Clomid/FE Conceived Buddies :)

Nita, I’m glad you’re finding it easier this time. Poor L, I hope she’s feeling better now. Not long now!

TTC, im so sorry you have HG. I had a rough time again and although I wasn’t vomiting excessively I lost 12lb and had ketones in my urine. The doctor called it HG but I think it was just intense nausea. I hope it doesn’t last the whole pregnancy for you. Did you have it for your other pregnancies?

AFM, I’m in the second trimester yay! Still feeling a bit nauseous but a lot better than I have been. I think I’m going to show much earlier this time.
I have my 36 week appt this Friday - still wondering where time went. Getting stressed now as how I am going to cope with 2 babies and recovering from a CS - luckily hubby gets 2 weeks paid leave this time and when he goes back to work, my granny will stay with me for a week. But still - I am having sleepless nights. I am also on unpaid leave this time, so trying to claim from the unemployment fund but they screwed up my stuff so I have no idea if I will get any income from March :(

Glad you are doing better Sarah - any idea when you might find out the gender?

FX for you OnEarth <3
I had 2 kids under 2 and had a 2nd cs, plus #2 was in the NICU. It wasnt easy but it wasnt the worst. Then we had 3 under 3 and I just prayed 1 and 2 walked before 3 came and danced when they all potty trained.
Good luck OnErth.

Nita, I don’t blame you! I’m freaking out about that already. I haven’t decided whether I’ll try for a VBAC or book a RCS. Hopefully your recovery is smooth and straightforward. How long did you feel sore last time? I’m glad your husband will get some time off. I think my husband will get 2 weeks but can apply for another 2 weeks, plus can take annual leave if need be.

Probably find out if it’s a boy or girl at my 20 week scan. I don’t have a gut feeling this time. I think I’d prefer a girl but I’m ok with a boy.

I’m finally starting to feel better and get my energy back and not feel nauseous.
Happy you are feeling better Sarah - I found the second pregnancy going by so much quicker, I mean I get to meet my little princess next week Friday already, and here you are in the 2nd tri already, wow.

My recovery with L wasnt bad at all - The first week was sore but after I went home I barely took any of the pain meds, just the Voltarin suppositories when it was very sore. Was able to go on as normal around 10 days pp.

Even if I wanted to try for VBAC, so many things are against me. Ofcourse its only 17 months after L was born, there was the risk of my bloodpressure (even though its still normal - 120/70 at my last measurement) and then this little one is breech - which btw is not cool - the heartburn and pressure is so much more.

I am finishing work today as well.
I'd try for VBAc because you wouldnt want to look back and wish you tried.

I'll be going for a 2nd VBA2C.

Got a + OPK today. Yes to FE!
You’re right, it does feel quick! I can’t believe next Friday is the day!! One week to go! How exciting. But crazy! Have you got everything organised?

I’m 16 weeks tomorrow. I’m dying to get to 20 weeks and find out what we are having. I put up a thread in the gender prediction forum and everyone said girl. I’ll be happy with either, a boy will be cheaper and W will probably play better with a boy. But I’d love to have 1 of each.

We are in the process of buying a new car too but can’t decide what to get! Too many options haha. Any suggestions?

The OB I saw said she would be ok with a VBAC with 16 month gap. 18 months is ideal from what I’ve read. But it sounds like with her being breech, the decision would be made anyway. I don’t feel super passionate about either option. I’m only leaning towards a VBAC for the recovery, but apart from that I don’t really care. I have no strong feelings of having to prove myself or any sense that I’d feel regretful either. My C section recovery was horrendous and I’m scared of having that again, especially with a toddler. And I’ve already ruined one hole haha why ruin both? But I guess the biggest thing playing on my mind is that I would HATE to have a failed VBAC end up in another emergency c section. Like that thought is enough to go straight to a repeat c section. DH reckons c section is the way to go. I’m thinking my current plan is to book a c section for just around my due date, maybe a few days after. If I go into labour before that then I’ll try, if not then I’ve got a date.
I cant wait to see what you are having Sarah :) I am glad I have 2 of the same gender, think they will grow up close to each other and get along just fine. Mostly because I have brother, and lets just say we fight all the time, and we are strangers to each other.

You still have plenty of time to decide on vbac or a RCS. I had my 37 week appt and last one todqy and she is still breech. My OB said she will only do a vbac under perfect circumstances, but even then the risk of an emergency CS is still too big. However its a CS for me, no way she is turning. Its nice, I get to plan everything.

Good news though, she is already weighing 3kg today and BP is still normal :)

RE new car, looooooaaaads of boot space lol I drive a Polo and some days this little thing surprises me, perfect for everyday travelling but too small for holidays, etc. So we got hubby a Suzuki Ciaz. Nice looking car, very big inside and then the boot...we can easily fit a months groceries and a pram in there. We go away for weekends with half the boot empty, and then we take everything from cots and prams etc. So yeah, check the boot space, especially with 2 babies.
I was just talking to my friend about that today. Having 2 of the same sex would help with the friendship side of it. My brother and I weren’t close either. I’d feel a bit sad not having 1 of each but then again I’d be ok with 2 boys. I’m just dying to know what it is haha.

If this baby is breech then I’ll defi go straight for a c section. I think the odds of a successful VBAC are around 60-70% but I’m not sure that’s enough for me. The emergency aspect and having been in labour prior is shit. It sounds like a c section is the only option anyway. And definitely having a plan is a bonus of an elective.

Yay! Sounds like everything is going well and to plan!

Thanks for the car suggestions. Definitely the boot space haha. We ended up buying a Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV.
Quick update. My water broke at home Wednesday, went into hospital and they kept me there for observation. Cervix was still closed so they did the CS yesterday morning at 6am. Little liane was born at 6:31 weighing 2.93kg and 49cm long. She took the breast last night like a real champ. She is perfect.
Congratulations!! I was going to say quite a few of my friends with breech babies seemed to go into labour/have their waters break early. I’m so glad she’s doing well. I hope your recovery is going well too!
Finally have time to share my birth story. So my CS was booked for Friday at 9am at 38w1d, it was a few days earlier than what we wanted as my OB was leaving on holiday Friday afternoon. Wednesday night I woke up once again from horrible heartburn, as I was eqting some ice cream so sooth my throat I thought I peed myseld a little. It got worse and I had to wear new pants. It happened again a few minutes later and again. I told my hubby that either I have horrible bladder control or my water broke. This was 10pm. Phoned my OB and she said go the hospital, and so we went in. Got here around 11pm. They did some tests and confirmed that my water did break, but my cervix was still closed and no contractions. My OB confirmed that she will be there at 6am for the CS. Hubby went home to sleep and so I slept here as well.

Woke up at 4am with mild contractions, and I went on to take a hot shower. Prepped for theatre and went in just after 6am. Everything went well, catheter and drip can off friday morning, I stood up and walked and actually felt very well. Going home today (sunday) qnd looking forward to spending some time with my daughters.

Sarah, the recovery after this CS is going so much better than my first. Since I got up I hqve been going on as normal, even took a shower by myself without issues.
So glad all went well Nita!!!!

My second c section was worlds better than my first one too!
Wow that’s awesome! I’m so glad everything went well and your recovery is much smoother. I’m still on the fence with my decision, but leaning more towards a c section. Hope your girls are doing well. How’s L doing being a big sister?
You still have plenty of time to decide Sarah. But so far the second CS is a breeze. I am 10 days pp and I can comfortably start to pick up L as well, and she weighs 10kg now (avoiding picking her up though, as I would like everything to heal up properly, but when I am home alone J hqve no choice). My scar looks a bit worse though, BUT baby being breech they strugled to get her out, my OB took longer this time. But I am sure as soon as the bruising goes away it will look much better. They told my hubby he can have a look while they try and take her out, but he gave me one look and said no, he told me afterwards how he could see them strugling and pushing and hurting me so he prefer to just not see it up close. So I am actually surprised that I feel so good.

She just adores her little sister, the smile on her face when she sees her is just amazing. She is still a little rough on her but I am teaching her to touch her sister gently.
It’s a tough decision. My midwife suggested I wait and see what the OB says because being high risk, they might say it’s an automatic c section. I’m not sure if I’ll get to a point where I’m 100% happy with the decision though. I guess until it’s all over.

Wow that’s good you can pick her up. W is 11.3kgs now but he’s so muscly haha. Was she engaged breech? Like far down? It sounds difficult. I had a friend whose baby was too far engaged via emergency c sectionthat they had to use forceps to get him out. It was pretty horrific. Haha aww is your DH squeamish usually? My DH stood up and looked over the curtain for W. I know some places even do clear sheets so you can watch the baby being lifted out.

Aww that’s sweet. I’m thinking we are going to have the same deal with being a bit rough.

Anatomy scan next Friday! 8 days to go. I really have no gut feeling if it’s a boy or a girl.

Did you end up getting your tubes tied too Nita?
Sarah, I hope you can come to a decision and be comfortable with it. I think I would feel the same if my first was an emergency CS too. I was scared my second would be when my water broke early, but everyone was so chilled at the hospital, lol. It was semi emergency, but not in the sense that baby was in danger. I have no idea if she was engaged or what not, I just know they struggled a lot.

My hubby have no issues with it, with the first he looked up closely and shared all gory details with me afterwards, so when he told me he couldnt look this time, I just knew it was that bad.

I am so excited to hear what you are having :D

Tubes not tied, hubby really wants a boy, so if in a few years we are up for it and can afford spermwash + IUI we are going to try for a boy.

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