Clomid/FE Conceived Buddies :)

Yay, thats fantastic!! What will they be testing? How long before you get the results?
Just hcg. Better than nothing I guess! My OB has never tested my progesterone. She said the most recent research found no reduced miscarriage rate with progesterone supplementation so they don't test it anymore. My RE also didn't test it.

I won't get results until Monday I think when my doctor's office is open.
Yay I'm so excited!!!!! Hope you get the results quickly!

And your doctor is right about progesterone. It's usually a symptom of a failing pregnancy not a cause. I'm taking it because it helps me relax but I clearly know it won't stop the worst from occurring.
Good luck Ask. Keeping everything crossed for you.

TTC haha eating like a toddler. I was like that for most of the first trimester. I figured none of the food stuff would be a problem because I couldn't even bare to look at it let alone eat it. But most of my adversions have gone now.

Nita, most food here is of high quality too but we've recently had a listeria outbreak in bagged salad. I'm being quite careful. I think infertility does that to you :(
Another CP :cry:...hoping clomid + IUI will help our chances next cycle. We can obviously get pregnant...
Hoping to see you soon back here ask :hugs: goodluvk on the next cycle.

Afm - today is one of those, I am feeling pregnant, days. My boobs are extremely sore, so much so that I had to sit done and not walk as that made it worse. Feeling super bad nausea, and heartburn from every thing! I tried ginger ale, well that didnt do much. How is everyone feeling today?
I'm sorry again Ask ❤ I know the frustration and pain all too well. I'm here if you need anything.

I guess I'm a little apprehensive of my symptoms. I had extreme sickness with my healthy boys and none with my losses. Well I had some pretty good nausea three days ago then yesterday nothing. Then today slight slight nausea but nothing major. I don't know if this means something has gone wrong again.
I'm sorry Ask, hopefully we will see you here soon.

I'm sorry Nita, it's no fun. People kept reminding me that it meant the baby was growing and me feeling sick was a good thing. Honestly it didn't help to hear that haha.

I'm feeling ok. Pretty tired. Mondays are always hard. My tummy is growing and feeling little kicks. I'm getting really sick of hearing everyone's advice about pregnancy and motherhood. It's like everyone is an expert but really if you looked at their children... I wouldn't be so sure about accepting their advice!
Sorry to hear that Ask:( FX for you for next cycle!

ttc I'm sorry you're worried about your symptoms. I think it's pretty common for them to come and go so I'd think that any nausea would be a good sign!

Sarah, I can't wait for the kicking! It's the best. I totally get what you're saying, I'm so glad it's my second time around so people usually aren't as loud with their advice. It's so strange that people will just blatantly tell you what to do even though you didn't ask their opinion at all.

Still feeling absolute crap. Looking forward to getting my diclectin prescription tomorrow. Hopefully that will get me through the day!
The kicks are very exciting. I felt lots last night. I have to be sitting really still and it needs to be quite quiet to notice them. It is weird when you didn't ask for advice but everyone thinks they're an expert. When really I know what their children are like, I don't know why they're giving out advice.

TTC, it's definitely normal for them to come and go. It's unnerving though. I read that your hormones surge and then your body gets use to them and you feel ok and then they surge again. Enjoy feeling ok if you can because usually it doesn't last!

Man I had the worst sleep last night. Tossing and turning and getting bad cramps in my legs. I've gone from being able to sleep 12+ hours very easily to not being able to get more than 2-3 hours a night. I'm exhausted.
Sarah how fun to feel kicks!!!!!! 😍 How are your shots going? When's your next appointment? I'm sorry you aren't sleeping. I get insomnia when pregnant too. Get some extra rest when you can!

SweetPea I'm glad you're getting something for your sickness ❤ I hope it helps quickly!

And you're both so right. The sickness was back with a vengeance today. So thankful. Because I was worried my doc let me have another look at baby. Heart beat was 136 and baby has grown a lot! Praying everything stays good ❤
That's so amazing ttc! So glad your doc is understanding and you don't have to worry too much. I bet everything will stay great.

Sarah not sleeping is so hard! I think i become a crazy person when I don't get enough. And yeah I know some people with kids who really shouldn't be doling out advice too.
TTC, it's very exciting. I've only told my DH because I have felt them earlier than they say so people will probably say I'm fibbing. I have an appointment tomorrow afternoon with the 'medical doctor' (that's what my OB called him). Basically we don't have a rheumatologist here but he's meant to know more about Lupus than the OB and it's his call whether I stay on or come off the injections. I'm keeping my fingers crossed he says I can come off them. Then I have the GTT on Friday, midwife next Thursday and then the obstetrician again in a few weeks. I'm sorry that the sickness is back but exciting to hear the heartbeat. If the old wives tales are anything to go by, that heart rate indicates a boy.

In terms of the sleeping, I have a few nights where I get a great sleep and then a few where it's terrible. My DH says that I'm just so happy and glowing and excited whether I've had lots of no sleep. I feel like I'm partly running on adrenaline. Since I hit about 12 weeks, I have never felt so happy and so well ever. I have more energy than pre-pregnancy.

Tonight, my friend announced her pregnancy, due in July. I went to Uni with her and her boyfriend and her boyfriend now works with my DH. The announcement said that the baby "slipped past what we thought were pretty solid defences". They were planning to break up at the end of the year when he moved for work. Even though I'm pregnant, reading that still feels like a kick in the guts. Some of us have had it so hard to get to this point.
I definitely am happy to be sick. It's so worrying to feel totally fine. I'm laughing at myself though because I feel horrible and I didn't enjoy any time of feeling ok. :rofl: It's funny you mention the wives tale. Both my boys heart rates were much much higher at 7 weeks lol! I do kind of hope for another boy though. They're so much fun I just love it! What are you hoping for?

I totally believe you on the kicks and movement. I felt my oldest early too. People said "no its gas you won't feel him till 24 weeks" but it was no gas 😂

I'm so glad to hear you have lots of energy. Your dh is so sweet. Have you taken any bump pictures? I hope all of your upcoming appointments go well!

How annoying of your friend. Some people take it so for granted that it was easy to conceive and easy to make it to their due date. They don't understand what infertility hell is like. I think I'll always be extra sensitive after what I've been through. Rainbow baby or not!
TTC haha I was the same. Too worried about not feeling sick to enjoy not feeling sick. I think that's completely normal though. My heartbeat at 7 weeks was 120 and at 12 weeks it was 155. At the midwife on the doppler it was 150. I'm not sure if there's any truth to it. I feel like I'm having a boy and I'm hoping for a boy. Im 17 weeks today and only 3 weeks and 5 days until the scan.

Thanks for believing me about the kicks haha. I can see why people could confuse it as gas though. It feels a little bit like that but I think because I'm pretty aware of what my body is doing I can feel them. Plus I can wake the baby up and sometimes get the kicks on cue haha.

We've taken a few bump pictures but honestly most days I just look normal or fat. The other night I was lying on the couch and it fully looked like a pregnant belly but I woke up the next morning and it was gone.

Yep, I guess if you don't know how hard infertility and miscarriages are you probably aren't going to be sensitive about it.

Cute link Nita!

I had my doctors appointment yesterday and because I don't have antiphospholipid syndrome I MAY get to stop the injections. The doctor didn't think I needed them but said it was up to my obstetrician. At my appointment with her a few weeks ago she said that if this doctor said I could stop them then we would see. I've got to keep going until I see her next in a months time, but fingers crossed!!
I had my glucose tolerance test today and vomited half an hour after drinking the stuff. So the test is invalid. Ugh! Torture :(
Hi Ladies!

Just wanted to say "Congratulations" to all of you! I'm currently in the 3rd trimester of a Clomid pregnancy & everything is going well! :happydance:
Hi ladies, sorry Ive been MIA for a while. Been having intense diarrhea and had to keep of the internet or else I might have gone crazy. Took some ginger today and although I still have some bad stomach cramps the diarrhea stopped. Seeing my OB tomorow and hopefully everything will be OK.

Sarah, I am sorry the test didnt go too well, will you be doing it again?

Hope everyone else is doing OK?
Nita I feel so bad for you! I know that's how some women get morning sick... out the other end! Feel better soon!

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