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Clomid/FE Conceived Buddies :)

Not sure on c section yet Ask, it's looking likely but if it happens naturally before then I'm going with it! Saw my consultant this morning and he said we will make a plan after my next scan on 16th.. depends how baby is and how I'm feeling, they are happy either way at the moment.

Nita time is flying with Liezl it seems! Same here for the 6 month rule but our paediatrician let us start her at 4.5 months because She was v underweight because of her milk allergy but she's definitely caught up now 😂 She's so tall!

Will check out the Underwrapz, thanks TTc.
Some times I'm desperate to get this baby out, other times I don't know how it's going to be with 2 😬😬😬

Hope scan goes well Ask! X
Bonnie, I hope the birth turn out the way you want it too, in the end as long as you and baby are safe <3 Not much longer to go now.

There's a lot of debate here on when to start solids, and it seems like moms are pretty much doing what ever they want. If Liezl was a bigger baby, I would have started her on food already. But since she is so small and was born early, I'd rather wait until February, Unless the Pead give me the go ahead when I see him in 2 weeks. Until then she can have tastes of our veggies.
Hi ladies - scan went well! We saw and heard her heart beat! It was 119bpm. My doctor said they like to see over 120 but she isn&#8217;t concerned yet as it&#8217;s early and just getting started. Of course that worries me and it really bothered DH that she would say that when it was 119. At the end she said everything looks very good. So I&#8217;m trying not to worry too much!
Ask that sounds like good news! My RE told me that anything over 100 is great. I have a friend who’s baby had a 112 hb at 8 weeks. She freaked out. And he’s a healthy 4 year old today. Try not to worry too much. I know how scary it is though. I was very worried especially since my last loss had a great hb then it slowed to 79 :cry: Pregnancy is so stressful. I’m rooting for you.
So glad to hear that Ask! And I think your doc is right, it is early so no reason to worry yet. Our baby's heartbeat was also lower in the beginning than it is now.

My 24 week appt was supposed to be today, but go figure, we got a good snowstorm Wed night through yesterday afternoon, and now I have to wait until Tuesday. But movement is still feeling normal, and I celebrated 24 weeks yesterday by listening to the heartbeat with the doppler. Heart rate was right where it was been for as long as I can remember at this point. Nice and strong. :) DH says he thinks he can hear it through my tummy now. <3
Lucy, that sucks!! We have the opesite here, a heatwave, tempratures are rising above 42degrees celcius. I guess thays Africa for you.

I am now the proud owner of every type of feeding bottle, from the cheapest to the most expensive, and I am praying that Liezl takes one, if that fails, then we will try sippy cups. I also decided she is starting porrigde this week.

Advice to you ladies, if you plan on returning to work after baby and you wnat to EBF, give your baby a bottle at least once a day, it can be expressed breastmilk. Trust me, you will save yourself a lot of effort and money!! I hate where I am now, trying to get her on a bottle
Ahh glad scan went well Ask! And really don't worry about heartbeat.. my midwife said decelerations are perfectly normal.

Nita I don't know if you have NUK tears over there but they are the only one my daughter would take after trying loads! Also try feeding with nipple shields as they get used to the feel of plastic. I assume you have tried someone else feeding her? Make sure you are out of the house so she can't smell your milk. Good luck! X
I have tried those NUK bottles Bonnie, she completely refused them. I also drove away from home so my Dah could feed her, she cried all the way until I rushed back home, she just wanted the boobie. It looked like she took the pigeon bottle today, so ill see tomorrow if it was just a fluke.
So much Bonnie! I wish someone told me before I started to EBF that it would be difficult! I wont suggest EBF for anyone other than a SAHM. Breast milk is best, but its not worth it if it means my sanity will suffer. Kiddie nr2 will be mixed fed from birth. First month I will pump and from month 2 ill introduce FM.
Nita, I&#8217;m sure it won&#8217;t be long until she&#8217;s laughing out loud. It&#8217;s crazy how fast they develop. William is rolling both ways. And when he sees me or DH he gives us a big smile. He&#8217;s laughing at all sorts of things. He loves having his bum wiped haha I guess it&#8217;s the cold wet wipe.

Wow that&#8217;s early! I&#8217;m glad she&#8217;s liking it. Just be careful with starting solids too early. I was reading an article about it last night and how their kidneys aren&#8217;t quite ready for it. And early introduction has been linked to obesity. But waiting until after 6 months can be no good too. We are told between 4-6 months but no earlier than 4 months. I&#8217;m thinking we will skip cereals and just do fruit and veg and meat. He was 4 months on the second of January but we are in no hurry. I don&#8217;t want him to grow up any faster than he is haha. But I&#8217;m excited for him to have some new tastes.

Have you tried to comotomo or MAM bottles? We use avent natural and have no problem. But I think it helped ignoring advice about waiting for 6 weeks to introduce a bottle. Have you tried getting someone else to give the bottle and you disappearing? Or BF with nipple shields?

Bonnie, no binder here. No one recommended them and I didn&#8217;t find much to suggest they helped. I&#8217;m sorry you&#8217;re having a hard time. Do you have someone around to help with the toddler?

Lucy, how exciting to see your belly move like that. It&#8217;s so crazy to think there&#8217;s a little human in there. Enjoy it!! My hubby thought he could hear the heartbeat through my tummy too, I reckon he was full of it haha.

TTC, it breaks my heart too! I don&#8217;t want him to grow up haha. I love the age he is now. He&#8217;s giggling and smiling away

Ask, so excited for you!! I&#8217;m sorry you&#8217;ve been feeling rubbish :(. And what a stupid thing for them to say when it was only 1 beat less! That would have freaked me out too. But after seeing a heart beat you have a really really really good chance of holding your little princess in your arms. Of course nothing is 100% but it is all a really great sign!

AFM, life has been pretty busy but I don&#8217;t even know what I do with my days haha. William is having 1 wake up at 4am for a feed and sleeping 7pm-7am. He&#8217;s so delicious. He giggles and his face just lights up when he sees me. I&#8217;m just so in love with him haha.
I get it Sarah - days go by and I have no idea what I do the whole day (mostly BF and look after Liezl lol) She sleeps from 9pm until 4:30am (wonderful isnt it) and its been 3weeks now that she sleeps through.

She will only get a little bit of food now, my mom said its good to start on 3 months as they barely gets in something in the first month, they mostly play with the food to get used to it (Ill be feeding her with a spoon) Shes 12 weeks tomorow so ill start somewhere this week.

We are currently in leap 3 and what a wonderful leap - Liezl have been talking the whole time - shes on the verge of laughing out loud - shes really trying hard lol.

She took the pigeon bottleagain yesterday, so we will stick with that one... I have ordered 3 more, but they arent cheap - so my DH isnt happy that we are paying somuch for bottles.
Sarah! Williams sleep sounds like a dream!!!!! That’s amazing! I need to get Ford on a better routine. He does sleep from about midnight to 7am but up until midnight he’s a mess. Is there anything special you did to get him there?

Nita I’m sorry you’re having issues getting Liezl to take a bottle! Even though I’m a stay at home Mom to my 3 right now i still give Ford a bottle of pumped milk every few days or so. But my experience is that some babies just take bottles easier than others. Hopefully your number 2 will be a bit easier! Have you had another cycle? Still ntnp?

So Ford has been giggling out loud! For whatever reason me saying “hi” to him is so funny. He is also cooing and tries to talk to me when i talk to him. He has absolutely no interest in rolling even when i put him on his tummy he likes it and won’t budge :rofl: I had my first period last week. Extremely heavy. I think dh and i want one more but not very soon so we’re going to have to be diligent with protection now. I just know that I’d fall pregnant right away if i assume i can’t lol even though i needed help last time :rofl:
Lol tcc, I am so jealous that you get laughs. Liezl smiles the whole day, and she tries so hard to lol but no sounds.

Still ntnp #2, and I had what I thought was my period, and I may have ovulated over new year. We will see. I am in no hurry though, itll happen when it does.

Just wanted to say re sleeping through. We tried our best with Liezl, nothing worked, then we gave up and stopped trying, and voila, she slept through
We currently have an outbreak of Listeria in South Africa, our wonderful (super lazy) government only thought of telling us now, that it started at the beginning of last year already (while I was pregnant!!??!!??) and they waited for over 700 people to get diagnosed and 61 to die before they decided now, that they need to find the source. One would think they would have done this already.
Nita, haha the sleep is so so good. Enjoy it because around the 4 month mark it can turn to custard.

Yes that is true about the food. It really is just an experience rather than for the nutrition to begin with. I&#8217;ve been doing lots of reading about when to start. William is showing lots of signs. I&#8217;ll hold a spoon to his mouth and he&#8217;ll open it. He just doesn&#8217;t quite have the core strength yet but we&#8217;ve been given the go ahead to start at 4 months. I&#8217;d really like to hold off until 5 months though.

I think our plan for solids is to have him in his high chair (ice just ordered it) with us while we eat. Let him play with his spoon etc. then I&#8217;ll put some purée pumpkin on his tray and let him put his fingers in it and suck on them. Then hopefully by around 5 months he&#8217;ll be strong enough to swallow. Our family are saying it&#8217;s far too early. The whole &#8216;food before one is just for fun&#8217; which isn&#8217;t true! But we will see how we go. DH wants to start him now and I just want to keep him little and cute haha.

I&#8217;m glad you found a bottle that works. I think introducing it early and me using nipple shields helped. I have a friend with the opposite problem. She desperately wants to BF but her baby will only take a bottle and she&#8217;s heart broken.

TTC, how cute! Haha I love that he likes it when you say hi to him haha.

William is rolling both ways. I went to get the washing out of the machine and left him on a blanket and he&#8217;d done rolypolies haha. He nearly reached the heater. That&#8217;s good that Ford loves tummy time! I&#8217;m sure he&#8217;ll be rolling in no time.

I haven&#8217;t had AF yet. Not sure when she&#8217;ll appear. But I haven&#8217;t really had any PCOS symptoms. My skin and hair have been pretty awesome still. You&#8217;re brave for wanting number 4 but I heard after 3 it just gets easier hahahaha some how??

As for his sleep, I&#8217;m actually dying with his one wake up hahaha this is bad sleep for us. He use to do 7.30pm-7am no wake ups at all. Now he&#8217;s waking at 4ish and I&#8217;m exhausted haha. I need to harden up. Anyway, no real routine or pattern. Mostly let him feed and sleep when he likes. I&#8217;ve been focusing on awake times for the day time. So at his age he shouldn&#8217;t be awake for any longer than 2 hours. So during the day I kind of try to do feed-play-sleep but sometimes he needs a top up before sleep. Sleep sack on, dark room, white noise, pacifier in. I sit on my bed and lie him between my legs and hold my hand firmly on his chest and the other hand stroking down his nose. Once he&#8217;s deep asleep I&#8217;ll transfer him into his bed. Sometimes he&#8217;ll need rocking or feedingto sleep. Sometimes I can put his down in his cot with white noise and he&#8217;ll go to sleep on his own. He usually has a nap around 9ish, 12ish,3.30ish. But I don&#8217;t really care. Just whatever happens on that day. Sometimes we might go out around lunch time or in the afternoon and he&#8217;ll sleep in the carrier/car seat/stroller. The other day I had to wake him from a 3 hour nap. At night time we try and do the same thing every evening. It can suck because we can&#8217;t really go out for dinner etc too often. We need to be home by 6.30. But I pull the curtains so it&#8217;s all dark, have a bath together, who ever hasn&#8217;t bathed him gets him changed and dressed into a sleep sack. Then the bath person does the bedtime. Which is usually a feed, then lying down on the bed between our legs and then transferring him to his bed when he&#8217;s asleep. It&#8217;s currently 6.45 here and he&#8217;s been asleep for 20 minutes.
Sarah, I honestly dont read up anymore or do research or do anything by the book. I let Liezl guide me to what she wanys and needs. Sometimes a whole day goes by where she doesnt sleep. Sometimes she drinks every 20 minutes and other times every 4 hours. We have a routine, but its not hectic, and its only for night time.

Isnt it a bit early for a high chair? And where do you get time to sit at the table to eat lol!! My dh and I take turns to eat because liezl demands so much attention in the evenings. We havent had a meal together in 3 months.

We are now through leap 3. Next is the 4 month sleep regression..not looking forward to that.
Better late than never, but happy ticker day Fluffy!

Finally had our 24 week appt yest. All was well, and baby was even kicking while they were checking the heartbeat with the doppler. The bump has really popped in the last couple weeks, and over the weekend we hit the milestone where the first person who didn't already know I was pregnant said something. Then another on Monday, and another on Tuesday. So up to three people now, lol.


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Cute bump Lucy!!!! Enjoy it while it can still see and reach your feet!! Its going to start to grow a lot soon. Glad you and baby are still doing well. Any updates re your birthing plan? Do you know where and how and who yet? Here we need to do bed bookinhs around 20 weeks already :o

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