**Clomid Girls** ~ Updated ~ 11 BFP'S AND COUNTING!!

ValentinesGal - not found anything to keep me busy at the moment ive been helping my farther for the past 5 days in the garden as the weather has been beautiful but now i have nothing to do :sleep: i'm sure ill find something :thumbup: how are you?

I wish the weather was warm enough to start planting flowers here, so I'm a bit jealous of you :winkwink: Great to hear everything is still going well for you.

I've been good though. Just getting some good ole spring cleaning done this week and waiting for AF to show. I'm getting very impatient :haha: Luckily dr. gave me provera, so if I don't start by Sunday, check a poas just in case and I can take that to get this next cycle rollin' :)

Tititimes2 - Congratulations! :happydance: Hope for a H&H 9 months as well!
Hoping for some april BFP's girls! fresh new month :thumbup:

I have told them how bad I was feeling, hot flushes, increased appetite, headaches, pains in tummy, feeling sick etc. They just said it was normal.

I have paid for 4 cycles worth so next month will be last, although I am allowed up to 6 months in total if I wish to continue.
I really thought they would of worked by now. This month I only had one follicle measuring 17. So they have increased my dose next month.

The time between ovulating and the date you can do a preg test just seems to drag on forever!
How are things going for you on them?:hugs:

Those are all symptoms of high progesterone! Unfortunately, it's probably not the Clomid doing it to you, but it's just a symptom of a good ovulation. I've had similar problems, both on and off Clomid. The reason the symptoms are worse on Clomid is because your progesterone is higher. Hopefully, you'll get your BFP and won't need another cycle, though :winkwink:

Why do say it's probably not the clomid doing it to her? I was put on clomid to raise my progesterone, so indirectly, it probably is the clomid...all good signs, though! I have these symptoms, too. LOOOONG luteal phase, which is totally annoying, but also because of the high progesterone, probably.

nlz- Cycle #3 for me, 50 mg, testing April 22nd.

Apparently, the doctor wants more testing now...so I'm off to get an HSG to check that my tubes aren't blocked on Thursday morning...and DH has to get get a SA. I'm slightly freaked out about this procedure....Anyone else had this done??

Good to get the tests done, though. Start crossing some things off the list. My dh got his SA this morning. We get results tomorrow. Haven't had a hsg though. I've heard it's not too bad.

:hi: girls joining you took my 100mg clomid yesterday hope i get my bfp 1st cycle x x x

Hi, caz!! :hi:

Secretely stalking this thread :blush:

I also had follicles that were not maturing and was put on Clomid. They grew a little but I noticed that when I started taking Metformin, they grew quite a bit and much faster then without. I am not sure if this was a coincidence though :haha:

Hi, Mabel! Glad to hear you have some big follicles! Hopefully it'll lead to a nice big bfp. :flower:

Oooh I just meant that it wasn't from the pills themselves, but from raised progesterone from successful ovulation (which, of course is an indirect side effect of Clomid...but the desired side effect).

Yeah, it's good to check things off the list. Taking the SA in for DH Friday morning (he's a little weird about it). And have my test tomorrow morning. My friend told me she got really sick from it, but she has major issues with just about everything, so maybe I shouldn't listen to her....I just hope I'm ok for work right after!

My friend, who is currently due at any moment with IVF twins, also told me that she was producing nice big EMPTY follicles on Clomid, which they only found out when doing IVF and discovered that the follicles didn't contain eggs. She said that this is fairly common. So now I'm completely freaked out that maybe the Clomid is ruining my chances of getting pregnant instead of helping. Has anyone else heard this??
Hello doodles,

I said this a few weeks ago on this thread and did not have a positive response to my opinion, so I will try again in a different way :haha:

When your on Clomid, it would be best if you were monitored (have a scan done and BW) in order to make sure Clomid is working for you (otherwise you could be wasting your money on the meds and also breaking down your sanity by giving you false hope each month.... that takes a toll on us women!!!) Even if you only have one scan done (the day after OV) because it will tell you if you did indeed drop and egg and if it was mature (based on the size of the Corpus Luteum, which you will only have if you OV'd with an egg).

I do understand that I can say all I want about this because my US and BW are covered by insurance and some of your's may not be, I get that. But I think the cost of this one US would be worth it, just to make sure things are working.
Doodles - good luck on you and DH's tests...keep us posted how they go :thumbup:

Mabel - I can agree with that. Before each clomid cycle dr. has me get an US. Once my 21 day test gets higher, but we're still not getting that BFP or the Ov'ing is still weak, then we'll start more aggressive monitoring. Scan last week showed cyst on my right side that was too big, but since it was going away on its own I got the green light to start cycle #2. Had it not been going away on its own and I started clomid again it could've gotten even bigger and caused problems, so it could've been a waste of a cycle. Wouldn't have even known if it wasn't for that US. Plus it just feels reassuring to know what's going on. :)

I def. understand the costs associated with them, but if you're able to do them that one time, def. worth the investment.
Its a BFN again this month for me girls!!! Bring on April xx
sorry fritty hope april's the month for you fx'ed x
We got the sperm analysis back. It's just okay. He has 80 million sperm, which is 4 times the normal amount, so that's the one good thing. His motility and morphology is really low, though.

I think the clomid is messing with my emotions. I literally can not stop crying. I'm a mess. :cry:
Rosa- I'm soo sooooo sorry. What did they say you should do about that? Are you meeting with the doctor to discuss options? I was really hoping you would just find out that everything is ok!

Mabel- Thanks! You're totally right. Unfortunately, most doctors won't write orders for a post-O US. For the past two months, I've had a pre-O US and pre- and post-O BW, but never post-O US. This month, however, they opted to skip the bloodwork because everything has looked good for the previous months. This is also my last month on Clomid, and will have to come in and see the doctor to re-evaluate after this month.

So, I had the HSG this morning, and it was a horrible as I feared. I'm still having bad cramping and just feel gross. Ugh. But, on a positive note, they said both tubes were free and clear. Fantastic.
My husband has begged me for one more month before we do any tests. We have decided to do "all natural" this month. No pills, no pressure. Just a husband and wife making love. That does sound like a nice change of pace!!!
I am on my second cycle of clomid and I have so many questions. I am trying so many things I am trying along with it. From meca suppliments to insteads to robittusin. i ovulated 8 days ago and i am swollen in my stomach, i am extremely gasy, i am getting flush face, and i am real tired, my breast are sore appear bigger but i know alot of these symptoms can be the clomid right.. anybody know
I am on my second cycle of clomid and I have so many questions. I am trying so many things I am trying along with it. From meca suppliments to insteads to robittusin. i ovulated 8 days ago and i am swollen in my stomach, i am extremely gasy, i am getting flush face, and i am real tired, my breast are sore appear bigger but i know alot of these symptoms can be the clomid right.. anybody know
Rosa- I'm soo sooooo sorry. What did they say you should do about that? Are you meeting with the doctor to discuss options? I was really hoping you would just find out that everything is ok!

So, I had the HSG this morning, and it was a horrible as I feared. I'm still having bad cramping and just feel gross. Ugh. But, on a positive note, they said both tubes were free and clear. Fantastic.

Thanks. The doc actually said he was not concerned at all about the low morphology because the count was 4 times the normal amount. :shrug: So, we keep trying. Meanwhile, I'm making an appointment for a fertility specialist. Glad to hear your tubes are fine! I hope you feel better soon. :hugs:

My husband has begged me for one more month before we do any tests. We have decided to do "all natural" this month. No pills, no pressure. Just a husband and wife making love. That does sound like a nice change of pace!!!

That does sound nice. After that, do everything you can to get that :baby:!!!
Wouldn't it be nice if this was all we had to do?!

I am on my second cycle of clomid and I have so many questions. I am trying so many things I am trying along with it. From meca suppliments to insteads to robittusin. i ovulated 8 days ago and i am swollen in my stomach, i am extremely gasy, i am getting flush face, and i am real tired, my breast are sore appear bigger but i know alot of these symptoms can be the clomid right.. anybody know

These are exactly how I felt about 7/8 dpo last cycle on clomid. These are all clomid symptoms, unfortunately. Hang in there. I'm SO emotional this cycle. It sucks.
Fritty - Sorry to hear that...hopefully this month you'll get that :bfp:

Doodles - Great to hear your tests went well :) Hope you feel better. Do you mind if I ask what exactly they do when they do that test? If we're still not having luck with clomid in a few months, might have to get that done too...so just wondering

mrshanna - Good luck to you...sounds like you should have a relaxing, but fun month :winkwink:

Rosa - Don't you get your HSG done tomorrow? Hope everything turns out great for you and you find out everything is fine. :) Keep us posted!

mmcheek1 - Welcome :hi: When are you gonna test? Yes, those could be clomid symptoms. I had sore big bb's and bloating since my last dose of clomid too...
Fritty - Sorry to hear that...hopefully this month you'll get that :bfp:

Doodles - Great to hear your tests went well :) Hope you feel better. Do you mind if I ask what exactly they do when they do that test? If we're still not having luck with clomid in a few months, might have to get that done too...so just wondering

mrshanna - Good luck to you...sounds like you should have a relaxing, but fun month :winkwink:

Rosa - Don't you get your HSG done tomorrow? Hope everything turns out great for you and you find out everything is fine. :) Keep us posted!

mmcheek1 - Welcome :hi: When are you gonna test? Yes, those could be clomid symptoms. I had sore big bb's and bloating since my last dose of clomid too...
I will be testing on day 21 they will be doing a blood test. I have been ovulating regular, so how do yu know the difference between pg signs and clomid
There doesnt seem to be alot of success stories out there about this drug. I have been looking but will be the first to admitt I don't know what I am even looking for. I have children then I had a tubal my wonderful husband now whom serves our country with pride has none and that's his now my hearts desire. I am really praying to give him this gift before he deploys again
Rosa - Don't you get your HSG done tomorrow? Hope everything turns out great for you and you find out everything is fine. :) Keep us posted!

Nope, not me. :nope: Must be thinking of someone else. I was also wondering about what tests will be done...if we don't get pregnant with 4 more cycles of clomid, I'm off to the specialist. That's probably when I'd do the hsg, I'd imagine.

I will be testing on day 21 they will be doing a blood test. I have been ovulating regular, so how do yu know the difference between pg signs and clomid

You don't. That's why it sucks.
What days did you take clomid this cycle? Are you doing the progesterone test on cd 21 or a preg blood test? Sorry I confuse easily :blush:

I've never been preggo and still a bit new to clomid as well, so I'm not sure if there is a way to tell a diff. Hate the 2ww! :haha: A couple of the other girls on here might be able to shed some light on that question...
I had a tubal 10yrs ago and a reversal in jan. I was told I only had one tube and it looked great ovulating isnt the issue but the clomid increases our odds.I am so glad to have met you guys
What days did you take clomid this cycle? Are you doing the progesterone test on cd 21 or a preg blood test? Sorry I confuse easily :blush:

I've never been preggo and still a bit new to clomid as well, so I'm not sure if there is a way to tell a diff. Hate the 2ww! :haha: A couple of the other girls on here might be able to shed some light on that question...

when are you testing and how long have you been trying

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