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**Clomid Girls** ~ Updated ~ 11 BFP'S AND COUNTING!!

Hey Rosa, just came back from docs visit, he did confirm that clomid does thin uterine lining and that definitely causes shorter AF.

As for me, I'm quiet confused!! :wacko: he saw what seemed like a follicle in my left ovary that was 18mm (last time it was almost 24mm). He said either i didn't O and my follicle is shrinking (know idea what that means), or I did O very recently and this was just the remainder of the follicle after releasing the egg.[-o< He said to BD tonight and if we're up to it tomorrow just in case.
He wrote me a prescription for clomid for next cycle if i got AF. he's upping my dose to 150mg CD 2-6 and also prescribed Acetylcysteine to help my cm become more friendly starting CD2 and continue for 10 days.
Thanks, freeeg! Did he say what can be done about the thinning lining? Baby aspirin? I'm calling my doc tomorrow to ask him as well...

That's weird about your follicles. Go bd just in case! That's weird...did he say that it happened a lot? Hopefully you won't need the next cycle of clomid. :hugs: FX so hard for you.
:hi: girls how are you all afm think i my do a opk in a bit just to see i had pain in my ovaries yesterday we are going up to the dam with the dogs today x x x
Rosa, he said that if there is thinning he usually prescribes something. Unfortunately I was pretty confused by my weird follicle that I forgot to ask. Sorry :blush:
freeeg, no worries. I'm going to call my doc today, so I'll ask him. Thanks for thinking of me, though!

caz, i hope you get your +opk today!
i done 1 but not dark its got a line so shouldn't be long i hope x x x
Good luck, caz! Hope you get that positive soon!

rosa- Clomid can definitely thin the uterine lining. Ironically, it's had the opposite effect on me. I actually have heavier AFs now...and less PMS. Only me...

I started this month's Clomid last night...now just waiting for all of my various appointments next month. All this IUI business is freaking me out a bit...not to mention that it's hard to hide this from my boss when I have to keep running to the doctor.
Doodles, how long have you been on clomid? Goes to show you that every woman reacts differently! Will this be your first IUI? How does it work, exactly? Do you call/go in when you get a positive opk? Does your dh go in too, or do you just bring in the "sample?"
Rosa- this is cycle 4 of Clomid. Yeah, it's crazy how differently we all react. Prior to Clomid, I was having really weak ovulations and low progesterone with constant spotting, so my lining never really thickened. Clomid seems to have correct all of that.

Yes, this is my first IUI. In order to time it, my OB/GYN is giving my an HCG trigger shot on CD13 (assuming my ultrasound shows a mature follicle), then IUI will be the next day. I think DH doesn't need to be there, technically, but we have tricky logistics, so everyone is in on the fun this month! Lol. Basically, DH has to do his sample at home and take it to the fertility clinic, where they will do a sperm wash...then he has to wisk the cleaned sample to my OB/GYN's office (where I will be waiting), so that I can have the IUI done. This is all do to insurance nonsense. The IUI itself is just a catheter into the uterus with the washed sperm sample...it sounds pretty harmless. The day before, I have to go to a radiology place for a US and then having an afternoon appt for bloodwork and the HCG shot at my doctor's office. It's a nightmare this month...but hopefully worth it.
Wow, doodles! That's a lot of hoopla! I really hope it works for you!! Let me know what the IUI procedure is like. I'm thinking I'm not far behind...

My doc called. Yep, clomid thins the uterine lining of come people. Lucky me. He said that's why people should only take it for a few months before stopping it. I asked if there was any home remedy I could be doing, and he said no, not really a big deal. I'm like okaaaaayyyyyy.....if you say so....... sigh. He's not quite as aggressive of a doc that I'd like.
Havent been on here for a while! Havent got the internet at the moment but oh my god nlz2468 it says your pregnant? is this true and if so congrats!! :happydance::happydance:

Iv just started taking my last lot of clomid and havent had a BFP yet! dont think im going to either! Got an appointment in july with my gyno again so i geuss ill have to wait and see what will happen next.
:hi: girls hope your all well asfm feeling very sick today don't no if its off the pregnacare or what been the gym had a good work out came home took dogs round the field and then took my niece docs she full to the brim with hay fever ha my oh has it to feeling sorry for his self like men do x x x
x0xbaybeeemz -Hi hun i was pregnant but sadly had a m/c last week :cry:

How are all you ladies getting on? Going to ring the gyno department tomorrow to ask if im ok to start my second round of clomid on my next cycle. I have an appointment in june which i was told would be for my HSG but to be honest i think thats pointless as we know now that i can get pregnant but for some reason i am having m/c's so i dont know what the next step will be at my next appoinment my OH had a Semen Analysis and everything came back normal & ive had tests and ive not got pcos so im hoping the next step will be to have tests done on my eggs to see what might be causing my m/c's i have been doing alot of research and have read alot about testing for NK Cells as alot of m/c's are because of this so maybe i have an inbalance of NK cells? who knows i just wish i could find out now :cry: the sadest part about it is they wont do any investigations or testing on my eggs until i have had 4 m/c's as they said i could go on to have a normal pregnancy and that 1-3 m/cs are normal but i cant imagen going through another 2 m/c's before they actually investigate and take action it seems so stupid and unfair :(

Nlz - Glad to hear from ya :flower: How have you been? Hope you get the green light to start clomid again next cycle so you can get that sticky bean. That does sound stupid and unfair that they can't test you now! You should be allowed to get any test you request and shouldn't have to wait. I'm sorry to hear that. :hugs: I've never heard of NK cells...what are those?
:hi: girls well just waiting in for cable to come and fit a new Internet thing so don't think i will be going the gym if there not her for 10 hate siting in doing new we going to do a opk to see if i am o yet i keep having pain in my ovaries so fx not long now x x x
I had the HSG test done this morning and everything looked good! I'm so glad that everything is open. The radiologist told me that after having the procedure done, you are most fertile for a few months because everything is cleaned up in there. I'm hoping thats the case!! Now that I have that out of the way, its on to my CD 12 follicle scan on friday!
Wow, doodles! That's a lot of hoopla! I really hope it works for you!! Let me know what the IUI procedure is like. I'm thinking I'm not far behind...

My doc called. Yep, clomid thins the uterine lining of come people. Lucky me. He said that's why people should only take it for a few months before stopping it. I asked if there was any home remedy I could be doing, and he said no, not really a big deal. I'm like okaaaaayyyyyy.....if you say so....... sigh. He's not quite as aggressive of a doc that I'd like.

Yeah, it's insane. I really hope it works the first time!! I will definitely let you know how it goes next week...from what I hear, it's not bad. I'm thinking this means it's time to give up caffeine, though...*epic sigh*

Maybe it's time for a new doc? At the very least, you should try some baby aspirin or one of those fancy herbs to help your lining. The allegedly work. I've been reading "Making Babies," which has all sorts of helpful herbs for these things listed in it. Apparently I'm supposed to be avoiding coffee and dairy and soy. I'm not so sure about all of that. LOL. It does offer some helpful pointers, though.

Meanwhile, the hot flashes and mood swings have begun again. Thanks, Clomid.
I had the HSG test done this morning and everything looked good! I'm so glad that everything is open. The radiologist told me that after having the procedure done, you are most fertile for a few months because everything is cleaned up in there. I'm hoping thats the case!! Now that I have that out of the way, its on to my CD 12 follicle scan on friday!

Yay! I'm glad to hear that the tubes are open for business! :haha: Hopefully you'll have some luck these next few months.

Yeah, it's insane. I really hope it works the first time!! I will definitely let you know how it goes next week...from what I hear, it's not bad. I'm thinking this means it's time to give up caffeine, though...*epic sigh*

Maybe it's time for a new doc? At the very least, you should try some baby aspirin or one of those fancy herbs to help your lining. The allegedly work. I've been reading "Making Babies," which has all sorts of helpful herbs for these things listed in it. Apparently I'm supposed to be avoiding coffee and dairy and soy. I'm not so sure about all of that. LOL. It does offer some helpful pointers, though.

Meanwhile, the hot flashes and mood swings have begun again. Thanks, Clomid.

Well, I'm seeing a specialist on the 18th, so I'll ask him/her. I have started taking baby aspirin, so we'll see if that helps. I suppose avoiding alcohol and coffee would help....I'm just so sick of living a life like I'm pregnant without the baby! I want to enjoy life as we're ttc!

Surprisingly, I have had no hot flashes since the first round and no emotional ups and downs this cycle. No side effects yet...last night was my last pill of this round.
Well I have to say that having 200mg of Clomid this cycle has been interesting. I started having pain/twinges in the ovary/uterus area starting Monday night and they continued through last night. The feelings were also on both sides so I'm really wondering if I ovulated more than 1. I've been so emotional the past couple days that it's getting ridiculous. I was just reading a news story and I got teary-eyed. I'm at work. This is not good. I also woke up feeling nauseous this morning. Add the sore throat that I think the extreme weather changes has brought on and this has been an interesting day and I'm only 30 minutes into my workday!!!!

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