Clomid/FE Conceived Buddies :)

Lucy, congratz again! I am happy to hear a good birth story in this thread, and it feels like the girls are taking over here :) if you dont mind me asking, how are you splitting night shifts with breastfeeding? For as long as I was breastfeeding I was always tge one to wake up to feed and do diaper changes?

Fluffy, how are you??? Any sign of baby coming any time soon??

I am happy to hear William is better Sarah. He is developing well, especially for a boy, Ive heard the boys can be a bit lazy sometimes. Liezl sits by herself, but if shes tired she just falls lol. No sign of crawling or standing up. Im not putting my hopes up to get pregnant this year, my DH keeps on saying the reset after birth will make me more fertile, and for a moment I wanted to believe that, but I have to be realistic. This month we BDed, if you can call it that, on day 14 of my cycle. I hate not being fertile, I can live without experiencing a lot of things, even giving normal birth, I am ok not experiencing that, but I really want to experience getting pregnant naturally, without pills and feeling like shit 24/7 (I however dont regret how I got my sweet baby girl, shes perfect in all aspects - but you get what Im saying) any way I am blabbering too much now, sorry.

Liezl gained 500g so far in the last 2 weeks, shes healthy again, and growing so well. Really dont have any complaints :) :)

have been super tired and stressed beyond belief for the last couple of weeks because my midwife told me she could no longer be there fo rmy birth or postpartum care because she FORGOT to tell me she is going on holiday for three weeks. X.X Have finally found another one now, but not the kidn of thing you want to hear when you're 38+ weeks pregnant!

Otherwise I've been good, but no sign of labour yet. Tomorrow is my due date :p
I am so sorry Fluffy, that must have been so awful!

I guess in these last days you are praying for contractions to start?? :) Goodluck, anytime now.
Congratulations Lucy!! So exciting. Have you got a name? People say how rough those first few days/weeks are but I don’t think you really understand until you’ve been there. I know for us it was probably one of the hardest things with my recovery and infection and a baby that was really unsettled. But it’s a blur now and soon she’ll be making her own choices about things haha.

Nita, haha he’s never been lazy! He always moved heaps (except when I had reduced movements) and wriggled all day inside. He’s developing and growing so much. It’s crazy. Like this afternoon he crawled over to his book box and pulled out a book haha. Instead of just being passive we are starting to notice what he likes and doesn’t like and what he wants to do a lot more haha. We never propped Billy up to sit before he was able to. He sat in his high chair or on our laps, but we never sat him up to play on the floor. Throughout my studies there was so much about not putting babies into places they can’t get to themselves. They learn their own centre of balance and where they are in space and if they do fall, they often are able to make it a bit more gentle. He’s coasting along and if I put my hands out he’ll grab them, pull up and start taking steps!

I understand what you mean about being frustrated by it all. For me, I feel the opposite. I’d rather have had a smooth vaginal birth and have fertility treatments. But lucky us, we drew the short end of the straw for both haha. You never know, and it’s giving your body time to heal. My DH reckons the pregnancy is going to reset everything fertility wise too. Not sure it works like that haha.

Oh no Fluffy! That’s terrible. Have you got a back up midwife? How long do midwives care for their clients after the birth there?
He is so cute Sarah! And growing up too quickly. Do also look at him at times and just wonder where the time has gone? Like he was a baby yesterday and today he is all grown :) I can look at L for ages and just see how much she has grown. She has tripled her birth weight, and grown 20cm already. She loves to chat and smile and laugh, so cute. We did a 6 month photo shoot with her Ill upload a pic or 2 a bit later. Life has just been a real bitch, barely ever get time to just come on here :( everything has just been so busy.

Our nanny started today and next week I am back at work :( Its my birthday this week and my parents have decided to screw me over and go away on holiday - basicly saying they dont want to see me on my birthday (we always go out for dinner when its someones birthday) and I feel like resigning my work, as they are paying me shit to work like a slave - I can get double my salary somewhere else.

Oh my, sorry for venting :(
A few photos from our 6 month photoshoot.


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Nita: So DH can't really help with the feeding part obviously (at least not yet, I have started pumping though and we may introduce an occasional bottle at about 4 weeks), but he makes sure I get sleep in between feedings. We are still working on getting her to sleep in the pack and play; she loves to be held. My aunt has been amazing and has volunteered herself to be our night nurse most nights since we got back from the hospital, and in the beginning she held her a lot, so she may have gotten a bit spoiled, lol. She's out of town at the moment, so we are working on finding our groove on our own. I definitely miss the company though; had no idea how lonely maternity leave would be! But the nights at least haven't been too bad, for me at least. Poor DH has ended up holding her for most of his shifts. I've been lucky and have been able to get her to go down in her pack and play for me. This morning I did two of her feedings side lying in our bed; that was awesome. So much more comfortable than sitting in the rocker. But definitely not something I would want to risk if I felt sleepy.

Sarah: Baby girl's name is Sofia <3

Fluffy: Great to see you back here! Any news? :winkwink:
Wow Lucy you are pumping already, thats great. I only had enough milk around 4 weeks to pump.

If I can gibe you some advice, you dont have to use it though. I assume you are going back to work? Start to introduce natural flowing bottles as soon as possible. If you wait she might reject the bottle. It took me 6 weeks to get L to take a bottle.

Sofia is such a beautiful name <3
Nita, oh my gosh yes. I just don&#8217;t know where time has gone. He&#8217;s cruising along. In the bath I sign a song about splashing and kicking and he splashed and kicks when I sign that bit. Like what happened to my baby?!?! Haha he&#8217;s a little boy now. But he is so much fun. He giggles over the cutest stuff and is so interested in everything. How&#8217;s Liezl going with her solids? Have you moved to completely formula now? I&#8217;m so sorry about your parents and your job. Will you do something nice with you and DH and Liezl? What&#8217;s your nanny like? Is it common to have a nanny in SA? I love the photos! So cute.

So we had our paediatrician appointment (only 6 months after the referral was made!!) and William has been diagnosed with FPIES! So far reactions to dairy, sweet potato and avocado. I thought he had a cows milk protein allergy but with the nature of his reaction the pediatrician was sure it was an FPIES reaction. So we are just getting our head around what that means. She said he has FTT this first 4 months (so why we didn&#8217;t get the pediatrician sooner I do not know!!). And she said he definitely reflux. So screw all the stupid GPs who said it was just a laundry issue.

Lucy, I love that name! So sweet. How old is she now? Haha oh my goodness you are spoiled. Could you maybe have sent your aunt overhere8 months ago? Haha. Those first few weeks are intense. I agree with Nita on the bottle, we introduced it at 2 weeks, no regrets. Go for a slow flow teat too. Instead of nipple confusion it&#8217;s usually more of a flow preference that babies develop. If a bottle is faster and easier than the boob they might take preference to that. I&#8217;m pretty sure it&#8217;s fine to pump and feed your baby what you pump before your supply regulates but you might not want to pump and freeze just yet. Definitely, if you think you might fall asleep feeding, it&#8217;s safer to be in bed (than the couch or a chair). Move all blankets and pillows away. And if you do fall asleep, move her back to the pack and play as soon as you realise.
Solids are going great. She is having 3 meals a day, along with 3-4 bottles of Milk a day. Ive pretty much introduced all fruits, She now has tropical and mix fruit flavours. Veggies, she loves Sweet potato, butternut, peas, beetroot. Carrots give her cramps, so we will leave that for now. I am introducing a lot of new veggies now. She also eats Chicken & beef on occasion. There really isnt much introducing left..

DH surprised me with a nice lunch, and we left L to have a picnic with her grandparents. He really made it special for me.

She is on formula only, for about 2 months now. And since she started eating 3 meals, she is growing A LOT.

The nanny is great. I wouldnt say its common, but a lot of parents here do prefer nanny's. Its a lot more expensive, but no way she is going back to that horrible school.

How is William doing on solids? Except for all the allergies. I am so glad you got to see a pead, honestly, GPs have no knowledge of babies whatsoever. Im glad its easier to get to a pead quickly here, I can phone today, and have an appointment today still.

And then...Another month has gone - and I am not pregnant. Not surprised (but you know...deep inside you cant help but hope) Atleast my cycle was a little bit shorter this month. Last month was 37 days, this month was 33 days. Hoping to go back to 28-30 day cycles. Cant help to think these are annovulatory cycles :(
Nita and Sarah, you are so right. We introduced a slow flow Kiinde bottle as a test case about a week ago to make sure she would take to it, and she sucked it right down. I won't go back to work until 12 weeks, but I did start coaching again this week, so I do spend a couple hours a day away from her. We wanted to make sure my mom has an option to feed her in case she gets hungry before I make it home.

Sarah, my aunt is so amazing, now the only problem is I think baby girl is getting spoiled being held all the time, lol! But she has been so incredible. She comes back in the afternoon so I can shower, brings us dinner from time to time, and so much more. We are very lucky! Baby girl will be 4 weeks on Monday!
Lucy, keep on giving the bottle, even just if its once a day. You will thank me when you go back to work. :) I am glad she is taking it though, its a good sign.

Your aunt sounds so amazing. Wish I had someone like that. While breastfeeding I did pretty much everything myself. DH has learned in the meanwhille to care for her, so I can go out and leave her with him - she absolutely loves and adores her father so much.

Cant believe she is almost 4 weeks, wow. Do you have the wonder weeks app? I can really recommend it. did you get a real smile from her yet?
Wow I realize your post is old at this point Nita, but sounds like things are going great!

Our little one is now 6 weeks old. She and I are both doing well. Got a minor case of thrush we are having trouble kicking, but otherwise can't complain.

Hope the rest of you are well! <3
I hope everyone is well? Lucy, your LO is growing uo so quickly...

Fluffy, I really hope you had your baby by now??

Sarah, I will take it that no news is good news :) hope you are well.

Update from my side: Liezl is doing well, growing up too quickly now, almost crawling now. Eating well, drinking well, the nanny is great with her, so we really are well.
DH and I decided to stop trying for a baby (not having success anyway, AF showed today, and my cycles are really long, anything from 33 - 37 days) so we are going to be careful, and try again next year. So I devided to go on a weightloss journey, not going to share much on here, but you are welcome to check out my fitness journey. Working on getting healthy and lose weight, I know this will help us get pregnant when we try again next year.
Hey Nita! I will follow you! Glad all is well!

Hope you are well Sarah and Fluffy and Lucy!

Life is really busy here with the boys and we sold our house, renovated another, and moved with three boys!!!!! Ford is good. A little behind on motor skills in my opinion. 8 months old today!
Good to hear from you ttc! Sounds like you have been reaaaally busy.

Why do you say Ford is a little behind?
Lol Nita! My number one tip for moving with kids is....DONT! :rofl:

And I can just tell he’s behind. It’s a mom instinct. He’s taking after my oldest who needed physical therapy at age two for his motor development. I’ll bring it up at his pediatrician appointment next month. But he’s nowhere near crawling, still a very wobbly sitter, he rolls but otherwise still mostly content to lay there and play.
oh ttc - I get what you mean! I often wonder about Liezl, is she on track, is she doing what she is supposed to do. But I heard that boys can be a little lazy sometimes? haha

Liezl rolls, very stable sitter, goes into crawl position from sitting and starts kicking her legs, like she knows how, but she is just net ready yet. The nurse at the hospital said they should be crawling around 9 months??? So I hope by the next visit she is haha.
Liezl sounds perfectly on track!!! Boys can definitely be lazy so it’s tough to know when to actually be concerned... I’ll give him more time!

Does Liezl have teeth? Ford has zero teeth still!

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