Star- yay! I'm so excited for you to actually be starting the process

I would have lost my patients long ago. I can't wait to hear good news from you!! Sending you tons of babydust.
Dannixo- I'm so sorry to hear that but I agree with Cntrygrl. You can look for trials. Or save money for it. I know after this year of school for me and hopefully buying a house within the year then I will be saving for IVF too. what are the ages of your foster children?
Cntrygrl- How is baby Parker doing? I bet he is so much fun and getting so big! I think it is awesome that you will be ttc this year. Hopefully your bfp comes sooner than later this time around.
AFM- I've been keeping busy with school, work, and two new puppies

They are so adorable and lovable! It's been fun but they are hard work. They are going to be big dogs but we don't mind. Other than that nothing going on here. No ttc. It's nice but sometimes I wish we were still trying. We are not even trying naturally right now which is ok with me. Too much going on anyways.
Well I hope you all are well and I do think of you ladies often

I will check in again soon!