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**Clomid Girls** ~ Updated ~ 11 BFP'S AND COUNTING!!

AF came today. :sad2: On to cycle #3 of clomid. One more month and we'll be "celebrating" 1 year of ttc. Never thought this would be us...
aww sorry:af: got you hun fx next cycle has any of use on her used instead cup they have got loads of girls preggo x x x
nlz- I'm so so so sorry to hear about your loss. I can't even imagine how that must feel. Sending you a giant hug!

Well, AF got my this morning, too. I'm angry and crampy and not super interested in another round of Clomid...with IUI on top of everything. Not only will it involve multiple doctors appointments in the middle of the work day, but will probably cost me several hundred dollars. Not feeling very positive today....
I need help with my next clomid cycle! I had a light flow yesterday that only required 1 pad. I thought it was CD 1, which i usually have a heavy flow. I usually spot for several days before i start also but not enough to require a pad. So i set up my next clomid cycle 3-7 but i havent bled at all today only slight spotting and a small clot when i used the restroom. I don't really think AF has started because its not at all like it usually is. Is this normal of clomid? Should I not bleed like before? I'm confused because i don't want to mess up this months chances. I'm not even having any cramps anymore, I did yesterday and the day before. i took a pregnancy test and it was negative. I dont think i'm pregnant either. I hope some of you can help me!
hey ladies I have not been on in awhile, I am starting my first round of clomid as soon as AF comes, but they want to make sure that i am not preggers first!! Because I have to take provera to stimulate AF. But I spotted 8 dpo and have had some symptoms of pregnacy! Just waiting to hear back from the doctor to see when I should come in!
I need help with my next clomid cycle! I had a light flow yesterday that only required 1 pad. I thought it was CD 1, which i usually have a heavy flow. I usually spot for several days before i start also but not enough to require a pad. So i set up my next clomid cycle 3-7 but i havent bled at all today only slight spotting and a small clot when i used the restroom. I don't really think AF has started because its not at all like it usually is. Is this normal of clomid? Should I not bleed like before? I'm confused because i don't want to mess up this months chances. I'm not even having any cramps anymore, I did yesterday and the day before. i took a pregnancy test and it was negative. I dont think i'm pregnant either. I hope some of you can help me!

This is such a huge problem for lots of ladies, trying to figure out what to count as day one after a weird flow. I suugest calling your doc and getting their opinion. Good luck hun!
Nlz I am so sorry. I had a m/c in December and it was so hard. Now, my hcg numbers are low and at first weren’t doubling, but the last time they doubled so please pray for my baby to grow! I am getting more blood taken on Saturday
:hi: girls hope your all well afm just got some wellman's and pregnacare for me blood hell they are big had to cut them up to swallow them haha oh swallowed hes ha ha x x x
AF came today. :sad2: On to cycle #3 of clomid. One more month and we'll be "celebrating" 1 year of ttc. Never thought this would be us...

Rosababy, I know exactly how you feel.
If I get AF next week it will be our "1 year anniversary of ttc" too. I NEVER thought that we would have this problem. I've been taking birth control pills since I was 16 and remember doctors always saying, "Don't miss a pill" "Oh you missed a pill? You could get pregnant from just missing one pill!!" BAhahahahaha. Little did they know that SARAH ISN'T FERTILE. One year off of birth control pills and no baby. Wow. Isn't life funny.
Sarah, I KNOW! I remember running out to take a pregnancy test the next morning after missing a pill! :rofl: If I only knew...

You're not infertile. It's just taking longer than we want it to take. Which sucks, but it does not mean we won't have our babies!
Sarah, I KNOW! I remember running out to take a pregnancy test the next morning after missing a pill! :rofl: If I only knew...

You're not infertile. It's just taking longer than we want it to take. Which sucks, but it does not mean we won't have our babies!

:) I knowww. I just feel so down and negative about it sometimes. I know that it will happen eventually. I would give anything to be a mommy!
I used to take endless pregnancy tests whenever AF was five minutes late! Hahaha. I now know not to waste my time with all that silly birth control...
So, af came yesterday, and it's basically gone today. :saywhat: Has anyone else had this issue? Really short period...mostly brown. This happened my first cycle of clomid, too. What does it mean??
So, af came yesterday, and it's basically gone today. :saywhat: Has anyone else had this issue? Really short period...mostly brown. This happened my first cycle of clomid, too. What does it mean??

thats going on with me right now! i have been so freaked out about it! the nurse told me it was probably stress related because clomid doesn't cause that, but idk! i've barely had any flow or cramps, kinda nice, but i'm worried! i started taking pill 1 on CD 3-7 today. This month i'm not going to stress over it though.
Tomorrow DH and I start our BDing marathon for fertile week. All I know is that he better not even think about getting another UTI. I'm NOT missing another O day!

Next week should be interesting thanks to extreme mood swings and it's the last week of classes here on campus. Students are going to want help and I'm going to look at them and want to tell them "too late!" LOL

And an update for my fellow PCOSers - I got my results from all of my blood work from my follow up appointment (4 months after 1st being diagnosised). My testosterone dropped from a 6.3 to a 1.6 which made my doc very happy. And my insulin levels went up. I didn't know that low insulin was bad but mine had been 12 and they like it over 17. Now I'm 21 but she'd like it higher so I've been bumped up to 2000mg of metformin a day. It looks like my body is finally starting to get regulated so I'm hoping it is ready to let me have that bfp!
Okay. My af was only 1.5 days and not very heavy. My sil (a midwife) said to take a test. I'm freaking out. Has this happened to anyone else? Is this just the clomid, and that actually WAS af, or was it not af....I'm freaking out. I had wine and aleve in the last 2 days...what is my body doing?!
take a test rosababy!! FX'ed for you!
I don't think wine is harmful this early.People who aren't TTC don't learn about their pregnancies before they're 1-2 weeks late.
Thanks, mona. you're right...i'm just worried about taking the clomid if I really AM preggo and just don't know it. That can't be good...

teddy bear, i think we should both test before we take the clomid...I'm supposed to start tonight, too.

idy, glad to hear your body is getting back to normal! I also hope you get your bfp soon!

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