**Clomid Girls** ~ Updated ~ 11 BFP'S AND COUNTING!!

Thanks girls :hugs: I'll let you know how it goes. Hope you all get your BFP this month...Got all my fingers n toes crossed!

Doodles - I am not patient at all! Since the Dr. basically said neither the blood work or US showed any proof of ovulation I felt that this cycle was a wash...he just wanted me to take the hpt as a precaution on Sunday. So, no...definitely not patient :haha: Hope you get those results back soon...so frustrating when they make you wait longer than you should!

Nlz - I can't wait to hear what they say on Friday. Good luck! I'm sure everything will be perfect! :) Are you still enjoying the weather and working on that gardening?
thanks valentine! i havent been doing gardening recently as weather hasnt been brill unfortunatly but were in for some nice warm sunny weather over the weekend so im sure i will enjoy doing something! will let you girls know how friday goes....i am v.nervous! x
Congrats Valentinesgal yayy!! one more clomid baby. I wish you a H&H 9 months :flower:

This is CD12 for me and at the beginnng of the cycle I didn't have a proper period and spotted until CD11, went to doc. to see if there is something wrong, he did a scan and told me that clomid overstimulated my ovaries especially the right one. There were a lot of eggies left from last cycle. I knew I didn't Ov. last month. He told us to keep BD'ing but warned us about twins/multiples. If I don't get a BFP this month we're taking a break from clomid for 2 months and move on to IUI in june or july.

I'm hoping for a decent Ov. this month. I'm having some pain in ovaries but don't know what's causing it, ovulation or the increased amount of eggs. I hope I'll have a positive OPK today or tomorrow. I'm going on a 5 day business trip on sunday so I only have 4 days now. Please wish me luck.

I hope everone is fine and we'll have some more april BFPs. :dust:
:hi: girls hope your all well afm been the gym and is now chilling x x x
Hi, ladies. Not much to report. I'm not temping or using opks, but today is cd12, so the bd fest of April starts tonight! Every other day for a while, until cd20. I haven't had much ovulation pain, so I honestly have no idea if I'm even close to ovulating yet. Oh well. Trying not to think about it so much.

Last week, when we found out my dh's :spermy: was only 7% morphology (too low), I found a supplement that has been proven to help specifically morphology. I asked him to take it, and he said if we're not preggo in 5 months, he'll take it. We had a long discussion, in which I was like but it takes sperm 3 months to regrow, and why wait 5 months, so really it means 8 months until it actually gives us a baby! I was so disappointed. :sad2: Well, this morning, when I was taking my multivitamin, I noticed the bottle of supplements sitting next to mine. :happydance: I asked him about it, and he said he could tell how much it meant to me, and if it makes me feel better, then he'll take it now. O:)
rosa- I will ask my friend! I think maybe Dominion Fertility? I will find out. Patience is not one of my many virtues, and I'm ok with that. LOL. As for the "nursery," that's exactly why I'm making it an office. Seeing it empty will make me insane...and before you know it, I'll be decorating it for my imaginary baby. No good can come from that (and DH would kill me!). It was much easier having a one bedroom apartment, as there was no temptation. Glad your DH is taking the supplements now!! Men are so difficult. My DH is so scared that any of this can be his fault now, so I haven't had any trouble getting him to take a vitamin every day. I think watching the pain of the HSG last week really made an impact.

ValentinesGal- Thanks! I will hopefully have the results today. Well I still would have been testing. LOL. I packed under my bathroom sink the other day and discovered an entire stash of tests that I didn't realize I had. So now I'm SURE that I"ll be testing every day this month. Hahaha.

Today is CD12 for me, so getting close to the big O. The doctor isn't doing a US or bloodwork this month, so I'm relying on OPKs and temping this month. They've worked for me in the previous months with Clomid, so I think I'll be fine.

So my new fear (after reading Making Babies) is that I'm having an allergic reaction to sperm and killing them off. Somehow, in all of these months of TTC and going to the doctor, I didn't find it useful to mention that in the past I had an allergic reaction (not with DH). DH isn't exactly pleased with any information to do with "the time before him," so I just blocked it from my mind and went on my merry way. And here we are 9 mos later. So, while I've never had a problem with DH, it is possible apparently to be having an internal reaction. So now I'm freaked out that maybe I'm doing all of this for nothing. I guess I should mention this to the nurse when she calls about the SA results today...and stop reading books.
Oh man...just got a call about the SA. Apparently it was "borderline" and they want us both to come see the doctor tomorrow morning. Apparently his count was a little low AND they were swimming slow. DH is now crushed. His whole family is super fertile, so he expected that he would be the same. I was really just hoping that my ovulation was the only problem....
Hey all, sorry i haven't been around i've been in hospital.

I'm ovulating right now and have already had one donation though i may get another tomorrow, just in case. I'm not sure. The clomid seems to have messed up my cycles a bit!

H&H 9 months to the lucky pregnant ladies!! :cloud9:
Doodles - I'm sorry to hear that :hugs: On the brighter side, borderline count is better than if they were super low, but either way that must be tough for you and DH. At least you're finding out all that's going on. Keep us posted what the Dr. says....Not sure if there are things that can be done, but hope the Dr. can give some ideas how to improve his count or speed :)

Mechanica- How are you doing? Why were you in the hospital if I might ask? I hope all is well!

Rosa- Good to hear DH is taking the supplements :thumbup: Will he have another SA later down the road to see if they worked? Fx'd they do!

Good luck ladies!
Oh man...just got a call about the SA. Apparently it was "borderline" and they want us both to come see the doctor tomorrow morning. Apparently his count was a little low AND they were swimming slow. DH is now crushed. His whole family is super fertile, so he expected that he would be the same. I was really just hoping that my ovulation was the only problem....

Huh. What does borderline mean? Probably what my dh had as well. I consider it borderline, even though my doc was completely not concerned with it. :shrug: So, did you go in? What did they say? What do you do now? IUI? Supplements? My dh was crushed, too. He said it was very demasculating, which I can understand. Get him on Maca, a supplement proven to help with count at least, if not other things. Chin up. It could have been worse...you can definitely still get pregnant with these numbers. Get him on supplements. Or, fertilAid for men I've heard works wonders. :hugs:

Rosa- Good to hear DH is taking the supplements :thumbup: Will he have another SA later down the road to see if they worked? Fx'd they do!

My doc said after 5 months of clomid, if we're still not preggo, they'll send me to a fertility specialist and get another SA for him. I hope the supplements do some good! I'm on my 2nd round of clomid, out of 5 before they'll do anything. I suspect an IUI, but I'm not sure.
Well, went to the doctor this morning...apparently DH's count was 17 million and they want to see 20 million...and his morphology was 4% and should be about 15%. All of my test results were perfect, and the doctor thinks that DH might be the reason I'm not preggo yet. DH is somewhat in denial about the whole thing and eager to take the supplements that the doctor prescribed. Either way, the doc recommends IUI at this point. He offered to give me a trigger shot today and IUI tomorrow, but I decided it was way too much with moving this weekend, so we're waiting until next cycle. DH's count isn't so terrible, so there's still hope that we can get that BFP on our own this month. I'm largely resigned to the IUI, which I believe my insurance covers, but I think it's really upsetting DH. After 9 months of this all presumably being my fault, now he finds out that he might be the reason it's still not working, despite the Clomid.

Rosa- So, the doc prescribed him some amino acid supplement for mobility and count. He's all about the supplements because he doesn't want to hear that his swimmers have a problem. I definitely think he feels emasculated right now. I feel so bad! Apparently "borderline" just means a little bad...but not super low.
Doodles, I'm sorry to hear about the SA results. My dh was totally crushed, too. I would totally do the iui and the shot. Whatever it takes. I can understand why that would be hard for your dh, but remember that when you're pregnant and when you have that baby in your arms, he'll forget all about how it all happened. I'm glad that insurance covers your iui. I think mine does too. I hope we don't have to do that, but I certainly will, in a heartbeat, if that's what it takes. :hugs: I hope the supplements work for him...they do wonders! All is not lost. You WILL have your baby! At least now you know what you're up against, and have steps to fix it. :thumbup:
Valentines Gal - I just had a bit of a breakdown so had to go in.

I managed to have 2 donations this month, once on day 15 and once on day 17 which should cover it. I had ICI too rather than syringe and turkey baster style.

Fingers crossed!!! This is technically my first cycle on clomid since i messed p last months!

I'll be testing at about 22nd April.
hi girls thought i would update you all, just come back from my scan and it went as well as it possibily could :)they said baby has a good strong heartbeat even at this early stage! I'm hoping we have more clomid babys soon sending you all babydust xx
nlz, I'm soo glad that everything went good. Now you can relax and forget about the worries you had. It's nice to know that everything is OK. :flower:
:hi: girls how are you all opks still the same for me hope i o soon well the sun is out her done front and back gardens and now chilling nlz glad all went well hun x x x
Doodles, I'm sorry to hear about the SA results. My dh was totally crushed, too. I would totally do the iui and the shot. Whatever it takes. I can understand why that would be hard for your dh, but remember that when you're pregnant and when you have that baby in your arms, he'll forget all about how it all happened. I'm glad that insurance covers your iui. I think mine does too. I hope we don't have to do that, but I certainly will, in a heartbeat, if that's what it takes. :hugs: I hope the supplements work for him...they do wonders! All is not lost. You WILL have your baby! At least now you know what you're up against, and have steps to fix it. :thumbup:

Thanks, Rosa. I needed that encouragement. I'm feeling a bit more positive about the whole thing today, though I think maybe DH isn't. We're definitely doing IUI with the trigger shot next month if no BFP on our own this month (meanwhile, still praying for a BFP on our own this month!). His count wasn't terrible, so a little IUI might just do the trick.

DH has sworn me to secrecy about this, especially with this family. So now they'll probably just assume it's all my fault that we don't have babies yet. Everyone always seems to have an opinion.

How is your DH doing with all of this now? I'm hoping that it will get a bit easier in time. That's part of why I decided to wait for the IUI next month instead of today. I think DH needed some time to process everything before giving his sample in a cup to make a baby. I know that all of this won't matter once we get our baby, but he's taking it really hard now. I, on the other hand, have already had nine months to be upset, and am more resolved than ever to get that baby :thumbup:

How's waiting for the big O going?
Doodles, my dh is fine with it, actually. I seem to be the only one who's worried! :wacko: His motility was 30%, which is low, but not terribly low, count was 80 million, and morphology was 7%. The doc said because he has SO many in his count (4 times the normal amount), that he's not worried about the lower morphology and motility. :shrug: I dont' know what to believe, honestly. I've read several places that the numbers for morphology have been changed to 4% = normal, but who knows. Like I said everyone is fine with the numbers. I'm just trying to get on board with it. I think it upsets me more than my dh now! Or at least he's hiding it well. He's on a supplement specifically for morphology, so hopefully that will help. Meanwhile, we're bd'ing every other day, hoping to catch the egg. I'm not temping or anything, so this is the first cycle where I will honestly have no idea if/when I o'ed. :shrug: Just trying to relax and not think about it so much. (yeah right!) :haha:
Well update on me.... Tested the 4th and 6th by urine bfn and the 8th y blood bfn .... No af yet and it is an hour from cd 32.... So sad.... Will be starting 100mg 2-6 when af comes. My 21 blood was good though 37.9.... This is taking a tool on me...
morning :hi: girls nice again her goin food shopping in a bit then going to chill in my garden on the decking x x x

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