnant! What a crazy 12 months it has been!
Well, what a Christmas (we celebrate on the 24th) went to my parents and last night I started getting sick, sever diarrheia, horrible tummy cramps and a fever. The fever is gone today, but I feel like shit. Liezl has been sucking on me constantly and it doesnt seem like shes getting full, so I am trying to get some electrolites back in my body to make sure shes fed and full. Tomorow I have Christmas with my inlaws at the dam, and I just feel like crying and puking! :(

Sarah, William have grown so much!!

Merry Christmas everybody!! Hope you have special time with your families :)
Oh no Nita! That&#8217;s pretty much my worst breastfeeding nightmare. You poor thing. Definitely get the electrolytes back into you. Can DH look after Liezl while you rest? Just eat what you can and keep your fluids up. You poor thing.

Haha yes he&#8217;s grown so much. I just want him to slow down haha.

Merry Christmas everyone.
Wow, despite being sick, Liezl puked all over me yesterday morning, and on our way back home she poo'd all over herself and her carseat..carseat is stained now and we had to cut her clothes of her body to avoid her whole head being full of poo!! A Christmas we will never forget.

Hope everyone had a wonderful time with family friends :)

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