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**Clomid Girls** ~ Updated ~ 11 BFP'S AND COUNTING!!

Okay, the nurse just called back and asked if I had taken a pregnancy test. She said to take one tonight, if it's negative, take the clomid and assume it's okay. I said is there a reason why it was so short if it was NOT a pregnancy thing, and she said she didn't know. Lots of help. I said what about a false negative...she said try to hold my urine as long as possible. Also, lots of help. Sooo...I guess I'll just take a test...it will probably be 16 or 17 dpo by this point, so hopefully it'll be more accurate, even though it's in the evening.
Rosababy- I definitely took a pregnancy test before I took my first clomid pill! It was negative though. Today will be day 2 of clomid and AF is here full force now! It was so weird though because
CD 1-light flow/borderline spotting--(nurse told me it was day 1 with any type of bleeding)
CD 2-barely any brown spotting
CD 3-spotting
CD 4-heavy flow

I'm hoping i'm not ruining my month by listening to the nurse. On CD 1 there was some red blood which is unlike my normal spotting before AF showed before clomid. I'm just glad my period is here because i was getting worried that I wasn't going to have a "real" period and I was thinking all kinds of horrible things, like maybe i didn't really ovulate! The nurse did say that stress can really hurt your cycle and i know i had stressed myself out over taking clomid and wanting that bfp!
does clomid cause hair to grow in places?! i noticed quite a bit of hair on my chin on both sides! its more than one or two hairs!! also some hairs have begun growing on the side of my breasts. This only started after i began clomid so i'm wondering if it is a side effect or if this is a sign of PCOS, which i know hair growth is, but i was tested last Oct and evertying was fine. i'm freaking out here!
Not sure about clomid and hair...it does mess with hormones, so I'm thinking anything is possible.

Well, negative. Oh well, didn't really think it would be positive, but a small part of me was hopeful. Round 3 of clomid starts tonight, I guess. :shrug:
So sorry rosa :hugs: good luck next cycle

Clomid made me ovulate sooo late this cycle, actually i'm not sure whether i did or not. I have a nice temp spike, tomorrows temps will confirm O.
of course all OPKs are positive because of the trigger. :growlmad:
Not sure about clomid and hair...it does mess with hormones, so I'm thinking anything is possible.

Well, negative. Oh well, didn't really think it would be positive, but a small part of me was hopeful. Round 3 of clomid starts tonight, I guess. :shrug:

:hugs: good luck next cycle hun
AF got me yesterday.. I'm not taking clomid this cycle, we're having a break before IUI in june
:hi: girls how are you all afm been shopping come back done my mil gardens for them nice and clean just chilling now last pill tonight wooopppp x x x
I've been finding some articles about how clomid can thin the uterine lining. Perhaps this is why my period was only 1.5 days this time? I have not had an ultrasound to check my lining, but maybe I'll call the doc on Monday and ask about it.

Has this happened to anyone else on clomid? What can I do about it?
Rosa i think you might be on to something although i'm not sure, i could ask my doc for you as i'm going for another u/s tomorrow to confirm O. And he did check my uterine lining every time i went.
It was okay thankfully :) My point is he did tell me that he's checking my lining so maybe clomid does sometimes cause some thinning, I will ask him tomorrow if thats one of the side effects.
Hey Ladies! :hi: For statistic purposes, I was wondering if you'd like to add me to the Clomid list for a successful :bfp: while on using it for 2 cycles!!

TTC for 20 months, MMC at 12weeks last July

IUI with 10.5 million sperm post wash, husband has 1% morphology, Clomid 50mg CD3-CD7 Cycle #2 (Progesterone Suppositories 200mg 3x a day from 2dpo onward)----> = :bfp:

There are unsuccessful stories out there and successful stories out there! I have to say mine is successful AND I'm having TWINS!!!

Good Luck Clomid gals!
OOOh and I forgot. I did happen to get two large cysts my second cycle using Clomid....very painful.....but they went away! :flower:
It was okay thankfully :) My point is he did tell me that he's checking my lining so maybe clomid does sometimes cause some thinning, I will ask him tomorrow if thats one of the side effects.

Thank you! Yes, do ask him. Ask if a short period is a symptom of that. I'm calling on Monday, but he's not an RE.

Try, you are an inspiration! Thank you for sharing your story. I hope I have good luck like you. My dh also has bad morphology...7% Thank you so much for posting. :flower:
:hi: girls how are you all me dinner is on i am starving going to paint the fench in my garden today why its lovely again x x x
Thanks rosababy! I find some people start posting things and never finish it! I want to give some hope to others out there who were in the same position as me.

I do have to say I had my hubby take men's vitamins and added a half of a zinc tablet to his regimen (because research I have done says zinc improves motility and count - nothing improves morphology) however if you can increase the count you have a bit more sperm to work with.

Good Luck and Hope Luck comes your way! :winkwink:

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